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  1. My first thought was, "What, did Manticore not take Stunning Arrow?"

    Plus, isn't a good thing I had Penny Yin, one of the most powerful psychics in the world with me? Oh, she can't do anything to stop the Psyche-Bomb from going off. Huh. So how about letting Psyche mindride Penny or grabbing her consciousness as she passed away? No? So why was she part of this arc again? Just to get her reintroduced to the players and show off her spiffy custom power set?

    Statesman's death had impact. Psyche here felt redundant and a way to kick Manticore again. We already established Wade as dangerous with Statesman; this arc just felt gratuitous.

    Also, that last mission was awful. Double escort on Oranbenga, with glowies, multiple areas and backtracking? Blech.
  2. Just for the record, I always pegged Penny in Faultline as 14, with Faultline and Fusionette as 18-19. Maybe its just because they treat her like a little sister, so I just filled in the ages, especially with how bubbly Penny was.

    I don't really have a problem with her being older now, but it did shock me a bit that she's supposed to be 18 back then.

    As a side note, I thought it funny she refers to Faultline as "Jim" in her dialogue but Fusionette is always Fusionette.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    By the way, now that we've done the classic comicbook move of killing a major character, we now need the classic comicbook move of having a character come out
    I was actually wondering if there were any homosexual love notes in the event. Haven't seen any so far.

    And as for the original topic, Efficiency Expert Pither has a valentine to a lady, even though he has a wife and kids. I guess he'll just be very efficient with his affair.
  4. Fat Lemon McGee

    I think the McGee part really sells it.
  5. You're older than you've ever been,
    And now you're even older.
    And now you're even older.
    And now you're even older.
    You're older than you've ever been,
    And now you're even older.
    And now you're older still.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    I am both grateful for this extra backstory and relieved to have it confirmed it was retconned.

    When I read Dominatrix's bio the first time years ago, I pasted that last bit in chat to my partner and there was this long pause, and we both went "EW!"
    I always thought the incestous angle was a good bit of villainous characterization for Tyrant and Dominatrix, an extreme difference to show how corrupt the Praetorian versions are compared to Primal Earth.

    But that was before GR and Praetoria got fleshed out into a more mirror universe, not just an inverted one.

    'Course, in my mind, Dominatrix is still screwed-up enough in the head that she'd still serve the Emperor "in all capacities".
  7. I've been in and out of this game for too long, so I don't know DC well, but I still offer my sincerest condolences to everyone affect by this lose. Best wishes to him and his family and friends.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    We are looking in to the map server disconnect issue.

    We'd like to know what server you were logged in to and zones you were leaving/going to.
    Victory, on my Magic Hero Brute (started Praetorian).

    Game crashed when loading into the first mission of the Imperious task force in Cimerora. Second lockup when loading into the 4th mission of the same task force (I think it was the 4th). Final crash came when trying to use the Ouroboros portal in Cimerora.
  9. I've also been getting disconnected when zoning. Only started happening today.
  10. Gnavitas

    Sig arc part #3

    Just had this bug out on me too. Quite annoyed.

    At least I got a Touch of Death piece for my troubles.
  11. Killari, my Claws/SR brute. I knew going in that /SR could be good, but I was surprised by how silly a soft-capped character gets (she was my first). On top of that, I found how much I love Claws, which I really didn't expect. I find myself wondering what this strange button called Build Up is on my other melee toons; clearly, it should be another attack! Also, delicious, delicious Spin.

    She's since become my main character for Incarnate stuff.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
    (Note: I'm about two months behind on comics, so if some of my references seem outdated, that's why. Please refrain from mentioning the most up-to-date happenings, or at least provide a spoiler warning beforehand.)

    Not to mention the Thunderbolts and all they touch. Baron Zemo was a great villain (although now he's kind of back to being a villain? Hard to keep track with that guy), The Shocker and Boomerang and Calvin Zabo are suddenly concerned with someone other than themselves? Blasphemy!
    As a note, since Thunderbolts is one of the few comics I've been reading lately, most of those real villain guys on the B Team (Shocker, Boomerang, Mr. Hyde etc.) are very much out for themselves still. Thunderbolts is just a work-release program with them and... well, telling any more would be spoiling, but trust me, they're still bad guys.
  13. I'm back again, after not playing for a year. I blame my roommate entirely.

    I'm surprised to see so many of the old guard still around.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deathstroke33 View Post
    Thats the big question I suppose. Does spines on its own have enough offensive fire power to do a lot of damage or does it need the recharge boost of kin or rad. Or is dark (or electric armor depending on which he chooses) squishy enough to require that addition defense buffs?
    Spines is mostly lethal, with some toxic, so it's resisted, and it's recharges are a bit longer. It really benefits from +recharge, but IOs can help with that a lot.

    I'd probably base my defender choice on what you find the most fun, first off. I love playing Kinetics because it's very active. That makes the biggest difference. But otherwise, I'd probably play a more defensive set if the scrapper is going Electric. Electric gets a base +recharge power and good endurance recovery with Power Sink. You can probably be a bit more defensive. With Dark Armor, he's probably going to want some +recovery somewhere.
  15. My first character was a Kin/Rad defender partnered with my friend's Spines/Invuln scrapper. We worked very well together. Kin provides +Recharge and +Recovery in spades, which helped fill in the scrapper's gaps. Plus Fulcrum Shift + lots of Spines AoE = lots of defeated bad guys.

