"I'm soloing" ... "ur selfish"




I was going to say, "But it doesn't require coercion, it requires changing your mind." That'd be pretty ironic in the context of the discussion though. That reminds me of those ancient threads about how to encourage people to team up more, before they changed experience scaling on teams. Maybe it needs to be further subsidized somehow. Team with a new player, get a sliding experience bonus, the more and newer players the better.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I was going to say, "But it doesn't require coercion, it requires changing your mind."
And at the Behavioral Adjustment Facility, we can do just that!

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Void, I'm guessing then that you're not one of the people who never leaves /hide.
I am. I _HAVE_ to. I have no other way of minimizing the flood of negative experiences.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I was going to say, "But it doesn't require coercion, it requires changing your mind." That'd be pretty ironic in the context of the discussion though. That reminds me of those ancient threads about how to encourage people to team up more, before they changed experience scaling on teams. Maybe it needs to be further subsidized somehow. Team with a new player, get a sliding experience bonus, the more and newer players the better.
An incentive would be nice. But you're telling people not to use a tool they have available to them to make their experience more positive.

Not only are you telling them not to, but you're implying it's wrong of them to do so. Not that long ago, before we had the ability to make closed leagues, people were kicking 'extras' that popped in from the LFG tool for trials.

And people were upset, because how could you, this is wrong. But they were using a tool to get the experience they wanted, lacking any other way. And the devs didn't remove the kick function, they added closed leagues. Because people should get to choose who they team with.
Here, we have a recourse. We can not put ourselves out there. Fun fact: I for years tried to simply have search comments set. First I tried 'no blind invites' in my search tag. That didn't work. I was more explicit: Send tell to ask me before inviting. That didn't work. I tried: I'm not looking to team. That didn't work.

Using global hide was the final step. I TRIED. Your unwillingness to imagine a world in which this is a sensible course of action is staggering.

Is it really so hard to believe that not everyone gets the same thing from the same events? That they have different impact on different people?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Welp, I never said it was for anyone's mental health

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
The sort of answer that leads me to believe some of you may be displaying signs of antisocial personality disorder.
Yes. Yes you did. If you're going to say you never said things, please be sure there's no proof you said it.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I was going to say, "But it doesn't require coercion, it requires changing your mind." That'd be pretty ironic in the context of the discussion though. That reminds me of those ancient threads about how to encourage people to team up more, before they changed experience scaling on teams. Maybe it needs to be further subsidized somehow. Team with a new player, get a sliding experience bonus, the more and newer players the better.
So you automatically think that because a person says "sometimes I like to solo and that's how it is" that they NEVER team? I team a lot. I really do. I form stuff in Virtue LFG Beta, I hit up Roleplayers LFT, I invite people to run newspapers with me, I join WST runs regularly.

But guess what, doc? I also like to solo. We all do. Sometimes we like to run the game at our own pace, on our own terms, with no need to explain to other people why we're doing what we're doing.

Evidenced by every post you've made in this thread, this is obviously a problem to you. You've gone so far as to make incorrect, rude assumptions about everyone who tells you you're wrong, even questioning their mental stability.

This isn't our problem with teaming, it's your problem with us soloing. Take it elsewhere, kid. You're just embarrassing yourself.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Just a clarification: "Antisocial personality disorder" is not "doesn't like to socialize". It's "seeks out opportunities to harm others". People who are refusing to socialize with strangers because they don't feel like it are not doing that.



All right, Void, I'm convinced. Good point. I would like to see some sort of mechanic added that would increase the appeal of random teaming to the point where people would think twice about avoiding it even if the random player did seem to have some syntactical insufficiencies, or didn't think to give adequate notice before sending an invite. I still think that there exists a class of players who don't really have any fundamental problem with pugs other than that they decided to avoid them one time.

Nalrok, there's a difference between pointing out a cause and suggesting a remedy.



