Attention Pet Owners!




A pulse of some strange visible energy has spread across the world... The good news... it has imbued some of earth's inhabitants with super powers... the bad news... it wasn't the humans and taking your pet for a walk just got a WHOLE lot more interesting...

So your pets now have CoH style super-powers... what AT/powersets do you think they'd get and what kind of hero would they be?

My five cats:

Gizzy (short for Gizmo): My twenty-five pound couch potato has transformed into Gizz-Zilla, a Stone Armor/Electric Melee Tank. I chose those for him because he really wouldn't see much of a speed decrease from the norm with the Stone Armor and any offensive power set that allows him to do damage without having to move would suit him just fine. Also Gizzy is so lazy that just watching him makes you feel lazy yourself, which is as close to a real-life simulation of endurance drain as you're likely to get.

Baby-Phat : The matriarch of the household. Crotchety, taciturn and bossy, Baby is our oldest cat and not afraid to assert herself in confirming her dominance. Her hero name is Baby-Phat because choosing another name would seem silly to her. She has become a Psychic/Psychic Dominator. Actually, I use the word "become" a little loosely because she has those powers already... when she glares at you the urge to freeze or scream "I didn't do it!" are very strong.

Natasha : Our grey kitten, the youngest of our brood. She is as bossy as Baby-Phat and the two seem to have an agreement that when Baby passes the crown will go to Natasha. Natasha is our Claws/Regeneration Scrapper with the entire Speed pool power set for good measure. She is in a near-constant state of Scrapper-Lock as she races around the house like a little grey blur. She attacks anything that moves and has declared the Red Dot Laser Pointer as her arch-nemesis. The reason she's Regeneration instead of Super Reflexes are two-fold: 1) She occassionally takes short "power naps" after which she is raring to go at full tilt again and 2) though she is very fast she is also somewhat clumsy. This might explain her hero name of "Na-Crash-A."

Spooky : Natasha's mother, our all-black cat with gold-green eyes. Spooky is very cool and calm most of the time and will generally freak out visitors to our home by just sitting and staaaaaaring at them. She has transformed into a Dark/Dark Defender. She's a defender because, despite being creepy, she's a doting mother and very empathetic to her humans. She is always willing to lend her caring and healing presence to a loved one... and doesn't mind sucking the life from strangers to do it. Her hero name is Dark Pooky.

Bebe (pronounced Bee-Bee) : Bebe came to us via adoption. We took her in because no one else would as she is lightly brain damaged due to injuries when she was a kitten. Bebe is pristine white with patches of soft grey. Her brain damage causes her to be easily distracted. One of the funniest sights I have ever seen in my life was when she had one foot sticking straight up in the air for fifteen minutes because she had been cleaning herself when I drew her attention... she completely forgot about the foot and just... well.. left it up there. Bebe has become an Energy/Energy Blaster... because I'm fairly certain she's the reincarnated form of Fusionette. Despite that suspicion she will still be called Bebe because I honestly don't think she could remember another name.

So that's my brood of super-powered pets... what about yours?

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



My cat Sara... who's typically camped out on the corner of my desk watching me play when I'm in the City, and who loves nothing better than sitting on my comic books when I'm trying to read them... is probably as well-versed in heroism and villainy as any feline. But she doesn't like getting her paws dirty. She has FCM and I, her human servants, to do everything for her.

Sara would be a Mastermind.

Of that, I have absolutely no doubt.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



My oldest cat, Arthur, who is 16 has the fine art of being a mind controller down. Normally he just lays on the blanket I have folded up on my desk for him, but when the food bowl is low, he just walks into whatever room I am in and stares at me. Next thing I know, I am filling the food bowl.

Isaac, the younger one, is definetly a claws/SR stalker. Not only does he have the ability to shred the poor cat post, but he has stealth and placate. Anyone gets near him, and he meows, and magically, people leave him alone.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Super Dog - (real name): Duke

Duke (pre-named) was adopted by us after having a rough upbringing from an abusive home. He's a German Shepherd with some tiny bit of Colly in there to give him Colly feet and a slightly broader back.

He is the unquestioned security chief of the household and sworn body guard and protector of the family.
Tank - Will Power / Super Strength

Anyone who visits must clear an intense security check at the door (if they prove themselves brave enough to enter after the display of rage he offers them to test their mettle).
He draws all aggro to himself in order to protect his family (That includes the cats).
He will jump in front of his family any time someone else approaches... and will even jump in-between family members if they approach each other a little too aggressively (playing or not).
His intentions are entirely about protecting his family... But beware of his rage. When his rage is triggered, he may prove too intimidating for most outsiders (the running NPC AI seems perfectly fine to me).
He has a special alternate animation for Foot Stomp, in which he blasts everyone around him with a coarse fuzzy tail whip, slamming hard-skulled head butts and very sharp, pointy teeth.

