Earned Glory vs. Purchased Glory?




Am I the only one a little disappointed with devs repeatedly offering "limited edition" content to the general game community for a fee?

The simple answer was Yes. Yes you are the only one!



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
I was all excited about it when I thought you had to earn your way onto the server.
Okay, how in the world did you you ever come up with that idea?



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
The most recent costumes available for purchase that were originally a special issue item given out at con events are really a disapointment.
Well, since all you had to do to get those costumes was to show up at a con, it was never "earned glory"... it was purchased in the form of a plane ticket, cab fare, etc. and any fee you might have spent to get into the con.

As for the VIP thing, how would one earn their way onto it? By Vet status? That's just who has paid longer. I can't imagine the Devs ever having a server you have to pass a test to get on, which is the only way it would be earned. (And of course you could always just get your 1337 friend to take the test for you, even if there was a test).

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Okay, how in the world did you you ever come up with that idea?
It might have been similar to the logic of the guy who thought that obviously the entire playerbase would be wiped when Freedom went live.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
It might have been similar to the logic of the guy who thought that obviously the entire playerbase would be wiped when Freedom went live.
...I can see why we now have a facepalm emote.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
It might have been similar to the logic of the guy who thought that obviously the entire playerbase would be wiped when Freedom went live.
No no no, that was naturally assumed.

Where to now?
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Well really you didn't -earn- any glory by having those codes. All you had to do was attend the con, that usually meant paying for a ticket to get in to get in... The rest is just traveling around and if you attend cons solely for these bonus trinkets... Anyway the fact you could just buy them off places like ebay for obscene prices kinda defeats your idea for these things.

Personally I consider all my herocon 09 swag to be the real prize. I still have my tote bag hanging around..
(and my Artbook signed by EVERY attending dev... The whole cover, FULL.)

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
no stupid questions, no smack talk, just awesomeness everywhere. Great teams, great people.

There are no stupid questions.

Some answers, and many unfounded assertions, however...

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



As the others have said, I'm not sure "could get a plane ticket and some time off work" is a noteworthy accomplishment to be commemorated with forever-exclusive items. I'm also not sure what criteria you could possibly have imagined for the VIP server that would make your rose-tinted vision of the early days of CoH into reality.

Based on the title I had expected a thread about putting in-game unlockables in the Paragon store.



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
This ties in with the whole VIP account thing. I was all excited about it when I thought you had to earn your way onto the server. I had visions of a server filled with experienced gamers. Little to no power leveling, no stupid questions, no smack talk, just awesomeness everywhere. Great teams, great people. Like it was way back.
Because obviously there are no long-term experienced players around the forums who power-level .... I don't personally, but if there's some on the forums (and there are) then there's a lot more who do that in the game.

I am curious as to what your would like the requirements to be for someone to get on the VIP server in order to get a server with nothing but friendly, experienced players who all get along with each other. You can't really do it by sub time since there are people who've had a long-term sub but who don't play much, and there are some really friendly skilled players who pick things up quickly but have only been around a very short time. You can't really do it by number of 50s since there are some people who only play a very limited number of characters or even those who have altitis so much that they may not have more than a couple 50s (like me) or possibly even none. You can't really do badges since some people may not care about badges or possibly just not even be high enough level to do it (or in the case of Mo* badges just not care to deal with the hassle).

Also, I don't really think the game was ever quite as rosy as you seem to think it was. I've been playing this game since I got into the beta for pre-ordering it and even back then you had players who's sole goal was to upset others. For example I remember joining a Perez Park team just a couple of weeks after launch with a player who enjoyed randomly porting teammates into full spawns guaranteed to kill them. You know, back before the accept teleport prompt was added to the game. Basically pretty much any time you get a large group of people together you're going to run into stupid questions and jerks.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
This ties in with the whole VIP account thing. I was all excited about it when I thought you had to earn your way onto the server.
I am a little curious as to what you thought we might have to do to qualify for the server?

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
Am I the only one a little disappointed with devs repeatedly offering "limited edition" content to the general game community for a fee?

The most recent costumes available for purchase that were originally a special issue item given out at con events are really a disapointment.

Yes, I too have always wanted them, but it was way cooler to see them on somebody who earned them then somebody who just purchased them.

This ties in with the whole VIP account thing. I was all excited about it when I thought you had to earn your way onto the server. I had visions of a server filled with experienced gamers. Little to no power leveling, no stupid questions, no smack talk, just awesomeness everywhere. Great teams, great people. Like it was way back. When I realized you could just buy into it I was really happy I didn't transfer anybody there. It's no different then any other server now. Somedays I think it has more newb's then all the other servers combined. -Disappointed



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
Am I the only one a little disappointed with devs repeatedly offering "limited edition" content to the general game community for a fee?

The most recent costumes available for purchase that were originally a special issue item given out at con events are really a disapointment.

Yes, I too have always wanted them, but it was way cooler to see them on somebody who earned them then somebody who just purchased them.
And yet, the same codes were still being sold on eBay for non-trivial sums of money. Did those players who purchased them really do anything special to receive them, other than plunk down dozens or hundreds of dollars? It's the sort of thing that made NCSoft leery about giving these codes out at cons in the first place, and ensuring that they were typically only given out to people with accounts (although that still didn't stop the eBay trade).

