Support toon for zones...
roll an emp or therm
K made me a Mind/Emp now someone pl meh.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.
Still playing for reasons unknown.
Why lolsupport? =o
I still see an Emp def buffing me as a great aid/help =x
HD makes emping in zones damn near pointless.
Not to mention that TS makes my emp an easy [censored] target for...well anything. Cause if they attack me, I suppress, if I heal, I suppress, if I don't heal, I die from attacks.
yup and there my emps sit - ioed out and no where to play them. Funny part is in RV when I actually do team emp it takes the red side a while to figure out there is an emp..since they are rare.
I went in with three other team mates and they kept calling them poppers lol...till said "get the emp"
Even with heal decay and DR, an Emp is still useful - just need to be careful about timing the heals. I'll agree that they're nothing like they used to be but heals can be instrumental in keeping a teammate or two along live enough to kill their attacker (plus it frustrates people to no end in zones to have them think their target's just about dead, then to see them at full health again).
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
This is true...but anybody who played support in i12 feels the pain of emping now....just too painful.
There's still handful of good emps left that can swing the tide in a zone. But most buffers tend to play on vilside now. With a corr, you can kind of play an offense toon that happens to have some buffs. I think most just do that. Emps tend to be pure buffers, and almost nobody plays that anymore, since it's so annoying.
I use my emp just to buff my other account. But I do use my therm corr all the time. When not buffing, I can actually kill stuff.
I emp the zone and it usually turns the tides in RV....I'd say like 95% of the time.
I'll still level the thing and give it a go. If it comes down to it, it can still be usefull in team arena. Never emp'd before since I mostly play villains and used to /kin and /rad so it could be interesting.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

This is true...but anybody who played support in i12 feels the pain of emping now....just too painful.
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Emping prior to our current pvp system, was way too easy.
There is finally a challenge to emping. Emps can either "adjust" and do well, or give up and show their lack of true skill, imho. There are still good emps out there, I've seen them, and I know them. It's just alot more challenging than before, which is a good thing.
When I mean painful I'm not referring to how hard it is. It's was not hard then it's not hard now, I mean watching my usefulness diminish is disheartening. I don't want the days of double emped blasters wrecking zone back, but there are times when I fort somebody and realize that I probably just buffed there dmg and barely anything else...that's what hurts.
When I mean painful I'm not referring to how hard it is. It's was not hard then it's not hard now, I mean watching my usefulness diminish is disheartening. I don't want the days of double emped blasters wrecking zone back, but there are times when I fort somebody and realize that I probably just buffed there dmg and barely anything else...that's what hurts.
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Ok, yea, I see what you mean. It is a bit of a change in that regard for sure.
=/ Emps and FF defenders I have on my other accounts were never to heal me =x just to buff when I die (and sometimes just autoing certain powers, leaving them following what I'm using to wipe out the zone, with ++up macro on =x) <- and yeah I got a warning for this too =/
Warning by who? The GM's warned you for having two accounts and using them? [censored]-ing tools. Get wrecked.
When I mean painful I'm not referring to how hard it is.
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I'm with mel on this. It's not really any harder to play now....everything you do just has much less of an effect. And that sucks, if you played a buffer before I13.
Before, a good emp could make a bad team good, and a good team unstoppable. Now, not so much.
But hell...maybe I should make a new build for my emp. What do most emps take these days, hibernoob or power boost? For zone PvP.
I'm still rockin PB so that I can still heal through Heal Decay. I'm thinking bout going with Earths Embrace on my next build since HP is so important, and I'm not going to iO anymore of my toons...not till going rogue comes at least.
Most of my Emp/Therm/Pain builds have got somewhere between 1450 and 1500 HP so I am staying with Primal for PB (and grabbing Phase). I'm particularly proud of the Son/Pain build that is less than 40 points off the HP cap and has something like 40 HP/sec regen.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
i have pboost and kept phase on my pain. pale shadows of better days aside, you can lend decent aid in zones. be judicious with your heals unless, you know, you are actually trying to heal grief them? ;-)
Maybe this is a dumb question, but when you heal a teammate do you drop out of stealth? (like when you attack a target). Was thinking an illusion/emp would be a great support toon provided you don't drop out of superior inv when you heal/buff a teammate.
Healing does not suppress stealth.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but when you heal a teammate do you drop out of stealth? (like when you attack a target). Was thinking an illusion/emp would be a great support toon provided you don't drop out of superior inv when you heal/buff a teammate.
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A lot of Ill/Emps skip Superior/Group Invisibility because the non-VEAT/non-Stalker stealth cap is very low (anyone with a source of perception can see you at cap). If you're fighting a team without any perception, or in zones, Superior Invisibility can be useful, but in most organized arena it's largely a wasted power pick. People usually prefer Ill/Emp because of Phantom Army and Phantasm (for targeting disruption).
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Yeah it's weird now.
I can find a lot more support on redside via corrs and MMs that still attempt to support and keep a team buffed.
On blueside it seems I always end up solo or teamed with soloists. (blasters, scrappers) On some rare occasions when I do see an emp/ or /thermal... they're usually someone's personal buff bot...
I think the changes made hurt the effectiveness of a single buffer... so that having multiple buffers wouldnt be too OP'ed. Problem is that getting more than one buffer on a team in zones is a challenge.
"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.
I usually play squishy toons both in PvE and PvP and I've decided to make a support toon to roll on Freedom till I16 comes out. I was thinking of maybe a Mind/Emp but with DR and heal decay I'm not really sure anymore. I could roll a blaster for just offense but I'm waiting to do that when Rad/ comes out and I don't need another villain 50 since I've got enough of them as it is. That being said what is a good support to roll now?
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE