So the Avatar of Hamidon is...uh...yow...




So I've run the Underground Trial a few times now, and I keep running into this interesting phenomenon. Namely, the Avatar of Hamidon is completely ridiculous.

WAIT! This is not a complaint though, I actually LIKE this. I'm always kind of dissapointed by boss fights that I can just cakewalk over on my first attempt. Bosses are supposed to be bigger, meaner, and tougher than every other challenge in the game, and the Avatar of Hamidon is just that.

Now I am stupidly persistent when it comes to boss fights; I've literally have to retry some boss fights upwards of 20 times (Emperor Ing, I'M LOOKING AT YOU), so I will eventually take this guy down, mark my words.

The problem is I'm worried that a lot of other players will get to this guy, get killed, go "BLEH THIS IS TOO HARD!" and go back to farming BAFs over and over. So my question is, how exactly does this guy work? And what is the best way to take this guy down?



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
The problem is I'm worried that a lot of other players will get to this guy, get killed, go "BLEH THIS IS TOO HARD!" and go back to farming BAFs over and over. So my question is, how exactly does this guy work? And what is the best way to take this guy down?
You probably aren't going to get much of an answer just yet. I'd say wait a few weeks and ask again if no one posts a strategy before then. It's still pretty new, so people haven't got the encounter ironed out yet.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I'm not sure whether my League was lucky last night or if my Bots/Traps is just that good, but we tore him to pieces.

I don't really know what was going on. I was confused (the status effect) a few times, but I kept on laying my traps down and when I wasn't getting shot by my own bots I had them shoot the Avatar. Somehow, he died.

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What is this Avatar of which you speak; I have yet to kill a Giant Robot in a lichen infested room



Done it two times so far.

First time we make it all the way to the final room Avatar of Hamidon appears and Desdemona thinks it's a moving wall hehehee. But we had like no debuffers and I was what seemed to be almost perma confused. We lost that one ran out of time.

Second time same thing except this time I was only confused the one time and we spanked Avatar of hamidon. We had lot's more debuffers and some people doing a great job of keeping people from being confused cause I still saw the same power confuse on me threw the buff bar(looked like seeds of confusion was cast on me) but no confuse.

So make sure you gots some people that can make confuse go byebye and then alittle debuffs and just brute force the rest for the final room anyway.

Oh and on the second run I took a blaster that had no incarnate exp at all beside tier 2 alpha slotted and I got 83% unlocked for both judgement and interface so it gives out really really good iexp.



Did it on Victory on our first try... didn't seem that hard. My favorite part was when I was confused (I think?) by the Avatar and I Judgemented my team.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



He's really a very binary fight right now; either you have enough Confuse protection and you destroy him, or you don't and the league descends into chaos.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
He's really a very binary fight right now; either you have enough Confuse protection and you destroy him, or you don't and the league descends into chaos.
Or somehow, like in my fight last night, I spend half the time confused and we still killed him.

So... is that a ternary fight?

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Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
The problem is I'm worried that a lot of other players will get to this guy, get killed, go "BLEH THIS IS TOO HARD!" and go back to farming BAFs over and over. So my question is, how exactly does this guy work? And what is the best way to take this guy down?
I don't think the difficulty level will turn people off. If anything, it will be the length of the trial if I were to guess. But I wouldn't be worried about people giving up just yet.

As for the final fight, I basically found that the biggest priority was to mitigate the Confuse (as opposed to following all the prompts). At first we tried to follow the prompts (which are far too large and very difficult to read still), but we weren't getting anywhere. At around 2-3 minutes to go, I advised everyone to fill up on BFs (popping as many as necessary), turn on Tactics, spam Clarion and dog pile him. Our league was extremely low on buffs and debuffs. I think it was 90% melee and maybe 2 Kins or so. We managed to beat him with just a few seconds to go.

I'm sure there's probably a better, more effective way to do this, but I'd have to run it a few more times. This is just what worked for us at the time.

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What other powers besides Tactics and Clear Mind (clarity too?) help with Confuse?



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
What other powers besides Tactics and Clear Mind (clarity too?) help with Confuse?
I think something in Cold or Storm has confuse protection.

It's either that or powers that cause confuse... I'm not right sure. But that's where I'd start looking.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I think something in Cold or Storm has confuse protection.

It's either that or powers that cause confuse... I'm not right sure. But that's where I'd start looking.
Steamy Mist does offer confuse protection but I didn't see anything in Cold (arctic Fog does not).



The lichen-infested Warwork very nearly got us, but, and I am happy to say I came up with this all on my own, I taunted him waayyyyyy back to the portion of the cave where there are only 1-2 lichen... After that, we defeated him (with 2 seconds to spare).

The seed of Hamidon was another matter... We ran out of time, and I was confused a great deal. My judgement didn't even seem to phase the SoH, but we did our darndest.

The length of the trial was certainly a factor, but, to the credit of the folks on Freedom (some of whom can be impatient), we stuck it out even though we did not prove victorious.

