19 -
I have no idea what's happening here.
But if everyone else is posting in this thread, I will too. -
I spend an inordinate amount of time just sitting in Pocket D, and I had NO idea there were words at all...
Attention fail.
Gonna have to go listen now! -
All bitter loserism aside, Last night I got to do my Game time with a Dev.
Since I tend to Solo most of the time, I'm not good at this teaming up thing, Luckily I had just started the sig story part 3, on the blue side, so that gave me a perfect quest to perform with my own personal Dev. Hah.
Now, I dunno how many of you have done the sig story, but man... I have finished up to 3 on the red side, easy as pie. But trying the blue side version? I'd died repeatedly solo before last night.
I finally finished it with some help from Beastyle!
Now, It was supposed to be 7deCoeur, But he was unavailable unexpectedly. (If you're out there boss, I hope you're okay, and it was business related. Honestly, I should have asked, and it was rude of me not too... But man, I was excited to play! Sorry!)
The gaming was fun, My host was fantastic. Perfectly willing to go along with my hamfisted approach of just smacking things til they give up. (Yay for lack of subtlety!) I had a blast, And I'd like to think I was at least a little entertaining on my side too!
So, yeah. I just wanted to give an update, so my fellow players knew the team here followed through, and you know, To boast about the fun I had... Really rub it in you know? What's the point of winning this kind of thing if you don't rub it in?
This was a fantastic opportunity, and a great outcome. City of Heroes is the ONLY MMO I've been able to stick with for any length of time at all, and it continues to amaze me with it's innovations, and it's care for it's player base. I appreciate everything everyone has done not just for me, but for everyone playing. Thanks guys!
That's all. Until Christmas. Then I'll be back. Bacon Santa will be there for you all to enjoy. Bringing more deliciousness to another holiday! -
As an aside, Alice in Wonderland has been out of Copyright for a good few years now... So using her likeness would not be against copyright at all. Even if you were using it to refer to another video game. American Mcgee doesn't own that copyright, so it's perfectly valid.
I doubt Lewis Carroll plans on returning and suing.
The costume looked fantastic, as did everyone elses. I honestly thought the majority of the outfits were reasonably easy to see what people were thankful for. Though some of them may have required a little thought. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole event, and I suspect the majority of other people did too. There were a great many costumes that deserved to win, but there can only be so many winners!
Here's to hoping they make a Christmas event too! I want to see how Pocket D looks filled with Santa Clause! -
I have to say, I showed up to watch the evenings entertainment as well. (Evening in my world, I dare say it was a random time period across the globe. Hah.) Boy am I glad I was in the morning contest! The turn out for the evening one was INSANE, and the costumes fantastic. I really don't envy them thar judges at all.
Hopefully we'll get the pics from that contest too! I saw the ones who got picked, and I think it should make for some good screenshots!
You know, i didn't look to see if their already were pics somewhere other than this thread. Man. I'm not deleting all that previous stuff now. Bacon man Be tired today. -
Bacon Man! That was totally me. So amazed I won, But hey! Who can turn down Bacon? Bacon is ALWAYS a win.
Contest was Fantastic, all the entrants were great, There were a great many people who deserved to be in those top ten as much as I, who obviously didn't quite make it. But hey! There's another contest this evening! I'll try and be there, to cheer on my fellows! It's what Bacon man would do! (And, well.. Erm, Will!)
Congrats to my fellow Semi finalists, extra Grats to my fellow Finalists, and Thanks to my Betters and my Peers! Those Devs willing to give up their time to make this game amazing, and those people willing to share the game with me, My fellow players!
I promised myself I wouldn't cry.
No one likes Soggy Bacon.
Oh, and I'd like to Thank the creator of the universe, whomever he may be to you, for making the Pig. Without whom none of this would be possible. -
@DarkCurrent, Kay... Tried it. Still no go. I would guess you just got lucky and beat him before he fired the poison arrows.