Most of the time, however, he is as sweet as can be and covers you in fur and slobber as he just wants to show you just how much he loves you (this also includes the cats).

Sorry... this thread made me think of Duke, who is actually no longer with us, but... if I have ever met a WP/SS Tank, it was Duke, in a heartbeat.

I miss you, Chief of Home Security Duke.

(My apologies if that was bad form... Just felt necessary)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"




Zebedee the cat...
Stalker: Claws/Ninja
He also has the full Speed power pool as well as Super Jump.

Zebedee regularly sits on tables and counters at the sides of high-traffic doorways, so that he can swipe at anyone and everyone who passes by. This generally results in him stabbing his claws into you and/or your garments so deeply that you remain entangled (caltrops) as he continues to finish you off with successive clawing and/or very hard biting. Meanwhile... all family members around you are frozen in a state of fear (or just bursting out, laughing and pointing... and occasionally taking a picture, lol).
He also only knows one speed - maximum - and he darts everywhere (apparently he does not know, or care, that you can turn super speed off).
This regularly results in him behaving like a Speed-Boosted newb, overshooting his intended destination: He slides along the tile floor and slams into the cabinet doors, super speed leaps onto the counter above the breakfast table... sliding and falling onto the table beneath, races onto the dining table so quickly and uncontrollably that he slides along - pulling the table cloth off of the table...
He is also a hacker, as he has been known to race past a group of family members, cut one of them on the ankle and continues - without change in speed - to dart away and hide.
His claws are like ranged weapons because his bones are apparently made out of springs and he can reach his targets from quite a distance.

P.S. One orange and white cat (very friendly and very entertaining) up for adoption. No questions and no returns!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



My cat, Precious (as in "My precioussssss..."), thinks she's a Claws/SR Brute, always eager to go out and wrangle with the feral cats that live in the neighborhood. She has some rather odd habits as well. She'll act all nice, even sit in your lap, but once you show signs of movement she leaps off and starts meowing, attempting to lead you to her food bowl so you can feed her, even when she knows it's full. She demands an audience for whatever reason.


Also on Steam



Leiloo - My tiny little terrier would be an Empathy/Energy Defender. She's always wanting to be close when ever someone is sick and has also picked up the Super Speed pool, though it really doesn't make her that much faster than she was before. Little speed demon.

Spooky - My cat, the fierce grey warrior that gets spooked at the slightest little thing yet always jumps in the fray regardless. Yeah, he's a Dark Melee/Regen Scrapper. He's a fighter for sure, always getting scratched up and healing pretty quickly as well.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Mahera: SS/Invuln Brute. A tortise shell calico with a white chin and belly, she came to us from an owner with multiple cats. Mahera would beat up said cats, and for their sake needed to be in a one-pet home.

She's six slotted her Taunt power, which she uses by destroying things to make you pay attention to her. She seems to have forgotten to take a travel power, though.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



My Cat Chewbacca would become "Captain Chew-A-Lot"

Mind/Thorns Dominator. 6 Slot confuse which works mainly when he is showing you his tummy. Then when you attempt to touch him....Snickt! Out come the thorns. He would also have combat jumping, super jump, and stealth that only works if he can't see you directly. His brawl would be 6 slotted for 3 accuracy, 1 damage, and 2 recharge.

He is not a perma dom. Hes slow to start, but once he builds up enough domination, he will either use it to unleash his full wrath...or pass out.



I don't know what AT and powersets my dog will have, but two powers I'm sure she'll have is superjump and teleport food to mouth.



My household is currently a 2-cat abode supporting Boris and Natasha, cousins from litters birthed on the same day.

Boris is a large ginger, over 20 pounds and little of it flab. However, Boris has never gotten over the trauma of our extended evacuation from Hurricane Rita when he was but a wee kitten, and as such is still terrified of even his own shadow. I can only qualify Boris as a Claws/Electric Stalker, sans Assassin's Claw (he only attacks in defense, anything else is too scary!), with the addition of both Stealth and Invisibility from the Concealment pool... just to be safe, you see.

Natasha is a tabby, not terribly much smaller than her cousin. Her Hurricane Rita trauma didn't lead to paranoia and fear, instead it led to an extremely vociferous must-be-center-of-attention-at-all-times personality. Thus she becomes a Sonic/Mental Blaster. You must never forget about, and always be on guard against, her Dreadful Wail. Chin scratches are your best defense.

(@Electric-Knight: I, too, have a beloved pet that has been gone from my life for nearly 8 years now, and I will miss her for the rest of my life. We can never forget them, we can never replace them, nor should we try to- you cannot 'replace' a loved one. The joy they brought us is a gift we'll have, always. To your Duke, and to my Mitsi: rest in peace, you were loved.)



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Super Dog - (real name): Duke

Duke (pre-named) was adopted by us after having a rough upbringing from an abusive home. He's a German Shepherd with some tiny bit of Colly in there to give him Colly feet and a slightly broader back.

He is the unquestioned security chief of the household and sworn body guard and protector of the family.
Tank - Will Power / Super Strength

Anyone who visits must clear an intense security check at the door (if they prove themselves brave enough to enter after the display of rage he offers them to test their mettle).
He draws all aggro to himself in order to protect his family (That includes the cats).
He will jump in front of his family any time someone else approaches... and will even jump in-between family members if they approach each other a little too aggressively (playing or not).
His intentions are entirely about protecting his family... But beware of his rage. When his rage is triggered, he may prove too intimidating for most outsiders (the running NPC AI seems perfectly fine to me).
He has a special alternate animation for Foot Stomp, in which he blasts everyone around him with a coarse fuzzy tail whip, slamming hard-skulled head butts and very sharp, pointy teeth.

Most of the time, however, he is as sweet as can be and covers you in fur and slobber as he just wants to show you just how much he loves you (this also includes the cats).

Sorry... this thread made me think of Duke, who is actually no longer with us, but... if I have ever met a WP/SS Tank, it was Duke, in a heartbeat.

I miss you, Chief of Home Security Duke.

(My apologies if that was bad form... Just felt necessary)
I think it was fine. And awesome.




Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I miss you, Chief of Home Security Duke.
What a gorgeous dog, Elec.

Diesel (No hero name necessary), Invul/SS Tanker: Diesel is our Puggle (which is a Pug/Beagle mix; just take a Beagle curl his tail and smash his face in). Diesel traded all of his intelligence for charisma; that is, what he lacks in brainpower he makes up for in lovability. While he has a tendency to fall down the stairs, run in to open doors, bonk his head on the couch, and walk directly into walls, he's always more than happy to grab his big chewy and hop up on the sofa for some cuddle time. He's Invul/ because he can barrel through our condo at 485mph, smash face-over-butt into the closed bedroom door, and run right back the other way with his tail wagging as if he'd never run into a thing.

He's SS because... well, we bought him this big "indestructable" chew toy called the Galileo that was reputed to be literally indestructable; the company that made it had tested it with mastiffs, St. Bernards, pit bulls, bulldogs, the big chewers. Diesel broke it in half. Oh, and he also turned his cast iron crate into this weird bent-inward geometrical thing by pulling the walls inward with his teeth.

Lilou (The Teeny Poofball), Empathy/Psychic Blast Defender: Lilou is our 6 month old Pomeranian. She's chocolate/blue merle in color, and she has the cutest ******* face I have ever seen on a dog. She biffs and arfs and woofs and does this little foot-dance when you praise her. She HAS to be Empathy because every time my fiancee (who plays CoH on and off) has a bad day, I hand her Lilou and everything is better. She also HAS to be Psychic Blast because looking at her making a sad face is like having someone throw darts at my feelings.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I had a dog once, many years ago.
I seemed to be the only one in the house he was afraid of, and I was only 3 years old.

His name? Muttly. I don't know what his breeding was. He was a mutt.

Powers: Super Strength/Willpower Brute.

This is one of the few dogs I know of that could eat anything. Except for my dads cooking. I'll never figure that one out. He even tried to eat my new shoes. While I was wearing them. We quickly learned that anything left int he backyard was probably going to be destroyed by the end of the day. Things like bicycle seats, frisbees, plastic food dishes, rawhide bones, pool covers, plugged in electric cords, and tin buildings would not stand a chance. Well, the tin building did withstand the repeated attacks, but I think that's because it was a WP/ Invul Giant Monster.
As much as that dog liked to chew things up, he was still a great friend to a 3 year old. After he learned not to eat my new shoes.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Well, my one cat... I already know what he would be.

Shui - Dark/WP Scrapper
Shui has always been a cool cat ever since he was born. He's all black except for a white streak that runs down his underside. I think he would have Dark Melee, because he would just decide to use Dark Melee. He's a boss like that.

A few years ago, Shui decided he wanted to be an outside cat. Of course I couldn't stop him, so he roams outside now. He gets in fights all the time, but comes out like a pro.

Shui is also one of the only animals I know to survive Gangrene without medical attention of any kind. Completely healed up, just because he took it.

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



I miss my rottwieler, had he still been alive he would have been imbude with the same hypnotic power as the hypnotoad and a stomach that would make a black hole jealous. Oh hell who am I kidding, he would have been an K9 Galactus.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



I have to many pets, 3 cats, 2 dogs and a rabbit. While I love them all dearly, I don't think I want any of them to have any kind of superpowers, my one dog (german shepard mix) is a big coward, he goes and hides under the bed when there is any loud noise, the other dog (pomeranian) well he is just plain stupid (I think his mother and father were brother and sister) my cats are just plain lazy.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Well, I'm fostering two teenage turtles, so if they got mutated, they'd probably turn into ninjas.

My bearded dragon Slinky would become a claws/willpower stalker, with the signature power that's the same as the hordeling lashers with their tongues. Knockout tongue to the face!

...I forgot what experience means.



We have four dogs

Scootie is a white/black shih-tzu, she would be a petless mastermind because while she thinks she is the dominant dog of the house she gets her butt whipped by two of the others dogs weekly, her name would be Scooser. She would have a maximum quota of 1.5 lives saved per day, at which point she would need a 12 hour nap. Oh and she would have a rocket launcher because when she barks the only thing that comes out is a snot rocket.

Chloe is a brown Cockapoo, she would be a sonic blaster because she is the loudest thing EVER. Her hero name would be Singing Brownie. She would have a creepy eye patch because she lost an eye to glaucoma, had it removed 2 days ago.

Chilli is a brown/black shepherd/terrier, she would be a powerless bum because she is old and lazy :P

Ella is our newest dog, she is a mix...of everything, mostly lab/pointer/golden retriever/beagle. She would be a mace brute because her tail is like a rod of metal that wreaks havoc throughout the house. She wouldn't have a name because before anyone could say her name they would be knocked out cold by her tail/mace, hero and villain alike + she would make frequent visits to the hospital from smashing her own face with the mace. On the list of things she likes to consume: dryer sheets, socks, face wipes, grass, the carpet, she likes Ice cubes more than food or treats, she enjoys fingers and toy stuffing, rocks seem to be a particular favorite, bugs are the pre-sleep desserts.



Our old cocker spaniel, Georgie, would become Sir George Loves-a-lot!

An Emp/Rad defender. The Radiation power would be radiating love which he uses to subdue his enemies who end up snuggling and hugging him helplessly.



Just got a new pup recently, and while I'm not sure what AT she'd be, one of her powersets is definitely Poison... she's got some seriously [Noxious Gas].

@Oathbound Too



We have two cats in our apartment.

First, we have Baker, an almost completely black cat tipping the scales at 18 pounds of easygoing feline muscle. Baker is a Invul/Super Strength tanker with the entire jump pool. He's easily capable of a 4' jump from a standing start, and has reached even greater heights with a running start and wall assist. Invul because I've watched this doofus headbutt the a table leg at full speed and continue without a pause. SS because of how hard he'll hang on whenever we're playing. Hero name would be "The Immovable Lump".

The second is Sully, a more normal-sized tortoiseshell cat with little white mittens on her feet. Sully would be a Claws/Regen stalker. Claws because of her tendency to shred everything she can, and Regen for indefatigable energy and never staying down.

There's a motive behind the archetypes as well. At night, "playtime" in our apartment, Sully starts getting wound up. She'll hide beneath chairs and tables, around corners, but away from the main action. All of a sudden, she'll sprint out of the shadows and attack Baker, who outweighs her by half again her weight. Baker will be surprised, and usually will fall back to defend himself. Invariably, Sully'll get pinned, and have to squirm free and retreat... but like any good Regen, she won't stay down long

Shortspark: 50 Fire/Fire tanker
Emberblast: 50 Fire/Fire blaster
Jessie Inferno: 50 Fire/SD scrapper
a wizard: 50 Rad/Sonic defender
The Nemesis Plothole:
50 StJ/Reg scrapper



My toy poodle Squire already has mind-control powers. He's the cutest thing on four legs and he knows it and he knows how to work it. He can get anyone to do anything for him. No powerup necessary.

My beagle Angel is super-strong, able to take on full-grown Great Danes. She could use some invulnerability to round out her powerset, though. Poor thing has a weak heart. (Which is a cliche drawback for superstrength, but it's the truth.)

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Jubilee, named after one of my favorite X-Men. A white calico who likes to play with her prey. Sooo, that of course means Claws, but she's not all that active...sooo...Claws/Dark Armor, because everyone knows Dark Armor sucks END.

Sabrina, pomeranian put in my care, because my brother and sister-in-law moved to a new place that didn't allow dogs, for her I'm going to say EM/INV Brute...she gains all that toughness she THINKS she has...but she still isn't that tank she wants to be.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Pet: Parrot (white winged bebe)
Name: Big Bebe
Powers: Sonic/Sonic/Poison (Hybrid AT?)

While Big Bebe is adorable while sitting on my shoulder he will make this unnerving screech at any giving moment. While he doesn't have many visitors, Those brave enough to witness Big Bebe in action, are immediately warned of his need to land on them and to deposit a green identification marker. (ideal location: top of head) When Big Bebe has completed his task, he will kindly tell them "I be back" and will fly away.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"