Thoughts on Trials after i12.5 - Mob Rule

Agent White



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
It seems to me that the game needs a smarter way of encoding a character's "combat DNA", if you will. A way to account for all a toon's abilities (and weaknesses) and adjust missions accordingly. But I suspect that it would require too great a leap in design innovation to implement something like that.

Yep; you hit the nail on the head.

I even brought this up when I was playing AC2 (on a fan site's forums)...people complaining about missions/etc being too "easy"....well, how can anyone make content that is hard for the "min/maxers" but not impossible for those "I just felt like taking all the heals in the game and no attack powers" toons?

At some point, I think, there will have to be some sort of dynamic where once you accept a mission (or whatever) it "scans you/your toon" and sees that you have all heal powers and 1-2 weak attack powers...maybe then you'll get either less enemies or maybe you'll get more "heal/rescue" type of missions/quests.

Whereas, if it sees that you have a lot of debuffs/buffs/control you'll get a diff. type of mission and/or more mobs (or higher lvl mobs/etc...).

Who knows if and when it will ever happen but...I think that would be nice.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
At some point, I think, there will have to be some sort of dynamic where once you accept a mission (or whatever) it "scans you/your toon" and sees that you have all heal powers and 1-2 weak attack powers...maybe then you'll get either less enemies or maybe you'll get more "heal/rescue" type of missions/quests.

Whereas, if it sees that you have a lot of debuffs/buffs/control you'll get a diff. type of mission and/or more mobs (or higher lvl mobs/etc...).

Who knows if and when it will ever happen but...I think that would be nice.
I can see a conflict between game design philosophies possibly arising from this. One philosophy says that the content is the content and it is up to the players to formulate teams with the necessary resources to accomplish all the goals. This is certainly true for the Incarnate Trials. But I think that philosophy can fail utterly for solo play.

The other philosophy is to tailor the content to the composition/abilities of the team, even if it is a team of one. Some will dislike this as it smacks of a game system deliberately making everything equally "doable", with the danger that nothing would ever be a challenge unless some key set of abilities is missing and players must be forced to find tactical workarounds.

But I think the only long-term hope for making content that is both usable for soloists and large teams alike is to have a sophisticated system for generating enemies based on the abilities brought in to face them. I'm not saying it would be easy to implement; in fact, it is probably very hard. Improved mob AI is hard to code too, but that is not reason alone to stop researching it, IMO.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I can see a conflict between game design philosophies possibly arising from this. One philosophy says that the content is the content and it is up to the players to formulate teams with the necessary resources to accomplish all the goals. This is certainly true for the Incarnate Trials. But I think that philosophy can fail utterly for solo play.

The other philosophy is to tailor the content to the composition/abilities of the team, even if it is a team of one. Some will dislike this as it smacks of a game system deliberately making everything equally "doable", with the danger that nothing would ever be a challenge unless some key set of abilities is missing and players must be forced to find tactical workarounds.
That's not the only problem. Suppose you find you don't quite have the aggro control you want, perhaps because of player skill or build efficiency or whatever. So you recruit another tanker. The problem is that this sort of system would then scale the mission to require another tanker. There would be no obvious way to fill a deficiency, and no obvious way to improve relative to the content in the general case. Even if the system worked perfectly, its that very perfection that would permanently lock you at a very specific threat balance relative to the team. And you can't easily work around that with linear difficulty scalers.

This is really not even an easy problem to express the desired behavior for, much less create a system capable of delivering it.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
A staple of poorly written superhero stories perhaps. Not exactly the branch of the source material that I would advocate emulating.

Could you elaborate on this?

The Honoree mission is the only one that I go out and actively recruit help for because I can't seem to solo it with any of my toons. That last room with two Elite Bosses and a horde of Conscripts (with, what, four portals? spamming the room with more Rikti) makes it utterly undoable. What is the trick?
Honoree mission: Autocomplete is the trick.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
So why isn't the trial content very much fun?
I think they're very fun, thank you very much.

