Thoughts on Trials after i12.5 - Mob Rule

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They are.
No they're not.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Actually, it doesn't seem that bad to me at all. At the current time, MoM is the ONLY trial for which I have not been on a failed run. It can be a little rough, depending on what nightmares Malaise summons, but it's not bad.

The one that really annoys me is TPN, specifically when Maelstrom starts one-shotting you as a 'special effect', rather than walking up to you and smacking you. The nightmares are a fight. The purple patches can be avoided and don't kill you instantly. Maelstrom one-shots you with no warning. And his attack was split into two parts specifically to NEGATE the one-shot code. Cheesy design.

It reminds of something from the April Fool's issue of a gaming magazine - might have been Dragon Magazine - the Wandering Damage Table. It bypassed the hassle of writing up wandering monsters - you just rolled the dice and the players took damage. One of the items on the table was "Roll every die you own and take that much damage." Yeah, that's Maelstrom.
I largely find all the trials a drag, tbh, but one thing I haven't had any difficulty with myself is Malestrom's Marked For Death mechanic. A dot appears above your head, and then you have about 5 seconds to break line of sight. The three times I've done the TPN, he's appeared outside on the steps, and whenever i get marked For Death there's been ample time for me to jump over the wall at the bottom of the steps and a few seconds later the dot disappears.

The dot is easily visible if your camera is fairly close to your toon, less so if you're zoomed all the way back.

But I think it's one of the easier gimmicks to deal with.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Well if they didn't want us to have egos they should have thought of that before they started giving us badges like "Saved the World" and "Weapon of Mass Destruction" and called the game City of Heroes.
I've been playing this game for seven and coming on eight years now. When I started, I was 19 and essentially fresh out of high school. I'm 27 now, I have a job and I teach computing to people 19 and 20 years of age. In this entire time, I have never even begun to grasp what the HELL people's problem with having an ego in a game is, especially one whose original trailer yelled at me: "City of Heroes, where YOU are the hero!"

By level 50, players have single-handedly saved the world on numerous occasions, fought demigods and literal gods, fought back entire armies, saved a thousand worlds and have the personal power to take on overwhelming odds. This leads players to develop an ego. No! Really? I never saw that coming!

Yes, we have a big ego here in City of Heroes. Isn't that the point? Why do people keep saying that like it's a bad thing? Why do people keep insisting on making us humble, as the Iron Sheik would say? What possible purpose could that serve? If I wanted to be humble, I'd play a Korean grindfest MMO where a single basic enemy could kill me if I didn't bring a team. City of Heroes is escapist fantasy. It's a game that's cool exactly BECAUSE we're strong enough to be confident in our abilities. It's cool exactly BECAUSE we can afford to have an ego.

Having an ego in City of Heroes is not a bad thing. It's what makes it special.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
This general principle is designed to ensure that when you make something difficult, the difficulty curve is tied to the reward curve. MMOs are balanced around reward rates not rewards. That means it doesn't matter how much rewards something gives, what matters is how long it takes.
Jack Emmert liked to say "risk vs. reward" a lot, and I remember scratching my head about it at the time, insisting that it was much more prudent to balance content in terms of "time vs. reward," instead. It seems I wasn't mistaken, and I still feel the same way to this day. It doesn't matter how hard you make something - if it's rewarding, people will farm it, and all this does is make it frustrating. Worse yet, make something easy and long, and thus unrewarding, and people will avoid it like the plague. There's a reason almost no-one ever goes to the Shadow Shard.

The solo Incarnate path seems like the best time to learn this lesson: Don't bar people from making progress by great difficulty. Let people feel like heroes and defeat their own foes, then balance their rewards based on time. Because time is the one currency we all have. I'd sooner have the ability to make a tiny bit of progress towards a larger goal every time I log in even if it takes a long time, rather than be locked into only ever making big steps but only if I win at very hard content or if the dice roll in my favour, as the Shard drop mechanic does now.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Having an ego in City of Heroes is not a bad thing. It's what makes it special.
This is a thin line.