Now, players who want to purchase the codes can do so legitimately, without guilt or being raked over the coals by fellow players on a 3rd party auction site. Edit: ... and NCSoft makes a little extra from it, which I support (as opposed to eBay sellers gouging other players).

That being said:

Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Speak for yourself. As a guy who's been to several conventions and M&Gs, I can say that they're not for everyone, nor does everyone have the time or money to hit conventions (especially those with children). I'm more than happy to see that some of these long sought-after transformations will be made available to the public at a premium - I still got them for free when I went to certain events, so I really haven't lost anything



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
A I was all excited about it when I thought you had to earn your way onto the server. I had visions of a server filled with experienced gamers. Little to no power leveling, no stupid questions, no smack talk, just awesomeness everywhere. Great teams, great people. Like it was way back. When I realized you could just buy into it I was really happy I didn't transfer anybody there. It's no different then any other server now. Somedays I think it has more newb's then all the other servers combined. -Disappointed

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Just a reminder to anyone with shock/surprise as some of the thought processes that manifest on these boards:

This is the internet.

'nuff said.



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
The most recent costumes available for purchase that were originally a special issue item given out at con events are really a disapointment.

Yes, I too have always wanted them, but it was way cooler to see them on somebody who earned them then somebody who just purchased them.
In the case of these costume codes how could you ever tell whether the person wearing one ever paid for it or not?
You do know people were buying these things via third parties right?

Your elitist concept of "earned glory" versus "purchased glory" might apply to something like being upset that the Zookeeper badge was reduced from 10,000 Rikti monkeys to 1,000 Rikti monkeys. I could see where someone who had earned the 10,000 version badge might be a little upset that they wasted the time to get the extra 9,000 monkeys they didn't need anymore.

But this idea that you're upset that people can now buy a few costume codes that you previously had to be lucky enough to go to a real life convention to get is just plain laughable. I can understand people being upset about their confused concepts of exclusivity, but this pretty much takes the cake for silliness.

You do understand that there's a very large difference between calling something "exclusive" and that same something being PERMANENTLY exclusive don't you? I have absolutely no problem with people getting free codes from conventions which are exclusive for a certain period of time. But likewise I have absolutely no problem with those codes eventually being offered for sale in the Paragon Market either.

Get over yourself with these silly notions...

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
This ties in with the whole VIP account thing. I was all excited about it when I thought you had to earn your way onto the server. I had visions of a server filled with experienced gamers. Little to no power leveling, no stupid questions, no smack talk, just awesomeness everywhere. Great teams, great people. Like it was way back. When I realized you could just buy into it I was really happy I didn't transfer anybody there. It's no different then any other server now. Somedays I think it has more newb's then all the other servers combined. -Disappointed
Thomas Moore would like to let you in on a small secret:

"Utopia" is derived from the Greek words ou (οὐ), "not", and topos (τόπος), "place", with the suffix -iā (-ία) that is typical of toponyms; hence Outopía (Οὐτοπία; Latinized as Ūtopia, with stress on the second syllable), "no-place-land".



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
The most recent costumes available for purchase that were originally a special issue item given out at con events are really a disapointment.
Yes, because living in the US and/or being able to pay to get to a con is SO glorious and worthy of-

Wait, what was your valid arguement again?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
As the others have said, I'm not sure "could get a plane ticket and some time off work" is a noteworthy accomplishment to be commemorated with forever-exclusive items. I'm also not sure what criteria you could possibly have imagined for the VIP server that would make your rose-tinted vision of the early days of CoH into reality.

Based on the title I had expected a thread about putting in-game unlockables in the Paragon store.
Here you go!




This thread needs more pics and more people responding to the OP like they are original.



Here's the rub,

Conventions are special. Fan Gatherings are special. They're special to you guys, and they're special to us. We also want to offer incentive to attend these events.

You know, aside from getting to spend time with me.

(No, not seriously).

While we do wish to maintain a certain amount of exclusivity to these items, we also believe that everyone should, eventually, have an opportunity to share in the fun. We're going to remain very watchful as to how soon is too soon to offer these costume powers outside of events, but I would expect to see any future Convention/M&G/Player Summit codes offered in the market...eventually.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



What with CoH running on servercorns now i suspect the OP expected the Devs to harness servercorn magic to select those worthy of being chosen for Exalted. "Have a servercorn **** rainbows on them from orbit; it's the only way to be sure."

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
What with CoH running on servercorns now i suspect the OP expected the Devs to harness servercorn magic to select those worthy of being chosen for Exalted. "Have a servercorn **** rainbows on them from orbit; it's the only way to be sure."
I'm not familiar with Servercorns. Are they the result of a horrible accident involving a Unicorn, a server and a stray beam of gamma radiation? Can only virgins touch them? (Awkward for the server techs!) I can only imagine that the rainbows you mentioned are now some sort of prismatic fiber optic connection. The questions are endless!



Originally Posted by Norse Star View Post
I was all excited about it when I thought you had to earn your way onto the server. I had visions of a server filled with experienced gamers. Little to no power leveling, no stupid questions, no smack talk, just awesomeness everywhere. Great teams, great people. Like it was way back. When I realized you could just buy into it I was really happy I didn't transfer anybody there. It's no different then any other server now. Somedays I think it has more newb's then all the other servers combined.
Did I die and go to an alternate plane of existence where this sort of expectation makes any sort of sense? There is so much wrong with it that I have trouble wrapping my head around it, let alone deciding where to start...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.