Almost managed that myself, but he was on almost no health, hadn't fired, I hit him for the final damage, and BOOM, he just manages to fire it off. :/
I really don't like Manticore.
I guess I'll wait a few days and hope they fix it. I'm not really in the mood to go play one of my alts... -
Same for me. It does seem to be the poison arrow effect. My Toons a Mastermind, and all my Zombies keep getting frozen, standing there holding their throats like they're choking. (How does a Zombie choke? I mean, honestly, I don't think they breath.) I haven't made it past this bit yet.
Honestly, this sucks, I want to know what's going on in this story! But I mean, I'm a VIP, so you know, this stuff is free to me. But I can't imagine people who paid for this are very happy at all!
I bugged it too. I have every faith the people who need to know will know, and it'll get fixed pretty quick. I hope so! I want to get this thing done!
I don't mind too much though, I always thought Manticore was a bit of a ******, so I'm okay with kicking his butt repeatedly. -
Really? They're making it non dual bootable? That seems somewhat silly...
Especially since I somehow managed to unplug the drive I had it fully installed on, and as it booted it complained that there was a problem with Windows 8, Would I like to boot to another OS?
Ah well, Reasonably certain it'll only take a couple of days until someone hacks that. It's an annoying idea, and from what I've seen, I don't think I'll bother upgrading to it for a good long while, But of course, we're still very early in development... I'm hoping things get much better pretty quick.
Also, am I just stupid, or is it almost impossible to shut down? The only way I could figure using the MetroUI was to log myself out, and then shut down from the log in screen... Was I just missing something? -
I have it Dual Booting with Windows 7, And so far it's worked fine.
CoX works without even a stutter, I had the same issue with having to install the updated drivers for my graphics card, but honestly you should be doing that anyway. The Microsoft versions are always crappy by comparison. These ones just happen to be basically non existent.
The MetroUI is horrible. Absolutely horrible. The fact that you can't actually CLOSE open metroApps drives me insane. Yes, I know they suspend after 5 minutes of inactivity, and I know they close on their own if they're inactive and your system requires the memory. But I don't like having five things just sat open and the only way to close them to be Task Manager.
That registry fix is a lifesaver though. The MetroUI is counter intuitive, And they dump a whole lot of junk I will never use on there from the start. I much prefer the standard start button... But then, I've had my PC's set up to basically emulate Windows 95 since windows 95 came out, I'm guessing I'm not the target audience for that. I suspect having things right there on the front ready to go with a click or a poke will appeal to the less tech savvy crowd. Like Father Xmas said, I bet my Mom will love it.
But hell yeah, It's fast... REALLY fast. I don't know if that's 'cos it lacks the bloatware that normally fills a windows OS, or if it's really this fast, but either way, It makes me happy! -
Quote:I had this problem when I bought the good vs. evil edition. For some reason instead of applying to my current account it insisted I start a new one. Which I did. Thinking maybe it'd just fix itself all together once I did it.Hi,
Just thought I'd mention that I managed to get hold of the EU Deluxe version, all nicely plastic wrapped and never used. I tried to upgrade my account but it just asks for new account details
Previously (well, with the GvE package anyway) you got the option to upgrade your account.
I have logged a support call to see if I can get it added. Will let you know what happens.
It didn't.
But Support here are great, I've filed a few tickets, and they always get back to me instantly, and are very nice about fixing things (Although, I swear they must be in their offices thinking "This guy? Again!? How stupid can one user be!") So they fixed that really fast for me.
In short, Yay for NCsoft and Paragon Studios support! -
I tend to solo, So whatever server I'm on tends to be about the same...
As a Solo player I'm hoping Exalted ends up being a haven from the crazy full other servers. I like there to be people around, so if I do need to team I can, and you know, sometimes you just feel social. But when the servers are packed to bursting the lag can get so insanely bad it makes me want to cry...
It'd be nice to have one server where there are people who are obviously in love with the game. (You paid for it, When it could be free. You don't get much more love than that.) A server where I can happily do what I want to do without having to put up with the free players who have no idea how to play. Not that I object to those players, I'm more than willing to help out where I can, but sometimes it's nice to take a break.
Obviously I'm assuming that's where the other servers are headed, At least in the low level areas. But who knows? Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised! -
Hah, There goes my work day entertainment! Now I'll have to go back to the olden days of actually doing my job!
So unfair.
There has been a lot of downtime of late, But then, a lot of very big changes have been happening, so I guess I can understand that. Anything that makes the game better in the long run, I can put up with a little annoyance in the now for.
Good luck and God Speed you crazy Server poking fools! -
Quote:Hah, Well there is that.Whether or not the players/collectors care doesn't matter. The problem is that one or more people at Paragon Studios has flat out said no, and they have the final say on the matter.
Positron said that some people will have to be not working at Paragon Studios for the power slide to be made available on the Paragon Market.
I was thinking more theoretically than practically, obviously if the boss says no, the answer is no. I ain't fighting the boss.
I don't want my one character bumped back to level one and dressed permanently in a bunny suit anymore than anyone else does. -
Like I said, It doesn't really bother me either. I honestly thought they'd already handed that stuff out. I could just see where some people would be annoyed by it. By now I'd kinda gotten used to it, I was actually wondering why I didn't see more power sliders out there in the world. Guess now I know! (That and apparently most people think it's stupid.)
It's their product, and their stuff to hand out. I paid for a limited edition, I didn't really pay for a limited power I suppose. If they decided to share it with everyone, It's no skin off my nose. Like you said, I'd still have the physical stuff to make me feel special.
Somewhere. Man, It's been what? 6 years now?
I figured there would be collectors who objected to it going for sale to the unwashed masses, But maybe there isn't? It has been 6 years or so like I said, maybe by now no one cares so much? -
Hah, At the end of the villain content, I got confused as to where I was going, and somehow turned myself around and ended up back at the location where the Freedom Phalanx had just turned up. I coulda just clicked mission exit, I know this, But I was exploring the scenery in what I figured was relative safety...
I looked down, and saw them all just standing there happily, like statues, and I figured I'd go get a closer look, see who had shown up to punish me.
Erm, They were not statues... All of them attacked me, at the same time. That was the quickest I've died in this game EVER.
I clicked the mission exit button at that point. -
I bought the limited edition, Way back when, And Have been using the Power slide on pretty much all my characters since.
Yeah, I know, It doesn't really work with there backstories for the most part.
For some reason, even though all the other prestige powers are the same speed, I just can't stand the animations that relate to them.
When I hit the Veterans reward that gave me all the other powers, I was kinda disappointed that despite my spending my money and getting the CE, Everyone else now had access to those same powers. It seemed a little cheap. But I'm not a collector, I got the collectors 'cos I really enjoyed the game and wanted to feel like I'd helped support it somehow. If even I was a little annoyed by that, I can't imagine how other people would feel, If they WERE buying it just to feel special in game.
Only after reading this thread did I learn my prestige power slide was still prestigious! (So thanks for that!)
Although it wouldn't matter too much to me, I could see where others would get upset by it being sold. We paid for something exclusive, And suddenly it's not? Seems a little unpleasant.
I would be one hundred percent fine with an alternative but similar power being sold though. I could see wanting an ice slide power, It would be pretty awesome. -
I really enjoyed it.
(Hi, by the by, Don't think I've ever posted on the forums before... This is as good a place to start as any other.)
I only did the villain arc, I don't really have any heroes higher than level 10, I always get bored of the hero side of things at about that point. But the villain arc was fun, the little surprise at the end made it worth playing through even if it HADN'T been a blast in and of itself. I haven't really played many Task/Strike forces or anything, and I soloed this one, but it wasn't excessively difficult, and it was fun to play through even as a sad lonely old geezer (Surrounded by Zombies.)
I'm looking forward to the next in the series. Not least of all because I've been using the name Kal Alastor online since sometime around the early 90's... That ghost stole my name!