Defenders can't farm!
After running my daily trials with my Kin/Rad/psy def (all tier 4 except judgment ), all my tips, and my daily trip to WW, I see all these people spamming farms.
So, bored, I decide to run a 0/x8 smashing/lethal to see how it goes....WOW! Was absolutely more exciting than just pumping out tickets with my brute. So I decide to run +4/x8....killed it! So feeling very generous and proud of my fender, I broadcast "Farming Defender...+4/ farm, pst." Nothing! Then I get a tell, "Defenders can't farm!" So of course I send him a team invite. At the end of our run, he said he couldn't believe it! In about five min after I was running a full team of lowbies thru with no problems. I think just about any Alt can farm, just depends on power selections, what do you guys think? Anyway, his name is King Kin on Freedom, pst for a free farm! |
Pics or it didn't happen
Although in all seriousness, I would be interested in seeing a video of him in action. I've seen some unusual builds farm in the past, although can't say I've seen a Defender (probably every AT except Defenders and Stalkers).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Let me know when you'll be on and I give you the tour lol!
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/snark "Your Defender didn't farm the Io's Incarnate abilities did" /snark
Seriously though just about anything can farm, some are better at it than others.
Dark Defender farmin it old school. For the ambush MA farms, it's the same thing only with the crowd constantly replenishing itself (and no worries about mezzers) in a tighter, more controllable hallway.
TA/A can fairly trivially farm very large spawns, where the only limiting factor is oil slick's recharge. If you get it down to around 44 sec, then you can get spawns every 44 sec (can certainly kill them quicker, so kill in 25 sec or whatever and then move on to next spawn.) Currently I am doing something like oil-->aim at slick using macro--> glue--> acid --> disruption --> poison --> blazing (to light) ---> aim --> rain of arrows, which will kill +2s in a tv-don farm. Can post build if anyone cares.
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
Dark Defender farmin it old school. For the ambush MA farms, it's the same thing only with the crowd constantly replenishing itself (and no worries about mezzers) in a tighter, more controllable hallway.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Sure you can farm with a Defender. Farm well? No.
/snark "Your Defender didn't farm the Io's Incarnate abilities did" /snark

Get some recharge and procs in those cones, and hit up that cimerora wall.

Grats but OMG it took you over 1 min 30 sec to get them all and they were just even con it looked like. Yikes.
I go faster now (on the 'Fire' farm). Though I should really get some inspirations macros involved.
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Have an SG mate that makes his own farms and would use his ?/Kin corr to run members through his own S/L defense farm. The team would help but it was pretty amazing to see how fast he bounced from one farm to the next, maybe a little slower than my SS/Fire brute.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
Actually, Farm well...yes. Farm fast...yes.
Farm as fast as my ss/ |
While the fastest one's that I have seen do Crey's turn in times around 4min for a 4 person farm the slower ones have been as much as 12minutes a run.
Not that Crey's is a good farm but it is the one most people are likely to have been in at least once and have a feel for how long it should take to run
Global: @Kelig
As I have recently been testing out farmers on Freedom I am willing to bet that you are faster than some of the SS/FA's that are charging for pl's.
While the fastest one's that I have seen do Crey's turn in times around 4min for a 4 person farm the slower ones have been as much as 12minutes a run. Not that Crey's is a good farm but it is the one most people are likely to have been in at least once and have a feel for how long it should take to run |
Pushing your hero/villain to the max is what makes it fun for me.
I find this hard to believe only in the sense I pretty much mention this on the defenders forums about certain builds that I play all the time.
Currently I have 2 Defenders, a Trick Arrow Archery and a Assault Rifle Traps that can run on 4/8 setting. Not just farms but any standard mission that does not cause issue for anyone else. So CoTs and Freakshows are a go as well. Like anyone else several sort of debuffing mobs can be an issue sometimes. At higher settings mostly because there are just more of them. It's not as easy as just taking out 1 or 2 mobs to control the fight. Its usually a bit more.
As was mentioned I am not doing these farms in the 5 minutes a SS/Fire is doing. But I am doing and it can be done solo. I pretty farm on all my traps toons including a 1 pet DS Traps mastermind that can run 2/8 setting.
Today the new trick I am starting to notice more and more is Vengeance ( might not be that new, but many builds are going that route to farm ). Since you have an endless supply of willing players its pretty easy to accomplish. Perma Vengeance gives you the defense cap you want and everything else is damage and recharge.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
/snark "Your Defender didn't farm the Io's Incarnate abilities did" /snark
Seriously though just about anything can farm, some are better at it than others. |
DMystic your not saying this, I'm just using it as a jump off to a general comment.
In the end am I going to complain that some guy offered to farm me for free on his defender and gave me 5 or more free levels but it just took longer. Of course not.
I just did a farm for Prestige with a standard fire brute that needed inspirations and he was AFK for about 20 to 25 minutes total during the whole time. I ended with 5 levels 37 to 41. I think I gave him 30k in prestige with a total of about 5 or 6 crey fire farms. I would have to say it was about 2 hours or more. Again no complaints and I was more then appreciative. But some players were a bit impatient, which always perplexes me.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
What is this rubbish about better not being the same as faster in the context of farming? Speed is pretty much the only metric you can use to determine farming proficiency, as technically there isn't such a thing as a character that can't farm.
What is this rubbish about better not being the same as faster in the context of farming? Speed is pretty much the only metric you can use to determine farming proficiency, as technically there isn't such a thing as a character that can't farm.
Now if your saying you have a toon that is not one of the main types and is not using Vengeance that can solo a common 4/8 AE farm as fast as the main types, then at least I would be interested in knowing or seeing the build.
But faster is not always better depending on the AT, build and mob your facing. I've seen several builds that are specific to a certain type of mob for a specific type of AE Mission. Again there are some variables to be considered. A perfect example is DP MM blaster built for S/L which relies on Vengeance. These toons are great if doing S/L farm with another player to use vengeance on. But bring them to a LAM and suddenly they are dead meat during certain lab/warehouse phase. Where as I'm running around with my Traps toon ( including robot traps with no pets during that phase that is still defense capped ) having minimal issues ( I resummon FF gen at each crate ).
Another simple example is meleetype being close to cap just because of their sets but not understanding the game mechanics. But having not much in status so one mezz and everything drops again another time where I might excel.
I know my Dark Electric defender is susceptible to getting Darkest Night dropped which is a big part of him getting melee and AOE capped. I'm ranged capped set wise on that toon which enables me to close the gap with darkest night engaged. But if I get held / mezzed and I am too close its ugly.
Those are the instances I am getting at.
I know with my traps toon, which I have many and I am a big fan of. I hardly have an issue with mezz and hold. I might zone out for a very brief moment and then continue fighting.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
I am surprised that people doubted you. Anything can farm AE. There's no Mez in AE, inspirations drop far too often, and incoming damage is usually dominated by a single vector that can be easily capped (Fire, Energy, SM/L for melee and SM/L for ranged). It's basically easy mode, and then there is Vengeance...
At least you are doing it with an AT that's outside of the box.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Im pretty sure a peacebringer could farm. It would suck horribly but it could farm.
I think just about any Alt can farm, just depends on power selections, what do you guys think? Or is the Incarnate system making us that overpowered?
I'm even beginning to wonder if I couldn't do just as well running simple +4/x8 paper missions with this toon, at least that way I could get drops.
Bottom line for me is that any toon can "farm", but the standard in this game seems to be the equivelent of zoning in and dropping a nuke on a fully spawned map, then rinse and repeat for xp and profit... something my fort is incapable of. There's just nothing in her arsenal that can match the deadly efficiency of a fury-fueled blazing aura/spin combo backed by fiery embrace.
Damn... now I wanna go tweak my AE map some more...
Makes me curious as to why.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
After running my daily trials with my Kin/Rad/psy def (all tier 4 except judgment ), all my tips, and my daily trip to WW, I see all these people spamming farms.
So, bored, I decide to run a 0/x8 smashing/lethal to see how it goes....WOW!
Was absolutely more exciting than just pumping out tickets with my brute. So I decide to run +4/x8....killed it!
So feeling very generous and proud of my fender, I broadcast "Farming Defender...+4/ farm, pst."
Then I get a tell, "Defenders can't farm!"
So of course I send him a team invite.
At the end of our run, he said he couldn't believe it!
In about five min after I was running a full team of lowbies thru with no problems.
Also, i thought abouy dropping WoC once, but I'm glad i kept it, it's completely proc'd out (chance for energy/smashing/psy damage/ contagious confusion and purple damage +53%) oh and Musculature and Destiny Barrier helps lol and the extra damage and mitigation is very helpful when surrounded.
I think just about any Alt can farm, just depends on power selections, what do you guys think? Or is the Incarnate system making us that overpowered?
Anyway, his name is King Kin on Freedom, pst for a free farm!