Ok, So I Tried Premium Status for a Month and...

Adeon Hawkwood



It was rough. I mean really rough. I don't want to say it outright sucked because it didn't.

In fact, once I bought back all the stuff I used to have after 7+ years of game play (which cost more than anything I've spent in the Paragon Market while I was a VIP) I was pretty happy with Premium status (didn't miss the Incarnate content AT ALL, I have to admit) however I did miss a ton of QoL features that I used to have.

- No ability to create a supergroup? Hmmm...
- Can't post on the forums? Meh, I'm sure I'm not missed. Sucks that I can't ask questions about undiscovered bugs though.
- No more monthly Paragon Points? Shame to lose freebies but... ok.
- No more in-game customer support? When did ever they follow up in-game in the same day? June 2006?
- No access to Exalted server? Ouch, I rolled more toons there than I realized.

You wouldn't think not being able to queue for the lowbie trials would be the deciding factor and sway me to re-up but it did. Now knowing as a longtime player/former VIP what QoL options I'd be getting back in the process, this was a no brainer. But for Premium alumni coming back to the game who don't know what they're missing unless they upgrade? I think you risk losing them completely.

Call me crazy, but I think you'd get more Premiums turning VIP if you had a pop-up message listing out VIP ugrades they could get every time they clicked on/tried to utilize a disabled QoL feature. I think a lot more people would upgrade to VIP rather than right the game off completely (because nobody is going e-diving through the site trying to find the side-by-side comparisons chart; they'll just stop playing instead if they don't see a huge difference from the last time they were on in 200x). Seriously, its really hard to tell how its changed when all the QoL improvements aren't tangible. Just food for thought.

Now give me back my stuff!!!



Whuh? I think I queued for DFB on my preemie account a while back.



First off, welcome back to VIP Status

Secondly, this

Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post

You wouldn't think not being able to queue for the lowbie trials would be the deciding factor and sway me to re-up but it did. Now knowing as a longtime player/former VIP what QoL options I'd be getting back in the process, this was a no brainer. But for Premium alumni coming back to the game who don't know what they're missing unless they upgrade? I think you risk losing them completely.
is not WAI, so I'll be sure to forward this along to be investigated.


Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Wait, so what are the permissions on the Death From Below Trial supposed to be?



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
Wait, so what are the permissions on the Death From Below Trial supposed to be?
All players can play Death From Below.



I encountered an odd bug with DfB Monday night. Started a team up on Pinnacle. Got 6 of us together, all lvls under 10. Then went to start the trial and I couldn't even select Death From Below. It just wouldn't let me click it at all.

Joining 1st available, would highlight the DfB button but then we'd just stand there forever without the trial starting.

Without the star, others could select the trial but are then given the message that they have to be leader. Passing the star to them results in them not being able to select it.

We ended up dropping team and reforming, still couldn't get the trial selected but after waiting in Q for 1st avail for 15+ minutes while asking in help/etc. the trial finally started...

Everyone was under level 20 so nobody was a Rogue.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I encountered an odd bug with DfB Monday night. Started a team up on Pinnacle. Got 6 of us together, all lvls under 10. Then went to start the trial and I couldn't even select Death From Below. It just wouldn't let me click it at all.

Joining 1st available, would highlight the DfB button but then we'd just stand there forever without the trial starting.
This has been happening to me for several days running. I don't bother to do preformed teams when I want to do DFB, but I can't select it in the LFG list; I can still get in by using the "first available" button, but I sometimes get "you can't join that" type messages on the LFG channel.

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I encountered an odd bug with DfB Monday night. Started a team up on Pinnacle. Got 6 of us together, all lvls under 10. Then went to start the trial and I couldn't even select Death From Below. It just wouldn't let me click it at all.
I got a similar issue with a Keyes trial a few days ago. I was trying to queue with a full league but whenever I entered the queue it bounced me back out. Eventually after much gnashing of teeth we split the league into three separate teams and then reformed after which I was able to start the trial normally.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
Have you tried queueing for the First Available Trial? I'm a VIP and after Thursday's patch I was unable to directly select the DfB trial, but I was able to get to it by queueing for the First Available Trial. I was kind of wondering if they were trying to restrict the level on it.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I got a similar issue with a Keyes trial a few days ago. I was trying to queue with a full league but whenever I entered the queue it boned me back out. Eventually after much gnashing of teeth we split the league into three separate teams and then reformed after which I was able to start the trial normally.
Had this same issue Friday evening. Three of us from the SG met in Atlas to assist the one in leveling her new character. I had created a new one myself to join in and the third member was a level 11.

thee 11 level gave me the lead cause he didnt feel like leadeing and I ut together an 8 man team. When I tried to que I wasnt able to select Death from Below but since everyone on the team was ssked to my level, which was level 1, I was able to click on join the first available trial and in we went. We ran the trial 2 more times and had the same issue but were able to get aeround it using first available... Now if a bunch of fifty levels with incarnates that wanted the badges tried that they could end in any trial at all and dfb would more than likely be the last the q would look at sending them into.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



yest another issue that was on the beta server that went live without a fix... *facepalm*

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Yeah, ran a few DfBs last night. While I couldn't select Death From Below specifically, queuing for First Available worked both Solo queue and with a full team.

I didn't have the problem of it failing to start after queued with enough people to meet requirements.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
First off, welcome back to VIP Status

Secondly, this

is not WAI, so I'll be sure to forward this along to be investigated.


Yeah, that was working in beta, so I wonder what happened. Also, there are Freem players queuing up for DFB all the time on Champion, so is this only folks who drop to Premium? Maybe there's some sort of time window after dropping where the system thinks you're ineligible for all Trials and then it would clear up after it realizes you're Premium?



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Yeah, ran a few DfBs last night. While I couldn't select Death From Below specifically, queuing for First Available worked both Solo queue and with a full team.

I didn't have the problem of it failing to start after queued with enough people to meet requirements.
Actually, now that I think about it, I "power-leveled" a new toon with DFB just two days ago, but I didn't want to deal with rookies forming teams so I just entered the queue solo, and I had the same problem. I also fixed it by selecting "first available" and that worked because DFB is the only Trial on that tab, but yes, this apparently affects everyone (I'm VIP right now).



My (primary) account won't go premium unless I die or am bankrupt. I am not giving up my incarnate powers.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



It started last month for me...and 2 weeks of no solution even after this last patch makes me want to cancel out. I AM VIP already.
Two things will make me quit a game more than any other bug, mechanic or aging of graphic
1) Pisseant community (occasional troll excluded)
2) Inept customer service

WhenI pay money for service, I expect THAT service..may wish for more, may not use it all... but what I pay for ? I better get. I have 4 tickets now on this issue. Canned email response after the first GM investigation. One patch passed- no fix. two patch -no fix. & It was fine in Oct.
I am also missing costume pieces and other little cuts. Am I to be bled to death by paper cuts?
Last time I bowed out I was gone a year (it had been 365 days to the minute when I logged in to the firekin main 50-kinda neat)

Not being able to team lead when others drop becomes a handicap. Not to mention to the large population without this problem ...they see you and you are not picked for the team since you seem unwilling to take the burden and lazy for not starting your own when you have obviously done several runs. > If it's a joke? I AIN'T LAUGHIN'

Tamayoke No Garimi: Tanking Life like a boss since 1965