Next time...



For dealing with the Lichen infested Warwork, Beorn has the right idea... you taunt him all the way to where the lichen are under control and then life is much easier.

Re: the Avatar... when we ran it for filming purposes, it was grimly amusing that he insisted on Confusing the one person NOT actively participating in the fight - me. I was just flying around filming, so I was perfectly content to let him Confuse me while my teammates continued to shred him.

Incidentally, I MUST find that picture of Razorhead doing the Call to Justice... and punching the Avatar of Hami right in the nads.


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i personally really like the underground trial, while it is a tad longer than the others, making 12 astrals on avg is very very nice and you get lots of threads plus its just more enjoyable, a lot of moving around, very cool map

BAF and lambda get boring fast since the whole map is small as heck



I have only run the UT once, and it was a cakewalk. I only died once and that's because some moron was running ahead thinking they could spike the bombs. :P

Reading this makes me reluctant to try it again, as I think I just got very lucky.

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If it helps anyone, I've just posted a walkthrough of Union's Underground Trial strategy here.



I'm 0 wins, 5 losses, and 1 disconnect on the Underground Trial. Failure has most often come about due to the War Walkers wiping out most of the league and taking down Desdemona while she's unguarded. Is there a visual for when someone has been targeted or am I simply losing it in the visual noise?



Originally Posted by Soul Storm View Post
If it helps anyone, I've just posted a walkthrough of Union's Underground Trial strategy here.
Thank you for that guide.

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Done it twice so far, both successful, though second time we got a little sloppy w/ the bombs...

The Spore Infested area is a pain if you run out of greens, no heals...and you're squishy. Think my Blaster died twice trying to get through it.



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
So I've run the Underground Trial a few times now, and I keep running into this interesting phenomenon. Namely, the Avatar of Hamidon is completely ridiculous.

I know, the first (and so far only) time I've done the UG trial (last night) we totally steamrolled him in like 2 minutes.

Oh meant something else

To be honest, I know with the confuse that he does it's annoying but...*shrugs* maybe we had just enough people with Clarion t4s to never worry about such things...

I was seriously shocked how fast he went down.

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Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I'm 0 wins, 5 losses, and 1 disconnect on the Underground Trial. Failure has most often come about due to the War Walkers wiping out most of the league and taking down Desdemona while she's unguarded. Is there a visual for when someone has been targeted or am I simply losing it in the visual noise?
I had a red Targeted on my screen under the buff icons. I don't know what it meant, but the bloody thing had me targeted the entire time we fought it, both runs tonight. Of course, we had it targeted too.

Had 2 good runs tonight. The first run missed the bombs in the side tunnels so didn't get that badge, second time, got all 4 badges.

Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Done it twice so far, both successful, though second time we got a little sloppy w/ the bombs...

The Spore Infested area is a pain if you run out of greens, no heals...and you're squishy. Think my Blaster died twice trying to get through it.
I was wondering how bad that was on a squishy. I noticed people were spamming heals constantly as we ran through the tunnels, but I didn't really notice on my Inv tank.

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Pulled him to the side corridor. Ignored the TEST enemies. Everyone grabbed and used BFs in batches of four to resist the confusion for decent lengths of time in order to get some damage in. He's very weak without his tricksy tactics.

The first time I did it, the Trial broke. The timer counted down to zero then reversed and starting counting back up, negating the time pressure.

This led to the discovery that if you leave Desdemona to fight the final AV for a sufficiently long time, she will kill him without any help needed from the actual players

I thought the trial was fun until we reached the endless spiralling GIger alien caves. My computer can't handle the very large maps, when I pan the camera around it feels like I'm moving the physical level around my stationery character, almost like those huge corridors have weight and inertia to them.

I'm still getting the "out of memory" bug that made me play less and less in recent months

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Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Steamy Mist does offer confuse protection but I didn't see anything in Cold (arctic Fog does not).

Benumb shrinks the length of the confuse done buy the Avatar, ... assuming it's not immune to +special debuffs.



Tried it last night but failed. We were steamrolling everything until the Avatar. I was confused almost permanently, and overall we just weren't doing enough damage or living long enough. Sometimes it felt like half the league was running back from the hospital at any given moment.

I know we didn't use pets because we were afraid they would hit us. Anyone with clarion was using it, I think. Maybe we were too spread out for it to be very effective. I was trying to pay attention to those huge messages on the screen, but I think the devs have a wider monitor than I do. I don't think the first and last words were even on my screen, and the second and next-to-last words were covered by the chat box and the map. All I could see were things like "seeds! Back a" and then I'd start running, just in case.

For me the worst part of the whole trial was when I disconnected about 2/3 of the way through and I could not for the life of me find a way back to the team. They were in the middle of what sounded like a very exciting fight, so no one could spare a moment to TP me for what felt like a very long time. (Note: I'm not complaining about them, they were a great bunch. I just hated being sidelined during a fight like that.)

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie