You Might Want to Remove Helper From Your Title




So I was hanging out in Atlas with my new TW toon. Inbetween sewer runs (that I was leading) so I was busy refilling the team. Broadcasts and tells are flying at me at 100 MPH. Then out of nowhere I get a random tell:

Random: How do I check to see if I'm already in an event? I was on a team that had finished and when I queued again it said I was still in an event.

Wait, who's this person? A friend asking me a question? I check the global and it's nobody I know. So I ignore it and work on filling the team up.

Less than two minutes later I get:

Random: Okay, you might want to remove helper from your title...

Oh... someone was taking my helper title seriously? I remember using Helper when it first was introduced. I started putting it on all my characters. But nobody ever asked me any questions. I never saw any newbies running around with a Help Me title. It was usually level 50s with it (ironically I suppose). On one of my alts I use Help Me just because it's pink. I thought it was just one of those systems that nobody really uses, like the "looking for" selections in the search tool. Or PvP.

So I sent a tell back saying that I didn't think anyone used those titles seriously. But apologized for not really knowing the answer and said it may be under the LFG tab.

Have I been neglectful in my responsibilities as a helper? Should I be answering more newbie questions? Should I be taking my title more seriously? Then again, I feel like this is so rare this may be the only time a stranger asks me a question. Do other servers besides Virtue take the title more seriously?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Well I know when I see the use of Helper title, when I'm int he mood, I'll start barraging them with questions

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Have I been neglectful in my responsibilities as a helper? Should I be answering more newbie questions? Should I be taking my title more seriously?
Yes, yes and yes. It's not a vanity plate, it's a statement that you are willing to help random people.

P.S. I was a helper in another MMO and always did my best to answer all questions put to me.

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The titles were a horrible idea. As someone who spends an hour+ in help chat each play session answering questions, I feel they serve no purpose what so ever. More people use them for the color changes than anything else.



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
More people use them for the color changes than anything else.
They REALLY need to remove the color changes and just put "Helper" or "Help me!" above the character.



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
They REALLY need to remove the color changes and just put "Helper" or "Help me!" above the character.
I *hate* the color change. "Wait, are they enemies? Pets? Dead?"

You don't take a color code system for mechanical status and overlay it with more color codes for OOC status.

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Originally Posted by zombie man View Post
i *hate* the color change. "wait, are they enemies? Pets? Dead?"

you don't take a color code system for mechanical status and overlay it with more color codes for ooc status.
"Hey guys look iIm purple. I'm an archvillain hur hur"



For that very reason, I instantly remove this title from my alts asap. Not that I don't want to help...well yeah, I don't want to help. Yet.




Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
More people use them for the color changes than anything else.
This. Not that I'm saying the OP was doing that (because it does not sound that way) but many have, and it is obnoxious.

I say if you don't want to nor need help, don't choose either of the titles. And obviously, it is becoming more than just a vanity item as more new players join the game.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Have I been neglectful in my responsibilities as a helper? Should I be answering more newbie questions? Should I be taking my title more seriously?
Yes. Yes. Yes.

I don't know about non-Virtue servers, so I can't answer that one.

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I don't ever use the help-related titles, but I'll generally do my best to be helpful and answer people's questions in-game anyway. Similarly, I don't particularly take the titles seriously, and most people I know who use them only do it to get the colored name, so I never bother going out of my way to give extra help to a "Help Me!" unless they ask.

That said, I think if someone is walking around with a big neon sign (okay, small neon sign) that says "Helper" over their head, they should consider the implications of such.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
That said, I think if someone is walking around with a big neon sign (okay, small neon sign) that says "Helper" over their head, they should consider the implications of such.

I think I have "Helper" set on one person, and "Help Me!" set as a joke on a few (Beyond Help and Clooless Noobie being a few of them). I know a lot of people who set "Help Me!" as a joke and generally take it as such, particularly on a high level character.

I try to answer the questions I know the answers for in the help channel if I have a moment, but there are several characters where I play them rather frenetically and just know that I won't get back to someone in a reasonable time; since I feel that setting "Helper" should provide an expectation of receiving help, I don't use the titles on those characters (which is most of the ones I play).

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
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It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I never choose to have Helper or Help me as a title. First of all, I don't know enough about this game to be a good Helper. But I know enough about this game that I don't need the help.

Second of all, the colour of your name? One of the first things I do when I start to play any MMO is to remove all name tags of other players and myself. Nothing gets me out of a game more then seeing floaty names every where.

And yes, I do think that if you make the conscious choice to have Helper as a title you should help and if you don't want that...remove it.

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Use Helper tag on almost all my characters and expect to be asked questions; gladly answer any questions as well.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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The only reason i see people use the helper or help wanted tags is for the simple reason they change the color of your name.

