Discussion: English forum changes underway!




Originally Posted by Edana View Post
I haven't ever seen them used for anything but heal badge farming.

Occasionally they get used for Lanista and Grand Lanista

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Looks good so far, thank you for not obliterating my AT forums.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Last thing we were told was "It's a known vbulletin issue. If you want to see it fixed, pester vbulletin on their forums."
Wow. If that's what someone from NCSoft actually told you, that is just ridiculous, and an example of horrible customer service.

Cleaning up the forums is fine, but I'll bet far more new players are going to be annoyed by, and as a result less likely to use the forums because of, the bug that causes them to have to log in EVERY DAMN TIME they visit.

Personally, I'd be fine if they added 50 more forums if they'd fix the one thing that actually NEEDS to be fixed.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
I'm surprised the Lounges aren't going.
Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Seems reasonable

Only amazed that the Lounges are staying, European one is pretty quiet.
This and indeed this. Can't speak for the Oceanic Lounge but the EU lounge is a desolate wasteland of inactivity for the most part.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Doesn't a Mod usually post multi-server events so that it would be seen in the Mod Digest? The announcement would go into Announcements and the discussion can either go in Announcement Discussion or City Life.
I think you misunderstand. I'm referring to an SG recruitment thread that's currently in the Supergroup Section. It's information about Repeat Offenders Network which is a multi-server SG coalition. With the Supergroup forum going away, where would RO place its recruitment thread?...In three different server forums? The last message I received about this was a year ago and I was waiting to hear back about how the Community folks plan to handle groups that span more than one server. I'm still wondering what the plan is.

I have another question about the rather large Repeat Offenders thread in the SG recruitment section. Will it be moved or simply deleted? If its to be moved, where to?...If it is to be deleted...when?



Avatea & Company, Thanks for listening to our concerns about the AT specific forums. I spend most of my time there and would hate to see that area consolidated. All of the announced changes are fine with me.

I would think that the issue a few folks have brought up, regarding recruitment across servers, is rare enough that probably a stickied thread in one of the general forums like City Life would be sufficient.

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Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Wow. If that's what someone from NCSoft actually told you, that is just ridiculous, and an example of horrible customer service.
What they *actually* said was that it's a known vBulletin issue with v3, that they've got support cases open with Jelsoft, but there's nothing they can do directly to fix it so bugging them about it won't help, but bugging Jelsoft about it might.

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I hate to be the first person to have a problem with the amended plan. I like it, but it will pose one problem for a small number of us.

The Iron Eagles supergroup has a mammoth thread in Player Events. It probably shouldn't even be IN that forum in the first place, as it started out as sort of a SG recruitment thread, but it has long since morphed into an ongoing historical record filled with tales of adventure and our own peculiar kind of heartbreak.

I understand that almost everything else in the Player Events section is just publicity for events that occur at a fixed point in time, and as such, rapidly fades away in relevance, but I personally feel like the Iron Eagles thread is different. We play by our own voluntary "hardcore" rules, and delete our characters when they are defeated. Many have fallen, and the characters are now gone -- only the tales of their epic deeds remain, in that thread.

I hate to plead for special treatment, but would it be possible to move the entire (admittedly huge) thread somewhere? The SG is based on the Justice server, so perhaps the Justice Server forum would be the best home for it?

That kindness would make us very happy and still permit the planned consolidation of forums.

Thanks for reading,


PS: I will PM this post to Avatea. Fingers crossed!

Wow, thanks for the help, Avatea!!!

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The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Oh, I can't imagine that they'd be against moving particular threads, such as that. Regardless, best of luck.

I just wanted to mention that I still haven't been auto-logged-out for... the past week, I think.
I was surprised to see people mentioning that it is occurring again. I thought it actually went away.
*CTRL A + CTRL C and waits to be logged out*

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and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Last thing we were told was "It's a known vbulletin issue. If you want to see it fixed, pester vbulletin on their forums."
With all due respect to the devs, we are not VBulletin's customers, Paragon Studios is. They are the ones who need to complain to VBulletin about their poor software, and if they do not get a satisfactory response, then they should consider taking their custom elsewhere. All players can do is quit in frustration if the forum log-in can't be fixed.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
the bug that causes them to have to log in EVERY DAMN TIME they visit.
I just want to clarify this. Aside from the long-standing random logout bug, which we've been told is outside of NCSoft's control, there is a new problem that every time I close my browser, the next time I come to the boards I have to log back in again. This one is not random, it happens every time. Basically the checkbox next to the login that says "Remember me" doesn't work. At all. This is new, as of the last couple of weeks or so. Given that it has worked for the entire time I've used the boards up until very recently, I have to believe that is under NCSoft's direct control and can be fixed by them. I haven't seen confirmation that they're even aware of that one and are working on it.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
I just want to clarify this. Aside from the long-standing random logout bug, which we've been told is outside of NCSoft's control, there is a new problem that every time I close my browser, the next time I come to the boards I have to log back in again. This one is not random, it happens every time. Basically the checkbox next to the login that says "Remember me" doesn't work. At all. This is new, as of the last couple of weeks or so. Given that it has worked for the entire time I've used the boards up until very recently, I have to believe that is under NCSoft's direct control and can be fixed by them. I haven't seen confirmation that they're even aware of that one and are working on it.
Yes, this is what I was talking about. This is annoying enough by itself, but couple it with the fact that changing forums, or taking too long to proofread a long post can also log you out, and it is simply unacceptable.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
I just want to clarify this. Aside from the long-standing random logout bug, which we've been told is outside of NCSoft's control, there is a new problem that every time I close my browser, the next time I come to the boards I have to log back in again. This one is not random, it happens every time. Basically the checkbox next to the login that says "Remember me" doesn't work. At all. This is new, as of the last couple of weeks or so. Given that it has worked for the entire time I've used the boards up until very recently, I have to believe that is under NCSoft's direct control and can be fixed by them. I haven't seen confirmation that they're even aware of that one and are working on it.
No, actually, if you'd read the thread, it's been said multiple times now that "remember me doesn't work" is a vBulletin issue, not an issue with NCsoft's implementation. The random logout bug, however, *IS* an NCsoft issue. But they have no idea how to fix it. (And don't seem to be very interested in investigating it, sadly.)

So you've got the two issues reversed.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
This time last year, I was speaking with theOcho about this change and how Repeat Offenders and other multi-server groups, would be handled or what options we would have.

So what do you recommend multi-server groups do in regards to SG recruitment? Posting up duplicate threads on the various server seems like a lot of repetition and if I'm not mistaken, is against the forum rules.
I must disagree with this suggestion and posting up repetitious posts is worthless. SGs are not cross server, they can share a chat channel but unless they changed how large SGs can be, the new forum setup makes more sense. Make a SG? post in the corresponding server forum that the SG exists and maybe in your forum signature includes all your SGs and locations. I run about 9 SGs on Triumph, Union, Virtue and Freedom and each one needs recruitment, but I wouldn't collectively recruit for the lot of them, especially on the forums of the game. Honestly, SG related stuff is better matched for your OWN website/forum not here.

With forums the way they are, unless you get a post to your thread, it will get buried pretty quick. Less than a 10th of the players in CoH ever say a word in the forums and as SG recruitment is dying on the forums, they want to consolidate the subforums as they have too many. Best way to recruit? play the game.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
With all due respect to the devs, we are not VBulletin's customers, Paragon Studios is. They are the ones who need to complain to VBulletin about their poor software, and if they do not get a satisfactory response, then they should consider taking their custom elsewhere. All players can do is quit in frustration if the forum log-in can't be fixed.

I'm sick and tired of the "not my problem" attitude on this issue.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
With all due respect to the devs, we are not VBulletin's customers, Paragon Studios is. They are the ones who need to complain to VBulletin about their poor software, and if they do not get a satisfactory response, then they should consider taking their custom elsewhere. All players can do is quit in frustration if the forum log-in can't be fixed.
Our response has never been "Not our problem, talk to Vbulletin" regarding it. Our response has been that it is a known issue, that it is larger known issue with VBulletin, and that a solution is being investigated, in order of priority, by our web development team in Seattle.

We have continued to pass along troubleshooting from our Community, and I check in on the status of the issue every single week. The issue isn't forgotten, however next to things such as relaunching the website for Freedom and resolving some outstanding validation bugs with account creation, it is lower in priority.

