You Might Want to Remove Helper From Your Title




Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Have I been neglectful in my responsibilities as a helper? Should I be answering more newbie questions? Should I be taking my title more seriously?
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Choosing the titles for pretty colors is not its intended use. Shame on people doing that. Get to a high enough vet level and you can do that with regular titles.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



this is why I don't fill it in.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Choosing the titles for pretty colors is not its intended use. Shame on people doing that. Get to a high enough vet level and you can do that with regular titles.
I already have that.

Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
I think you know now why people give up with asking for help from Helpers.
Actually, when the system came out I was hoping to see newbies going around playing the game for the first time and to be able to help them out and answer questions. Nobody ever did though. So I'm not sure it's that people gave up. I wonder if it was ever done in the first place.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
ive never done this cause i know a LOT of people who use the help me title for pure vanity of the purple name lol
Just right-click them, look at their info and have a look at their veteran badges. If you only see two or three--or especially one badge--then they are genuinely new, and you're doing you, me, them, and the entire community a favor by introducing yourself and welcoming them to Paragon. I try to do this at least once every time I play, if I find myself in Atlas Park. I'll right click on people who appear on the sidewalk at the bottom of the steps (whether they're wearing a tag or not), and wave to them from the top, "Welcome to Paragon City!" This is one of my favorite things to do, and being on Virtue I always approach them in-character until it becomes obvious they're not playing along (they usually play along).

You could be their first experience of the world, and if you set the mood and make their entrance a grand one, they will remember it for a long, long time. Worth considering.

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I regularly answer questions on the help channel (I'm a librarian, answering questions is what I do), and am always happy to render assistance, but I'd never dream of using the "helper" title for all the reasons in this thread. It's been rendered utterly meaningless by people who just use it because they want their names in colors.

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
So I was hanging out in Atlas with my new TW toon. Inbetween sewer runs (that I was leading) so I was busy refilling the team. Broadcasts and tells are flying at me at 100 MPH. Then out of nowhere I get a random tell:

Random: How do I check to see if I'm already in an event? I was on a team that had finished and when I queued again it said I was still in an event.

Wait, who's this person? A friend asking me a question? I check the global and it's nobody I know. So I ignore it and work on filling the team up.

Less than two minutes later I get:

Random: Okay, you might want to remove helper from your title...

Oh... someone was taking my helper title seriously? I remember using Helper when it first was introduced. I started putting it on all my characters. But nobody ever asked me any questions. I never saw any newbies running around with a Help Me title. It was usually level 50s with it (ironically I suppose). On one of my alts I use Help Me just because it's pink. I thought it was just one of those systems that nobody really uses, like the "looking for" selections in the search tool. Or PvP.

So I sent a tell back saying that I didn't think anyone used those titles seriously. But apologized for not really knowing the answer and said it may be under the LFG tab.

Have I been neglectful in my responsibilities as a helper? Should I be answering more newbie questions? Should I be taking my title more seriously? Then again, I feel like this is so rare this may be the only time a stranger asks me a question. Do other servers besides Virtue take the title more seriously?
Speaking from the perspective of someone that traffics in a lot of customer service, while this wasn't your best moment, they had an unreasonable expectation level. I will, of course, offer an explanation for this opinion.

The key tipoff to me is they suggest you remove "Helper" after only 1 attempt at a question. And a question without any attempt made to identify why they were sending you an otherwise random tell at that. To me, this was an undue sense of entitlement.

And of course, once you understood what was occuring, you gave your best effort to answer. Not that they offered an apology, which was another tipoff.

On a more personal note, most of my toons are not flagged as either Helper or Help Me. The few exceptions ARE labeled with Helper and I'm usually prepared for that when I play. If you ever on Victory redside you might just see me on Wee one, happily tossing out /Kin buffs and advice.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Why would you select the title "helper" if you're not going to help people? rofl



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Why would you select the title "helper" if you're not going to help people? rofl

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



There's always two sides to a story but I'm inclined to side with the OP. Check me if I'm wrong but EVERYONE gets the option of selecting the title of "Helper". There is no test to qualify for this title. There is no obligation to help if you select it (for obvious reasons, just one of which has been voiced by the OP). At best it is an indicator that you MIGHT know the answer to a question that someone who selects the opposite title of "Help Me!" might ask. After all, selecting "Help Me!" doesn't mean that you're inviting everyone with the "Helper" title to tell you what to do whether you ask or not, does it? Announcing to the world that you are a "Helper" doesn't mean that you are now obliged to know all the answers nor that you respond immediately no matter the question, how it is put to you, or what you're doing when asked.

There is a dedicated channel marked "Help". I know, I know, it is generally full of cross-zone chatter and only infrequently used to ask and provide help. Yes, it's best to be willing, able, and to expect to provide help when you choose the title, but MY impression is that in addition to an answer to his question he needed to be told that declaring yourself a "Helper" doesn't make you anyones personal Encyclopedia COXica. Just because you send someone a tell doesn't mean that they see it, read it, and are able and willing to respond without delay even if it appears you're doing nothing. Must I remove my "Helper" title every time my home phone rings, I need to answer the door, step to the kitchen to make a sandwich or use the john? After all, some "Help Me!" newbie could ask me a simple direct question and if I'm not there to answer INSTANTLY (even with "Sorry, I don't know") then I'm actually a total jerk whose actively destroying the COX spirit of community. Right?



Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
There's always two sides to a story but I'm inclined to side with the OP. Check me if I'm wrong but EVERYONE gets the option of selecting the title of "Helper". There is no test to qualify for this title. There is no obligation to help if you select it (for obvious reasons, just one of which has been voiced by the OP). At best it is an indicator that you MIGHT know the answer to a question that someone who selects the opposite title of "Help Me!" might ask. After all, selecting "Help Me!" doesn't mean that you're inviting everyone with the "Helper" title to tell you what to do whether you ask or not, does it? Announcing to the world that you are a "Helper" doesn't mean that you are now obliged to know all the answers nor that you respond immediately no matter the question, how it is put to you, or what you're doing when asked.

There is a dedicated channel marked "Help". I know, I know, it is generally full of cross-zone chatter and only infrequently used to ask and provide help. Yes, it's best to be willing, able, and to expect to provide help when you choose the title, but MY impression is that in addition to an answer to his question he needed to be told that declaring yourself a "Helper" doesn't make you anyones personal Encyclopedia COXica. Just because you send someone a tell doesn't mean that they see it, read it, and are able and willing to respond without delay even if it appears you're doing nothing. Must I remove my "Helper" title every time my home phone rings, I need to answer the door, step to the kitchen to make a sandwich or use the john? After all, some "Help Me!" newbie could ask me a simple direct question and if I'm not there to answer INSTANTLY (even with "Sorry, I don't know") then I'm actually a total jerk whose actively destroying the COX spirit of community. Right?
Yeah, but mate why use the title if you are basically unwilling to do so? IDK it just seems strange that someone with helper on would think its strange to get a lot of help request. Especially with all the new people coming to the game or coming back from years away.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Why would you select the title "helper" if you're not going to help people? rofl

Heck, even though I will generally answer questions I see in-game if I can, I won't mark myself as a Helper. I prefer to avoid the burden of responsibility it implies.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



For shame!

I don't just take the time to answer every question asked of me, I literally walk up to everyone labeled "Help Me!" and I ask them if they need help with something. If they don't, I let them know to ask me if they run into something they do need help with.

But on a more serious note, I don't expect to hold anyone else up to those standards. It's a social game, you're free to make mistakes.

It is good that you chose to take the label off afterwards. Even if it is nothing more than a vanity plate at the moment, it's at least a good start to make sure that the title starts to mean something. We're all adults here, the game doesn't have to police us.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



I don't mind helping people, if I'm not doing anything else, but I'm not gonna put myself out just for the helper status thing. I'm not that helpful, l like my game time. Needless to say, I get enough help tels and do my thing in BC and channels to do my part.

No need to advertise.

@MARTy McFly



Well if you wanted to act like a villain you should of said, sorry..i only help the elderly cross the road. :P



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Random: How do I check to see if I'm already in an event? I was on a team that had finished and when I queued again it said I was still in an event.

Wait, who's this person? A friend asking me a question? I check the global and it's nobody I know. So I ignore it and work on filling the team up.
For starters I think it's kind of narcissistic to use the Helper title solely to make your name prettier/different. More than anything else though, it's the above attitude that bothers me the most about this situation. As though politeness is such a rare and valuable commodity that it shouldn't be wasted on the unwashed masses.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Yeah, but mate why use the title if you are basically unwilling to do so? IDK it just seems strange that someone with helper on would think its strange to get a lot of help request. Especially with all the new people coming to the game or coming back from years away.
Hey, don't go overboard now. I never said I was "unwilling to do so;" in fact if you read the OP I said I did try to answer their question once I realized why they were asking me.

And I don't get "a lot of help request," it's the very first time I ever got asked a question since the system launched.

When it did launch I expected to get asked questions, and never did. This encounter wasn't the result of an unwillingness to help. I was totally thrown off guard by someone actually trying to use the system for its intended purpose.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



When the Helper/Help Me function launched the game was subscription only. I would hope that it see's more legitimate use now that the game is open to anyone.



I tend to put the Helper title on all my characters and actively help new/free players into the game and teach them good advice. Naturally I do get blanked a few times, even by ones with 'Help me!' over their heads, but the ones who listen and learn are genuinely grateful, especially the returning vets.

You could say I take my title seriously, but when I haven't got any missions and no non-DFB teams are forming, I like to hang out in Atlas as the welcoming committee.

Funnily enough, I've been so helpful sometimes that a number of players asked me if I was a dev, I had to honest but it makes me chuckle every time I hear that.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11