Seriously . . . ewww . . .




Originally Posted by MAD UMLAUTS View Post
I dont get why people QQ about paying for farms. You can easily make the money back on tickets but IM ENTITLED TO FREE FARMS SO STOP CHARGING i guess.
Admittedly, I'm a "journey-not-the-destination" type of guy, so this doesn't affect me directly. But to comment on your post, all of the content in the game is included in the price of a VIP member's subscription or premium player's purchase. Outside of those fees, there is no monetary value assigned to content with the Mission Architect system in the form of influence, euros, dollars, pounds, or anything else.

Any amount you (or anyone you know) might be charging for farms is simply pretendy fun-time fees. You're basically "role-playing" that you're providing a service that should cost a fee. I'm not saying that's wrong in ANY way! But not everyone is going to want to pay to RP that, er, "concept" with you.

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Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
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Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Did you completely forget this is suppose to be a GAME!? A game where you like it to bust npc heads in... A game to enjoy. Not a money or ind gathering tool.

You are so lost I cannot believe!
Something that could be completely avoided if they ever sell IOs in the store or revamp the invention system...

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
Something that could be completely avoided if they ever sell IOs in the store or revamp the invention system...
You mean like the IOs they'll be selling in the Paragon store? :P



I distinctly remember during the height of the Rikti Comm officer farms seeing someone trying to charge for a run on Union....

...and being laughed at by everyone else in Atlas park, including other farm teams who carried on mentioning they had free spots still available.

Heck one farmer I've joined actually had a rotation system for the group, once you hit level 22, you are asked to leave so another lowbie could join the group which seemed fair enough to me.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I understand the value of influence better than you do, it seems. It has ZERO value.
Haha, I guess you really don't because you are very wrong.




Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
You mean like the IOs they'll be selling in the Paragon store? :P
It's a start.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Did you completely forget this is suppose to be a GAME!? A game where you like it to bust npc heads in... A game to enjoy. Not a money or ind gathering tool.
A game is about having fun. What you find fun isn't necessarily what I find fun. What I find fun isn't necessarily what you find fun. Different strokes for different folks, ya know?

This is the way it should be.

Some people enjoy accumulating one pretty number (experience), some enjoy accumulating a different pretty number (influence), some people enjoy accumulating badges, some people enjoy the costumes, some people enjoy the trials, etc, etc, etc ...

Some people have to do stuff they don't like in a game so that they can do the things they do like in a game. (I hate the low-level game with a burning passion, for example. Game doesn't start until the low 30s.) If one has fun endlessly tweaking your builds (playing with numbers), then one needs similarly endless supplies of the stuff that let you tweak your builds (inf, recipes, salvage).

You are so lost I cannot believe!
Repeat after me: There is no one true way, only a thousand thousand paths from here to there, now to then.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Any amount you (or anyone you know) might be charging for farms is simply pretendy fun-time fees. You're basically "role-playing" that you're providing a service that should cost a fee. I'm not saying that's wrong in ANY way! But not everyone is going to want to pay to RP that, er, "concept" with you.
Which is fine, and true, and everything. They don't have to pay. No one is making them. They can do the content themselves. No need for a farmer ...

But they don't want the content. They want the rewards; as rapidly as possible. Faster than they can do it themselves. And if they want that ... they are at the mercy of those who are able and willing to give them what they want.



Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post
Some people have to do stuff they don't like in a game so that they can do the things they do like in a game. (I hate the low-level game with a burning passion, for example. Game doesn't start until the low 30s.)
No kidding. I HATE the Invention System with a burning passion, however, I suffer it for the benefits it gives me. If there ever becomes a full alternative to not having to use and still be able to get similar benefits, I would never use that craptastic thing again.

Repeat after me: There is no one true way, only a thousand thousand paths from here to there, now to then.
The only true way is to play the game without using Developer discouraged exploits, with a thousand, thousand paths from here to there, now to then.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
With a couple of notable exceptions, This is pretty much how Champion works. I am always amazed when I hear that other servers don't use the global system as much as we do.
The core group of people in my SG on Virtue transferred from Champion server recently. I went there to see what Champion was all about and was amazed to find during the middle of the day, there were only 3 players in RWZ struggling to put together some trial runs/teams...thats when I realized why my SG had transferred to a new server.

When theres only like 50 people on a server (not sure the exact # obviously), compared to 50 people alone in RWZ forming trials...its always easy to be so organized as to use channels for everything. It seems to me that its actually moreso necessary than anything else.

I think if there was a "Farming Channel" on Freedom, the text would fly too fast for it to be useful.

No drama, just saying...

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Did you completely forget this is suppose to be a GAME!? A game where you like it to bust npc heads in... A game to enjoy. Not a money or ind gathering tool.

You are so lost I cannot believe!
Why cant the purpose of the game be to play and have fun AND play and have fun the way some people want to play and have fun their way?

I have friends that love to collect a game where you can fly around and shoot bad guys with fricken laser beams from your eyes to their face.

I have friends that love to build a game where you can fly around and shoot bad guys with frickin laser beams from your eyes to their face.

I have friends that love to mass make believe money by manipulating the market a game where you can fly around and shoot bad guys with frickin laser beams from your eyes to their face.

I have friends that enjoy pushing their toons to the max limit and then fighting against other 'maxed' toons to the death in the a game where you can fly around and shoot bad guys with frickin laser beams from your eyes to their face.

I have friends that love to stand around in Pocket D and roleplay their background with others all a game where you can fly around and shoot bad guys with frickin laser beams from your eyes to their face.

I could go on for another page about the different ways people on my global list actually love to play this game. Most of these are not for me...but its their money and they want to play the game this way becuase it is fun to them. Other than interrupting the flow of conversation in AP's broadcast system, I don't get why people still get so fired up about farmers, farmees or farming.

Were there this many "play the game the way I think its fun" posts when people stuck to farming in PI or GV issues ago?

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
Freedom is my home server, and I enjoy playing there. Atlas Park is indeed packed full of farmers who clog up broadcast with their farm advertisements, however, walk outside of Atlas and there are a ton of people who enjoy playing content missions. For the people who say they can't form a team on Freedom that isn't a farm, I call malarkey, because I do it everyday and sometimes have to turn people away.

I think it was Bill who said earlier in the thread that Atlas broadcast is the "Smog of the Freedom server", which is a great analogy. When you live in a big city, you have to deal with the downside in order to take advantage of the many benefits. Fortunately Freedom's downside is pretty much limited to a single zone.

Freedom is a fine server full of fine people.
I really liked this post...hits the nail right on the head.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Freedom might be the worst (depending on your pov of farming) but it obviously happens on all the servers.
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
As someone who actually *plays* on all the servers, let me say:

No, it doesn't.
Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Uh, I play full time on Virtue and it certainly (sadly) happens there.
Feycat you're clearly mistaken, didn't you get MB's memo..
I also haven't recently seen pl spamming in AP on Champion, though I was sure I had, but we were both (and everyone else) set straight.
Furthermore Feycat since you failed to claim to "actually *play* on all the servers" your observation is erroneous and thus I think you owe MB an apology and a Pepperidge Farm cookie basket.





I always found these threads amusing.

Unless you simply stop playing altogether (or unsub if you are subscriber) you're fine.

Anything else, you're doing it wrong.

I'd buy the "but they are spamming my chat window" argument if there weren't a myriad of ways to get the spam out of your chat window, of it b-cast weren't a cesspool of other inane things that really shouldn't be on b-cast, catgirl cyber being one of them. (Yes I recently saw this a few nights ago on B-CAST. People ragged at them for trying it, but the damage was done. I've also seen silly arguments about pvp, which is the best manga/anime/I despise anime battles, silly talk about how other games will kill COH, etc, etc, etc.)

"LF Farm", "lf paying lowbies" is the least of the problems with Atlas Park (or anywhere else) B-CAST. And get ready, you think it's bad now, wait until the Free aspect is finally launched.

This game's main competitor in this genre had the level and type of idiocy increase on their b-cast channel HEAVILY once the game went f2p.

Farm spam is the least of the issues with B-cast.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Of course, Free players can't actually use Broadcast or send tells. Which may cramp the style of some of the sellers. Can't just sit there and say "Send me a tell" and get results from the Free players. It is easy to get tells and broadcast open, they just need to buy $5.00 worth of points. At which point they are supporting the game and I can live with it.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



There are certain things I simply don't care for...

The new content is great for the standard ATs, but the Epic ATs (both hero and villain) have the same story arcs as before. So, if I would like to, say... get my spider or widow to lvl 24 so I can respec and start the REAL adventure, I should.

The "teachable" arcs for both red and blue side are fun and I am doing them. As a matter of fact, I am leveling so fast that I miss certain arcs in Atlas entirely because of that. I've yet to figure out what that fella from SERAPH wants from me, and I've not done the Lt. Harris? arc since beta.

ONE sewer trial is all it takes to level past some of the early content. But, that is as the devs want it.