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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
    Not to mention that there's no visual cue that you have new email because its always red now. My OCD forces me to claim even the stuff I don't want just to get rid of the red letters.
    This x 1000. I haven't actually claimed all the stuff yet because I haven't figured out which toons will benefit most from some of the powers, but it will be done soon because I'm sick of the email red letters. And what is worse for me is that the email doesn't stay red, it flashes a series of white, pink, then red. VERY annoying.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    There is also a search feature with the store, typing "Circle of Thorns" will bring up all the pieces related to them.
    The issue I generally have with the store is that for costume pieces they don't have good pictures of the costume pieces. But I guess I can go into the store, find out what is available, then go into the tailor to actually look at the pieces. Thanks for the hint.

    As for the CoT stuff, Orphne Obsidian now has the CoT Chest/Pattern, Gloves and Kilt. They match really well with the standard hood and Witch thigh high boots.

    Thanks again for the help!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Bless you Agge, I looked on the wiki, but clicked the link on the main page that talked about the costume set and it only took me to the press release. I guess I should have known better to do a separate search.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I bet good money that the pieces you're looking for just aren't available for players. It was a very limited set, pretty much just (simple) belt, pants, shirt, boots, gloves, hood, and kilt for m/f/h. No skirts, no hats, no fancy belt, nothing.
    Actually I was looking for the pieces they show in the ads for the bundle. Specifically, I like the skirt looking item they show on the female and now that I look more, the hood. Do you know what they are called? And if I can just buy those 2 items?
  5. Are the pieces available individually? I was going through the costume creator looking for some of the pieces to buy and I wasn't seeing them. It would not surprise me if I was looking in the wrong spot, or did see them and didn't recognize them as such.

    If they are, does anybody know which pieces are available (under which category) for female toons?
  6. Ok, searchfu not working, have they posted pics of the new Barbarian costume sets?
  7. Ok, I was going off memory from looking last night, so the switch was just an intuitive thing...

    Thanks all!
  8. Ok, before I start clicking willy-nilly, I want to make sure I have this straight.

    The tab that says Character means I can accept everything in there and when I move to my next toon, I will have all the same choices to do again.

    The account based rewards I only get on 1 character (like the Windfall temp power and the XP Boosters) of my choice. More specifically, I have 2 of the Windfall powers, which say 5 uses per. So, I can choose 2 toons to get that power and each of those toons gets to use it 5 times, correct?

    Sidenote: Is there any way to make my Email tab not show as red? I'm a bit OCD about having unread emails and normally would clear to make it white, but some of the powers I don't want to redeem yet.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    The goal of a controller should be +recharge, +end and +recovery. Defense, while nice is more of a cute trick/added bonus than a "need". Your ability to control is your 'defense'.
    I agree with MM...I go for +recharge as the first line for any troller and usually the +recovery gets added based on the sets required for recharge. Although, for my /rads I tend to push for more +recovery and +end.
  10. Scorcharina

    Pure control

    I have an Earth/TA troller at 50 and let me say, it was the longest struggle to get to 50. However, it is truly a great toon to team with. Unfortunately my play time is often limited by needing to go AFK a lot, so I tend to solo. Fortunately I'm able to team with my hubby often enough that I was able to move her along.

    So, I'd say another vote for Earth/TA (although I think you already did that, so my vote is kinda pointless )
  11. Ok, so I'm finally getting around to looking at my 3 level 50 scrappers for respecs that have been sitting with the Fitness pool still on. Realistically, I don't play them that often, so I don't need max'd out IO builds, but was more curious about what sets people go for on my respective builds (or does everyone always go for soft capped defense).

    I have a Katana/SR (my first scrapper to 50), Spines/WP and a Dark/Dark.

    I believe the Dark/Dark is currently slotted to maximize recovery and recharge and I know the Katana/SR has a few full sets of Red Fortune, along with some Lady Grey sets. I always run with SS as my travel power, so Hasten is standard.