I've seen no evidence that such a class exists. Everyone I know who avoids pugs does so because of a genuine personal preference against them, or just because they are genuinely busy, or are genuinely interested in doing something non-pug-friendly, such as playing while watching TV.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Yes. Yes you did. If you're going to say you never said things, please be sure there's no proof you said it.
I'll bet he goes back and starts editing his older comments in an attempt to make it look like he didn't say things we remember him saying. I'd say for someone to take screencaps, but I actually don't care enough!

So you automatically think that because a person says "sometimes I like to solo and that's how it is" that they NEVER team? I team a lot. I really do. I form stuff in Virtue LFG Beta, I hit up Roleplayers LFT, I invite people to run newspapers with me, I join WST runs regularly.

But guess what, doc? I also like to solo. We all do. Sometimes we like to run the game at our own pace, on our own terms, with no need to explain to other people why we're doing what we're doing.

Evidenced by every post you've made in this thread, this is obviously a problem to you. You've gone so far as to make incorrect, rude assumptions about everyone who tells you you're wrong, even questioning their mental stability.

This isn't our problem with teaming, it's your problem with us soloing. Take it elsewhere, kid. You're just embarrassing yourself.
Truer words have never been said. We all solo a lot (some of us more than others), but we also sometimes team up. But that's the point. We do what we like, when we like it. This is a videogame, not a job or a charity. And we are not the hermits he's looking for.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
All right, Void, I'm convinced. Good point. I would like to see some sort of mechanic added that would increase the appeal of random teaming to the point where people would think twice about avoiding it even if the random player did seem to have some syntactical insufficiencies, or didn't think to give adequate notice before sending an invite. I still think that there exists a class of players who don't really have any fundamental problem with pugs other than that they decided to avoid them one time.
I actually agree with you on all of this.

As Seebs' mentioned, I'd love to see an 'open teaming' mechanism. An LFG for regular content would be good as well. The devs are trying, as I understand it, but there's some technical and policy challenges.

Make it easier for the people who enjoy teaming with random strangers at random times to do so, and then the perceived impact (which I believe is far greater than the actual impact) of those of us who do not enjoy (or cannot handle) this will be reduced or eliminated.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Nalrok, there's a difference between pointing out a cause and suggesting a remedy.
I'll give you that, but there's also a difference between saying "I understand your position, but disagree" and saying "your brain might not work properly because I disagree with you". Learning that difference would benefit you.

Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I'll bet he goes back and starts editing his older comments in an attempt to make it look like he didn't say things we remember him saying. I'd say for someone to take screencaps, but I actually don't care enough!
I already did. Besides, that remark was quoted at least three times, and he can't edit it out of those.

Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Truer words have never been said. We all solo a lot (some of us more than others), but we also sometimes team up. But that's the point. We do what we like, when we like it. This is a videogame, not a job or a charity. And we are not the hermits he's looking for.
That's why I left Big Blizzard Fantasy MMO. It became more of a homework assignment than a game.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
If I'm asked something along the lines of "Can you help me kill Nosferatu?" then I'm fairly likely to go and help if I'm able to. Teaming in order to accomplish specific goals is a different matter entirely and I'm usually willing to help people over rough patches.

If I get a blind invite, I just decline. If I get a second blind invite without a tell then it's ignore list time cause at that point you're interfering with my playing by making a little box pop up without even asking.

I can also add that only when I'm playing a tank do people actually seem to get angry at me for turning down invites.
i'm actually one of those people who most of the time will happily join even random blind invite teams just for the variety and potential "lulz". If someone says they're looking for help with a particularly tough enemy or mission and i am able to help i almost always offer.

That said, i sometimes solo because i want to finish a particular arc on my own or i am trying to unlock something without outleveling it or turning off XP. Also, i'm rarely in the mood to run or form a team of any size, so if a random stranger sends me a tell asking for an invite while i'm soloing i generally say no, often with a short explanation of why i'm not looking to team at that moment. If they then keep sending me tells insisting i should team just because they want a team i usually decide they're self-centered socially retarded idiots and tell them to slag off and stop bothering me.

The ones who persist after that get put on my ignore list with a brief two-star player note as to why.

