Discussion: Brand new items available through the Paragon Market!




Enter into the new age of City of Heroes Freedom™ in style with a selection of brand new in game items available through the Paragon Market™!

Barbarian Costume Pack

Exact justice or loot liberally at the edge of your savage sword. Includes new costume parts and weapons for Male, Female, and Huge characters.
Store Location Costumes: Costume Sets
400 Points

Rocket Board Power

Fly faster than the Fly power on a sleek, high-tech rocket board. Usable at Level 4. For all characters in your account.
Store Location: Powers > Permanent Powers > Travel
600 Points

Beam Rifle Power Set

Harness the destructive power of advanced particle weaponry. For Blasters, Defenders, and Corrupters.
Store Location: Powers > Power Sets > Ranged
640 Points - 20% off

Back to School Backpack

Sport this backpack, and you'll be too cool for school! Cosmetic use only; does not store inventory. For all characters in your account.
Store Location: Costumes > Back > Backpack
80 Points

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I believe I speak for us all when I say:


... BTW, the Backpack wasn't in the featured list, which is why I haven't bought it yet.



i already spent $100 on 8000 pt package to fill out my vet rewards and then subsequently spent another 10800 points on various items in the store and made a wishlist to make it easier to go through, of course all the stuff on my wishlist would cost me another 20000 pts lol (and i dont have that kind of money just yet)



Can't think of any of my characters that could use the Rocket Board, but the Backpack? Definitely Maybe I'll buy Beam Rifle too



Actually, Rocket Board activates at level 2.

Which, given it's the same as Walk except flying, works just fine IMO.
And finally, an honest to god backpack! XD

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The Barbarian set looks really usefull to me. It got some pieces that can be combined with other sets. I w2ill defenitely buy this one as soon as I got the point.

Only missing thing are glove options for the female set. I cannot imagine that she is not allowed the shiny armband the male version is wearing.

Not sure if I buy the back to school backpack. it looks nice but I have no idea which of my characters is going to wear one.

Of course, I already got the rocketboard and the beam rifle!



I'd like to know why the Roman costume pieces from the Imperious Task Force aren't purchasable. Why can we buy Vanguard pieces but not the Roman pieces? I NEED those costume parts for when I remake Steel Spartan as Street Justice/Shield.




Is the backpack just a costume piece? of does it have extra storage?



Originally Posted by Thany144 View Post
Is the backpack just a costume piece? of does it have extra storage?
It's just cosmetic - costume parts that give any kind of bonus seems to be something the devs want to avoid, as it'd lead to less creativity in player cotumes.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's just cosmetic - costume parts that give any kind of bonus seems to be something the devs want to avoid, as it'd lead to less creativity in player cotumes.
Then I dont want it LOL it is ugly compared to the wings I just bought..... It clashes with everything I own LMAO



I think it would have been nice if the announcement had images of all the items in question, instead of icons.



Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
I think it would have been nice if the announcement had images of all the items in question, instead of icons.
But the market icons are all so pretty

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



If you have an infestion of skaters you just need the right gauge of gravel and some super glue.



Really glad to see the Barbarian stuff in game!
I was a little surprised when I checked this thread, when it first went up, and that set was not in there (I hadn't checked in game at that point).
After seeing that the set was added into this thread, I went in game and messed with them a bit.
Very nice to see that the females got those boots and more options.
The skirt is a lot cooler than those first images looked and it is great to have the with and without fur options.

I'd still liked to have had the fur loincloth for females and some of the other options for both genders... but this is a common and repeated difference between us.
Regardless, the pieces all looked great. I love the new tiara piece for the females (wish the males could get some).

I also agree that the fur loincloth would be excellent in the kilt section, as I'd love to use it with the animal fur legs option!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Ok, searchfu not working, have they posted pics of the new Barbarian costume sets?



Originally Posted by Scorcharina View Post
Ok, searchfu not working, have they posted pics of the new Barbarian costume sets?
You could visit the tailor (or w/I21 a trainer) with one of your characters. I'm quite sure you may view the new costume pieces, there should be a little lock icon beside the ones you do not own/or have yet to purchase.



Could you include pictures or something for items we can't see at the tailor, like powers(detailed info for these too) and Tier 9 VIP Rewards sets?

Those are the only things that bug me. It's hard to make a purchase decision with nothing but a little icon and/or just the name of the item.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
If you have an infestion of skaters you just need the right gauge of gravel and some super glue.
Not that I condone this but, you do not need super glue and the gravel size is best at just a pebble size of ordinary sand/limestone gravel.
I know from personal experience that rollerblade wheels pretty much guarantee any little rock will stop the wheels and toss you forward. It's not easy to stay up even when you are expecting it.

As for skateboards, I think the same works for their wheels, being made of the same materials.

But after all, what are they hurting by skating in the parking lot?
Do you use it for anything other than parking cars?

I think it's fine so long as they aren't causing accidents or close calls. If they do, then you can always try having them arrested for endangering public safety or take them to court for damages to any vehicles or people or property such as handrails.



Does anyone know how long the deal for beam rifle is on for?

I've been unable to log into the game since Thursday (password issues) and I don't want to miss out on the deal.

Bring on the wall!!!!



Is there a list somewhere of all the costume pieces in the Barbarian set?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

And chipped cement from grinding.
I thought that grinding gave shards, not chips?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Ice_Basher View Post
Does anyone know how long the deal for beam rifle is on for?

I've been unable to log into the game since Thursday (password issues) and I don't want to miss out on the deal.
My guess would be until the full launch - then it'll go back to the normal price.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I hope I am not the only one who blew the majority of thier points on costume pieces and a board that is usless after level 4 lol