Seriously . . . ewww . . .
PRetty much on Freedom since AE launched, just ignore it and move on, report spammers if you feel it necessary.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Freedom is awesome because of its diversity.
Just curious, if they were advertising badge farming that'd be cool..... both have equal value to whomever is mindlessly (imo) farming them, but one is a proudly displayed 1200+ sig, the other a filthy cheat who ruins the game....
Just always tickles me how divergent two types of farming have always (will always) been on these boards.
Freedom might be the worst (depending on your pov of farming) but it obviously happens on all the servers.

It probably happens, but I've never seen anyone on Justice advertise pay-per-run farms. It's usually more like "hey, farm team with X spots, PST" and they just take whoever responds.
That people charge (and pay) for them boggles my noggin.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
When I visited Freedom to level a disposable character and get the "Defender of Primal Earth" global badge:
Yes, just like that. Constantly.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
Actually IB, that isn't a typical night on freedom.
A typical night would have you getting /tells from the solicitors promising 5 minute levels for X amount of X, while seeing that in broadcast and Help. Only to finally get an invite to your 'any team not farming' request and lo and behold, the mission is in AE...
So you drop and decide to make a team yourself, maybe run some tips or something. You send /tells letting them know it's a content team, finish forming the team and wouldn't ya know it. Soon as you set the mission someone will always whine that "Why don't we just go to AE? It's faster!"
Tis why I've got various alts on freedumb that have all but been abandoned. Also why I'm looking forward to the free transfers!
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Freedom might be the worst (depending on your pov of farming) but it obviously happens on all the servers.
Seriously. Never seen AE spam since the changes a way back. The only time you see farmers in AE is when working on an arc and then suddenly 8 Fire/Kin Trollers pop out of the portal one after another. Or Fire Tanks.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
-except Union.
Seriously. Never seen AE spam since the changes a way back. The only time you see farmers in AE is when working on an arc and then suddenly 8 Fire/Kin Trollers pop out of the portal one after another. Or Fire Tanks. |

Union was full of farming spam (as was Defiant) a few years back (and pre AE it was all 'fill-for-me' PI farms), I'm guessing most dedicated EU farmers have jumped to Freedom.
It probably happens, but I've never seen anyone on Justice advertise pay-per-run farms. It's usually more like "hey, farm team with X spots, PST" and they just take whoever responds.
That people charge (and pay) for them boggles my noggin. |
Most aggressive marketing I have seen.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
That's because there's never anyone in Atlas!
![]() Union was full of farming spam (as was Defiant) a few years back (and pre AE it was all 'fill-for-me' PI farms), I'm guessing most dedicated EU farmers have jumped to Freedom. |

