pvp Change to help badge hunters.
See, the problem is with communication, the definition of farming, and what was being farmed.
The developers do not like farming. They know it's not going to stop, so they allow players to do so without harsh penalties (please, read on before making an assessment from the first three sentences.)
However, they do not want players to use the MA for farming since it was not its original intent. They said over a year ago that they were not making the MA to use for farming, yet people did.
They cracked down on MA badge farming by removing badges that promoted farming WITHIN the MA system, something they stated they didn't want, yet didn't see how conjested the MA would become.
They cracked down on MA XP farming by datamining and suspended players and blocked out toons that used the MA to powerlevel at unbelievable rates.
They cracked down on MA ticket farming by placing a ticket cap on all maps.
They cracked down and removed explotative MA maps that allowed players to earn tickets, XP, and badges by using the map to their advantage to avoid "normal" gameplay to obtain the items.
Although they disapprove of farming, they know it's not going to stop. Which is why you will not see great measures taken to stop farming elsewhere in game.
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

See, the problem is with communication, the definition of farming, and what was being farmed.
The developers do not like farming. They know it's not going to stop, so they allow players to do so without harsh penalties (please, read on before making an assessment from the first three sentences.)
However, they do not want players to use the MA for farming since it was not its original intent. They said over a year ago that they were not making the MA to use for farming, yet people did.
They cracked down on MA badge farming by removing badges that promoted farming WITHIN the MA system, something they stated they didn't want, yet didn't see how conjested the MA would become.
They cracked down on MA XP farming by datamining and suspended players and blocked out toons that used the MA to powerlevel at unbelievable rates.
They cracked down on MA ticket farming by placing a ticket cap on all maps.
They cracked down and removed explotative MA maps that allowed players to earn tickets, XP, and badges by using the map to their advantage to avoid "normal" gameplay to obtain the items.
Although they disapprove of farming, they know it's not going to stop. Which is why you will not see great measures taken to stop farming elsewhere in game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ummm.... WTF does MA have to do with pvp badges or recipes????
People that farm for pvp badges are the ultimate gaming lowlife. Earn it the hard way or don't wear the badge. Sorry, Carebears sporting pvp badges they farmed irks me more than the "girl" that takes a handout based on gender in game. The ilk of that mindset rates right here with this disgusting business:
Ymmv. Happy hunting....
Wow... the attention span of people is something I am in awe of...
from the OP
Well now I am really confused. I would have sworn that the devs just took some 80 odd badges away because we were farming them. Now they go and make changes so we can farm badges twice as fast.
[/ QUOTE ]
Does that help?
No.. well, to clarify...
The OP asked about badges.. not PvP recipies. So wtf are YOU talking about?
People that farm for pvp badges are the ultimate gaming lowlife
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you stumbled into the wrong forum. Why don't you go back and hang out with your little friends that show their ePeen by "havins t3h ubor l33t r3c1p3."
Just becuse you PvP doesn't mean you are a better gamer because you stick to one area of the game. Badge hunters, however, HAVE to experience all parts of the game, either by hook or crook, to obtain the badges.
So, before you stumble off to your little play land, here's your rock... go crawl back under it.
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

People that farm for pvp badges are the ultimate gaming lowlife. Earn it the hard way or don't wear the badge. Sorry, Carebears sporting pvp badges they farmed irks me more than the "girl" that takes a handout based on gender in game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Really? My view is a bit different. I think that people who do 'blanket put-downs' of an entire sector of the playerbase are the real lowlifes.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Are you really THAT naive, Mr Commander ? Please do not make ASSumptions about my playstyle or my nonexistant "ePeen". It is not my job to provide you with my playing credentials in order to post my opinion.My advice to you would be to crawl OUT from under YOUR little rock and take a look around. Happy hunting!!
People that farm for pvp badges are the ultimate gaming lowlife. Earn it the hard way or don't wear the badge. Sorry, Carebears sporting pvp badges they farmed irks me more than the "girl" that takes a handout based on gender in game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Really? My view is a bit different. I think that people who do 'blanket put-downs' of an entire sector of the playerbase are the real lowlifes.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have to be redundant apparantly. I have an objection to players that farm pvp badges. That is my opinion and after 5 years of play I highly doubt MY opinion will change. I don't care what other badges people farm .Have at it and a good time to all hunting badges!! I made no "blanket statement" against badging or badgers.
What in blue blazing hell are you talking about? You come into a thread, in the "badge forum", to tell people that badge farm they are lowlifes.
Seeing where this concerns you in anyway is beyond me.. because, oh wow... it doesn't concern you.
Go stir your controversy elsewhere.
Oh, I see what's wrong? You haven't upset the mods this week over something they find offensive so you have to build something nonexistant up to get the "deleted by Moderator 8" sticker on your posts? Or you're just trying to get the thread locked, like the majority of threads you post in turn into?
Just go away or I'll come into your forum and make a nonsensical post that matters to no one, not even myself.
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

I have to be redundant apparantly. I have an objection to players that farm pvp badges. That is my opinion and after 5 years of play I highly doubt MY opinion will change. I don't care what other badges people farm .Have at it and a good time to all hunting badges!! I made no "blanket statement" against badging or badgers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Alright, so here's my take, I can and have held my own in PVP both willingly and not so much. I remember the ganking attempts daily while I was grinding out the pillbox badge. Sometimes I would fight back, and win, or lose. Sometimes I would ignore them let them shoot at the back of my head while I did what I wanted to do. (and that's the advantage of being a tank you get to ignore the insistent ones)
HOWEVER badging as the mini-game it is is often about efficiency to goal not the path to get there. If I could have traded pillboxes with a villain when that badge first came out I would have but I missed out on that, so I did it the long way and took out 1000 of them. When i15 launched I got 3 or 4 of the arena badges at log in (3 I think) and in an effort to be efficent I farmed the rest, it has nothing to do with the saintity of PVP or having to prove I am better than some random player. it's about efficent use of time. I know I am better at PVP than someone out there and that is what the badge shows.
So have as low of an opinion of badge hunters as you like, honestly I don't think we care.
Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.
Now for those of you that didn't see sarcasm dripping from my first post, Let me just say the whole point was more/less to point out the glaring inconstancy of the changes the "devs" make in this game. I don't see this level of tweaking and tuning any any other game I have played. I mean changing things like rep cooldown to an effort to keep PVP IOs at a desired level of rarity, which boggles me as they are already the most rare thing in the game.
Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.
People that farm for pvp badges are the ultimate gaming lowlife. Earn it the hard way or don't wear the badge. Sorry, Carebears sporting pvp badges they farmed irks me more than the "girl" that takes a handout based on gender in game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Really? My view is a bit different. I think that people who do 'blanket put-downs' of an entire sector of the playerbase are the real lowlifes.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have to be redundant apparantly. I have an objection to players that farm pvp badges. That is my opinion and after 5 years of play I highly doubt MY opinion will change. I don't care what other badges people farm .Have at it and a good time to all hunting badges!! I made no "blanket statement" against badging or badgers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Certainly you did. I didn't say you made a statement against "all badgers", but you most certainly did make a blanket statement about a large group of players. That's all I was saying.
Apparently, I need to be redundant too. I was expressing MY OPINION . . . regarding your attitude. Object to certain behavior all you like. But when you start calling people names on the forums, you're just being ill-mannered.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Ummm.... WTF does MA have to do with pvp badges or recipes????
[/ QUOTE ]
It doesn't have anything to do with PvP anything specifically, but you made the argument about farming, which it has everything to do with.
Well, it seems Southern_Comfort only has an issue with people sporting "Disruptor" or other pvp related badges as a badge title if they've farmed it.
As an aside, I can only hope this change will help zone pvp get more attention.
@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker
Well, it seems Southern_Comfort only has an issue with people sporting "Disruptor" or other pvp related badges as a badge title if they've farmed it.
As an aside, I can only hope this change will help zone pvp get more attention.
[/ QUOTE ]
The only poissible way to popularize pvp in this game would be if it wasnt a broken, frustrating mess.
Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!
Arc ID 58363!
Clearly Southern_Comfort has a point. He might have made a silly mistake putting down badgers in the badging forum while making it, but he has a point.
That point is that there's really no good way to tell for sure if a person earned their PvP badges via "legitimate" PvP or if they earned them through farming. I have the feeling that he's bitter because he probably earned most of these badges through a lot of hard PvPing and doesn't like the idea that his precious badges are "cheapened" by other people who got them much more easily than he did. He's entitled that opinion, for what it's worth.
But it's hard to feel sorry for a person who's apparently upset about how -other- people play this game. If he can't be satisfied on his moral highground in taking pride in his own accomplishments for earning badges the way HE thinks we are ALL suppose to then that's his problem, not ours. Being mad that someone -else- is playing this game in a way that I don't like is a concept I probably wouldn't waste time on even if you paid me to. *shrugs*
After the Devs can slash-n-burn 80+ badges out of the game on barely a knee-jerking whim regardless if the people who earned them got them the "right" way or the "wrong" way having Southern_Comfort worried about the so-called purity of PvP badging doesn't really seem all that important anymore does it?
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Well, it seems Southern_Comfort only has an issue with people sporting "Disruptor" or other pvp related badges as a badge title if they've farmed it.
As an aside, I can only hope this change will help zone pvp get more attention.
[/ QUOTE ]
The only poissible way to popularize pvp in this game would be if it wasnt a broken, frustrating mess.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure it's been suggested before, but perhaps a PvP dedicated server should be setup. Have all the PvP Zones in it, with Warburg still being the "free fire no one is safe" zone, remove all the diminishing returns stuff and also have it set so that IO set bonuses don't count. Just normal IO/SO would be needed. Offer players ONE free transfer to that server for a PvP toon of their choice, future transfers either on or off the server would entail the usual fee.
Also, no I don't count TEST server as a "Dedicated PVP server" that is the TEST server and is subject to going down anytime for patches, updates, etc.
Just setup a dedicated PvP server and update it as needed to accomodate any adjustments to powers that occur.
One of the worst thing about getting rep badges the "right way" is rep decay. If spend a large amount of time earning rep and then can't play for 3-4 days all of your hard work is wasted and you have to start over. As awful as some may think it is, rep farming is one of the only ways to get those badges without months of frustration, especially if you are on a smaller server with little to no pvp community.
Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry
One of the worst thing about getting rep badges the "right way" is rep decay. If spend a large amount of time earning rep and then can't play for 3-4 days all of your hard work is wasted and you have to start over. As awful as some may think it is, rep farming is one of the only ways to get those badges without months of frustration, especially if you are on a smaller server with little to no pvp community.
[/ QUOTE ]
So in other words you dont want to "Earn it" you just want to "Have it"
I have to agree with S Comfort.
Badges are accomplishments. A PvP badge is supposed to show you have what it takes and got enough kills to sport a title or have that particular badge
In the military you dont cheat to get your badges, you earn them
In the Boy Scouts badges are given out for excellence in a particular field
How is taking turns killing a friend to get a badge for PvP excelling at anything other than cheating the system?
That's not what I'm saying. I don't have either rep badge on my main badger and don't plan on it. He is a scrapper and sucks at pvp. What I'm saying is that the current rep system is broken when it comes to earning these badges. Unless all you do is pvp then you shouldn't expect to earn them the normal way. You can't tell me there is a normal way to earn leader and empath even with the reduced amount. And as for your comparison to CoH badges to the military or boy scouts, give me a break. This is a game.
Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry
Unless all you do is pvp then you shouldn't expect to earn them.
[/ QUOTE ]
That is how you are supposed to earn them
And no you only have to PvP a little here and there to get the badge. If you want the badge then out fight the rep decay. Thats is what is meant by earning a badge.
In the military you dont cheat to get your badges, you earn them
In the Boy Scouts badges are given out for excellence in a particular field
How is taking turns killing a friend to get a badge for PvP excelling at anything other than cheating the system?
[/ QUOTE ]
This isn't the military.
