Sig arc part #3




I had done this signature story part 3 yesterday (did it two times actually) and didn't have any issues with being able to progress. When I go to do the the 3rd part this morning on a different toon i was able to complete parts 1 & 2 with no problems, but when I do part 3 and click the glowie, then fight Manticore and defeat him, Alexis Cole-Duncan wont follow me and it still shows in the compass window "Intercept Miss Liberty!".

I'm unable to get any farther; I even quit the TF and restarted 2 times and got the same result.

By the way this is happening on the villain side version of "Who Will Die?".



I didn't have that issue yesterday though at all and I remember him hitting me with that too and yet I was still able to escort her and finish the mission.



Patch today broke it. I petitioned mine just now but am wary of them helping since it seems lately they have some pretty inept GMs working.



I confirm this. JUst happened to me. The Poison Arrow is on the ground and won't dissappear, so Alexis is still considered being held hostage and you cannot progress and finish the mission.

Yesterday it was fine. Today's patch broke this mission.

Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.



Originally Posted by Photonstorm View Post
I confirm this. JUst happened to me. The Poison Arrow is on the ground and won't dissappear, so Alexis is still considered being held hostage and you cannot progress and finish the mission.
Ditto, I just /bugged it.

Edit: This must be the extra "backup" Manticore summoned, haha!



I didn't end up waiting. I had stuff to do and 15 mins was long enough to wait. Got another nice bug, Vanessa DeVore is spawning in every group on my 2*8 Carnie newspaper mission.



Just had this bug out on me too. Quite annoyed.

At least I got a Touch of Death piece for my troubles.



15 minutes, gotcha. Well, AFK it is then.

Truly amazing how many things they broke with that patch.

Edit: went afk for a hour and the arrow is still there, so it might be random.



I tried to get around it by luring Manticore away from her. It doesn't seem to matter much.

Target Zero- Scrapper (dark/dark)
Nemesis Zero- MM (Merc/Dark)
Poprock- brute (Stone/stone)
Junglier- Dominator (Plant/thorn)
Nexus Zero- (Warshade)
Invulnerable Edge- Tanker (Inv/dual blade)



Same for me. It does seem to be the poison arrow effect. My Toons a Mastermind, and all my Zombies keep getting frozen, standing there holding their throats like they're choking. (How does a Zombie choke? I mean, honestly, I don't think they breath.) I haven't made it past this bit yet.

Honestly, this sucks, I want to know what's going on in this story! But I mean, I'm a VIP, so you know, this stuff is free to me. But I can't imagine people who paid for this are very happy at all!

I bugged it too. I have every faith the people who need to know will know, and it'll get fixed pretty quick. I hope so! I want to get this thing done!

I don't mind too much though, I always thought Manticore was a bit of a ******, so I'm okay with kicking his butt repeatedly.

With Unweary Tread.

Bacon wins FOREVER.



I believe I have found the cause and the 'fix' for this bug:

When I first ran it yesterday (11/11) on a lvl 42 character the PGA bug prevented me from completing the first mission. I then tried again today (11/12) with a lvl 50 character, but his PGA was still perma and again the mission wouldn't complete.

My friend I teamed with said it was odd because he had just run the thing on the 11th and Alexis followed him just fine. So that meant the patch from 11/10 didn't break it for him.

I considered the problem as one of 3 possibilities:
a) my account was bugged and my friend's wasn't
b) the bug is completely random
c) there was a problem with the way I accessed the mission

My gut told me choice c). Recall this new update added a feature for accessing the SSA missions by phone. You call up the SSA contacts and launch the missions.

This is what I'd done for both my attempts that were bugged. So I told my friend I was going to reset and "try something". I went ahead and physically got the mission from the contact this time and voila' the PGA arrow disappeared like it should have and I was able to do the mission. I asked my friend if he'd done the same thing with his working mission and his answer was yes. So 2 attempts with the call up feature didn't work. And 2 attempts with direct contact did work.

Try it and see if it fixes your problems.

Please buff Ice Control.



@DarkCurrent, Kay... Tried it. Still no go. I would guess you just got lucky and beat him before he fired the poison arrows.
Almost managed that myself, but he was on almost no health, hadn't fired, I hit him for the final damage, and BOOM, he just manages to fire it off. :/

I really don't like Manticore.

I guess I'll wait a few days and hope they fix it. I'm not really in the mood to go play one of my alts...

With Unweary Tread.

Bacon wins FOREVER.



i would saythe best way to get around this is A) dont do the arc till its fixed (supposedly tomorrow) or B), run on a slightly higher diff and confuse longbow warden to kill manticore without ever aggroing him so he wont drop a poison arrow



Originally Posted by Kal View Post
@DarkCurrent, Kay... Tried it. Still no go. I would guess you just got lucky and beat him before he fired the poison arrows.
Almost managed that myself, but he was on almost no health, hadn't fired, I hit him for the final damage, and BOOM, he just manages to fire it off. :/

I really don't like Manticore.

I guess I'll wait a few days and hope they fix it. I'm not really in the mood to go play one of my alts...
No, he definitely fired his PGA. It just dissipated as expected after several seconds. I'll test it some more tonight and see if I can replicate what I did. Or maybe it's just random.

Please buff Ice Control.