    I may have my builds in Mids at home, but I guess I'm looking for more general info, rather than specific build critique.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    I wanted to add that I also have both Tier 3 Barrier and Rebirth Destiny Incarnate powers. I typically don't use either in the AE, but they're nice for different reasons.
    It appears I do have tier 4 Cardiac Alpha (along with tier 3 Barrier). Was able to run one of the fire mishes with ease last night, in fact I tried with Maneuvers turned off and still kept a full health bar, so I did my respec and have Burn! And I completely forgot about the Barrier power til the end...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LSK View Post
    Ok first off I am not going to answer your first question, but I will answer your second question. In most cases you want to get to 45% in s/l/en/neg for reg content. Now the thing i see in your build it is not close to any of that and you will have a hard time even doing those farms. Are u looking for just farm toon or both content/farm toon? If all you want it for is the fire AE farm you do not need taunt/temp protection/KB protection. Most FA tanks can get hard cap on fire res without using temp protection although some take it as a mule for the steadfast def. I changed a few things for you FYI turn off SS. It is 1 purple away from SC S/L/Fire but you are still hard cap for fire.
    For the most part I play content with her and that is my main intention. While I can't herd entire rooms of Longbow and survive, I play with good support (my hubby) and have fun with it. I wasn't looking to make her a farm toon, but more curious if I would face plant immediately upon entering a fire farm map. I have no problem carrying a couple purples to make up for my shortcomings.
  14. Ooohh...I just realized I didn't have room for the Numina's +Regen/Recovery before and swapping Burn for Maneuvers gives me the extra slot on Health...YAY!!!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    Let's just say I'm not a huge fan of Maneuvers for tanks, so I'd drop that in a heart beat and put in burn instead.

    As a comparison I'll drop in my Fire/Fire/Pyre build at the end of my post. I can ticket cap with him in under 6 minutes running +1/x8. Not a speed record by any means. I never run out of endurance. I am set with the tier 4 Cardiac, the Tier 3 Reactive Interface, and Void Judgement . It's not the "best build" in the world, but it works for me. you have me thinking. I was hesitant to lose the extra 7.5% recharge, but looking at Mids it only gains me 1 or 2 seconds on the heal and consume. And since I'm not even close to being soft capped on defense, I'm guessing the 3% Maneuvers offers isn't that big of a loss (plus the elimnation of a toggle is always good). Plus putting Burn in only requires 1 slot, so it frees up the other slot to use elsewhere.

    Good thing I have a few vet respecs sitting around...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    I'd suggest searching for any AE arcs with "fire" in title. I'm sure a few of the more popular ones will show up in your search. I believe one of them is a "Hall of Fame" arc.

    Your build seems very endurance heavy, and probably runs through end pretty quickly. I hope you're working on getting the Cardiac Alpha to tier 4 to help with that. I'm also surprised you didn't work burn in, as it's a pretty strong although small AoE in the Fiery Aura.

    Personally I use the AE tickets more for salvage then for the random recipe rolls.

    If you weren't aware: Recipes in the AE are all based on random ticket rolls. Depending on recipe you receive, it will scale to the maximum level the recipe can be found at, compared to your toon level. As a level 50 character you can't "buy" the recipe at lvl 35. So if a recipe maxes at level 50, you'll get a level 50. If it stops at lvl 30, then it will be 30.

    Bronze Class Recipe Rolls

    Silver Class Recipe Rolls

    Gold Class Recipe Rolls
    Thanks for the AE info, I haven't really spent much time there, other than when it was first launched. Aside from farming for my benefit (from what you said, maybe I'm better off getting rare salvage, selling it and buying the recipes), I also will be able to help my hubby get some levels on a few toons he's had sitting around for a while.

    As for Burn, when I made and leveled up the toon, it still had the fear component. I took an 18 month break a while back and when I came back I respec'd to get inherent fitness, but never realized they eliminated that component. I could replace CJ, but then I'd lose a spot for one of my LotG +rech and I'm not sure where else I could take slots from. What would you replace?

    And yes, I have at least tier 3 Cardiac Alpha (I was working on tier 4 and don't remember if I've completed it yet).
  17. Part two of my hard of a time would I have using my current build?
  18. Ok, after amassing 14 level 50 toons the old fashion way, I'm looking to finish IO'ing out some of my builds. Been running tip missions for merits, but I've read that AE tickets are a great way to get some of the recipes I need.

    I have an incarnated Fire/Fire/Pyre tank that would be a good choice for running AE farms, but after mulitple searches on the forums, I've yet to come up with an answer on what AE arcs people actually run. Is it taboo to list them on the forums?

    I've spented limited time in AE, so I don't really know much about the search functions in there. I guess I could just play around in there, but since my play time is limited (and I have a lot more free internet search time), I figured I would ask here first.
  19. I've been having the same problem. For me, what usually works is to right click on the launcher running in my system tray and choose quit. Then I restart the launcher using the shortcut on my desktop. Occassionally I've had to reboot.