On one side, yes this game is designed to make you feel like a BAMF. As I've been known to say many a time: World of *CENSORED* makes you feel like a little guy in a big world, having no impact on anything. City of Heroes makes you feel like a Big Damn Hero, and yes YOU just socked THE Lord Recluse in the jaw, and he will always remember that. City of Heroes encourages you to build your own personal canon, where you are the center of the world and all of the events going on. And while RPing does tend to throw a wrench into the idea of everyone being the star of the show, at least you know that in your "comic book" you are still the title character.

On the other side, it depends on what you mean by "ego". Because while the thought of "My character is awesome and has done awesome stuff" is great, the thought of "I as a player am a freaking god" is not. I suppose the latter is less prevalent here than it is in a certain DOTA-based, free-to-play cesspool of a game which I will not mention by name, but it's something to avoid nevertheless.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Something just happened in game that made me come back to share a story.

A semi-full group of us were headed into the BAF. The Enter button showed up, everyone loaded in, and suddenly were very confused. It turned out the leader had accidentally queued us for TPN instead. There was a brief discussion about what to do. So we pulled together as a team and...

...all agreed to exit the trial and start over.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
On the other side, it depends on what you mean by "ego". Because while the thought of "My character is awesome and has done awesome stuff" is great, the thought of "I as a player am a freaking god" is not. I suppose the latter is less prevalent here than it is in a certain DOTA-based, free-to-play cesspool of a game which I will not mention by name, but it's something to avoid nevertheless.
Well, there's ego and then there's asking for too much. Take a look at something like Saints Row: The Third. That entire game centres around a character who isn't afraid to take on anything, no matter how guano insane or difficult it may seem to a sane person, and ends up succeeding through sheer badassery. Of course, the game is careful to not push the line TOO far, but said character can still take down squadrons of jets, platoons of armoured vehicles and enough people to depopulate a small island nation. Sure, that might seem like a stretch, but when you have a rocket launcher with infinite ammo and regeneration health... Why not?

The point of ego isn't to break the game and sail through it all in easy mode. The point of ego is to have the confidence that no matter what the game throws at you, you can beat it. It may not always be simple, it may not always be easy, it may not always even be fun, but BRING IT! I've often said that City of Heroes is a game which makes me WANT to do stupid things. It makes me want to get in over my head, it makes me want challenge a platoon of soldiers, it makes me want to take risks. It does that because my characters are allowed to be capable and, thus, I get to have much confidence in them. It's that confidence that I will succeed, that ego that I can take on the world and the world will come out second best, that the game really has going for it, and that really no other MMO that I'm aware of does.

MMOs are typically games that you're supposed to be afraid of, because you're just some nameless gnat in a world that's bigger than you. City of Heroes is just the opposite. It's a game you're supposed to taunt and dive head-first into it, because no matter what's on the other end of the screen, you can take it. THAT is the kind of ego I want to have in a game.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
By way of addressing this, I believe the way around the problem is the general principle of allowing players to become more powerful the longer a task lasts, rather than become less powerful through attrition.
I have said elsewhere that I think the obvious solution of solo content is to have mission objective that allow us to gradually strip the enemy Incarnates of the Well's favour. Leading to the final showdown where we face them on an even footing.

Its essentially the same as us getting more powerful as the task progresses.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
A fire/kin controller of mine, with a mix of single origins and generic IOs (okay, one purple set for the immobilize because it was cheap enough at the time) took 3 attempts after Issue 20 to get past Trapdoor. I can't remember if I used Warburg nukes the last time.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe
Others, even loaded with T4 inspirations, multiple temp pets, and Ultimates couldn't get the job done

Some examples of T4 Inspirations:

  • Sight Beyond Sight:+75% ToHit, +Perception
  • Furious Rage: +100% Damage
  • Amazing Luck: +50% Defense to all attacks (except typeless)
  • Liberate: Resist Effects
    Frees you from many sleep, hold, immobilization, disorient, fear, confuse, and knockback effects and boosts your resistance to repel, taunt and placate effects for 90 seconds. This Inspiration can be used even while under such effects.
    -40 Magnitude protection against Hold, Sleep, Stun, Immobilize, Fear, and Confuse; -20 Magnitude protection against Knockback and Knockup; 100% resistance to Repel; 75% resistance to Taunt and Placate

So just to confirm, you're saying that with Inspirations like these, +level shifts from Ultimates, temp powers like "warburg nukes" and temp pet powers - that you could not get this arc done as it is currently implemented in the game?



