Most Anticipated Movies for 2012
Never heard of Hunger Games, but pretty much agree with the list. I may not personally care for Twilight but it has an audience that is anticipating it.
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The Destroyer of all decent movies.
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The Hobbit and The Avengers are the only movies on that list I'm looking forward to. The others... meh...
Now Promethius and John Carter are two I'd add to the list. Otherwise there really isn't much else that excites me.
Never heard of Hunger Games, but pretty much agree with the list. I may not personally care for Twilight but it has an audience that is anticipating it.
A couple of my nieces are really into the Hunger Games books. They had it on their Christmas lists. One of the staffers at a local book store tells me they're really popular with teen girls at the moment. No idea what the content is, nor do I care, so long as it keeps kids reading.

Thank you, Champion.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

Well The Hunger Games is an interesting teen series since it has nothing supernatural associated with it (no vampires, witches, fae, werewolves, ghosts, etc). The main character is a 16 year old girl who, unlike the heroine from Twilight, is a strong, smart, woman who in the first novel is a participant in a televised fight to the death versus 23 other teens, one boy and one girl, 14-18, from each district of a post apocalyptic North America. So it's sort of the anti-Twilight.
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Personally I can't wait for Twilight...
Cause that's it!! No more sparkle vampire nonsense coming to screens after that!!
*Until they make the inevitable spin-offs that is.
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Let's see... I have as much interest in Twilight as I do in signing up for that "Discount Lobotomies! If you're not satisfied you get your money back!" offer my family keeps trying to push on me.
The new Batman movie I'm only iffy about... I like the last movies and the direction they're going in with Bats, but they are waiting too long between movies to keep up my interest inertia.
Avengers looks awesome and I am definitely looking forward to it. My only real concern is that Robert Downey Jr. is going to completely out-act and over-shadow the rest of the cast. I desperately hope it's not going to be "Iron Man and Friends"
I loved the Lord of the Rings movies, they were and still are my favorite trilogy EVAH. Learning that not only were they making The Hobbit but the same director was doing it gave me a permanent sugar buzz... Actually seeing the movie will likely put me in a state resembling a diabetic coma.
I am looking forward to Brave.. which isn't a surprise considering I look forward to every Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks Animation movie that comes out. It doesn't hurt that I find the art-style intriguing, the heroine engaging and the humor ribald enough to suit me as well. Also, I am HUGELY in favor of more and more and more positive female role models out there. And... no offense Disney... but a Princess who has to let her Prince Charming (Eric, Aladdin, Beast, et al) do their fighting FOR them just doesn't cut it.
I had never heard of Hunger Games before reading the article and watching the preview. It's just different enough to be worth a watch via On Demand or perhaps through NetFlix. If nothing else it might give me some interesting ideas for Summer Programs to get my kids when school lets out.
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another vote for Dark Knight and Avengers.
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Dark Knight
Like the article says, Twilight keeps millions of people in awe, while keeping millions of people befuddled.
And like a SG member who hated and now enjoys Twilight said, "Get over the sparkle, it lasted all of 6mins"
All that said, I can't disagree with the list. Of the list only "The Hunger Games" is an unknown to me, but the movie looked really interresting.
And of the movies, I'd say it's the Bond film that holds the least attention for me personally, with Twilight coming in second (and I personally didnt have a problem with book 1 and 2, while 3 and 4 bored me)
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A couple of my nieces are really into the Hunger Games books. They had it on their Christmas lists. One of the staffers at a local book store tells me they're really popular with teen girls at the moment. No idea what the content is, nor do I care, so long as it keeps kids reading. |
Well The Hunger Games is an interesting teen series since it has nothing supernatural associated with it (no vampires, witches, fae, werewolves, ghosts, etc). The main character is a 16 year old girl who, unlike the heroine from Twilight, is a strong, smart, woman who in the first novel is a participant in a televised fight to the death versus 23 other teens, one boy and one girl, 14-18, from each district of a post apocalyptic North America. So it's sort of the anti-Twilight.
And apparently I was not the first to notice. <.<
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I wasn't expecting anything great from The Hunger Games. (I haven't read it.) My first impression was that it would be a watered down Battle Royale with less bloodshed, less brutality. How would they be able to film a movie where children/teens as young as twelve, kill each other...especially in an American made movie. It didn't surprise me at all that it's gotten a PG-13 rating, which didn't help its cause to me but...., the trailer.... OH man, seldom do I get goosebumps from a trailer.
Personally I can't wait for Twilight...
Cause that's it!! No more sparkle vampire nonsense coming to screens after that!! *Until they make the inevitable spin-offs that is. ![]() |
That. So long as there are impressionable tween & teen girls bet on more twilight tripe. ;]

I wasn't expecting anything great from The Hunger Games. (I haven't read it.) My first impression was that it would be a watered down Battle Royale with less bloodshed, less brutality. How would they be able to film a movie where children/teens as young as twelve, kill each other...especially in an American made movie. It didn't surprise me at all that it's gotten a PG-13 rating, which didn't help its cause to me but...., the trailer.... OH man, seldom do I get goosebumps from a trailer.
Ultimately I suppose if this does somehow hook the Twilight crowd it'll make a boatload of money regardless.

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--{=====> Virtue ♀
I suppose it has some points for not having any "sparkling vampires" but like you it doesn't seem like it could be -that- good considering it's supposed to be about relatively innocent teenagers out to kill each other. Just how brutal or "realistic" could it actually be without being rated R or worse? I must admit the trailer presents an interesting variation of a dystopian future world set sort of in the mold of The Running Man. I'm just not sure a "group of picture-perfect teens that must fight to the death" scenario is going the best foundation to base such a movie on.
Ultimately I suppose if this does somehow hook the Twilight crowd it'll make a boatload of money regardless. ![]() |
More so with that fact that the main hero seems to use a bow. Shoot them with an arrow, watch them fall over. No idea how the other contestants will go about killing.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
The thing is with a PG-13 rating is that, to me it feels like they're holding back. It really is just a minor gripe at this point, the movie is supposed to be aimed for a younger crowd than I. You can't market the movie as well if it were rated R. Could it be worse rated R? Sure, absolutely.
I just can't get past the Battle Royale comparsion. Implied deaths aren't quite as meaningful or impactful to me when you don't see them. When children have to sacrificed at the feet of a corrupt government in power, I want to be shocked, I wan't to feel awful. Feel being the key word there. I've heard from people I know who've read the book that some of the deaths are pretty gruesome. I just don't want to be dissapointed, the concept of the movie has got me really intrigued, I just don't want when the movie gets to that point to be...soft.
Either way, the trailer was awesome and it looks like it's going to be a good movie.
Avengers, Brave, The Hobbit, The Dark Knight Rises = All movies I want to see.
Also looking forward to Spartacus: Vengeance for Television series.
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The thing is with a PG-13 rating is that, to me it feels like they're holding back.
When children have to sacrificed at the feet of a corrupt government in power, I want to be shocked, I wan't to feel awful. Feel being the key word there. |
I realize they went for the PG-13 just for the sake of attracting a bigger audience for the box office sales. I just have a sinking suspicion that I'm going to conclude that this movie could have been so much better if it was allowed to be as edgy as it -could- have been. *shrugs*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
The most anticipated movies of 2012? Really? Sorry I'm not looking forward to Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2, but am for Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers and the Hobbit. I will just might be interested in the Snow White movie too.
just my two cents...
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