Discussion: English forum changes underway!




I like these changes but especially like the sensitive way they have been dealt with by the Community Team. Thanks everyone.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Toqom View Post
I must disagree with this suggestion and posting up repetitious posts is worthless. SGs are not cross server, they can share a chat channel but unless they changed how large SGs can be, the new forum setup makes more sense. Make a SG? post in the corresponding server forum that the SG exists and maybe in your forum signature includes all your SGs and locations. I run about 9 SGs on Triumph, Union, Virtue and Freedom and each one needs recruitment, but I wouldn't collectively recruit for the lot of them, especially on the forums of the game. Honestly, SG related stuff is better matched for your OWN website/forum not here.

With forums the way they are, unless you get a post to your thread, it will get buried pretty quick. Less than a 10th of the players in CoH ever say a word in the forums and as SG recruitment is dying on the forums, they want to consolidate the subforums as they have too many. Best way to recruit? play the game.
Just to be clear, no one suggested multi-server groups post repeatedly in the server section. My question was an example to show that placing a thread in the server section wouldn't work for Multi-Server/ Multi-Supergroups. I'm pleased that the OP was edited to allow groups to move threads on request. I've already requested RO thread be moved to another more general section. So all is well on that end.

Thank you Community Staff.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
  • The Screenshots & Fan creations forums and the Multi-Media City of Heroes and Villains forums will be consolidated into one Fan Creations forum.
I thought this was a bad idea the previous time it was suggested and I still think it's a bad idea. Multi-Media posts are nowhere near as frequent as Screenshots (possibly because it does take a bit more work) so any new videos will quickly be pushed off the front page never to be noticed unless it's creator cross posts it in City Life like Michelle does.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I hate to be the first person to have a problem with the amended plan. I like it, but it will pose one problem for a small number of us.

The Iron Eagles supergroup has a mammoth thread in Player Events. It probably shouldn't even be IN that forum in the first place, as it started out as sort of a SG recruitment thread, but it has long since morphed into an ongoing historical record filled with tales of adventure and our own peculiar kind of heartbreak.

I understand that almost everything else in the Player Events section is just publicity for events that occur at a fixed point in time, and as such, rapidly fades away in relevance, but I personally feel like the Iron Eagles thread is different. We play by our own voluntary "hardcore" rules, and delete our characters when they are defeated. Many have fallen, and the characters are now gone -- only the tales of their epic deeds remain, in that thread.

I hate to plead for special treatment, but would it be possible to move the entire (admittedly huge) thread somewhere? The SG is based on the Justice server, so perhaps the Justice Server forum would be the best home for it?

That kindness would make us very happy and still permit the planned consolidation of forums.

Thanks for reading,


PS: I will PM this post to Avatea. Fingers crossed!

Wow, thanks for the help, Avatea!!!
<gasp> I wish I'd known about this before - this actually sounds interesting.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I'd just like to put my 2 INF in here. When I'm looking for an ingame event, I've gone to the Player Event section, not each and every server section. And I'm sure that a lot of other players do the same, as I have toons on all servers save for the French and German one, and checking into each and every server section just at the chance that there will be an event advertised would be frustrating.

(Mind you, last night on Victory I was wondering if it had morphed into the Portuguese server, as there were a number of people in the local channel from either Portugul of Brazil - although the way they seemed to be talking it could have been the latter. And if anyone is wondering, no, I don't speak the language fluently, but can at least recognize it in print.)

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



I note with mild irony that we've apparently added a new forum yesterday (Build Workshop). That's a bit of a surprise. :P

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The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I note with mild irony that we've apparently added a new forum yesterday (Build Workshop). That's a bit of a surprise. :P
Strangely the SG recruitment board is being deprecated and the threads being put in the individual server boards but the Build Workshop board has been introduced instead of builds being in the appropriate AT board...

Makes no sense.



Originally Posted by Suzumebachi View Post
Strangely the SG recruitment board is being deprecated and the threads being put in the individual server boards but the Build Workshop board has been introduced instead of builds being in the appropriate AT board...

Makes no sense.
Good call.




Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I thought this was a bad idea the previous time it was suggested and I still think it's a bad idea. Multi-Media posts are nowhere near as frequent as Screenshots (possibly because it does take a bit more work) so any new videos will quickly be pushed off the front page never to be noticed unless it's creator cross posts it in City Life like Michelle does.
Even worse - the Fan Videos page is no longer stickied. Could we PLEASE get that added back?

Then as new folks add videos, they can be added to that thread...

(I just got in the habit of posting in City Life as well because I'm a loudmouth attention 'ho.)


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Can we just consolidate all threads to a sub reddit, drop vbull**** all together.