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
'attractive' is utterly subjective. You mean quantifiable numbers of merits, iXP, rewards. And even then, the attractiveness of those differs widely for players. They could double the rewards offered by the UG, but it wouldn't double my desire to do it.
The biggest appeal of the solo path is that you'll (presumably) be able to jump on and immediately start your mission, instead of waiting half an hour for a league to form. This is such a gigantic QoL advantage, that I'm afraid the solo path is going to have to be absolutely horrendous in terms of difficulty and rewards to offset it. Otherwise the trials are going to dry up completely.

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Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
The biggest appeal of the solo path is that you'll (presumably) be able to jump on and immediately start your mission, instead of waiting half an hour for a league to form. This is such a gigantic QoL advantage, that I'm afraid the solo path is going to have to be absolutely horrendous in terms of difficulty and rewards to offset it. Otherwise the trials are going to dry up completely.
I dunno. If done right, I imagine it would be a lot like the current game of solo/team play and TFs. "If I keep playing this arc, it'll be another night or two before I can unlock Destiny...or I could jump on this Keyes that's forming right now and unlock it tonight." Same as with normal content. "I could keep playing this story arc and slog my way through 27-30 over the next few nights...or I could jump on the Citadel that's forming in channel and get a big chunk of XP right now."

Obviously the sheer number of trials will probably go down, but maybe that's to the good. Then, the people you get for the league actually have an interest in completing it, rather than wanting to push a button to make candy come out. I'm not going to bet on how hard it will be to find 16-24 people at any one time, though.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



No matter WHAT the solo incarnate content is or how slow it is I will NEVER run an iTrial again after it releases. There isn't a slow enough that won't make any solo option infinitely better for me. I despise the trials. I despise the mechanics, I despise the general league mentality, I despise the gimmicks in them, I despise the failure rate, I despise the waiting, and I despise the standing around doing nothing WHILE waiting.

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]



So my experience with ITrials is extremely limited. I've done BAF about half a dozen times, and in my experience, it's largely a roving mob. I've done one Lambda, which was successful, but I wasn't sure exactly what it is we were doing at the time, and nobody really felt the need to explain it. I figured it out mostly by watching what other people were doing. Then, about a week later, someone is recruiting for Underground. I figure what the hell, since I've got a level shift under my belt now and go for it. The trial was going fine until we get to the infested War Walker. Halfway through the fight it's becoming obvious we're not going to kill him and tempers flare. The net result is that half the league is foaming at the mouth with rage, and we all wasted an hour and a half of our time.

Since then, I've been running tip missions and leveling alts.

I'm not sure what it is about MMO development, but there must be a tenet somewhere stating "thou must create infinitesimally large scale raids at maximum level, and lure player's there with trinkets and baubles" because it's pretty common place. Not that that's all bad, and some people actually enjoy that environment, which is fine. Further, my own experiences are anecdotal, but they were unpleasant enough that I have very little desire to see all this high level content the dev's have been cranking out. Even still, it isn't so much the Trials themselves, but a mindset that has been introduced that got me to flex my middle finger at "that other game" and brought me back here.

City of Heroes is a different beast from the conventional MMO. It's tried really hard throughout the years to introduce a new paradigm, where the Holy Trinity is meaningless, you can play with whoever you want to play with, regardless of their level, and your sole motivation isn't some indefinite carrot on a stick you're meant to chase ad nauseum. It is for this reason that the ITrials confuse me, as it's a pretty conventional mechanism being added to an MMO that's tried to be unconventional. People enjoy large scale raiding. I'm perfectly content with that. In fact, I rather enjoyed Hamidon raids when they were about the only thing to do, and I still think the Rikti mothership raid is a blast. These events, however, are much less about the rewards (minus perhaps Hammi-O's) and more about the event itself, which is in stark contrast to trials.

I've seen a lot of people state "well the rewards would have to be pathetic to keep Trials alive", which is a valid statement, and something Paragon should be leery about. To pull an example out of a hat, if I were to get say 10 Empyrean Merits and a very rare in 10 hours of trials, or 5 Empyrean merits in ten hours solo, you're damn right I'll never step foot in another trial, and not because they are or are not fun, but because:

1.)I don't have to deal with 23 other people, with either they or myself screwing it all up, and;
2.) there's a mentality that latches itself onto large scale "epic" content for rewards. It's less about the game and more about the reward, and it's why I'll probably never look into the 800 lb gorilla again. It's a rat race that, in my meager experience, fosters hostility.

I'm getting long-winded here, but again, I'm content with trials existing, and I'm even content with a solo/small group path being the slower method. I don't have to become a 50+3 incarnate overnight, or even over a month. Just give me a reasonable alternative, so I don't have to contend with the mob.



I like the trials, while one of the trials i aint a huge fan of i do still love the majority of them.

Will i continue to run trials when the solo content is released? Yes of course i will, why? Because i like to team with others and have a good time. To me, its fun

Now the trials do indeed hurt certain powersets a LOT more than others, they dont hurt certain ATs but certain powersets. My regen or willpower brute/scrapper can't last more than a few seconds in a trial due to their -regen powers, however my stj/nrg scrapper? Well he owns trials now! He is my ONLY character in which i feel like i can take on a mob within a trial and defeat them with ease.
For example on the keyes trial, my scrapper will now go to the different levels and clear them of the mobs to make it easier for people to use their powercells.

I just ran my first ever MoM trial last night and though it took me a few minutes to understand all the mechanics of it inside, i do love it! The purple clouds in the first mission? Surely as a scrapper i should moan nonstop about them right since i cant get in close enough?
Nope! That is what the APPs were for [imo], to add a different something to your powers that werent available in your primary/secondary. While the clouds are up i just attack from range nonstop until they go away and i can do some serious damage again.

Some people do have genuine concerns about the trials from a neutral standpoint, however everytime a new trial comes out i am seeing X amount of the same people complaining about each trial that they hate it and that it should be changed because majority of people dont like trials. I say majority dont like trials because thats what most of their posts do sound like, that people dont like trials.
For example the OP of this thread did give off a clear vibe that trials are disliked by a large majority of the playerbase, this couldnt be further from the truth. Majority of people do like the trials otherwise there wouldnt be so many run so often on a daily basis.
Only speaking for myself obviously, but whenever i read a thread where the OP states something like that, then the whole post loses a lot of weight in my eyes. Simply because its gone from a balanced and well thought out post on how to improve a trial for the majority to being a very biased view focusing purely on the negative sides of the trial.

There are a few things in this game which are hardly run and they are the ones that should have threads about asking people what would they do to improve them to make them more popular/run more. ITrials are almost at the point in which there are a different trial suited to each persons needs [imo].
What we should be asking ourselves now though is how do we improve/make more popular

  • Hami Raids
  • The original sewer trial
  • Hollows Trial
  • Eden
  • Shadow Shard TFs [obviously this gets brought up a LOT]
  • Respec Taskforces
These kind of things should be the focus!



So my experience with ITrials is extremely limited. I've done BAF about half a dozen times, and in my experience, it's largely a roving mob. I've done one Lambda, which was successful, but I wasn't sure exactly what it is we were doing at the time, and nobody really felt the need to explain it. I figured it out mostly by watching what other people were doing
This can be true though for majority of Taskforces/Trials in the game already, a good leader of a trial [especially an incarnate one] should never start a trial without first making sure everybody knows what they're doing. From my own personal experience i can say that we have VERY good leaders of iTrials on Union [people like kisana/sophia etc] who lead them very often and always makes sure the entire league knows what to do and when.
Sadly i think your experiences have come down to bad luck with a not very vocal league making sure everybody knows what needs to be done I know some people dont want to be the "only one who doesnt know" , but like my experience on my first MoM yesterday, i run by the rule that if one person doesnt know it then there are another 3 who dont too. True enough, more people said they hadnt done it either.

Edit2 [woot for edit!]

Just to add that i know some people are really against the idea of trials/content that can only be used by gathering large teams, those people i think are right and do need the solo content, im just against the idea of people saying that X needs to be changed in some form then when something different comes out saying that they still dont like it and carries on for quite a while [like all the trials we've had so far].
[This post totally made sense to me when i typed it but reading it back . . . not so much! Ah well! ]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I believe I read at one point that data mining shows most people aren't playing the trial content.

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]



Originally Posted by MrDead View Post
I believe I read at one point that data mining shows most people aren't playing the trial content.

