The Blue Room




A while back I got into the Blue Room and played around, took a few screenshots, etc. Now I have introduced my son to the game and I want to show him the Blue Room but I can't get in any more. Has anyone got in recently?



There was a thread about it recently and people claimed that it was still possible. Last time I did it (a while ago), there was a door on Rikti Monkey Island in Peregrine that is partially buried in land. If you log out near the door, then log back in, your character will exit the door and get stuck in the land. Typing /stuck puts you underneath the map and from there you can fly to the blue room (it's under the Arena).

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
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Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
There was a thread about it recently and people claimed that it was still possible. Last time I did it (a while ago), there was a door on Rikti Monkey Island in Peregrine that is partially buried in land. If you log out near the door, then log back in, your character will exit the door and get stuck in the land. Typing /stuck puts you underneath the map and from there you can fly to the blue room (it's under the Arena).
/this, i know it was there when i went to it within the last 6ish months or so



I've been in the room several times over the past few years and had one character that was logged out in that room for quite a while.

When the discussions came up again recently, I started trying to get back in but was unsuccessful. I'd wind up logging back in inside one of the Portal Corp buildings when logging out at the buried door on Monkey Island.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

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Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
There was a thread about it recently and people claimed that it was still possible. Last time I did it (a while ago), there was a door on Rikti Monkey Island in Peregrine that is partially buried in land. If you log out near the door, then log back in, your character will exit the door and get stuck in the land. Typing /stuck puts you underneath the map and from there you can fly to the blue room (it's under the Arena).
Last time I tried this (maybe a year ago now) /stuck kept putting me back above ground near the Arena. I don't know if this was a fix or if I was just unlucky, but I tried it several times with the same result each time.



It's a darn shame they just don't turn the blue room into a social area, especially if it's still on the map and not being used at all. Just my 2 inf.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
It's a darn shame they just don't turn the blue room into a social area, especially if it's still on the map and not being used at all. Just my 2 inf.
I'd prefer it as one of those "secret" places you have to find. I wish the game had more of those little gems.



The Blue Room? Does anyone know of screenshots of said place? I've neither heard of it before nor seen it.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)



Originally Posted by flipside View Post
The Blue Room? Does anyone know of screenshots of said place? I've neither heard of it before nor seen it.
i think the name most commonly given to it is the matrix room



I have a character on Freedom that *should* still be in there. I logged him out after someone showed me and never played him again. I'll log on in a few minutes and check and then update this post.

edit: Logged him in, he is still in that room. If anyone wants in, I think I can port you in.

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Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
When the discussions came up again recently, I started trying to get back in but was unsuccessful. I'd wind up logging back in inside one of the Portal Corp buildings when logging out at the buried door on Monkey Island.
Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
Last time I tried this (maybe a year ago now) /stuck kept putting me back above ground near the Arena. I don't know if this was a fix or if I was just unlucky, but I tried it several times with the same result each time.
Odd. When the last thread about this was posted (maybe 3 weeks ago), I checked to see if I could still get in there and had no problem.

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Originally Posted by flipside View Post
The Blue Room? Does anyone know of screenshots of said place? I've neither heard of it before nor seen it.
Here's a short youtube video of it made by KitsuneKnight.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Odd. When the last thread about this was posted (maybe 3 weeks ago), I checked to see if I could still get in there and had no problem.
Same here. About two weeks ago i used the logout on Monkey Island trick. When i get home in a few hours i'll check the location.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Here's a short youtube video of it made by KitsuneKnight.
Ok, that looks frelling awesome. From the Youtube comments it looks like this was supposed to be an Arena waiting/lobby room but never got used. I think it's a crime a room this awesome was never used. Have we ever heard any official word of why it's still available in the game world?

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)



They just didn't take it out. I think the Rikti Crash Site is still in the game as well as Galaxy City and the original Faultline, tho I could be wrong about that last one.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Odd. When the last thread about this was posted (maybe 3 weeks ago), I checked to see if I could still get in there and had no problem.

I went over there and have found, so far, 3 different half buried dorrs you can get "stuck" in by logging out. So far the three I found all send you back to Portal Corp if you type /stuck.

Maybe you could be more specific about which half buried door? That is, if it's still works for you.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
They just didn't take it out. I think the Rikti Crash Site is still in the game as well as Galaxy City and the original Faultline, tho I could be wrong about that last one.
The original faultline, galaxy, and RCS maps should still be in game. Makes it easier to prevent wierd issues that might arise from logging into a non-existent map.

I seem to real Faultline at least had an automatic "your zoning now" script setup that hits you when you log in.

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i dont remember needing to use /stuck when you log in, if you log in a half buried door should put you under the map then if you fly to the matrix room then use /stuck

and i also had a really interesting thing to do there---because of all the doors should totally have had a halloween party lol



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i dont remember needing to use /stuck when you log in, if you log in a half buried door should put you under the map then if you fly to the matrix room then use /stuck

and i also had a really interesting thing to do there---because of all the doors should totally have had a halloween party lol
that would have been awesome. I wonder can you assemble the team or team teleport friends inside once you get there?

ToT in the blue room. Dang, maybe next year hehe.

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That's pretty cool. Has it been here forever?



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
that would have been awesome. I wonder can you assemble the team or team teleport friends inside once you get there?

ToT in the blue room. Dang, maybe next year hehe.
yes you can tp people in there



Originally Posted by BurningHammer View Post
That's pretty cool. Has it been here forever?
Nope. Only since the arenas were added. It's directly below the arena and the box for the arena interior.

i forgot to check the door and get the /loc yesterday. i'll try to remember today. The door that's been working for me is not actually a clickable door.

Edit: Peregrine Isle: -2750.2 -6.2 -7006.0 (Cutlass Isle/Monkey Island.) You don't need to type /stuck, logging out and back in will put you below ground, so you'll start falling immediately if you don't have a flight power active.

Dr. Todt's theme.
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I remember seeing that room before AE came out and I hoped it would be the base 'Holosuite' when there was no arc loaded. Such a pity.

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I was under the impression that was Paragon Dance Party.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Odd. When the last thread about this was posted (maybe 3 weeks ago), I checked to see if I could still get in there and had no problem.
I was able to get underneath the map of PI just fine, and I could see and fly over to the big blue box sitting underneath the arena. The problem was getting inside the blue box into the actual matrix room. I tried /stuck while possitioned underneath the box, and also while next to it. Each time it put me back on the surface of the map rather than inside the matrix room. Was I doing something wrong?

This was about a year ago, or longer. Maybe it wasn't working for a while and but does now, I'll have to try again.