Why is the SG size still limited to 150?




I'm pretty sure they gave up on the concept of SGs since Global Channels are much more convinient anyway but for old time's sake let's asume I like mine. A game that allows you to have 48 characters on one server only allows 150 SG members? That is utterly insane. We have concent that requires three full teams now, a decent guild in other games moves around 500 alts to shoulder this. Why is that limit still in place? I could fill the whole SG with just three players, it's insane.

Listen to the mustn't, child, listen to the don'ts, listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts, listen to the never haves, then listen close to me. Anything can happen, anything can be. ~ Shel Silverstein



Originally Posted by Falke View Post
That is utterly insane.
. . .it's insane.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
So, what you're really saying is that YOU don't like the 150 character limit.
I wouldn't mind it being higher, but I don't think 150 is a problem (or insane).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



i agree that 150 limit is extremely low for such an alt heavy game

as mentioned 1 person having 48 toons in the same sg is almost 1/3 of the total toon limit

if the current limit was doubled then it would be more sufficient



Originally Posted by Falke View Post
I'm pretty sure they gave up on the concept of SGs since Global Channels are much more convinient anyway but for old time's sake let's asume I like mine. A game that allows you to have 48 characters on one server only allows 150 SG members? That is utterly insane. We have concent that requires three full teams now, a decent guild in other games moves around 500 alts to shoulder this. Why is that limit still in place? I could fill the whole SG with just three players, it's insane.
I remember when it was an even lower limit.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



It is unreasonably low. There shouldn't be a sg membership cap at all. Let alone membership cap on the global channels.

My regular playgroup has something like twenty active players. Maybe thirty in a good month. (And a number of less active players, lurkers, etc.) We alt heavily. Because we are alt-heavy, we run our own coalitions and global channels and whatnot ... as the game doesn't give us a choice in the matter thanks to these member caps.

It is terribly idiotic to have such limitations. Yes, yes, standard code rant. Remove the limits. Assign a 32bit signed integer to track the members; or whatever. Let us have billions of members if we wish.



Pronunciation: /ɪnˈseɪn/
Etymology: < Latin insān-us unsound (in mind), < in- (in- prefix3) + sānus healthy, sound in body or in mind, sane adj....

a. Of super groups: Being limited to less than 500 members.

3889452 Falke. City Life, I could fill the whole SG with just three players, it's insane.
3889452 Jagged. City Life, Totally agree, insane!

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



A size increase would definetly be very helpful. I know our network has often ran into the SG cap. We opened a new SG on Exalted and already we've completely filled it up, with 6-8 alts of my own alone in it.

I suppose you can always just make another SG, but the theoretical 48 characters from a single account being ~1/3 of the SG cap is a good point.

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I will say it again:

Yes, increase SG size and allow me to invite my own accounts characters.



Originally Posted by Falke View Post
I'm pretty sure they gave up on the concept of SGs since Global Channels are much more convinient anyway but for old time's sake let's asume I like mine. A game that allows you to have 48 characters on one server only allows 150 SG members? That is utterly insane. We have concent that requires three full teams now, a decent guild in other games moves around 500 alts to shoulder this. Why is that limit still in place? I could fill the whole SG with just three players, it's insane.
Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I remember when it was an even lower limit.
You have to remember when SGs first appeared the limit was only 75 members.

The Devs' original idea for SGs weren't as social groups as much as they were meant to be static teams for base raid PVP. The 75 limit was there because they figured as a worst case scenario you could have up to 150 people (two SGs) in a single base instance fighting each other. The limit was more of a server limit thing than anything else.

Of course as we all know the whole SG base raiding thing never took off. The Devs did increase the member limit to 150 a few years ago, but now it's pretty clear there's no lingering reason to keep it that low. Raising it to 500 is as good an increase as any.

So while I'd agree the 150 limit is too low I also wouldn't call it "insane" or "idiotic" because there are some specific historical reasons why it is what it is.

Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post
It is terribly idiotic to have such limitations. Yes, yes, standard code rant. Remove the limits. Assign a 32bit signed integer to track the members; or whatever. Let us have billions of members if we wish.
From a code point of view its pretty much always going to easier for something like this to have a large but fixed limit. Sure it might be nice to say make SG membership "unlimited" but at a certain point (like say at a few thousand) it'd become so cumbersome that it'd be more trouble than it was worth. I'd say raising the limit to 500 in this game would be more than sufficient.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I will say it again:

allow me to invite my own accounts characters.
That's not gonna happen any time soon.

Originally Posted by Placta View Post
In last week's marathon Ustream chat, someone (Posi?) said that even if they implemented offline supergroup invitations, it would be limited to characters not on your account.



Once I21 is live for Preems and Freebs it's only gonna take $5 to have your own second account to help you invite your alts into your SG.



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
We should still point out how wrong a decision that is though Plus if it did happen it wouldn't be the first time they changed their minds.
Hey if you check the suggestions thread I am supporting that they change their minds.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
The Devs' original idea for SGs weren't as social groups as much as they were meant to be static teams for base raid PVP. The 75 limit was there because they figured as a worst case scenario you could have up to 150 people (two SGs) in a single base instance fighting each other. The limit was more of a server limit thing than anything else.
I'm no sure that's the original original idea, as Base PvP wasn't even a concept before I6 and PvP itself didn't even exist prior to I4. Back at Launch, SGs existed both because MMOs were supposed to have guilds, and because heroes in comic books sometimes formed up in Super Groups, like the JLA or the Titans or... Does Marvel have one like that? The Avengers? Yeah, let's go with that.

One of the first people I met way back before we had globals who then went by the name of Sensei Lee formed a SG between himself, me, a friend of mine and a few other people, in his words "as a way to run TFs." In a way before global anything, a SG was a good way to keep track of who's online without having to clone your local friends list between all your characters, and with Team Search prior to I1 only covering the zone you're currently in, that was a legitimate problem.

As far as I'm concerned, SGs no longer have any real reason to exist with the advent of Global Chat and Channels. Once upon a time, there was talk of making SG membership global, such that if you you joined a SG, YOU joined that SG and could thereafter bring all of our alts into it if you wanted. Or not bring them in, as well. YOU could join multiple SGs and would only take up one spot, and you'd then decide how to divide your characters between them.

In essence, if SGs became attached to globals like that, you'd gain the ability to use SG bases - the only part that still serves a purpose - without the drawbacks of what must be a ten-year-old system at this point.


Speaking purely for myself, I say screw SG bases and give me my own personal lair/base where I can invite my own characters and form my own solo SGs.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



As a sidenote, I think it's ridiculous that they don't want you to ever be able to invite yourself to a supergroup. You already can do that, it just takes one extra step. Or two if you then also remove the helpful person that helped invite yourself.



Or... They're limiting groups to 150 because bases can't handle more people than that?

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



huh...thought they changed it to 150 unique globals and that the amount of characters didn't matter...I guess I wasn't really paying attention back then >_>



Because Mew has yet to have been caught on Primal Earth.

Let's Dance!



I really wish we could invite our own alts into an SG....or better yet, do the change that they were rumoring to do (maybe not a rumor *shrugs*)...make the sgs do a global invite.

Ie., if I'm in an SG any toon that I create on my account (@Energizing Ion) is automatically added to the SG and not counted towards the 150 toon limit since 1 "toon" would be my @Energizing Ion.

Back in the hay-day, Legion on Liberty had like 3 SGs because we had so many people with multiple accounts with multiple alts.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Sadly SGs have become useless..



Originally Posted by KraZeD_KaoZ View Post
Sadly SGs have become useleee..
who's Useleee?

damn your stealth edit!



A typo so sue me.



Originally Posted by KraZeD_KaoZ View Post
A typo so sue me.
*sues for your game account information so he can strip your characters of all their neat toys and give them away to the random people on the help channel*



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
huh...thought they changed it to 150 unique globals and that the amount of characters didn't matter...I guess I wasn't really paying attention back then >_>
No, back when the limit was 75, they WANTED to change it to 75 ACCOUNTS. However, that was not possible so they increased the limit to 150.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project