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097
It probably happens, but I've never seen anyone on Justice advertise pay-per-run farms. It's usually more like "hey, farm team with X spots, PST" and they just take whoever responds.
That people charge (and pay) for them boggles my noggin. |
Running someone through a farm and completing all of the ambushes for the fastest xp/sec takes about 4 minutes. Running in solo without bosses, you cap tickets in 1.
Farming someone else costs the Farmer 3 runs which is 4500 tickets.
When rolling 15-19 bronze, each ticket is worth an average of 13.9 k.
13900 x 4500 = 62.55 million influence taking that passenger put the Farmer out of pocket.
It takes a fairly charitable soul or one who doesn't understand the value of influence to be willing to take someone at such an expense. Conversely, it takes apretty selfish (or genuinely poor) soul to not be willing to compensate that farmer for at least some of his losses.
I prefer paying a player for xp using in game currency over offering a RMT company real money.
the other a filthy cheat who ruins the game.... |
Think about the math involved.
Running someone through a farm and completing all of the ambushes for the fastest xp/sec takes about 4 minutes. Running in solo without bosses, you cap tickets in 1. Farming someone else costs the Farmer 3 runs which is 4500 tickets. When rolling 15-19 bronze, each ticket is worth an average of 13.9 k. 13900 x 4500 = 62.55 million influence taking that passenger put the Farmer out of pocket. It takes a fairly charitable soul or one who doesn't understand the value of influence to be willing to take someone at such an expense. Conversely, it takes apretty selfish (or genuinely poor) soul to not be willing to compensate that farmer for at least some of his losses. |
omg are you seriously trying to make the farmers sound like Mother Theresa? So generous and charitable. LMFAO. Math looks seriously wonky to me btw.
BTW the math doesn't lie. The 13.9k/ticket ratio was taken from TopDoc's Spreadsheet so if you don't trust it, take it up with him. I do however see similar results in general play so I am confident in it's accuracy.
Are you trying to imply Free Farmers aren't charitable? You sound exactly the type who I'd make pay. If someone is giving you their time and energy at their own cost just to make your life easier and you can't show the slightest hint of gratitude, you sure don't deserve anyone's time.
BTW the math doesn't lie. The 13.9k/ticket ratio was taken from TopDoc's Spreadsheet so if you don't trust it, take it up with him. I do however see similar results in general play so I am confident in it's accuracy. |
omg are you seriously trying to make the farmers sound like Mother Theresa? So generous and charitable. LMFAO. Math looks seriously wonky to me btw.
Average XP Farmer (w/ Group): 8 - 13 minutes per map, assuming 10 minutes for these purposes.
Ticket Cap per Map: 1500 Tickets, assuming they are doing the useful ones.
Ticket to INF: 550 tickets for 1.5 million influence, assuming the worst possible method of spending tickets
INF per Map from Tickets: 4 million
With me so far? Cool.
Average Ticket Farmer (Solo or Special Map): 3 - 8 minutes per map (no bosses), assuming 5 minutes for these purposes.
Ticket Cap per Map: 1500 Tickets
Ticket to INF: 550 tickets to 1.5 million influence
INF per Map from Tickets: 4 million
Following along are we? Good.
30 minutes of farming: XP Farmer makes 12 million influence. Ticket Farmer makes 24 million influence. An hour of farming: XP Farmer makes 24 million influence. Ticket Farmer makes 48 million influence. Etc. Assuming both are stupid about how they spend their tickets.
Does this mean that XP Farmers who farm for free are generous? Not necessarily. They are either ignorant or some other factor is more important to them than making influence alone. Usually, some other factor is more important. That may, or may not, be generosity. Depends on the player.
lol trust us, reading your attitude i wouldn't ask. You'd be the one chargeing the most i'd laugh at as i spent my time and energy doing my own playing instead of paying someone to do what they'd be doing anyway. I've never asked anyone for any kind of compensation for helping them out in a computer game. i don't doubt the inf/time ratio so much as how much you reckon it costs the farmer to bring a passenger, as in 3 runs etc. Assuming the passenger doesn't contribute and actually make the run faster. Seriously, get off your high horse.
If they can take it, they're farmers themselves and so don't need another farmer to do the work for them.
It takes a fairly charitable soul or one who doesn't understand the value of influence to be willing to take someone at such an expense. Conversely, it takes apretty selfish (or genuinely poor) soul to not be willing to compensate that farmer for at least some of his losses.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Passing through Atlas Park on Freedom just now:
[Broadcast] Player 1: any 50s up for ticket farm
[Broadcast] Player 2: lvl 24 lf 54/8 priv farm. 19 mil
[Broadcast] Player 3: lvl 1 lff*
[Broadcast] Player 4: looking for free farm
[Broadcast] Player 2 again: lvl 24 lf private farm
[Broadcast] Player 1 again: any 50s up for ticket farm
[Broadcast] Player 5: looking to join a team
[Broadcast] Player 6: +4/8 lf 1 more, 10 MPR, only taking 4 lowbies
[Broadcast] Player 4 again: looking for free farm
[Broadcast] Player 4 again: looking for free farm
Has it always been this bad?
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project