I expect we will see a lot more pay for powersets

Agent White



TW is at least as popular as Time was when it came out on new characters - and everyone had to buy TW.

I have to assume that they sold a ton of the powersets, which means we should expect more pay for sets in the future.

And while people in game think the set is powerful, they didn't seem to buy them because they'd read about that. They just wanted a new set or liked the look.

Of course there may be no MM pet sets like this, just ones that can go on several AT's so lots of people will want them.



Was anyone really expecting that we'd see fewer of them?

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Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



...Okay, the pic is uncalled for, and does not represent my feelings towards your post. In all honesty, I saw this a couple weeks ago and have been waiting for a chance to pull it out

I completely agree. I am willing to bet Beam Rifle, Street Justice, and Titan Weapons have pulled in a nice amount of revenue for the studio because, as you said, they are all highly desirable power sets. We know Staff Melee (probably available to all 4 melee archetypes) is in the pipeline, while Dark Control will be available free to VIPs with Issue 22. I expect the majority of power sets that they release as "purchasable for everyone" will be ranged, buff/debuff, or melee, since those are used by the most number of archetypes.

Frankly, I am fine with this business model as it is a win/win from my perspective. The studio pulls in more revenue, which means they can release more stuff more often, which gives me a greater choice about what to buy. I did not buy Titan Weapons nor Street Justice because I don't play melee characters much, but I still love the rate at which they have been able to release these sets.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
TW is at least as popular as Time was when it came out on new characters - and everyone had to buy TW.

I have to assume that they sold a ton of the powersets, which means we should expect more pay for sets in the future.

And while people in game think the set is powerful, they didn't seem to buy them because they'd read about that. They just wanted a new set or liked the look.

Of course there may be no MM pet sets like this, just ones that can go on several AT's so lots of people will want them.
i certainly hope so.
Especially since we're also getting more free (for VIPs at least)powersets.
Also, while i expect new buff/debuff sets will continue to be propagated to MMs i also expect at least one new MM primary in the next couple of issues, and that it will be free.

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Hey dug

Well, Zwill's gone on record that we'll still be getting one new free powerset (that serves multiple ATs) with each issue, and paid sets in-between.

Personally, I'm OK with this, since we're arguably getting more powersets more frequently with this new scheme. Remember how long players waited for Dual Blades and Shields to come out? Now wer're getting new powersets every few months at the least.

In the past, the various boxed expansions, in addition to subscriber fees, helped fund powerset development, but it looks like the F2P model will allow faster development. As a guy who purchased TW weapons, I couldn't be happier. IMPO, it's a win-win for Premium and VIP players alike.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
TW is at least as popular as Time was when it came out on new characters - and everyone had to buy TW.

I have to assume that they sold a ton of the powersets, which means we should expect more pay for sets in the future.

And while people in game think the set is powerful, they didn't seem to buy them because they'd read about that. They just wanted a new set or liked the look.

Of course there may be no MM pet sets like this, just ones that can go on several AT's so lots of people will want them.
If it means more power sets for the game, then I really don't care. I will buy the melee powers, and enjoy watching others use the non-melee powers.

To me, more is better even if some of it is not free.

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Well, I know I wasn't the only one wanting buster sword style weapon skins (basically huge weapons) for the exsisting weapon sets, so I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be popular.

Not to mention, with everyone and their love of AOE, and it having 4 aoes, is likely to make it popular too.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



StJ and TW are not really my cup of tea, but Staff Fighting is something I have wanted for five years.

I will just use my Paragon points to get that set and all is well.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
StJ and TW are not really my cup of tea, but Staff Fighting is something I have wanted for five years.

I will just use my Paragon points to get that set and all is well.
Yeah, I'm sure people will love having a more non-lethal looking weapon option. It's about time. I just hope they come up with a variety of staff weapon skins for it at launch. I really want to go with a pure energy staff, and not some energy staff with a tech handle in the middle.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I know they had a backlog of them waiting for Freedom to go Live so they would have 'stock' to release over time.

Let's see once they exhaust that stock if they can continue to keep up the pace.