That being said, you do make a couple of good points for improvements, especially concerning accesibility.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
What I hope and pray DOESN'T happen is for all the Incarnate content to be scaled at 52 minimum even for players with no level shifts.
The DA content is 50-54.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



One reason I'm worn down on the trials is that despite us "supposedly" being much stronger now the trial bosses keep pulling out superweapons from their butts that completely negate any advantage we might have and rarely have any way to easily counter them without a 30 step process or specific build needed. Ever since the Lam/BAF I haven't felt like we've gotten an evenly matched fight. It's like watching a superman cartoon series and every episode every badguy whips out a piece of kryptonite and superman has to struggle to defeat them while powerless. After a handful of episodes of this you'd get sick of it because you came to see superman fighting things with his powers, not him stumbling around struggling while wearing a superman costume. I don't feel like I'm fighting supervillians, I feel like I'm fighting 5 year olds who keep making up rules as we go so they can't lose. "We're here to take you down Tilman!" "Nuh uh I have a super forcefield on me, and you're all being hurt just by standing here, and in 10 minutes I'll take over your mind regardless of you being super powerful heroes! Pbbbbbt. I win~"

There is a difference between retreating and giving up.

"A good evil villian kills with style"-Galgarion
"Ha you're more full of yourself than I am!"-Jack Spicer



Originally Posted by ElementalFury View Post
One reason I'm worn down on the trials is that despite us "supposedly" being much stronger now the trial bosses keep pulling out superweapons from their butts that completely negate any advantage we might have and rarely have any way to easily counter them without a 30 step process or specific build needed. Ever since the Lam/BAF I haven't felt like we've gotten an evenly matched fight. It's like watching a superman cartoon series and every episode every badguy whips out a piece of kryptonite and superman has to struggle to defeat them while powerless. After a handful of episodes of this you'd get sick of it because you came to see superman fighting things with his powers, not him stumbling around struggling while wearing a superman costume.
We'll always have enemies that we'll struggle against, who'll need a lot of us combined to be able to defeat them.
One of the most frequent complaints about Superman is that he's "boring" because he's basically a god - Kryptonite is the only way to give him challenges - and the same rule applies for us - no matter how powerful we become, we're always going to come up against enemeis who are even more powerful.
Whn the Incarnate system started, we were getting thrown into fights at 50 against 54s - but then we got a level shift - then another, then another - we were now 53s fighting 54s - but along came the 54+1s and 54+2s, to keep up a high challenge level.
And if an altered Goliath War Walker is 54+1. and Mother Mayhem is 54+2, then there's a pretty good chance that Tyrant is going to be at least 54+3 - and then we'll be getting the Battalion, who are even more powerful than the loyalists - but there's also the next 5 slots to come, so we'll be growing in power too - but we'll never get to the point where there's no longer any challenging content for us - even if we get another couple fo level shifts in the next 5 slots to make us 50+5, we'll end up with 54+5 enemies.
The Incarnate system never ends - we'll always be chasing the next big thing, and we'll always have enemies who are more powerful than us.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'm actually running a UG right now, and it's impressive to me just how much more I dislike it every time I play it. It's just a pile of incredibly frustrating mechanics your league either sails through or stands around screaming at each other because you are losing and NO ONE CAN TELL WHY, except that someone on the team is doing something wrong. It's just absolutely god awful. I did win it this time (I am around 2 out of 8 wins) but the ONLY reason I would be willing to play this again is for the less grindy slot unlocks.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That's not the only problem. Suppose you find you don't quite have the aggro control you want, perhaps because of player skill or build efficiency or whatever. So you recruit another tanker. The problem is that this sort of system would then scale the mission to require another tanker. There would be no obvious way to fill a deficiency, and no obvious way to improve relative to the content in the general case. Even if the system worked perfectly, its that very perfection that would permanently lock you at a very specific threat balance relative to the team. And you can't easily work around that with linear difficulty scalers.

This is really not even an easy problem to express the desired behavior for, much less create a system capable of delivering it.

Indeed, and this is my last post about this since it's a bit off-topic, and I know you're much better at the math than I but...

Maybe a possible solution (to your issue that you bring up) is to have NPCs that you can add to your team (like Guild Wars/etc); when you add an NPC (and you chose the "tank" NPC); it knows not to continue to increase the difficulty? *shrugs*

I know there are tons of variables but...I was mainly thinking of what I said in regards to solo teams...meh, "deal with it" like all MMOs do now.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Whn the Incarnate system started, we were getting thrown into fights at 50 against 54s - but then we got a level shift - then another, then another - we were now 53s fighting 54s - but along came the 54+1s and 54+2s, to keep up a high challenge level.
And if an altered Goliath War Walker is 54+1. and Mother Mayhem is 54+2, then there's a pretty good chance that Tyrant is going to be at least 54+3 - and then we'll be getting the Battalion, who are even more powerful than the loyalists - but there's also the next 5 slots to come, so we'll be growing in power too - but we'll never get to the point where there's no longer any challenging content for us - even if we get another couple fo level shifts in the next 5 slots to make us 50+5, we'll end up with 54+5 enemies.
The Incarnate system never ends - we'll always be chasing the next big thing, and we'll always have enemies who are more powerful than us.
Which means repeating same all 3 trials to make incarnate (4 if we are lucky to get UG) so we can do next two trials, then probably repeat new 2 trials, so we can get to next level... It still isn't fun. Instead of feeling like Super I feel like Farmer. And I believe that new "solo" path will be repeating same thing all over.
I like trials. I don't mind them being more difficult then rest of the game. Only thing I mind is having to repeat them over and over again to get to the next phase. And adding harder enemies to new trial, just give new characters on incarnate path less option. That is not fun.
If Incarnates were the only thing that I need subscription for, I would be the Premium from the first day Freedom begun.

"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I'm actually running a UG right now, and it's impressive to me just how much more I dislike it every time I play it. It's just a pile of incredibly frustrating mechanics your league either sails through or stands around screaming at each other because you are losing and NO ONE CAN TELL WHY, except that someone on the team is doing something wrong. It's just absolutely god awful. I did win it this time (I am around 2 out of 8 wins) but the ONLY reason I would be willing to play this again is for the less grindy slot unlocks.

May I ask do you (did you) have a leader that knew what to do and was communicating that to others?

I know I don't fully understand all the mechanics as far as the AV attacks go's "not that hard." (not trying to belittle you/others)...

I will say, when leading a UG; I have all taunters (tankers/brutes/etc) go and taunt the AV and everyone else attack the AV from behind. Works 99% of the time really well.

Although the last UG I ran; for some reason we were having lots of issues with the 2 AVs after the trap room. Finally I just asked everyone to attack from behind while only 1 of the Tankers taunting the AV(s).

Once I said that, it seemed like the 1 Tanker was able to position the AV (mainly the 2nd one, Lichen-Infested War Walker) so that it wasn't using Lethal Force Authorized on the whole league. When all the taunters were taunting it; it seemed to be stuck in the back corner of the wall and was facing everyone.

We barely beat the 2 AVs (had like 20 or 30 seconds left on the timer heh!).

I will say that the Avatar (UG in general) is a bit binary either have enough Clarion/Tactics or you don't...

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Oh, and does anyone else find it bizarre that Maelstrom is a solo'able wimp in the Hero Tips mission, but a one-shot killing machine in the TPN Campus trial? Really? This is the same guy? What explains his sudden cosmic jump in power level?
His picture is on the box and his mom thinks he's cool.

Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
The charge of being poorly written is going to be tossed around at anything the Dev's come up with. It may not something you'd enjoy, but it's a trope I find fun. If it helps deal with the egos people have grown while playing their characters, so much the better.
Well if they didn't want us to have egos they should have thought of that before they started giving us badges like "Saved the World" and "Weapon of Mass Destruction" and called the game City of Heroes.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
May I ask do you (did you) have a leader that knew what to do and was communicating that to others?

I've had mostly nothing but good leaders. In some cases frustrated ones who spammed League chat in all caps, but overall pretty good. But EVERY time I have run this thing there are multiple sections of people shouting at each other, calling each other idiots, someone running ahead and blowing the bombs up, a person who has Desdemona and doesn't know what to do, people who don't understand when or how or why to pick up and use temporary powers, or whatever.

And IMO there is only so much blame that can be put in players for all of this. Some players are not very good, sure. But to me that's not the whole of the problem.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Indeed, and this is my last post about this since it's a bit off-topic, and I know you're much better at the math than I but...

Maybe a possible solution (to your issue that you bring up) is to have NPCs that you can add to your team (like Guild Wars/etc); when you add an NPC (and you chose the "tank" NPC); it knows not to continue to increase the difficulty? *shrugs*

I know there are tons of variables but...I was mainly thinking of what I said in regards to solo teams...meh, "deal with it" like all MMOs do now.
By way of addressing this, I believe the way around the problem is the general principle of allowing players to become more powerful the longer a task lasts, rather than become less powerful through attrition.

This general principle is designed to ensure that when you make something difficult, the difficulty curve is tied to the reward curve. MMOs are balanced around reward rates not rewards. That means it doesn't matter how much rewards something gives, what matters is how long it takes.

The penalty for lower combat performance doesn't have to be failure, it can be a lower reward rate. Literal failure could be the absolute worst case failure mode, but it doesn't have to be the primary one.

Recognizing that, rather than scale difficulty to the player, you could let the player scale their capability upward by trading time for buff. MMO tasks can be designed so that they are intrinsically difficult, but contain within them enough assistance to neutralize that difficulty. That assistance would come at the cost of extra time to get it, and would have its own lower difficulty curve.

NPC allies you rescue or otherwise co-opt could be one way to implement this, but its not the only way. The important thing is to make sure the side tasks themselves do not have a high reward rate themselves, otherwise the best earning rate will come from doing them whether you need to do them or not. There's no penalty for doing them, and therefore no benefit to being capable of doing the tasks without them.

The trick is to wrap the assistance in a way that doesn't trivialize the core capabilities of the player, or dilute their overall contribution to the completion of the task. But this allows players to tune their own scaling rather than have the game have to do this dynamically and differently for each team of players.

Capability-aware difficulty scaling is an enormously difficult thing to do. This sort of thing is far easier, and only requires clever mission design.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
We'll always have enemies that we'll struggle against, who'll need a lot of us combined to be able to defeat them.
One of the most frequent complaints about Superman is that he's "boring" because he's basically a god - Kryptonite is the only way to give him challenges - and the same rule applies for us - no matter how powerful we become, we're always going to come up against enemeis who are even more powerful.
Whn the Incarnate system started, we were getting thrown into fights at 50 against 54s - but then we got a level shift - then another, then another - we were now 53s fighting 54s - but along came the 54+1s and 54+2s, to keep up a high challenge level.
And if an altered Goliath War Walker is 54+1. and Mother Mayhem is 54+2, then there's a pretty good chance that Tyrant is going to be at least 54+3 - and then we'll be getting the Battalion, who are even more powerful than the loyalists - but there's also the next 5 slots to come, so we'll be growing in power too - but we'll never get to the point where there's no longer any challenging content for us - even if we get another couple fo level shifts in the next 5 slots to make us 50+5, we'll end up with 54+5 enemies.
The Incarnate system never ends - we'll always be chasing the next big thing, and we'll always have enemies who are more powerful than us.
I wouldn't mind the level shifting at all, thats not the issue, the issue is that with the MoM we're now at around the 9th trial boss who is completely invincible but free to attack us unless we do something complicated and continue doing that complicated task throught the fight dividing our attention 5 ways in a situation that the slightest slip will kill everyone. Which is another issue, there is almost no way to rebound at all in any of the trials, if everyone gets killed thats it, you're done, game over, a loser is you. By the time you claw your way out of the hospitial past that stupid timer either you'll be so low on time that you can't beat the boss who almost instantly regened thanks to a gimmick, the thing/person you needed to protect has been beaten into a paste or the boss is now surrounded by 500 adds. The MoM is even worse in fact since you can't go to the hospitial so when everyone dies you have to rez en masse and maybe if you're lucky some outlying players might make it up, your defenseless tanks and scrappers all dead around malaise/mayhem/a monster won't even get to their feet before they're all ripped to shreds though. In the second stage even far off players will probably be dead from the storm before they regain control of their character. In other games and even most of this game a wipe rarely means total and absolute failure, if they do then the entire encounter usually just consists of a single boss you automatically go to so it takes about 15 seconds to get back to where you were, in any of the trials even up till the last seconds there can be a total wipe if the RNG decides to be fickle or someone does the wrong thing at the wrong time, then it's back to start. How often would you want to play a board game if one of the rules said that anytime someone rolled a 1 the whole game board had to be thrown against the wall, reassembled and restarted?

There is a difference between retreating and giving up.

"A good evil villian kills with style"-Galgarion
"Ha you're more full of yourself than I am!"-Jack Spicer



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
What surprises me - and this isnt the first time I've seen it, and I'm not prompting this response either... is the amount of "man, this is no fun at all" I'm seeing. One person had been on 5 different leagues today, trying to complete this trial and when this one failed as well, they got quite upset.

Its as if they took the mindset from Keyes and just 'ported it over to MoM piecemeal. Unresistable KU/KD/KB/whatever it is, for the lose! Especially when coupled with the new tactic in town, unresistable damage pulses. Those are so enjoyable, so absolutely INCARNATE I just can't tell you.

Now, we can have Smiley-Girl in here running hither, thither and yon trying desperately to do all the damage control she can, as if she were a little Dutch girl trying to plug as many holes in the dike with her fingers as she can. "No oh no no NO, its not nearly as bad as you think it is! "
Actually, it doesn't seem that bad to me at all. At the current time, MoM is the ONLY trial for which I have not been on a failed run. It can be a little rough, depending on what nightmares Malaise summons, but it's not bad.

