Attention Pet Owners!




Boots: Tuxedo-pattern shorthair housecat of indeterminate breed. Gravity/Kinetics. Boy is this guy good with inertia: if he gets in your lap, you don't get up.

Brady: Boots's loopy brother. Will not sit still, ever - is probably receiving Speed Boosts. Mind Control/Empathy: he's kinda dumb, but super pro at being cute. This is the cat that makes you feel better when you're sad, whether you want to or not.

Addie: Their older sister. Calico, tiny, and soft as silk. Addie is a Claws/Ninjutsu Stalker: she's smart enough that she's figured out how doorknobs work, she just can't reach them or operate them without opposable thumbs; this is obviously the brain of a scheming tool-user.

Nakoma: My first cat, who passed away a few years ago of an inoperable carcinoma in her mouth. Claws/Willpower Stalker, and boy was she a good one back in her day, bringing us home a kill at least every other night. She stayed strong right up to the end and did her best not to let us see her suffer, even with all the pain she was in. I admire this cat as a person.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Oathbound_Too View Post
Just got a new pup recently, and while I'm not sure what AT she'd be, one of her powersets is definitely Poison... she's got some seriously [Noxious Gas].
We've got a kitten with the same issue

Unfortunately, claws / poison doesn't work in CoH ...

And neither does claws / spazz (everyone in the family has a kitten-related injury from things like doors slamming, thunder, bug flying close, etc.) ...

Claws / SR hepped up on SB, maybe. I'm thinking full-on scrapperlock, attention span of a fruit fly. But there has to be a side of BAF-induced confusion.She's not so good at telling friend from foe, so everything ends up scratched, but not really finished.

The old cat? An ice tanker. Who never leaves Hibernate. Always seems to be cold, no matter the temperature. Secondary's irrelevant 'cause ... well ... he's not apt to do anything.



My dog, Thunder, is a dutch shepherd (basically take a german shepherd, shrink it down a few inches, drop 30-40 pounds, shorten the nose, remove their back leg thing, and dumb them down) and he would be an DM/Invul Scrapper with Fearsome Stare. He makes black labs look pale, and when he's pissed off, he lets you know it. Particularly my "urban agricultural" farmers next door,if you catch my drift. He'll just sit there. Very calm, ears back, but he's squinting slightly, and he shows just enough teeth that his canine's show. He would be Invul because this guy's torn out his dew ("thumb") claw twice, gashed himself open on our trailer behind the garage, and broken his leg without even feeling it. Dark Melee simply because he tends to make other dogs/cats/squirrels/etc. freeze in their tracks in the backyard by walking through the yard to do the deed.

Also comes with SS, Teleport, Invis, and Leviathan Mastery (one hell of a swimmer).

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



My dog Luke the Wonder Dog, though he is already called that. I doubt however he would live up to his heroic title, and would instead turn villain as a super powered thief of all that is food. He would most likely be a Superstrength/Invunerability tank since he can eat anything poisonous to dogs and have no side effects. He'd probally have super jump too so he can reach the high counters...



Pet: Cat
Name: Scrapper McFatty
Powers: Claws/Invulnerability Scrapper (mutation origin)

This is the cat in my avatar. His name is indeed Scrapper, and he lives up to it. He's a Manx mix (mutant) and he interracts with just about everything (the dog, the other cat, the furniture, the rugs) by beating it up. He's a true claws scrapper.

My husband and I mentioned to Positron at PAX that our cat was named Scrapper... and I think he looked at us a little weird.