The "Not our problem" is anecdotally recollected comments paraphrased by others.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
it is lower in priority.
As it should be when weighed against such other concerns.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The "Not our problem" is anecdotally recollected comments paraphrased by others.
Which anyone actually paying attention would know right off. This company has never 'passed the buck'. Not even when they could right after the Cryptic crew left.

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I was talking with a forum owner buddy of mine. It took him months to create a custom patch to fix the log remember and random log out issues. v4 launched two months after getting them fixed.

Has v4 doesn't have the issue, he recommends updating to v4.X There is a 3 to 4 style converter if the forum mods really want to keep the current one. If it was the old team vbull team the issue would be most likely fixed. This new team barely cares of old versions of their software. Firmly believed by my friend that by the time they do fix it, v6 or higher will be out.

That being said updating to v4 isn't a simple up taking. Even if they used the style converter, there would be several bugs and what nots needing to be fixed.

My personal advice?, wait for v5 to launch (it should be coming out soon) and update to it. Official support of v3 will be almost non-existent when v5 launches. Create new styles of the forum to choose from to match freedom. New hero, villain styles, rogue, vigilantes, loyalist and resistance styles.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The "Not our problem" is anecdotally recollected comments paraphrased by others.

This is probably one of the posts(from the 22 Sept Ustream Dev Chat) that gives people the impression that you guys are "passing the buck":

Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Talk about the forum log-in bug. Posi confirms it's not just players; the devs have to deal with it too. It's a VBulletin bug. So complain over there.
Since many of us don't watch the Ustream and Von Krieger seems to be one of the few putting in a lot of work(Thanks VK!) giving us notes on it the impression kinda sticks.

I'm not saying his translation is 100% from Dev speak, but I wouldn't think he would be that far off as to be completely wrong.



Shrug. Weeks after being told by various people that I need to go to NCSoft to change my password to regain access to the forums, after having done nothing for that time I find that I am able to log in again. I have faith everything will be fixed in due time. For sure, my problem was (and it was a fairly common problem).

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Aluminum_Dave View Post
This is probably one of the posts(from the 22 Sept Ustream Dev Chat) that gives people the impression that you guys are "passing the buck":

Since many of us don't watch the Ustream and Von Krieger seems to be one of the few putting in a lot of work(Thanks VK!) giving us notes on it the impression kinda sticks.

I'm not saying his translation is 100% from Dev speak, but I wouldn't think he would be that far off as to be completely wrong.
Can't recall if that last bit was a (paraphrase) of Posi's words, or VK's summation, but from what I recall of the feeling was "We're doing what we can, only VB can speed it up more" kinda thing.

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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Back on topic:

Some edge cases aside, I am fine with the proposed changes. AS for the edge cases, not sure what the proper solution would be, but the streamlining solution is the best proposal for the majority of cases, IMPO.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Our response has never been "Not our problem, talk to Vbulletin" regarding it. Our response has been that it is a known issue, that it is larger known issue with VBulletin, and that a solution is being investigated, in order of priority, by our web development team in Seattle.

We have continued to pass along troubleshooting from our Community, and I check in on the status of the issue every single week. The issue isn't forgotten, however next to things such as relaunching the website for Freedom and resolving some outstanding validation bugs with account creation, it is lower in priority.

The "Not our problem" is anecdotally recollected comments paraphrased by others.
Couldn't "It's not a big priority, and someone else's department" be anecdotally paraphrased to "Not our problem"? I don't think anyone is saying anything different from what you're saying. My interactions with previous rednames on this issue would certainly agree.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The "Not our problem" is anecdotally recollected comments paraphrased by others.
Thank you for the official statement, Zwillinger, as well as for regularly checking on the status of the log-out bug. I was indeed recollecting Von Krieger's summary of Posi's comments in UStream (and I expect Memphis_Bill was also). While UStream is only an informal platform, in the absence of clear positions such as your post, offhand comments from the dev team receive disproportionate weight. It's always appreciated to have a red name give us clear-cut information in cases like this.

Here's hoping the log-out bug will be addressed as soon as possible.