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  1. BurningHammer


    My brother figured out a bug with Trenchcoats to have invisible arms. He still has a few costumes like that. It sort of looks like Phantom Limb.

    Sometimes invited villains into my hero side only missions, but in a co-op zone. It would flag them as a villain on entry if it kept them there, so I would kill them. It wouldn't always work.

    You could also abuse the co-op zones to go to the opposite faction SG base sometimes. A byproduct of this you could drop IOs into bins but couldn't access them otherwise. I did that a few times to give my villains IOs. There were other ways to transfer IOs to the otherside but I never knew what they were.

    There was a bug that would let you queue Assassin Strike but still TP away and AS from hundreds of yards away. Killing people standing in Caltrops or Rain powers was kinda funny.

    One time on the test server, I was testing a build in Crey's Folly, maybe Issue 5 but I can't really remember. Anyway, there was a massive amount of Black Swans spawned out around the big building where the 39 Freaks spawned. Thirty or so at least. My brother and I tried to beat them but to no avail. We might still have a screenshot or demorecord somewhere around.
  2. I have had a few missions from contacts outside of DA taking me in there. Way back in the back of the zone too. I have died a couple times because of it. Is this an intended change?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Still no points here.

    Did you ever get your points?

    I have been arguing with them a month now. The GMs tell me that they have explained everything to me (they haven't at all actually their info contradicts posts by Zwillinger and listed on the website.) What it comes down to in my case, pay for next month, receive last months rewards.
  4. BurningHammer

    Sig arc part #3

    I didn't end up waiting. I had stuff to do and 15 mins was long enough to wait. Got another nice bug, Vanessa DeVore is spawning in every group on my 2*8 Carnie newspaper mission.
  5. BurningHammer

    Sig arc part #3

    Patch today broke it. I petitioned mine just now but am wary of them helping since it seems lately they have some pretty inept GMs working.
  6. BurningHammer

    The Blue Room

    That's pretty cool. Has it been here forever?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    That's not my experience. When you get the 50 Reward Merits for the first Morality, it's not being counted as *reinforcing*. On two different toons since the Patch that reset things, after I got the 50 Merit reward, the SSA would not award Hero Merits. Had to run it again.
    I had to do the same. Is really annoying when I am at 0/10 and don't want to run tips missions.
  8. BurningHammer


    So why wouldn't you take Fiery Aura with a weapon set? Everything but Invuln and WP have a click or two you will be using as often enough like FA.
  9. Mine is not working either. Diamagnetic Total Radial Conversion is not and now that I re-equipped my Reactive Radial Flawless Interface, the debuff portion of it is not working either.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    Yeah, but most of the time your opponent will have at least a few blues.
    Aren't insps against fite klub rulez?
  11. Dang Slax is gone, and only like 2 new posts per day in this forum. What is happening to the world?
  12. Infinity's Siren's Call and Warburg have had a 99% reduction in action I would say. RV is hopping a few times a week, nothing major. Kickball occasionally too.

    As far as all the decay goes, I want damage decay to match heal decay. Don't kill me in 7-10 attacks sorry, you lose 90% damage capabilities.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 300_below View Post
    Take my advice go ahead and think of the crappiest build you can and build it so your ready when the next round of nerfs hits. That way you will already have the fotm before others can powerlevel it up.
    What are you talking about? This current PvP is a Utopia of balance and love. My Dark Armor/War Mace tank is perfectly equal to the Mind/Fire dominators of the worlds.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Blu_ View Post
    Ok, cool...Aid Self it is.

    You know, I've seen a lot of people with those "horrible" armor sets do good, its all in how you play it really...
    You can win with "horrible" armor sets if you are playing against horrible players.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Because you know... people can't play the game AND post.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No you can't. Unless you can make them both in same window, otherwise you would be afk even a few seconds, meaning not playing.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Or check the forums while at work when playing isn't possible.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nice and productive I see, browsing personal enterainment on the companies dollar.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Or used to play and has a computer which the game works on and off for.
    Or got bored of the game and sticks around to talk to buddies that were made.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not sure where these two came from. You may have problems.
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    I get it. Really I do. We want support toons to be able to turn us into PvP gods and godesses again... and we shouldn't have to stay near that support toon to get the maximum benefit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No you [censored] idiot.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    As far as EZ mode? Why should I be crippled in order to advance my SG's base power supply? I HAVE to go into those zones in order to get the next power station. No if's ands or buts. but they don't HAVE to come to ours for anything except the market generally.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ahhh, I was right, you are one of THOSE people.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    If you PvP on a low pop server and the drops are that rare than no one will have the PvP IO on the low pop server and there will not be any balance issues. I can see the main reason people farmed them in the arena is to sell them for outrageous prices on the market.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quite right. I say thank you for this "nerf", serves them right ^^

    Course thats just my opinion, PVP needs to be brought back to the masses and make the rest of us folks who wanta play the game survivable in the zones if we want to get the badges


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Let me guess, want to compete with the people that put in the time and effort to be better, but you don't want to any of that?
    Looks about right to me judging from your statement.
  19. BurningHammer

    PvP Brute/Tank!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Now that you mention Electric Armor, how is it for Brutes in PvP nowadays?

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    Absolute and utter garbage.

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    I havent played much in ages and this is making me sick. SS/Elec is/was by far my favorite toon in Pve or PvP. Now he is a big fat [censored]. I bet I could make a tougher [censored] blaster. Nice [censored] work yall, really nice [censored] work. Ya had to put some serious [censored] effort in to makin elec this [censored] bad. Cause I have tons of [censored] resources in game for the best [censored] IOs, and SS is a great set. Again kudos : ). [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] Devs [censored] [censored] [censored] 4 year vet [censored] [censored] [censored] waitin for fury fix [censored] [censored] [censored]

    [/ QUOTE ]

  20. Have any major heroes or villains taken part in arena tournaments?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I've got a few toons that have been in mid 30's for about 4+ years. And I still play them regularly in PvP lol.

    That's how much I hate PvE in this game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Me too. My Emp/dark def is still only 46 and he is like 5 years old. I have PuG'd so many hours they should just give me free levels anyways. Invuln tanks with no shields and all four medicine powers. Other Emps with all four medicine pool powers. Others with all...gah make it stop.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    And Optical I have no idea what the point of your post was. I'm not being mean, I just don't get it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think he is trying to say that anyone who presents evidence against Mr. Myers is a liar and that somehow we are all the bad ones.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    But who actually defines cheating? You?

    You mean to tell me, trading kills in a PvP zone, while other PvPers are attacking you because, well, it's a PvP zone, means that you cheated? Your definition of cheating varries from mine.

    Exploiting a system to obtain something that's beneficial is my definition of cheating. Trading kills is not an exploit because we are physically spending hours/days/weeks to obtain the same thing you did. We put the same amount of time in, just in a different fashion.

    Standing in one spot, using a bugged emote, and leveling up... that's cheating. Earning PvP badges from PvE enemies... that's cheating.

    But, no... trading kills doesn't define cheating. It's called using a working-as-intended system to your advantage.

    Let me remind you why there is a kill timer... it wasn't because of badge hunters earning badges quickly. It was because PvP'ers would camp hospitals/spawn points to kill someone as they were rezzing, with 1 HP, for the "rep" and the lawlz of griefing. That, to me, is cheating. Why? Because you are not playing as intended. You are not allowing your opponent the same advantages that you have... like resting in a safe zone.

    I play with the same paramiters you do, just that I have a different use for them than you do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you actually read what you write?