Most of the time i will happily team with anyone for a while, but if i say no it really does mean no.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



To be fair, the specific reason I rarely team is a brain abnormality which is generally regarded as a "disorder". But it's not antisocial personality disorder. (I think the world as a whole is probably very, very, happy that I do not have antisocial personality disorder.)



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I'll give you that, but there's also a difference between saying "I understand your position, but disagree" and saying "your brain might not work properly because I disagree with you". Learning that difference would benefit you.

I already did. Besides, that remark was quoted at least three times, and he can't edit it out of those.
I also already said that I edited it an hour ago to reflect more closely what I meant without any negative real world connotations. So, yeah, think he might do that?

I actually didn't know antisocial personality disorder was so particularly diabolical, I thought it meant the first things seebs said people might think it meant, heh.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I also already said that I edited it an hour ago to reflect more closely what I meant without any negative real world connotations. So, yeah, think he might do that?

I actually didn't know antisocial personality disorder was so particularly diabolical, I thought it meant the first things seebs said people might think it meant, heh.
Yeah, I sort of figured. General advice: Once you get into clinical terms, look them up before using them. A lot of those terms have counterintuitive meanings.

Merely disliking social interactions isn't generally regarded as a "disorder"; you might be introverted or extraverted, but so what? They're both common, and neither is particularly likely to prevent you from living a life that you enjoy and which doesn't harm others, so they're not disorders.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I also already said that I edited it an hour ago to reflect more closely what I meant without any negative real world connotations. So, yeah, think he might do that?

I actually didn't know antisocial personality disorder was so particularly diabolical, I thought it meant the first things seebs said people might think it meant, heh.
Take this with a grain of salt: It helps if you think about what you're going to post/say before you post/say it. It also helps to not meet every disagreement with an insult or a snarky inference.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I actually didn't know antisocial personality disorder was so particularly diabolical, I thought it meant the first things seebs said people might think it meant, heh.
It's kind of like chastising someone who doesn't like walking by asking if they're paraplegic (edit: when you're already certain that they are not!). Whether or not they should be walking more isn't the point. The comparison is in extremely bad taste.



Well in any case, sorry about that part, it was my mistake.



Progress! \o/



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I've seen no evidence that such a class exists. Everyone I know who avoids pugs does so because of a genuine personal preference against them, or just because they are genuinely busy, or are genuinely interested in doing something non-pug-friendly, such as playing while watching TV.
While I don't think this is as large a category as PR seems to think, they do exist. I've had arguments with some of them. Tragic stuff.

It's kind of like the (significantly larger) category of people who encounters one person who strongly prefers to solo and thinks all soloers are anti-social.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
It also helps to not meet every disagreement with an insult or a snarky inference.
Well, it doesn't help, but it sure is fun.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Apology accepted. I suppose I shouldn't be so quick to give my advice; I have absolutely no brain-mouth filter. Comes with being male.
Not really true, but i like that excuse. i'll have to suggest it to some of my friends when (in)appropriate.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I wS soloing yesterday doing some arcs and I got a tell reading "can i join ur team pls?"

I responded "sorry, I'm soloing right now".
The reply "ur selfish. Let me join u" came back.
I Didn't bother replying to that.

Soloing is selfish now?


I wouldn't worry about the opinion of someone who can't put in the effort to properly use the word you.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Most of us are probably members of a dozen or two global channels, the newbie is not.
I haven't joined any extra global channels in a long time and I think I got rid of the couple I had joined (or else activity in them naturally evaporated). I don't like monitoring multiple chat tabs, and there's more than enough information scrolling through the global chat tab as-is (even with me removing System and Rewards).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I haven't joined any extra global channels in a long time and I think I got rid of the couple I had joined (or else activity in them naturally evaporated). I don't like monitoring multiple chat tabs, and there's more than enough information scrolling through the global chat tab as-is (even with me removing System and Rewards).
I just make multiple tabs so I can easily decide what I want to listen to. I don't go back and check the other sets of tabs typically; I switch what frame of mind I am in for how much communication, and exclusively use those tabs on my chat windows for a while.

This is especially useful for the various LFG channels, so I only have to look at them when I'm trying to find a team.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.