DFB needs an XP taper.
yeah this isnt going to go over every well.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
also, anyone who does more than one DFB run needs to have that character randomly assigned a new costume, that they can never ever change out of. Because I said so, thats why.
EDIT: The above is simply inflammatory and is blowing my suggestion way out of proportion.
Look at it this way. Would you rather have freebs playing DFB to 10, getting bored with it because no xp, and subsequently playing actual content and learning to use their powers, or freebs playing DFB to 50 and not knowing how anything else in the game works?

You've wanted more control and now you have it.
EDIT: The above is simply inflammatory and is blowing my suggestion way out of proportion.
Look at it this way. Would you rather have freebs playing DFB to 10, getting bored with it because no xp, and subsequently playing actual content and learning to use their powers, or freebs playing DFB to 50 and not knowing how anything else in the game works? |
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
My most recent character started his career with 4 DfB runs, just for the temp powers. That took me to level 14. Clearly, multiple runs are intended, because of the reward table that you can benefit from multiple times. So, some kind of diminishing returns I could maybe agree with, but your proposal is far too harsh.
I play on Freedom, read and talk in the help channel, and team almost exclusively in PUGs, and I have not yet encountered a high-level clueless DfB newbie, neither in teams nor in chat. I think that some players have a very skewed perception of how widespread this problem actually is - or more appropriately, isn't.
I'd really like to see Death from Below subject to diminishing returns... Couple potentials here.
1) XP gains from DFB reduced by 25% of maximum per run after one successful run, to a minimum of 0% after the 4th run. 2) XP gains reduced to 0% after level 10. I think the second would probably be a better choice, since the max level one can use powers from is 10. EDIT: The reason I post this is because there is virtually no reason to run DFB above level 10 aside from badges, providing one hasn't already gotten all of them. Also I'm tired of the constant spam. :/ |
As much as it should be implemented simply for game balance, you're never going to get a majority of players to agree simply because they like to take advantage of it too. When something is too easy, people don't want it harder. The Devs really stuck their collective foot in their mouth when they made the rewards for this so easy and without any reasonable limits because now people can ***** an whine that any limitation will hinder how 'they want to play the game'.
basically, they have a new toy and they don't want to not play with it because it's less work than playing with all their old toys.
The fun thing is, folks have found a new trick to squeeze even more XP out of it simply by figuring out how to spawn the AVs twice. Ran into this the other night taking a toon through it once. Didn't want to power level the toon to that degree so I skipped out as soon as they explained the plan.
Hey guys I heard they're bringing back the monkey farms
The most i have run DFB on one toon has been twice.. to get the end recov and def increase temps.
I'm sure there are people out there who use it to PL themselves basically, but almost everything in this game is farmable. I think the xp on this trial is where it should be and simply because some people choose to do it over and over and over and...over....oh well. I see people do the same thing with ITF from 35-50; especially when it is the WTF.
I see more people PLd through PI than I do DFB (Yeah PI I know right how Issue 9).
The most i have run DFB on one toon has been twice.. to get the end recov and def increase temps.
I'm sure there are people out there who use it to PL themselves basically, but almost everything in this game is farmable. I think the xp on this trial is where it should be and simply because some people choose to do it over and over and over and...over....oh well. I see people do the same thing with ITF from 35-50; especially when it is the WTF. I see more people PLd through PI than I do DFB (Yeah PI I know right how Issue 9). |
Here's one way to look at this:
If there's an easy way for people to get XP for themselves quickly, like DFB or the various farms in AE, people who want to level quickly will be far less tempted to pay for PLing services from RMTers. Why would they pay real money for something they can do for themselves and their friends?
The leveling speed in DFB really does slow down a lot once you hit level 15 or 20. You'd be better off running with level 50 friends in +2 missions because the drops are much better, and you have a shot at purples.
Plus you'd be able to use all those powers that you're getting. Most people will want to have access to the post-level 10 powers they're spending all that time getting, and that's really the limiting factor on how many times a new player will run this trial.
*Gently takes thread by the hand*
*Makes thread a soothing cup of tea*
*Sits down and discuses current issues with thread to try to understand logic*
*Fails to reach anything remotely close to being reasonable*
*Gets a scalding cup of tea thrown in face*
*Ties thread to wheelchair*
*Pushes thread down seven flights of stairs*
*Invites friends over to take turns pushing thread-strapped-to-wheelchair down stairs*
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
I'd really like to see it made impossible to queue for DFB while you're on a team...
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
So by the same logic, should TFs not offer XP for characters over the level cap for that particular TF? I would hope not since that was oone of the most significant and well recieved changes in the game.
Personally, I like the abundance of different activities and different levels I can do to level my character to 50. If you do not like the lfg spam then ignore it?
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
*Gently takes thread by the hand*
*Makes thread a soothing cup of tea* *Sits down and discuses current issues with thread to try to understand logic* *Fails to reach anything remotely close to being reasonable* *Gets a scalding cup of tea thrown in face* *Ties thread to wheelchair* *Pushes thread down seven flights of stairs* *Enjoyment!* *Invites friends over to take turns pushing thread-strapped-to-wheelchair down stairs* *Enjoyment!* |
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
I don't do more than a couple of DFB's a week.
I don't care if others play them non stop.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Here's one way to look at this:
If there's an easy way for people to get XP for themselves quickly, like DFB or the various farms in AE, people who want to level quickly will be far less tempted to pay for PLing services from RMTers. Why would they pay real money for something they can do for themselves and their friends? The leveling speed in DFB really does slow down a lot once you hit level 15 or 20. You'd be better off running with level 50 friends in +2 missions because the drops are much better, and you have a shot at purples. Plus you'd be able to use all those powers that you're getting. Most people will want to have access to the post-level 10 powers they're spending all that time getting, and that's really the limiting factor on how many times a new player will run this trial. |
DfB's already have a built in XP taper called leveling.
And the argument that Freebs will PL their way to the level cap using DfB's is silly. Players have been doing that for 8 years, and before Freedom they were paying subs to do it. The DfB is just the current flavor of the month, and it isn't Freebs and Prems that use it to power level. There are plenty of clueless VIP's that do it to.
The DFB is uniquely different from all other in-game tasks, especially other TFs and Trials, in that it's what brand new Free players meet before they have a chance to even understand the game. It's entirely possible for them to believe that's all there is to the game, especially since a lot of F2P MMOs have pretty much just that as their content. Other TFs notwithstanding, the DFB in particular needs some form of control mechanism or limiter.
Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.
I'd really like to see Death from Below subject to diminishing returns... Couple potentials here.
1) XP gains from DFB reduced by 25% of maximum per run after one successful run, to a minimum of 0% after the 4th run.
2) XP gains reduced to 0% after level 10.
I think the second would probably be a better choice, since the max level one can use powers from is 10.
EDIT: The reason I post this is because there is virtually no reason to run DFB above level 10 aside from badges, providing one hasn't already gotten all of them. Also I'm tired of the constant spam. :/
You've wanted more control and now you have it.