Premium Players get less than expected!

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Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
And even if they wanted the "initial" part of the Incarnate system that came out, they would be limited to the 2nd tier of Alpha



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Can you get that to go back to 2010?

It only seems to do it for 7-feb-2011
Avatea's Post that I linked dated Feb 18, 2010 - No mention of Incarnates

City of Heroes News Archive dated March 02, 2010 - No mention of Incarnates

Ten Ton Hammer Advertisement dated March 03, 2010 - No mention of Incarnates

GameZone advertisement dated March 02, 2010 - No mention of Incarnates

Going Rogue Website announcing the sale of the Pre-Purchase - No date listed but was only available for sale prior to the launch of Going Rogue so it's from before Aug 17, 2010 - No mention of Incarnates



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Positron talking about features they currently have in an Alpha/Beta build of an expansion does not equal a promise that said feature will be there on release. Until an issue goes gold any feature can be removed, changed beyond expectation, added, or otherwise folded, spindled, or mutilated.

And if all you have is Positron at PAX as your only source then you have no support for your case. None of official marketing or advertising mentioned incarnates.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Actually no.

It is the people who are making the extra ordinary claim that Incarnates where part of the Going Rogue expansion that must prove their case. Eveyone who has looked into it and posted their sources has not found any support for that claim.

Therefore the burden of proof rests on the side making the claim that Going Rogue was advertised as having the full incarnate system included. A preview is not unlocking a system and a preview can end at anytime. That is the nature of a preview.

So it is incumbent upon the people making the claim that purchasing GR also purchased Incarnates to produce the proof of that claim.

What I meant is that an assertion was made that has not been proven for the exact same reason that I can not, at this time prove the reverse.

Proof is proof, whichever the side. Conjecture is not proof for either.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Errm, I thought that Going Rogue was released 17th August 2010...

Issue 19: Incarnates was released November 30th 2010....

Issue 19.5: Strike Pack was released 1st February 2011....

Edit: And if you read what i linked to earlier up on the thread (EU going Rogue site, 4th May 2010) you would notice that their overview page doesnt list Incarnates...

Infact, it wasnt until July that Positron said that the Sneak Peak was going to be pulled out of Going Rogue...

So what do we go on? What the website advertises or what the developers say?

Now, if the pre-order site states that Going Rogue had Incarnate stuff, but it was removed from the official Going Rogue website before 4th May... dont you find it strange that there was no developer comment about it until July.... especially if it was going ot be an "Official feature" of Going Rogue...
On the dates, you may be right (probably are). The problem with that page is really that the it says nothing about it being pre-purchase.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And the pre-purchase never advertised anything about Incarnate content. Only the two power sets.



Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
The link was already provided alongside the other links in post #344. The same post also included a screen shot of the old Going Rogue FAQ where it lists the differences between the pre-purchase and the complete edition. The FAQ was also available prior top the launch of GR and doesn't make any mention of Incarnates.



Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
Pre-Purchase link from EU Going Rogue site: 2nd April 2010

And on the "pre purchase" part of the website, it has *no* mention of Incarnates, infact it only talks about Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols

((Funnily enough it also says that Going Rogue would be released in July 2010...))



The thing is, even if GR had been sold with "New Incarnate System!" splashed all over it, anyone who bought it still got it with the expectation that they would have to pay a subscription to play past the initial thirty days that came with it. When the Freedom system was announced, nowhere did it say that you would be able to continue playing the game exactly as you had before but not pay anything. The lines had to be drawn somewhere, and if what you want is on the VIP side of the line? Then go back to doing exactly what you were doing before, and pay the subscription.

I went through some financial troubles and couldn't pay my subs for months. I would have *loved* to have been able to log on and do... pretty much anything. In my opinion, if you aren't paying a subscription then you should be thrilled that you can do anything at all.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
Are the game mechanics not enough to prove that claim?

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The link was already provided alongside the other links in post #344. The same post also included a screen shot of the old Going Rogue FAQ where it lists the differences between the pre-purchase and the complete edition. The FAQ was also available prior top the launch of GR and doesn't make any mention of Incarnates.
If one of those isn't the page where people plopped their money down, then they add nothing except more fallacious non-proof.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Pre-Purchase link from EU Going Rogue site: 2nd April 2010

And on the "pre purchase" part of the website, it has *no* mention of Incarnates, infact it only talks about Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols

((Funnily enough it also says that Going Rogue would be released in July 2010...))
Might have been exactly what I was looking for if the link to the purchase screen still worked.



Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
If one of those isn't the page where people plopped their money down, then they add nothing except more fallacious non-proof.
And if the person who bought it *cannot* prove that the website stated "Incarnates are included with Going Rogue", i would have to say that with all the evidence so far found, it wasnt actually included with Going Rogue. I would *love* to be proven wrong, but everything that I am finding is proving exactly the opposite...

And dont you think that Incarnates would be a worthwhile mention as well as the two powersets on the official overview, and yet according to ((dated 23rd March 2010)) there is no mention of it... So that to me makes me feel that Incarnates were not a feature of Going Rogue....

I personally would *love* it if the developers *did* include some form of Incarnate abilities for the "freemium" players to enjoy, even if it is just the 1st 2 tiers of the Alpha Slot (what was 1st introduced with Issue 19)...



Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
If one of those isn't the page where people plopped their money down, then they add nothing except more fallacious non-proof.
But the page you actually paid on never ever ever made any claim about incarnates. Not ever.

At best there may have been ad copy or something from May or June that mentioned it once and then was pulled. Though I'm thinking all those references apparently go back to comments by Positron at PAX which don't constitute an accurate claim of what will be in the final release, but just what is being worked on.

Anyone making a claim that they bought it from a page stating that it included incarnates is the one needing to prove it at this point. There is plenty of evidence that such a claim was not made on the actual order page.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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I'm all for a subscription base for the Alpha Slot with the ability to form it Only from shards. In other words no access to iTrials.



Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
If one of those isn't the page where people plopped their money down, then they add nothing except more fallacious non-proof.
This is the exact page where people plop their money down and it never says anything about the product you are buying.



I don't want them to give incarnates to non vips I just want them to admit they lied. LOL like that will ever happen people on the internet actually admitting their wrong ya right.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
But the page you actually paid on never ever ever made any claim about incarnates. Not ever.

At best there may have been ad copy or something from May or June that mentioned it once and then was pulled. Though I'm thinking all those references apparently go back to comments by Positron at PAX which don't constitute an accurate claim of what will be in the final release, but just what is being worked on.

Anyone making a claim that they bought it from a page stating that it included incarnates is the one needing to prove it at this point. There is plenty of evidence that such a claim was not made on the actual order page.
And YOU claim that "But the page you actually paid on never ever ever made any claim about incarnates. Not ever." HOW can you? I can't PROVE it did because, so far, it is lost in the Internet Aether. How can YOU CLAIM it when your own PROOF is the SAME PLACE AS MINE?



What I don't understand is why anyone would think you could buy Incarnates when Incarnate content isn't even done. There are still slots to unlock, more powers being added, more trials being made and more story being written. Where's the logic in getting access to that without paying, even if you bought GR, when the company *still* has to shovel money into its development?

IMO, Incarnates is like how CoX was previously; to play, you have to support its 'in progress' development. Yeah, the rest of the game is 'free' but stuff they add, you'll most likely have to buy.

The only way it'd even make sense is if you had to *buy* each individual slot and each individual power and access to each individual trial. Grow up kids! The world isn't *free*! It runs on MONEY...



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Look at this video, (time index 5:55).

Here, I'll show it:

What does the pretty picture say? Issue 19: Incarnates. Got that? Good

At 6:40, Positron said we'd get a "taste" of the Incarnate System with Going Rogue. Not the full system, but a taste. His post here ( ) said that it was going to be removed from Issue 18 / Going Rogue.

Like I said, you are trying to prove something without anything to back it up. You claim that you are calling for proof. That was given. If that isn't good enough, then you have to show any proof to the contrary. The burden of proof rests on your shoulders because you seem intent on denying the claim it wasn't included. So back up that claim.

If issue 19 wasn't a part of GR then why did I have to buy GR to access everything with issue 19? My proof is I paid cold hard cash to access it. Not my fault the devs got way ahead of themselves with freedom and forgot about the VIPs.

LOL GR the biggest joke of an expansion in MMO history. Proof preaotoria zones are deader then red side zones. More proof all the complaints about preatoria and how its way to hard for lowbies and they will never level up there again cause while nice to look at, lets face it we all know it was meant for higher content and someone made someone else shoe horn it into lowbie content. Even more proof their giving it away for free what a year or so later.

LOLOLOL is all I can express right now.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I don't want them to give incarnates to non vips I just want them to admit they lied. LOL like that will ever happen people on the internet actually admitting their wrong ya right.
Except with everything shown what you just stated is absolute nonsense.

They didn't lie.

I think enough evidence has been given to show that.

But you can keep your tin foil on tighter if you like.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Except with everything shown what you just stated is absolute nonsense.

They didn't lie.

I think enough evidence has been given to show that.

But you can keep your tin foil on tighter if you like.

It's already been linked to in this very thread "keep everything you paid for" try to keep up Samual Tow linked it.

If that aint lying well then I don't know what is.

ps I am staying vip doesnt affect me dozen or so times I say it I just hate lies and wish nothing but the truth.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
It's already been linked to in this very thread "keep everything you paid for" try to keep up Samual Tow linked it.

If that aint lying well then I don't know what is.

ps I am staying vip doesnt affect me dozen or so times I say it I just hate lies and wish nothing but the truth.
Except for the word NEARLY.

Not at all a lie.

Not clear enough sure. I'll give you that.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Except for the word NEARLY.

Not at all a lie.

Not clear enough sure. I'll give you that.

Nearly is a lie too, please go back and read Samual Tow posts very informative stuff.

They shoulda just said "keep some of the stuff you paid for"



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I don't want them to give incarnates to non vips I just want them to admit they lied. LOL like that will ever happen people on the internet actually admitting their wrong ya right.
Where did they lie? Show it?

You can't can you.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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