What was in the Incarnate Panel?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Actually for a change I agree with GG. Give the people that paid the money and took the time to go the most consideration.
Never said I didn't want to go.
I perfectly happy with those that were there getting access to more, but I also think more could have been done to communicate to the full audience.

Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Would you rather they didn't UStream anything and we had to wait for tweets or forum posts when people got back to their hotel rooms?
Actually, I probably would accept that better.

Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
What they did may not have been the most edifying for those of us that didn't go, but the fact that they at least made an effort for us says something, and the fact that they wanted to make things interesting for the people that did get up the go to go does too.
And I appreciate the effort, but I can be disappointed at the same time.

Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
TL;DR- Get over yourselves.
good advice for yourself

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It seems likely that the whole BP group will be getting a makeover - so would they appear in the DA echo, or would the old BP models still be found there?
It sounded like they aren't doing a complete makeover but instead adding new level 50-54 enemies.



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
I also think more could have been done to communicate to the full audience.
They took some questions from UStream.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Here's the quick summary of the Incarnate panel based on my recollections:
Thanks, Adeon.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Thank you very much!

So this makes me feel a bit better about some of the stuff I wasn't liking.
  • The change in the existing zone's mood (fog, ghosts) can be revisited by going into the Ouroboros echo.
  • The Ouroboros echo will likely also work as a place to hunt BP masks for the kill badge, and for any folks who still like to hunt BP Zombies for salvage.
I do wonder if this means Adamastor won't spawn as a zone event any more. If he does, will be be tougher?

I'm liking the sound of this stuff overall.

Edit: I actually find the idea of L50+ Tsoo a bit intimidating. BP might end up being scarier for all I know, but they don't have the existing precedent for mix of variety and potential nasty that Tsoo already do. (This is not a complaint.)
I'm also liking the explanation of the big Trial push of the Incarnate system so far. Opinions of the whole "goatee universe" idea aside- it makes sense that a "battle of armies" would lend itself to larger raids.

I think someone on the Dev staff liked Marvel's whole Skrull Invasion/Dark Reign/Siege storyline a bit too much. BUT if they are shifting back to more individual hero focus that made this game soo good it can only be a GOOD thing.

This gives me a hope that when the Battalion arrive the Devs can strike a balance between the 2 foci- a couple larger raids to beat off the Battalion's big attacks and then "street-level" encounters with the city's heroes fighting individual plots.

EDIT: Now if they had explained the "battle of armies" angle from the beginning, there might have been less anger at the sudden shift of content focus- and the whole "we didn't know you'd want solo content" debacle could have been blunted.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
a couple larger raids to beat off the Battalion's big attacks
It'll be way more than a couple of Trials for the Battalion

Don't forget that lore-wise, they're described as an even bigger threat than the loyalists, and that they were originally planned as a villain group to go with the Invention system, who would so powerful that players couldn't take them on solo, and even teams would need IOs to be able to stand a chance against them - the IO part has obviously been dropped, but using them as a major threat even to Incarnates suggests that the idea of tying them to a system of power advancement is still part of their basic design idea.
The Coming Storm is a cosmic conflict, a war between a force that's already devoured dozens of other planets, and the two major human dimensions of Primal Earth and Praetoria - the chances that the major battles of the war won't be played out in Trials are kinda small.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
However Black Scorpion did say that they have heard the complaints regarding the number of currencies and the current plan is that the new slots will not have new currencies/salvage associated with them.
Well that's rather huge. Save up those emps and astrals peeps.

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This DA thing is almost exactly what I wanted for the solo/small team end game experience.

Originally Posted by benchpresser View Post
...a couple larger raids to beat off the battalion's big...
T for Teen!



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
I think someone on the Dev staff liked Marvel's whole Skrull Invasion/Dark Reign/Siege storyline a bit too much. BUT if they are shifting back to more individual hero focus that made this game soo good it can only be a GOOD thing.

This gives me a hope that when the Battalion arrive the Devs can strike a balance between the 2 foci- a couple larger raids to beat off the Battalion's big attacks and then "street-level" encounters with the city's heroes fighting individual plots.
Agreed. I think the thing that bothered me the most about the incarnate system is that when it was released, the Devs seemed honestly suprised that there was interest in a solo path. It showed a shocking disconnect with the playerbase.

