Super Packs are now on test server...

Agent White



Time to test these out, lets try and start posting the probabilities.



/in before 'omg random *HATE*'



Hmm, on test or on the beta server?

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



*Random HATE*



More disappointment than hate, really...

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Well seeing as nothing we ever do in beta/testing is ever even looked at by the devs, I guess they've decided, to just go ahead with the idea and screw any of us who have issues with the idea.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



I didn't realize test and beta were two different things... I assume its beta then.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Well seeing as nothing we ever do in beta/testing is ever even looked at by the devs, I guess they've decided, to just go ahead with the idea and screw any of us who have issues with the idea.
They're changing Enhancement Converters from a store-bought option to an in-game reward based on Beta feedback.

I don't hold much hope they'll make the change that would change my opinion of these from "NO NO NO" to "meh," but... hey, I've been surprised before.



okay, here's another important question:

Any of the new costume pieces that are supposed to come in the super packs out as well? I know it'll take time to answer since folks might not have found any yet, but just lemme know if you do find them.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
okay, here's another important question:

Any of the new costume pieces that are supposed to come in the super packs out as well? I know it'll take time to answer since folks might not have found any yet, but just lemme know if you do find them.

On the beta forums; there is a feedback thread for Carnival of Light costume pieces.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Well seeing as nothing we ever do in beta/testing is ever even looked at by the devs, I guess they've decided, to just go ahead with the idea and screw any of us who have issues with the idea.
Actually, they've made a number of significant concessions already. It's just that certain things like "don't actually implement them" are off the table.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Actually, they've made a number of significant concessions already. It's just that certain things like "don't actually implement them" are off the table.
Pricing changes have been glacial. They have made some pleasing concessions elsewhere, but progress for the store has been excruciating.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



I did 30 packs worth of rolls just to see what I would get. For anyone wants to read the full list, its pasted below. The drops are in alphabetical order rather than the order they actually dropped so that you can see the relative occurrence of each (some rewards repeat).