    Definitely getting annoying.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by False_Fiction_EU View Post
    I know your feeling. I've always wanted an Ice/Ice blaster or Dominator. However, unless I play it as a concept toon (which is the way it should be) it just underperforms compared to other combos.

    It's a bit like Trick Archery set. It's great for concept and some might even say it's fantastic. However, it's not for min/max players.

    If you're willing to accept that it's a fun toon and should be played that way - I say go for it.
    I leveled a Earth/TA troller to 50...that was a labor of love (along with a bit of OCD that I couldn't delete a toon that I had taken to 32 and needed to get it to 50).
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    You were playing her all the way to 21 with basically nothing slotted? *sigh* TOs and DOs have value, people! USE THEM!
    When I say nothing slotted, I'm more speaking of lack of IOs. I always use my TOs and DOs that drop and occassionally buy more DOs once I acrue funds. Part of the problem was that I leveled her 1-16 during 2xp weekend, so the levels flew by before I could slot.

    Heroside I have an extremely stocked based, so I'm spoiled. Leveling through Praetoria I feel gimped (I know I can gmail stuff to myself, but when I have very limited play time, I didn't want to waste 15 minutes having to individually mail myself a bunch of enh).

    By the way, I started my Plant/Thorn Dom and am liking it. One thing I definitely notice is that Ice is a serious end hog.
  22. Ok, my new idea is to keep the Ice/Ice for now, but put her on hold while I try a few other things. I'll come back later to see if a different play mood makes her more appealing.

    In the meantime, I think I'll start a Plant/Thorns Dom...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Panikaze View Post
    Not to mention your own aoe immob or anyone's in the team makes your best control power useless...
    See, this is probably my biggest problem with the set. Ice slick is a really cool power and easy to get perma. Great damage mitigation, but the immobs make it useless and I can't even put a damage proc in it. So, I don't get to see all those pretty "Domination" ticks above their heads.

    Actually, Ice Control has a few really cool powers, they just don't seem to have good synergy. Flash Freeze and Glacier...also pretty useless with ice slick.

    I've been playing this toon in a team with my hubby's Demon MM and a friend's Electric Brute and I just feel useless. Maybe I'll switch to one of my many other experiments sitting in their late teens and early 20s and come back to this later to see if I feel different before I delete.
  24. I'm finally getting around to trying all the villain ATs and for my first dominator I decided to go outside my comfort zone (fire) and went with Ice/Ice. She's sitting at level 21 and I'm just not feeling it. I don't know if its just because I've been playing her mostly unslotted (finally crafted a bunch of IOs last night) or the lack of AoE damage.

    So, I'm looking for feedback on this build at higher levels. Does it tend to lean more towards the single target damage? What makes this combo enjoyable?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
    Per the bolded - Does the week start Tuesday, and you must wait 7 days between your time or earning, or can you only earn one within the 7-day period?

    To use a current example, say I did the LGTF yesterday (Monday). Today (Tuesday), the WST changes to Sister Psyche. Do I have to wait until Monday to do it on that character (and is it all the way down to the hour?), or can I do it right away with that character?

    Per the bolded - Are you saying you can get two T3 Alphas? Can't you only equip one? Does unlocking/buying the other Alpha provide a level shift even if it isn't equipped?

    Or did you mean to immediately unlock a T3 on, say, Judgement right away?

    Finally, when equipping my Alpha, I just took the one that I could get the level shift quicker on, so a T3 (the one on the left, whatever that is, in Spiritual I think). Is it worthwhile to get the T4 right away? Or am I fine with just the T3?

    Thanks... Just getting the hang of all of this.
    To answer all questions (sorry about my bad forum editing skills, have to put all at end)

    1. You get the Notice once per WST change. So, you can do one on Monday, get your Notice, then do the next week's on Tuesday and still get your Notice on that toon.

    2. I think he was saying get two Tier 3s, one on Alpha and one on Lore or Destiny (Judgement and Interface don't provide level shifts), to get +2 level. You could get 2 different Alphas and switch as the situation requires, but I doubt many do that and you can only slot 1 at a time.

    3. I would go for filling all 5 Incarnate Abilities with tier 3 before trying for any tier 4. Once those are done, I'd go back for Alpha tier 4. The nice thing about Alpha is that you get shards doing regular content, so just playing you can work towards it without putting specific effort in.