New power sets are *very* resource intensive with art, animation, FX, powers, and QA.
Yes, so I assume they have to sell well to make it worth them creating more.

Whereas First Ward, the few times I have been there, was empty. No one recruits teams for it. So I have to wonder if people are buying it, and if not we may not see more content areas like it for sale.

I bet costume parts, powersets, and rare IO's are where the money is. Which I am fine with.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Yeah, I'm sure people will love having a more non-lethal looking weapon option. It's about time. I just hope they come up with a variety of staff weapon skins for it at launch. I really want to go with a pure energy staff, and not some energy staff with a tech handle in the middle.

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I too am waiting for Staff Fighting, and it will likely be the first Power Set I'll actually purchase - StJ and TW didn't interest me conceptually, whilst BR is something I may eventually buy if I ever come-up with a concept that's not too cliche to run with (or if it goes on sale, whatever comes first).



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
TW is at least as popular as Time was when it came out on new characters - and everyone had to buy TW.

I have to assume that they sold a ton of the powersets, which means we should expect more pay for sets in the future.
Bring 'em on! I'm ready to throw money at them for more powersets!!

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We're seeing new sets more frequently with new animations and new interesting mechanics. (although I think beam needs a bit more kick than it has).

I'm OK with this.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I have to assume that they sold a ton of the powersets, which means we should expect more pay for sets in the future.
Well, that was part of the idea; if people were willing to pay for sets, then they could afford to make more. If it means that more sets come out faster then I'm all for it.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Not really I test Titan Weapon on Beta and like and not all new Power Sets are going to be price in the Market.

We are getting Dark Control for Free and we did get Time for free as well, So yeah you got to give people more Credit, We don't just go and buy it because it new and Shiny, We bought it because we like it.

I don't buy everything in the market, just stuff I tested on Test and Beta Server that I come to like.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Yes, so I assume they have to sell well to make it worth them creating more.

Whereas First Ward, the few times I have been there, was empty. No one recruits teams for it. So I have to wonder if people are buying it, and if not we may not see more content areas like it for sale.

I bet costume parts, powersets, and rare IO's are where the money is. Which I am fine with.
Well to be fair, there's not much to do in First Ward. You go in, you run the story arc, you finish. Maybe you pull a team or league together to take out the Seed of Hamidon.

Done. There is nothing else to do in First Ward unless you just adore the repeatable missions from the various alignment contacts or just hang around for the day job badges, which, you know you log out for. It really needs like a Taskforce or a safeguard/mayhem style mission for a temp power or some other zone event that offers worthwhile rewards. As it stands, First Ward is just a tourist destination, you visit once, snap some photos to say you've been and them leave it behind.

I think if they really want to produce new zones as 'pay for' content, they really need to have them offer something more than just a unique visual experience.

As for the power sets, well, frankly I don't see it as much of a problem, a lot of hybrid model games are going that route, only they're usually *not* offering anything beyond the bare basics for free/premium members. The sheer amount available to CoX players is pretty staggering even with the pay to play power sets.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Well to be fair, there's not much to do in First Ward. You go in, you run the story arc, you finish. Maybe you pull a team or league together to take out the Seed of Hamidon.

Done. There is nothing else to do in First Ward unless you just adore the repeatable missions from the various alignment contacts or just hang around for the day job badges, which, you know you log out for. It really needs like a Taskforce or a safeguard/mayhem style mission for a temp power or some other zone event that offers worthwhile rewards. As it stands, First Ward is just a tourist destination, you visit once, snap some photos to say you've been and them leave it behind.

I think if they really want to produce new zones as 'pay for' content, they really need to have them offer something more than just a unique visual experience.
Actually I think if they want to make pay for content the best thing for them to do would be to provide temp powers in the content. And badges of course.

Striga has Wedding Ring, Wolf Whistle, and holy shotgun. Wolf Whistle has few uses, holy shotgun is situational. But Wedding Ring is great for tankers and brutes.

Put in a Shivan like temp power that you can get repeatedly and I think you could have a popular area even if it is soloed - in fact better if soloed.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
If it means more power sets for the game, then I really don't care....
To me, more is better even if some of it is not free.


This...more powersets!

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