But with that i can again say that at one point on Union last night there was a MoM, a BaF and an UG trial all running at the same time.
This was while Union seemed pretty quiet last night too, i dont know maybe some servers have totally different experiences from my own in that it really is almost impossible to get a trial together, im just speaking from my own experience that Union [top 5 population wise? Maybe? I dont know!] has quite a large percentage of people who like trials.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
But with that i can again say that at one point on Union last night there was a MoM, a BaF and an UG trial all running at the same time.
This was while Union seemed pretty quiet last night too, i dont know maybe some servers have totally different experiences from my own in that it really is almost impossible to get a trial together, im just speaking from my own experience that Union [top 5 population wise? Maybe? I dont know!] has quite a large percentage of people who like trials.
Or do the same 250 people constantly run trials?

edit: This maintenance is taking forever!

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]



Originally Posted by Mordakar View Post
I'm not sure what it is about MMO development, but there must be a tenet somewhere stating "thou must create infinitesimally large scale raids at maximum level, and lure player's there with trinkets and baubles" because it's pretty common place. Not that that's all bad, and some people actually enjoy that environment, which is fine. Further, my own experiences are anecdotal, but they were unpleasant enough that I have very little desire to see all this high level content the dev's have been cranking out. Even still, it isn't so much the Trials themselves, but a mindset that has been introduced that got me to flex my middle finger at "that other game" and brought me back here.

City of Heroes is a different beast from the conventional MMO. It's tried really hard throughout the years to introduce a new paradigm, where the Holy Trinity is meaningless, you can play with whoever you want to play with, regardless of their level, and your sole motivation isn't some indefinite carrot on a stick you're meant to chase ad nauseum. It is for this reason that the ITrials confuse me, as it's a pretty conventional mechanism being added to an MMO that's tried to be unconventional. People enjoy large scale raiding. I'm perfectly content with that. In fact, I rather enjoyed Hamidon raids when they were about the only thing to do, and I still think the Rikti mothership raid is a blast. These events, however, are much less about the rewards (minus perhaps Hammi-O's) and more about the event itself, which is in stark contrast to trials.
That's more or less where I stand. Raids, to me, seem like something some proto-MMO came up with and now developers make them because that's what players keep expecting and players expect them because developers keep making them. I have some very serious doubts as to whether anyone actually seriously sat down and thought about whether City of Heroes SHOULD have raids at all. All anyone seems to have been concerned was whether we COULD, to sorta-quote Dr. Ian Malcolm. It seems to me that the City of Heroes development team just never had enough time, resources and personnel to truly delve into the subject of raids, and that's the sole only reason we didn't get them for this many years.

Now, obviously, the ultra-large-scale teaming concept isn't something that's "evil" on its own merits, and City of Heroes is nothing if not indulgent, so the more kinds of players it can cater to, the better. There's nothing really intrinsically wrong with Raids on a principle level, it's just that some people - myself among them - simply don't like raids, and yet we're put in a position where we want to progress, but the only source of progress is raids, raids or otherwise raids. And I could cry foul and criticise the people who made this decision all day and all night, but the fact of the matter is that for raids to even exist and be doable... You kind of have to have a certain critical mass of players. Whether the people interested are enough by themselves to support this critical mass or whether for raids to exist, unwilling participants have to be roped in, we'll soon see.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
For example the OP of this thread did give off a clear vibe that trials are disliked by a large majority of the playerbase, this couldnt be further from the truth. Majority of people do like the trials otherwise there wouldnt be so many run so often on a daily basis.
A couple of points:

First, how many people run Trials is not informative of how many people LIKE Trials, merely of how many people like Trial rewards. Right now, there is no option to Trials. It's like saying that clearly every person in the game loves defeating foes, because clearly everyone is defeating foes when that's really the only way to level up.

Secondly, if most people liked Trials, then there wouldn't be a reason for the development team to worry about introducing a solo path of Incarnate progression. Surely with so many people enjoying Trials, they'd just continue to run Trials and the critical mass would be maintained. Yet the development team have expressed concerns that enabling solo progress might kill raid-goer numbers, and thus the solo path would have to be significantly less rewarding. There has to be something to it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
I dunno. If done right, I imagine it would be a lot like the current game of solo/team play and TFs. "If I keep playing this arc, it'll be another night or two before I can unlock Destiny...or I could jump on this Keyes that's forming right now and unlock it tonight." Same as with normal content. "I could keep playing this story arc and slog my way through 27-30 over the next few nights...or I could jump on the Citadel that's forming in channel and get a big chunk of XP right now."

Obviously the sheer number of trials will probably go down, but maybe that's to the good. Then, the people you get for the league actually have an interest in completing it, rather than wanting to push a button to make candy come out. I'm not going to bet on how hard it will be to find 16-24 people at any one time, though.
Oh, and then there's this. This kind of balance is what I'd like to see. Right now, if I'm at around level 37 and want to be level 40 within the next few hours, I can run the ITF once or twice, or hop on an 8-man team or do something like that. If I do that, I'll be 40 before I even know. Or, if I don't feel like teaming, I can cover that distance in two, three, maybe even four days by myself, and in neither case will I complain.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by MrDead View Post
I believe I read at one point that data mining shows most people aren't playing the trial content.
Ot showed that people were playing BAF and Lambda way mroe than Keyes or UG - which is why they made the changes to Keyes and UG.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Ot showed that people were playing BAF and Lambda way mroe than Keyes or UG - which is why they made the changes to Keyes and UG.
Oh right that's what it was. Thanks GG.

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
'attractive' is utterly subjective. You mean quantifiable numbers of merits, iXP, rewards. And even then, the attractiveness of those differs widely for players. They could double the rewards offered by the UG, but it wouldn't double my desire to do it.
The reward increases for Keyes and UG have made both of them more popular choices - while TPN and MoM having better rewards right form the start has also made them popular choices.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yeah, and the trials reward Little Timmy for continuing to push buttons. He may have to push specific buttons, but it's still button-mashing. Little Timmy is a grunt. He's not there to think. He's there to follow the leader.
I guess I'm the kind of player you're calling Little Timmy. I play games to have fun, to relax and kick back. I can do it solo, love doing it with other players. But I am not and never have been a hardcore player. My reflexes weren't great when I was 18, and that was a long time ago.

I've done a Keyes once, never again, because I don't find I fun, too gimmicky, too filled with the sort of twists that have turned me off from other games. Don't play platformers outside of CoH, don't want to play them within it. This doesn't make me weak or stupid or childish, I just means I like other things than you.

There SHOULD be some trials that match your preferred style of play. I just don't want them all to be so. I want new interesting and yes rewarding content that matches my preferred play style just like there's yours.

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I think it's ironic that a lot of the people who say they love the trials are the same people who have clamoured for shorter TF and trial content. I'm sure that one of the reasons why the UG is not as popular as the ABF is simply its length. It's a long slog through repeated Clear-Alls, and I dare anyone to try suggesting 'Shall we have a 5 minute break for a stretch and to put the kettle on?' in one.

The Shadow Shard TFs, on the other hand, are a relaxed take-your-time affair if you're not on a PuG. Getting too late? Baby crying? Landlord calls? '/t hang on guys, afk a minute'.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
There are a few things in this game which are hardly run and they are the ones that should have threads about asking people what would they do to improve them to make them more popular/run more. ITrials are almost at the point in which there are a different trial suited to each persons needs [imo].
What we should be asking ourselves now though is how do we improve/make more popular
  • Hami Raids
  • The original sewer trial
  • Hollows Trial
  • Eden
  • Shadow Shard TFs [obviously this gets brought up a LOT]
  • Respec Taskforces
These kind of things should be the focus!
You have forgot Freedom Phalanx task forces. Devs made great change on Posi and it is run lot more now, but others need some renewing also.

"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I largely find all the trials a drag, tbh, but one thing I haven't had any difficulty with myself is Malestrom's Marked For Death mechanic. A dot appears above your head, and then you have about 5 seconds to break line of sight. The three times I've done the TPN, he's appeared outside on the steps, and whenever i get marked For Death there's been ample time for me to jump over the wall at the bottom of the steps and a few seconds later the dot disappears.
I'm well aware of that. I wasn't talking about the phase where he has the Marked For Death affect. I was talking about later where the special effects suggest he is just teleporting around one-shotting people. You have ZERO chance to react or defend yourself. And, as I noted, it's particularly cheesy because he bypasses the one-shot code.

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