The one that really annoys me is TPN, specifically when Maelstrom starts one-shotting you as a 'special effect', rather than walking up to you and smacking you. The nightmares are a fight. The purple patches can be avoided and don't kill you instantly. Maelstrom one-shots you with no warning. And his attack was split into two parts specifically to NEGATE the one-shot code. Cheesy design.

It reminds of something from the April Fool's issue of a gaming magazine - might have been Dragon Magazine - the Wandering Damage Table. It bypassed the hassle of writing up wandering monsters - you just rolled the dice and the players took damage. One of the items on the table was "Roll every die you own and take that much damage." Yeah, that's Maelstrom.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
Honoree mission: Autocomplete is the trick.
I'm sorry, but I don't know what that means. What is autocomplete?

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by CatAstrophy View Post
And I believe that new "solo" path will be repeating same thing all over.
Well, they've already confirmed that DA will have repeatable contacts

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I'm sorry, but I don't know what that means. What is autocomplete?
Most missions can be auto-competed by talking to the contact - it can be done once every 3 days.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
We'll always have enemies that we'll struggle against, who'll need a lot of us combined to be able to defeat them.
One of the most frequent complaints about Superman is that he's "boring" because he's basically a god - Kryptonite is the only way to give him challenges - and the same rule applies for us - no matter how powerful we become, we're always going to come up against enemeis who are even more powerful.
Whn the Incarnate system started, we were getting thrown into fights at 50 against 54s - but then we got a level shift - then another, then another - we were now 53s fighting 54s - but along came the 54+1s and 54+2s, to keep up a high challenge level.
And if an altered Goliath War Walker is 54+1. and Mother Mayhem is 54+2, then there's a pretty good chance that Tyrant is going to be at least 54+3 - and then we'll be getting the Battalion, who are even more powerful than the loyalists - but there's also the next 5 slots to come, so we'll be growing in power too - but we'll never get to the point where there's no longer any challenging content for us - even if we get another couple fo level shifts in the next 5 slots to make us 50+5, we'll end up with 54+5 enemies.
The Incarnate system never ends - we'll always be chasing the next big thing, and we'll always have enemies who are more powerful than us.

We'll always have Paragon.



Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
Watson's got nothing on W.O.P.R..

What I liked about CoH was that it wasn't a treadmill. There are treadmills out there that CoH has no hope of competing with, yet that is what they are trying to do. CoH's strength was the fact it was 1 - 50. Period. Full stop. Do not pass go. Now there's 50+1, 50+2, 50+3, .... If that other treadmill with its massive amount of manpower can't keep up with customers and CoH is going to try it with a handful of people it will not end well.

Raiders aren't nice customers. They'll devour everything at a rate that makes locusts envious and then scream for more new content in a week and if the devs give in to them the rest of the game suffers.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
CoH's strength was the fact it was 1 - 50. Period. Full stop. Do not pass go.
That's what's so great about the Incarnate system - it's impossible to ever properly finish an avatar now - not only can they keep giving us more slots, they can also keep adding more trees to them - and level shifts for us and the NPCs means that there's no cap now on how high we can go - plus we've got a regular stream of new Trials giving us rolling multi-Issue cosmic-level storylines.
And with Incarnate content coming in each Issue, the Incarnate system is starting to evolve into a game within a game - once I22 is live, we'll have an Incarnate zone, several Incarnate story arcs, seveal repeatable Incarnate mission contacts, 2 Incarnate TFs and 7 Incarnate Trials - and still only 5 Incarnate slots open so far.
1-50 is now more like phase one of your career, and the Incarnate content is the open-ended phase two - it's endless endgame content.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
...and level shifts for us and the NPCs means that there's no cap now on how high we can go...

Level shifts were a bad idea. A very bad idea. The content should have been balanced around what a +3 experiences right now. We've reached an end point here; one more level shift and this whole thing is going to come crashing down on our heads, because level shifts undo everything the sidekick system was set up to do (specifically: keep characters close together in level so one person isn't bored while another gets slaughtered). I hope we never see another level shift in the game again. Or at least level shifts that only apply in specific segments of the incarnate content and don't stack infinitely.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The devs won't make the solo path more attractive than the Trial path - they've already said that.
Plus, it's easy to add special unique rewards for the Trials, like costume part or temp powers tbhat wouldn't be available through the DA content.
'attractive' is utterly subjective. You mean quantifiable numbers of merits, iXP, rewards. And even then, the attractiveness of those differs widely for players. They could double the rewards offered by the UG, but it wouldn't double my desire to do it.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."