What I am appreciative the most on this new solo path, is I can street sweep in the incarnate zone while que'd up in the turnstyle and if no trial actually starts, I won't be frustrated that I haven't made any progress at all.

I really hope the coming storm has the same options from the start without having to wait 14 months before a solo path to enjoy the content is released.



Thanks for the info, but what's a Mot?

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Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Agreed. I think the thing that bothered me the most about the incarnate system is that when it was released, the Devs seemed honestly suprised that there was interest in a solo path. It showed a shocking disconnect with the playerbase.
That probably comes from the fact that a lot of people were saying: Now what? Where's the endgame? Other games have raids, why don't we have them? What am I supposed to do with my all purpled up guy? Well, guess I'll go roll up a new character.

It's not that hard of a stretch, really.



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Thanks for the info, but what's a Mot?
A god of death worshipped by the Banished Pantheon.

According to Paragonwiki:

Mot is an ancient god of death and sterility, worshiped by those in Carthage. Following the destruction of the city by the Roman Empire, many artifacts bearing Mot's power were scattered through the world.(citation: police band mission items)
It appears that the god Mot somehow ended up in the area that would become Paragon City. Upon discovering the sleeping god, the Banished Pantheon immediately moved in to the area now known as Dark Astoria to attempt to wake it. Their attempts have thus far been unsuccessful.(citation: dark astoria description)
Mot takes his name from a real-world god of death.
So it looks like the devs have just taken these small bits of lore info and really fleshed them out, rather than making up something totally new.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Agreed. I think the thing that bothered me the most about the incarnate system is that when it was released, the Devs seemed honestly suprised that there was interest in a solo path. It showed a shocking disconnect with the playerbase.

What I am appreciative the most on this new solo path, is I can street sweep in the incarnate zone while que'd up in the turnstyle and if no trial actually starts, I won't be frustrated that I haven't made any progress at all.

I really hope the coming storm has the same options from the start without having to wait 14 months before a solo path to enjoy the content is released.
I always thought the issue with the raids wasn't as much they weren't aware of the player base but that they forgot they were still standing because they tried to not be a copypasta MMO. The players wanted something to do at max level so they put in game play mechanics from other popular games that have it. Maybe forgetting what makes you better for your players is the same as forgetting who your players are though.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Agreed. I think the thing that bothered me the most about the incarnate system is that when it was released, the Devs seemed honestly suprised that there was interest in a solo path.
No, no they weren't. People were asking for a solo path before it was even released. In fact, they were asking for it the very day Incarnates were announced.

This wasn't a surprising turn of events at all.

I'm of the opinion the devs knew all along, but they put the solo tract on a low priority because they wanted to push people into trials. Why? Trials needed a critical mass of players participating in them to get them off the ground as a new feature.

There are people who hate trials, people who are indifferent to trials and people who love trials. The players in the first two grounds are far more likely to trial if there's no solo alternative, and them maintaining that critical mass is the only way to facilitate the third group.




Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
What I am appreciative the most on this new solo path, is I can street sweep in the incarnate zone while que'd up in the turnstyle and if no trial actually starts, I won't be frustrated that I haven't made any progress at all.
I believe someone also said they're working on making the turnstyle work in missions as well, so you may not be limited to street sweeping either.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I'm of the opinion the devs knew all along, but they put the solo tract on a low priority because they wanted to push people into trials. Why? Trials needed a critical mass of players participating in them to get them off the ground as a new feature.
I think it's more a case that the Incarnate system was designed to address the lack of an endgame/raid structure first. The lack of such system was a oft cited reason [if perhaps not entirely accurate] for folks disappointment when leaving the game.

Less social manipulation, more they wanted to deliver a feature they felt the player-base [including former players and potential players] wanted.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I always thought the issue with the raids wasn't as much they weren't aware of the player base but that they forgot they were still standing because they tried to not be a copypasta MMO. The players wanted something to do at max level so they put in game play mechanics from other popular games that have it. Maybe forgetting what makes you better for your players is the same as forgetting who your players are though.
Speak for yourself, I like the raids, and this is the only MMO I've ever played



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
I believe someone also said they're working on making the turnstyle work in missions as well, so you may not be limited to street sweeping either.
They are - which means that DA will almost certainly replace RWZ and PD as the staging gound for Trials.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
I think it's more a case that the Incarnate system was designed to address the lack of an endgame/raid structure first. The lack of such system was a oft cited reason [if perhaps not entirely accurate] for folks disappointment when leaving the game.

Less social manipulation, more they wanted to deliver a feature they felt the player-base [including former players and potential players] wanted.
The lack of large team content at 50 was one of the top things mentioned on the leaving surveys - and it was also mentioned a lot in that marketing survey form a couple of years ago that had the basic GR stuff outlined in it - so it was only natural that they'd work to fix that problem, which is why they created the Incarnate system, and has been pretty popular with a lot of players.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
No, no they weren't. People were asking for a solo path before it was even released. In fact, they were asking for it the very day Incarnates were announced.

This wasn't a surprising turn of events at all.

I'm of the opinion the devs knew all along, but they put the solo tract on a low priority because they wanted to push people into trials. Why? Trials needed a critical mass of players participating in them to get them off the ground as a new feature.

There are people who hate trials, people who are indifferent to trials and people who love trials. The players in the first two grounds are far more likely to trial if there's no solo alternative, and them maintaining that critical mass is the only way to facilitate the third group.
The Incarnate system is based around Trials - that's the core content, so it was important that they got them released, tweaked and balanced first of all - which is exactly what they have done - the Trials are now fully established in the game - we have 4 that are live, 2 more in beta, and a 7th one was announced at the summit yesterday, with many more to come.
They've now got a good idea of what makes a good Trial, what the times should be like, what the reward rate should be and so on - and there's now a big enough group of players with Trial experience to guide newer players through them.
The Trials are now the main stuff for 50s to do, and with the new Sewer Trial, the Haunter Mansion Trial, and the upcoming Winter Realm Trial, all new players are being taught about the basics of the LFG tab, the TUT and the general style of Trials right form level 1 and up, which will help them transition much more smoothly into the Incarnate Trials at 50 - they won't have to go through the bumpy part we went through in I20, when the player base ahd to adjust to a new type of content - Trials are now a natural part of the game 1-50.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
EDIT: Now if they had explained the "battle of armies" angle from the beginning, there might have been less anger at the sudden shift of content focus- and the whole "we didn't know you'd want solo content" debacle could have been blunted.
If the battle actually involved armies rather than the "I solod my first AV!" gang dialed up to 11, then maybe. But I suspect not, since the lore of the trials is clumsily written around the mechanics of the trials and could be easily re-written to account for a solo-friendly system.

Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Well that's rather huge. Save up those emps and astrals peeps.
No, don't. Spend them. If you hoard, they'll introduce a new currency.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Less social manipulation, more they wanted to deliver a feature they felt the player-base [including former players and potential players] wanted.
I would believe this if they hadn't been told that a huge chunk of the playerbase wanted an alternative.

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Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
I believe someone also said they're working on making the turnstyle work in missions as well, so you may not be limited to street sweeping either.
It's about ******* time. This is the single biggest issue I have with the bloody thing. Thanks for being the bearer of good news.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
No, no they weren't. People were asking for a solo path before it was even released. In fact, they were asking for it the very day Incarnates were announced.

This wasn't a surprising turn of events at all.

I'm of the opinion the devs knew all along, but they put the solo tract on a low priority because they wanted to push people into trials. Why? Trials needed a critical mass of players participating in them to get them off the ground as a new feature.

There are people who hate trials, people who are indifferent to trials and people who love trials. The players in the first two grounds are far more likely to trial if there's no solo alternative, and them maintaining that critical mass is the only way to facilitate the third group.

I said seemed on purpose. They have no qualms about giving transparent excuses for their motivations.



Originally Posted by evertheskeptic View Post
Speak for yourself, I like the raids, and this is the only MMO I've ever played
So do I. I love them actually. I just don't always have time to wait around for 45 mins for a trial to start. A slower alternate path is better than standing around waiting any time.