That said, if you do choose to be a helper just to have your name in green, you should expect getting tells. And same way if you see someone with a purple name that someone might ask you if you need help with something and not go "f off, i'm a xx vet!"

Just my opinion tho. I choose to use neither, i do not mind helping people but i refuse to have my name show in a stupid green color.
Would prob be better to get some little icon next to your name instead, and then appoint some players who played for awhile and want to help new players some kind of special tag with their name in global chats (and help channel). Fallen Earth use this, they have players who are helpers, their names are yellow in chat and they always try answers questions in the help channel. That made the experience when i tried the game much more enjoyable because i could see their name, know that they knew what they were talking about. Instead of looking at the help channel as it is now which is just a hilarious drama channel where people argue back and forth about inane stuff.



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
They REALLY need to remove the color changes and just put "Helper" or "Help me!" above the character.
They sure do.

Annoys the heck out of me.

Its no wonder they dont work as designed, they were co-opted for vanity plates faster than designed use.

And so many long term vets put 'help me' on thier title.


In short - you should expect to answer questions if you put Helper on as a title. I think it's really sad that you can put helper on as a title, and expect the _norm_ to be that it doesnt mean anything.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Have I been neglectful in my responsibilities as a helper? Should I be answering more newbie questions? Should I be taking my title more seriously?
Yes to all above. It sounded like the person politely asked you a perfectly legitimate question. Even if you didn't actually have the Helper title, I admit I'm a little saddened that you ignored the person at first, simply because they were not on your team or on your friends list. If helping perfect strangers just isn't your thing, you should seriously consider removing that label. The player who told you to do so was right, in my opinion.

VIRTUE:Psychic Angel [Strm/Psy Def], Psychic Demon [Fire/Psy Dom], Spider Mime [Crab], The Cast Iron Chef [DB/WP Brute], Paintball Wizard [Dual Pistols/Sonic Cor], ACME Archer [Grav/Trick Con], Johnny Sonata Jr. [Sonic/Energy Blas]

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i usually have helper title on all of my toons, cause i normally help a lot of poeple anyway, but ive very very rarely ever gotten a tell asking for help due to the title



Originally Posted by PsychicAngel View Post
Yes to all above. It sounded like the person politely asked you a perfectly legitimate question. Even if you didn't actually have the Helper title, I admit I'm a little saddened that you ignored the person at first, simply because they were not on your team or on your friends list. If helping perfect strangers just isn't your thing, you should seriously consider removing that label. The player who told you to do so was right, in my opinion.
It's not that I'm opposed to helping people. It's that since the introduction of the Helper title I've been wearing it daily and this is literally the first time anyone's asked me anything. I wasn't expecting it. I assumed the person sent the tell to the wrong person or something. I would say I'll be more mindful next time, but at this rate it could be 2014 before I get another random tell.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Well I know when I see the use of Helper title, when I'm int he mood, I'll start barraging them with questions
When the Help Me/Helper system first came out, I actually did the reverse. If I saw someone with a "Help Me" I would ask them how they were and ask them what they needed help with. Some ignored me, but I did have a few that were either new or returning players and they seemed grateful I took the time. Still, those are few and far far between now.

I remember one conversation that went something like this...

Me: Hi, how are you today?
Other: Pretty good. Just running some missions.
Me: I noticed you're looking for help, is there a question you had?
Other: Huh? Oh.. that. No, that's just a Looking for Group thing.
Me: Ummm... no, it's actually a Looking For Help thing, hence the words "Help Me!" above your head.
Other: Oh..LOL

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
When the Help Me/Helper system first came out, I actually did the reverse. If I saw someone with a "Help Me" I would ask them how they were and ask them what they needed help with. Some ignored me, but I did have a few that were either new or returning players and they seemed grateful I took the time. Still, those are few and far far between now.
ive never done this cause i know a LOT of people who use the help me title for pure vanity of the purple name lol



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
It's not that I'm opposed to helping people. It's that since the introduction of the Helper title I've been wearing it daily and this is literally the first time anyone's asked me anything. I wasn't expecting it. I assumed the person sent the tell to the wrong person or something. I would say I'll be more mindful next time, but at this rate it could be 2014 before I get another random tell.
I think you know now why people give up with asking for help from Helpers.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Yes, yes and yes. It's not a vanity plate, it's a statement that you are willing to help random people.

P.S. I was a helper in another MMO and always did my best to answer all questions put to me.

I'd agree with Daemodand here along with Winterminal,
I say if you don't want to nor need help, don't choose either of the titles. And obviously, it is becoming more than just a vanity item as more new players join the game.

On all my toons I choose the "neither" option.

I do find it strange for people to take one or the other option just for a color change and take it a bit more serious than that...but I don't go "YOU'RE NOT HELPING ME!" rage over someone not answering a question when they have the "Helper" title.

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