    The best partner is also going to depend on what you want to optimize. If you want your scrapper friend to be unkillable, partner him with something that synergizes with his defenses. If you want to optimize his offense, partner him with a set that helps Spines gaps, which is what I did.
  16. There's also players like me, more casual ones who don't have billions of inf. lying around who can kit out their characters with lots of set IOs. Tough and Weave are significant boosts if all you've got are generic IOs and SOs in your defenses.
  17. Eclipse Adept, my Dark/Dark Defender. I just really hate Dark Blast, I've come to realize. He's even 31, just shy of Fluffy. Haven't deleted him yet because he was one of the original Isolators, a long running Victory Wednesday night group thing, and I haven't needed the space. My Force Field / Psychic Defender is also kinda painful to play.
  18. I'm loving the actual hard moral choices on some of these arcs. Played through once as a Responsibility Loyalist - agonized a bit after the hospital bombing mission (stayed loyal though - the investigator was a bro and would have saved the hospital if he'd known about it), got disgusted with Mother Mayhem missions, let DeVoe go and finally went Resistance at the very end with Kang when my character finally got fed up with the abuses of power. She just wanted to protect everyone!

    Regarding the alignments, to borrow from TvTropes and D&D alignments, they actually had a pretty good spread:

    Loyalist Responsibility characters are Lawful Good (laws are there to help and protect the most people possible) and Lawful Neutral (I follow orders, even if I don't like them).
    Loyalist Power characters are Lawful Evil (Manipulate the laws to my own ends) and Neutral Evil (my own power above all else).
    Resistance Warden characters are Neutral Good (help as many people as you can) or Chaotic Good (freedom brings out the best in others).
    Resistance Crusader characters are Chaotic Neutral (personal freedom above all else) or Chaotic Evil (My power, my might, burn anything that gets in the way of either).
  19. Gnavitas

    Secondary for SM

    I want to roll up a Stone Melee brute, but am having trouble picking a secondary to pair with it. This a strictly PvE character, without a lot of infamy to spend on IOs. Probably mostly solo too.

    Right now, I'm considering Fiery Aura, Electric Armor and Willpower, but I'll take suggestions too.

    Fiery Aura would provide even more damage, and the idea of Seismic Smash stunning a boss then dropping a Burn patch under it is enticing. SM's defenses via Fault, knockdowns, etc, should help FA's overall weaker resists. Enough skippable powers means I should be able to fit in Tough without too much pain. And Consume helps with endurance issues. No psychic defense/resist does frighten me a bit.

    Electric Armor I've never played, but I like the idea of resisting endurance drain. Lightning Reflexes helps with SM's slow recharge rates, Power Sink and Conserve Power help with endurance costs. But having to take nearly the entire secondary would make it rough trying to fit in both Tough and Aid Self. Again, SM's knockdowns and such would help the secondary's weaker numbers.

    Willpower is... well, Willpower. Excellent all around. Only reason I'm not going for it first is because I've played a bunch of Willpower brutes already and am kinda tired of it. Still, Quick Recovery for endurance, a Fault at the right time would let Rise to the Challenge fill up the health. But I'm still bored with Willpower.

    Thanks for any assistance or suggestions.
  20. I've played Axe/WP to 50 so I'll share my thoughts on the Axe part.

    I'll start with the positives. Axe comes with a bunch of AoEs: Pendulum, Cleave, Whirling Axe. Just about everything you do causes knockdown or knockup. Combined with the AoEs, and you have a lot of protection. Juggling enemies is very easy. The raw numbers of the set are also high. Finally, the set, to me, just feels brutish; you're smashing your enemies with a big axe. It's brutal.

    The set does have some big drawbacks: lethal only, recharge and endurance cost. Large raw damage numbers on the attacks sounds good until you realize everything is resistant to lethal damage. Axe has some of the most (if not THE most) endurance-heavy attacks. Even with Quick Recovery and Stamina, I can eat through my blue bar. Lengthy recharges also hampers the set, though since a lot of the attacks are quite good, you'll usually have something available to swing. Finally, there's the redraw, which never really bothers me.

    I've found Axe to be quite good for a brute who has to function as a tank. Teaming gives you some buffs to help out with the set's shortcomings and all the AoEs and knockdowns will keep hold aggro and keep you alive. But solo, without IOs, can get kinda painful, depending on one's patience to let your Endurance and attacks recharge.

    Also, War Mace might do more damage than Axe since its Smashing damage is less resisted than Axe's Lethal, I think.
  21. Arc Name: One Ordinary Girl
    Arc ID: 76368
    Faction: Heroic
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @Gnavitas
    Difficulty Level: Medium-Hard: 2 EB's in the final two missions.
    Synopsis: Help guide a new budding hero along the path to being a true champion of Paragon City! Beat the crap out of lots of despicable Crey and Freakshow along the way.
    Estimated Time to Play: 45 min - 1 hour. 5 missions total.
  22. Congrats to all who entered, and a special congrats to the winners! So many of you put in lots of time and effort into this contest, so good on ya! I know I wouldn't have had the patience or skill to paint all those magic designs on my pants.

    And yes, we Michiganders need something to do... that's why we play CoH.
  23. The benefits of my college not being in session yet are beginning to show... it means I can play all day when this event hits. Oh yeah!