 Ascendency of the Dominator, Rare, x1
 Blaster's Wrath, Rare, x1
 Blaster's Wrath, Very Rare, x1
 Blaster's Wrath, Very Rare, x1
 Brute's Fury, Very Rare, x1
 Command of the Mastermind, Very Rare, x1
 Defender's Bastion, Very Rare, x1
 Defender's Bastion, Very Rare, x1
 Dominion of Arachnos, Rare, x1
 Dominion of Arachnos, Very Rare, x1
 Dominion of Arachnos, Very Rare, x1
 Dominion of Arachnos, Very Rare, x1
 Dominion of Arachnos, Very Rare, x1
 Elemental Order Backpack, Very Rare, x1
 Elemental Order Belt, Common, x1
 Elemental Order Boots, Rare, x1
 Elemental Order Chest, Uncommon, x1
 Elemental Order Facemask, Uncommon, x1
 Elemental Order Gloves, Uncommon, x1
 Elemental Order Helmet, Rare, x1
 Elemental Order Pants, Rare, x1
 Elemental Order Shard Cannon, Very Rare, x1
 Elemental Order Shoulders, Very Rare, x1
 Elemental Order Sleeves, Common, x1
 Enhancement Booster, Common, x2
 Enhancement Booster, Common, x2
 Enhancement Booster, Common, x2
 Enhancement Booster, Rare, x8
 Enhancement Booster, Rare, x8
 Enhancement Booster, Rare, x8
 Enhancement Booster, Rare, x8
 Enhancement Booster, Uncommon, x5
 Enhancement Booster, Uncommon, x5
 Enhancement Booster, Uncommon, x5
 Enhancement Booster, Uncommon, x5
 Enhancement Booster, Uncommon, x5
 Enhancement Catalyst, Very Rare, x1
 Enhancement Catalyst, Very Rare, x1
 Enhancement Unslotter, Common, x1
 Enhancement Unslotter, Common, x1
 Enhancement Unslotter, Common, x1
 Enhancement Unslotter, Rare, x3
 Enhancement Unslotter, Rare, x3
 Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon, x2
 Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon, x2
 Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon, x2
 Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon, x2
 Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon, x2
 Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon, x2
 Enhancement Unslotter, Uncommon, x2
 Experienced, Common, x1
 Experienced, Common, x1
 Experienced, Common, x1
 Experienced, Common, x1
 Experienced, Rare, x3
 Experienced, Rare, x3
 Experienced, Rare, x3
 Good Luck Imbuement, Common, x1
 Guarded, Common, x1
 Guarded, Common, x1
 Guarded, Common, x1
 Insight Imbuement, Common, x1
 Invigorate, Common, x1
 Invigorate, Common, x1
 Invigorate, Common, x1
 Invigorating Imbuement, Common, x1
 Luck Imbuement, Common, x1
 Luck Imbuement, Common, x1
 Malice of the Corruptor, Rare, x1
 Malice of the Corruptor, Rare, x1
 Malice of the Corruptor, Very Rare, x1
 Malice of the Corruptor, Very Rare, x1
 Malice of the Corruptor, Very Rare, x1
 Precise, Common, x1
 Precise Imbuement, Common, x1
 Prestige Booster, Common, x1
 Prestige Booster, Common, x1
 Protected, Common, x1
 Protected, Common, x1
 Protected, Common, x1
 Rage Imbuement, Common, x1
 Rage Imbuement, Common, x1
 Rage Imbuement, Common, x1
 Rage Imbuement, Common, x1
 Rage Imbuement, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Common, x1
 Restore, Uncommon, x2
 Revival, Common, x1
 Revival, Common, x1
 Revival, Common, x1
 Revival, Common, x1
 Revival, Uncommon, x2
 Revival, Uncommon, x2
 Reward Merits, Common, x25
 Reward Merits, Common, x25
 Reward Merits, Common, x25
 Reward Merits, Common, x25
 Reward Merits, Common, x25
 Reward Merits, Common, x25
 Reward Merits, Common, x25
 Reward Merits, Rare, x75
 Reward Merits, Rare, x75
 Reward Merits, Rare, x75
 Reward Merits, Rare, x75
 Reward Merits, Rare, x75
 Reward Merits, Rare, x75
 Reward Merits, Rare, x75
 Reward Merits, Uncommon, x50
 Reward Merits, Uncommon, x50
 Reward Merits, Uncommon, x50
 Reward Merits, Uncommon, x50
 Reward Merits, Very Rare, x100
 Reward Merits, Very Rare, x100
 Reward Merits, Very Rare, x100
 Reward Merits, Very Rare, x100
 Rugged Imbuement, Common, x1
 Scrapper's Strike, Rare, x1
 Stalker's Guile, Rare, x1
 Stalker's Guile, Rare, x1
 Sturdy Imbuement, Common, x1
 Tactical, Common, x1
 Tactical, Common, x1
 Tactical Imbuement, Common, x1
 Will of the Controller, Very Rare, x1
 Will of the Controller, Very Rare, x1
 Windfall, Rare, x2
 Windfall, Rare, x2
 Windfall, Rare, x2
 Windfall, Uncommon, x1
 Windfall, Uncommon, x1
 Windfall, Uncommon, x1
 Windfall, Uncommon, x1
 XP Booster, Rare, x2
 XP Booster, Rare, x2
 XP Booster, Rare, x2
 XP Booster, Rare, x2
 XP Booster, Uncommon, x1
 XP Booster, Uncommon, x1
 Protected, Common, x1

In total I got these incident rates for each rarity type. I'm not sure yet if the rarity directly informs the odds or not; I assume not, because many of the V Rares seem to be 1-time drops.

FYI I got my last costume drop somewhere around roll 20 and from there it was all sets and temp power type stuff. There could be more in there I don't know about.

Commons	 64	42.7%
Uncommon 28	18.7%
Rare	         34	22.7%
V Rare	 24	16.0%
Total: 150



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post

On the beta forums; there is a feedback thread for Carnival of Light costume pieces.
And those pieces don't appear to include any corsets - probably to avoid more corset-rage

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Actually, they've made a number of significant concessions already. It's just that certain things like "don't actually implement them" are off the table.

They were made prior to them going on test, as we've already been told, by the time something goes on test it is too late to change anything, they are already working on the next project.

Hell they don't even bother to fix the bugs that we report, and send it live as is.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And those pieces don't appear to include any corsets - probably to avoid more corset-rage
Of any costume set to not include a corset in, they choose Carnies? That's like releasing a CoT costume set without robes! Uh, wait...

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




What costume sets are available through the Super Packs? I only saw Elemental Order stuff.



Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
What costume sets are available through the Super Packs? I only saw Elemental Order stuff.
Only the Elemental Order stuff. The Carnival of Light stuff (Almost entirely exclusive to Females) is it's own thing, and not involved with the Super Packs at all.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



FYI - When you purchase one, it will show up in your e-mail under character items. If you claim it, you have to look in salvage under the special tab. It's basically a circle that is half blue with Stateman's Star and half red with Arachnos symbol.

If you right click on the Heroes & Villains Super Pack it gives you the option to open it or you can look at "info." Opening it reveals a new UI window with five face down cards for you to flip over. It also has a little radio button to flip all at once.

Each card has a number on the bottom right, x/205, so I assume this deck has 205 cards. My first few packs usually had at least one costume piece. One pack had as many as 3 pieces.

It seems that the card flips are set up to show the more common items on the left and the rarer items on the right. If you like to build tension, flip left to right. If you want to see the best cards in the pack flip right to left.

I was going to post my drops, but I disconnected before I had cut and pasted.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I did 30 packs worth of rolls just to see what I would get. For anyone wants to read the full list, its pasted below. The drops are in alphabetical order rather than the order they actually dropped so that you can see the relative occurrence of each (some rewards repeat).


In total I got these incident rates for each rarity type. I'm not sure yet if the rarity directly informs the odds or not; I assume not, because many of the V Rares seem to be 1-time drops.

FYI I got my last costume drop somewhere around roll 20 and from there it was all sets and temp power type stuff. There could be more in there I don't know about.

Looks pretty much like I expected.
A few comments though:

2 catalysis in 3 packs? Lol, good job they're going to let those drop from incarnate content.

If you're after the enhancements, this is pretty good. 3/4 of the packs have one, and if you don't get one, you'll probably get some reward merits which you can save up to get one, and if you get ones you don't like (which is pretty likely, you can sell them and use the inf to buy the ones you do want.

On the issue of merits, the amount for each rarity is about half of what it should be. It should be 50, 100, 150, 200. Not 25, 50, 75, 100.
Looks like they're kind of the booby prize of each rarity, especially the very rares. But as booby prizes go, they're not awful.

Costume pieces are clearly far too rare. $30 worth of packs and you've only gotten just over half the set. That's no good.

All the other things are pretty much just nice bonuses.

So, to sum up the categories most people will fall into:

If you want "loot"/inf, but nothing else, these packs are somewhat borderline. You'll probably get something you want, or can sell for something you want, but the end result might not be worth 80 points to you.

If you want "loot"/inf, and quite like the idea of little bonuses along with it. These packs are definitely for you. You'll easily get your value out of them. Just don't go too crazy.

If you want costume parts, and nothing else, avoid these packs like the plague. They're not worth it at all. The costume parts should be seen as nothing but little bonuses like everything else. Do not let yourself get into the mind set of "Ooo, I'll just collect the whole set then stop."

I think any other view points can pretty much be constructed from those three examples.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Here's some new drop data, unsorted, as received.

 Reward Merits	Common	x25
 Restore	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Uncommon	x5
 Reward Merits	Rare	x75
 Elemental Order Backpack	Very Rare	x1
 Protected	Common	x1
 Restore	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Uncommon	x5
 XP Booster	Rare	x2
 Experienced	Rare	x3
 Rejuvenate	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Common	x25
 XP Booster	Uncommon	x1
 Windfall	Rare	x2
 Dominion of Arachnos	Very Rare	x1
 Tactical Imbuement	Common	x1
 Protected	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Enhancement Booster	Rare	x8
 Enhancement Catalyst	Very Rare	x1
 Enhancement Unslotter	Common	x1
 Experienced	Common	x1
 XP Booster	Uncommon	x1
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Malice of the Corruptor	Very Rare	x1
 Revival	Common	x1
 Guarded	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Enhancement Unslotter	Rare	x3
 Command of the Mastermind	Very Rare	x1
 Greater Health Imbuement	Common	x1
 Tactical	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Kheldian's Grace	Rare	x1
 Stalker's Guile	Very Rare	x1
 Restore	Common	x1
 Experienced	Common	x1
 Experienced	Uncommon	x2
 XP Booster	Rare	x2
 Elemental Order Shard Cannon	Very Rare	x1
 Experienced	Common	x1
 Restore	Common	x1
 XP Booster	Uncommon	x1
 Experienced	Rare	x3
 Malice of the Corruptor	Very Rare	x1
 Reward Merits	Common	x25
 Experienced	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Enhancement Booster	Rare	x8
 Scrapper's Strike	Very Rare	x1
 Protected	Common	x1
 Guarded	Common	x1
 Restore	Common	x1
 Experienced	Rare	x3
 Will of the Controller	Very Rare	x1
 Restore	Common	x1
 Tactical	Common	x1
 Windfall	Uncommon	x1
 Experienced	Rare	x3
 Malice of the Corruptor	Very Rare	x1
 Experienced	Common	x1
 Invigorating Imbuement	Common	x1
 Insight Imbuement	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Rare	x75
 Enhancement Catalyst	Very Rare	x1
 Experienced	Common	x1
 Guarded	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Uncommon	x5
 Brute's Fury	Rare	x1
 Dominion of Arachnos	Very Rare	x1
 Good Luck Imbuement	Common	x1
 Protecting Imbuement	Common	x1
 Revival	Uncommon	x2
 Enhancement Unslotter	Rare	x3
 Defender's Bastion	Very Rare	x1
 Precise Imbuement	Common	x1
 Restore	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Uncommon	x5
 XP Booster	Rare	x2
 Malice of the Corruptor	Very Rare	x1
 Invigorate	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Common	x25
 Enhancement Unslotter	Uncommon	x2
 Scrapper's Strike	Rare	x1
 Malice of the Corruptor	Very Rare	x1
 Experienced	Common	x1
 Revival	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Uncommon	x5
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Ascendency of the Dominator	Very Rare	x1
 Experienced	Common	x1
 Revival	Common	x1
 Revival	Uncommon	x2
 Reward Merits	Rare	x75
 Command of the Mastermind	Very Rare	x1
 Endurance Imbuement	Common	x1
 Prestige Booster	Common	x1
 Good Luck Imbuement	Common	x1
 Windfall	Rare	x2
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Restore	Common	x1
 Revival	Common	x1
 Rejuvenate	Common	x1
 XP Booster	Rare	x2
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Restore	Common	x1
 Revival	Common	x1
 Rejuvenate	Common	x1
 XP Booster	Rare	x2
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Protected	Common	x1
 Luck Imbuement	Common	x1
 Restore	Uncommon	x2
 Windfall	Rare	x2
 Might of the Tanker	Very Rare	x1
 Experienced	Common	x1
 Revival	Common	x1
 Guarded	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Rare	x8
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Restore	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Common	x25
 XP Booster	Uncommon	x1
 Windfall	Rare	x2
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Protected	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Common	x25
 Enhancement Booster	Uncommon	x5
 Enhancement Booster	Rare	x8
 Kheldian's Grace	Very Rare	x1
 Protecting Imbuement	Common	x1
 Protected	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Common	x2
 Enhancement Booster	Uncommon	x5
 Windfall	Rare	x2
 Tactical Imbuement	Common	x1
 Protected	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 XP Booster	Uncommon	x1
 Brute's Fury	Very Rare	x1
 Invigorate	Common	x1
 Protected	Common	x1
 Restore	Uncommon	x2
 Enhancement Booster	Rare	x8
 Blaster's Wrath	Very Rare	x1
 Enhancement Unslotter	Common	x1
 Revival	Common	x1
 Enhancement Unslotter	Uncommon	x2
 Enhancement Booster	Rare	x8
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Revival	Common	x1
 Enhancement Unslotter	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Windfall	Rare	x2
 Dominion of Arachnos	Very Rare	x1
 Guarded	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Common	x2
 Enhancement Booster	Uncommon	x5
 Enhancement Unslotter	Rare	x3
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Enhancement Unslotter	Common	x1
 Protection Imbuement	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Ascendency of the Dominator	Rare	x1
 Brute's Fury	Very Rare	x1
 Luck Imbuement	Common	x1
 Sturdy Imbuement	Common	x1
 Enhancement Unslotter	Uncommon	x2
 Enhancement Booster	Rare	x8
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Protection Imbuement	Common	x1
 Restore	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Uncommon	x5
 Enhancement Booster	Rare	x8
 Malice of the Corruptor	Very Rare	x1
 Precise	Common	x1
 Guarded	Common	x1
 Enhancement Booster	Common	x2
 Windfall	Uncommon	x1
 Scrapper's Strike	Very Rare	x1
 Invigorate	Common	x1
 Health Imbuement	Common	x1
 Revival	Uncommon	x2
 XP Booster	Uncommon	x1
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Revival	Common	x1
 Invigorate	Common	x1
 Revival	Uncommon	x2
 Enhancement Unslotter	Uncommon	x2
 Command of the Mastermind	Very Rare	x1
 Revival	Common	x1
 Experienced	Common	x1
 Guarded	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100
 Tactical	Common	x1
 Reward Merits	Common	x25
 Reward Merits	Uncommon	x50
 Revival	Uncommon	x2
 Reward Merits	Very Rare	x100

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And those pieces don't appear to include any corsets - probably to avoid more corset-rage
Lol 'Corset-Rage' is my choice if ever we get the chance to customise the name of the Brute Fury bar.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Just popping in to remind everyone that there is a Super Pack feedback thread in the beta forum, which is accessible by all VIPs. So if you've got the beta client, please go try some out for yourself then let the developers know what you think of your experience. They cost 0 points on the beta market, so you can "buy" as many as you want.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."