The thing I think funny is that after all of the changes to PvP, and after the PvP population died off, the remaining PvP community could care about badges and how they are earned. I mean, this would bring more people into YOUR community and build it back up again.
Sure, they get the badges by hook or by crook, but it still introduces another group of people to PvP. It might even win some people over to spending more time PvP'ing.
But, instead of welcoming people over, you have to shoot them down, insulting them for even attempting PvP for a reason other than pure PvP.
And speaking of "badgers cheating"... wow! I've seen more "cheating" through the PvP community (camping inside the opposite factions hospital by exploiting holes in PvP zones) than I have seen badgers cheat. Badges are meant to be earned. Exploiting entire zones for the purpose of griefing... that's a little more harsh, IMO.
I'm surprised, and appalled, that the l33tn3ss is still present and the insults still fly when your community is all but dead.
Kudos, PvP'ers! Way to go!
(See what I did there, I make a blanket statement too :P )
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

I did not lump you into any PvE or Carebear category so dont so it to me. You only make yourself look like an idiot
I actually PvP less than an hour a week so I dont have a 'side' in this but what I do have is the want to actually waork for something without it just given to me. I dont want a badge that says I took on X mob and defeated it when I know I didnt.
If you want to go around wearing a badge or award you got knowing you cheated then fine. I deal with people like that in real life and they are all losers too
You do realize this is a game, right? How is farming for a graphic or title "cheating."
I would moreso worry about farming for inf, farming for rare recipies, etc. Badges aren't even a status symbol, so what's the deal? And don't say, "well.. some accolades give temp powers" because the temp powers last 30-60 seconds and once they are used, you have 2 hours till you can use them again. So there is no "game breaking" advantage or disadvantage to farming badges.
And you don't see the other side of the coin? That complaining about how others choose to enjoy the game is a bit loser-ish as well?
I call this a stalemate. Move on.
Also, why the hell can't people read entire threads rather than think people are singling them out? I wasn't talking about you. If you would have seen the blanket post/insult southern_comfort made, you would have seen the outlandish comment was directed towards the idiocy of blanket statements.
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

He downgraded ONLY the people who farm the PvP badges and I can see his point. He PvPs, earned his badges and gets ticked when people want them for free or super easy
If you read my post I agreed with him
Badges arent a status sybmol because you can use work arounds and cheats to get em. If I meet 2 people with similar badges and person A got them through cheating and person B obtained them the hard way and I am looking for an 8th person for a TF or team I pick person B simply because it says a lot about someone's drive to achive as opposed to his eagerness to cheat
But who actually defines cheating? You?
You mean to tell me, trading kills in a PvP zone, while other PvPers are attacking you because, well, it's a PvP zone, means that you cheated? Your definition of cheating varries from mine.
Exploiting a system to obtain something that's beneficial is my definition of cheating. Trading kills is not an exploit because we are physically spending hours/days/weeks to obtain the same thing you did. We put the same amount of time in, just in a different fashion.
Standing in one spot, using a bugged emote, and leveling up... that's cheating. Earning PvP badges from PvE enemies... that's cheating.
But, no... trading kills doesn't define cheating. It's called using a working-as-intended system to your advantage.
Let me remind you why there is a kill timer... it wasn't because of badge hunters earning badges quickly. It was because PvP'ers would camp hospitals/spawn points to kill someone as they were rezzing, with 1 HP, for the "rep" and the lawlz of griefing. That, to me, is cheating. Why? Because you are not playing as intended. You are not allowing your opponent the same advantages that you have... like resting in a safe zone.
I play with the same paramiters you do, just that I have a different use for them than you do.
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

Well now I am really confused. I would have sworn that the devs just took some 80 odd badges away because we were farming them. Now they go and make changes so we can farm badges twice as fast.
These mixed signals they confound me.
Release Notes for Build 19.20090702.2
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009
* Also lowering the rep timer from 10 minutes to 5 minutes.
so now we are getting disruptor twice as fast ! yay!
Also once I put on my tin foil hat, I have to wonder if this PVP IO fix happened a couple weeks after issue to make sure all of us badge hunters rushing to get the arena badges didn't get any drops for our badging efforts.
Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.