Dev Chat Highlights, September 1: Quick, distract them while the servers are down!




Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Why are people in Paragon City over 6 feet tall? "Lots of beef."
Thanks for the summary, Von Krieger.

As for this quote, there could actually be a plausible pseudo-scientific reason for this. Something along the lines of Island Dwarfism, working in reverse. You see, the early human known affectionately as the Hobbit was short due to living on an island where they had no worry of large predators, so they never grew large. So in a city that has always been an epicenter of crazy **** going down, perhaps the people evolve to be large. (I realize that evolution doesn't exactly work on a city-by-city basis, hence why it's a "plausible pseudo-scientific reason").

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Agreed...some moderators will let minor infractions (silly things like simply saying the name of another game in passing) pass while others are very 'by the book' and will stamp out any mention of any game if they see it.

This has begun to lax off, since we can now mention NCsoft MMOs at the least, Wildstar and Guild Wars 2 namely, especially since the CoH team (devs and mods) have been heavily tweeting/promoting Wildstar and letting that topic slide for WEEKS. I tested the waters and made a thread about Guild Wars 2 (mentioning that if we're allowed to talk about Wildstar, well deleting a topic on a different NCsoft MMO would smack of double standards) and while it didn't get a lot of replies, it remained undeleted for several non-weekend based days.
Apparently we can start talking about Team Fortress 2 since the devs are in love with it.



Did anyone manage to get a screenshot of the back of the shirt one of the community team Dev had (it was an image of statesman)



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Please tone down all the "hive-mind" nonsense and "the Devs don't have photographic memories" hyperbole.
No. Because its not hyperbole.

As I've already mentioned several times in these forums I've been a software engineer for nearly 20 years so I have a fairly good notion of the "fog of war" that goes on between the world that Devs live in versus the world that their players/users live in. I never once implied or assumed that ALL the Devs would know EVERY last detail of every post that's ever been made here. Cut me some slack for having a bit of relevant real-world experience in this area.
My response is simply to quote, again, the post I responded to:

I've noticed this kind of thing happening in the recent ustream chats as well. Some of the Devs have made comments like, "Wow that's a great idea, I've never thought of that before" in reaction to things that have been suggested here in the forums for YEARS.

It's not like I expect the Devs to be monitoring these forums 24/7 but you'd think that most of the suggestions that've come up regularly for years would not be considered "brand new" to the Devs.
So explain to me exactly what you meant by observing that specific, individual devs on the ustreams seem unable to recall suggestions made on the forums and being either surprised or disappointed that they do not seem aware of these things. For you to have the reasonable expectation they would be aware of most or all of the common suggestions made on the forums would either require the presumption that every dev, or at least the ones on the ustream, read the forums to a high enough degree to remember those suggestions, or you believe the devs should collectively know those suggestions through some collective forum presence, and what one knows they all should know.

Its also possible that occasionally the devs are just plain jerking your chain. I know when I say "wow, I never thought of that before" the one thing you can be certain of is that I am not, in fact, amazed I had never thought of that before.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
The relative ease of some disaffected PvPer posting a porn link in every forum every couple of weeks? The forums were pretty toxic by the time that he took over.
Late to the thread, but oh man, I remember this. I was online as he started posting them and immediately started a thread in the closed Forum Cartel section so the mods could find them all super fast. (Yes boys and girls, the Forum Cartel used to be VERY VERY REAL. We discussed making several changes to the boards, but after the employees involved left, the board was declared dead and eventually removed.)

...I forgot what experience means.



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
Sadly, you can please some of the people all of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

You and others might feel Kheldian customization is a priority. But a lot of other people think power pool customization and other particle effects as well as new auras and other new tech is more important.
While others think Kheldians shouldn't get color customization in the first place.

Selectable animations? Yes please. Colors? Nope.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post
While others think Kheldians shouldn't get color customization in the first place.

Selectable animations? Yes please. Colors? Nope.
One good reason: I fail to find one.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
One good reason: I fail to find one.
I may be in the minorty, but I think Khelds should get limited color customization. It wouldn't make sense for a Kheldian to have Nictus colors, for example.

Flaming Intern/Tanker(main)
The Ice Albatross/Blaster
All the tank sets in the Intern variety
Burning Intern/Brute(CoV Main)
And the list goes on...



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
One good reason: I fail to find one.
Unlike the purposefully generic power source of normal ATs, EATs have strictly defined sources for their powers - Kheldian Light and Nictus Energy. Why wouldn't those have a set appearance? It's like asking for the ability to color Green Lantern's powers.


Actually, it's exactly like asking for the ability to color Green Lantern's powers. Nobody bats an eye at Fire's green, uh fire, but a Green Lantern using purple light would have people up in arms.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Of course, they aren't called Shiny Blue Peacebringers and Spooky Purple Warshades, very much unlike the Green Lantern Corps which bases its identity around being green. Some Peacebringer having a yellow base to its powers would be no problem at all. NPC groups wouldn't change and you wouldn't have to change colour if you didn't want to.



Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post
Actually, it's exactly like asking for the ability to color Green Lantern's powers. Nobody bats an eye at Fire's green, uh fire, but a Green Lantern using purple light would have people up in arms.
Actually, it would mean he is a member of the Indigo Tribe rather than a Green Lantern.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Dude! The concept art for those CoT guys is GREAT! Why couldn't they have looked like that?

EDIT: Except for the visible faces, but that's an easy fix.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post

They might as well just resell us the sinister set, if that's all we're getting. I can understand why the robes might be a problem, but what about the other pieces? It looks pretty bare compared to these.



^Exactly! I was VERY disappointed by these "player version" screenshots. Because all we're getting looks to be the bare minimum of parts worn by the lowest of the low minions. Seriously, I think only one group of CoT underlings wears the short skirt without those nice coattails, even most of the other minions get them, and we don't even get that. Why?

For gauntlets, I was really hoping for the ones that the mages in that bottom pic were wearing, for me they would be far more useful for more costume looks than the tight spiny ones shown in the player version. And I was really hoping for at least a couple of the long skirts that various CoT mages get, I love the long women's steampunk skirt, it would be nice to have a unisex (if somewhat ornate) version that my characters of both genders could use.
And I'm absolutely in love with the shoulders and short capelet seen on the energy mages, again, that's something I would definitely love to have to play with.

Even other costume sets like Martial Arts, which was the same for both genders (as opposed to the radically different gender looks found in Steampunk and Barbarian) gave us more to work with. We got two main robe styles, each one having two different texture options, for a total of four possible looks just from that one piece. And the two versions of belt gave even more options, as did the multiple styles and textures for the armored parts. Add to that the helmets and detail options, and the selection of custom weapons, and even that (relatively) simple pack gave us lots to work with.
Whereas if this pic is really "All we're gonna get", then in a way, it's skimpier than Sinister. Even Sinister has armor plated/no armor versions of its gloves and boots.

So why can't we have more of this awesome costume set? Keeping the look of the NPC's exclusive? A weak argument considering that now we can perfectly replicate the look of several other NPCs in game, such as the praetorian clockwork, at least one faction of the PPD or IDF, and several of Arachnos's troops (if you play an EAT and color your uniform just like the NPC). So why is it a bad thing to be able to make and roleplay our very own CoT ruin or energy mage? There's lots of RP possibilities, everything from siding with Arachnos in search of more power, to being a visitor from that parallel universe where the Orenbegans are the good guys.
And that's not even getting into the mix and match possibilities- those long CoT skirts would look awesome paired with Celestial or Ascension armor for an epic look. And for the elegant look, I can see female characters appropriating the jeweled belt worn by the green mage on the right, and pairing it with the steampunk skirt and appropriate top/upper body tights option.

Overall, we've gotten used to getting a lot of mileage for our money when it comes to paid costume booster sets- lots of options to play with, and mix and match. The IDF set was a bit skimpy (I was hoping for the combo breast/back plate and one other gauntlet style), but that one was a freebie. For paid sets (which I have read that this one will be), we've come to expect more. Somehow, I suspect that if we end up paying the same for this set as others like steampunk and barbarian, but get only about as much as Sinister*, I won't be the only one disappointed.

*IIRC, the sinister and justice sets were just bonus add-ons to the CoH- Good vs Evil pack, not in the same league as the more detailed costume boosters that have been released since.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



I guess my point is that I'm left wondering how solid their engineering practices are when they (almost repeatedly) reveal that things which have been talked about regularly for YEARS still seem brand new to ANY of them and catch them off guard. Sure priorities change and new people come in and make new decisions but that's why it's vitally important for the Devs to (collectively) have an accurate "pulse" of their community via a constantly updated action item list. Using tools like this a development team can avoid letting things fall through the cracks and helps make everyone better aware of the big picture. I suppose it simply worries me that they seem to be playing it more "by ear" than I would feel comfortable with. *shrugs*
It's perfectly logical to believe that someone could read a thread about some idea, and then never think of it again in a context of actually working out if said idea is worth pursuing or not, especially if said idea is not under their direct control to work on. They've got enough ideas to work on already that have been thought up by the people that get paid to do so.

I don't want the Devs to be constantly updated on what every player wants, because most of what every player wants shouldn't be in a game, especially this one. I want the Devs to come up with a plan, stick to it as much as possible, and find the time in their busy schedules to work in one or two of the good ideas a player comes up with, but only if it meshes with their overall plan for the game, and only if working on these ideas doesn't take away from more important things.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
The only word in the English language with three sets of double letters is Bookkeeper.
This claim is not made successfully... It is, however, the only word with three sets of double letters in a row.

Sorry. That's all I have to add at this time. I love new stuff in CoH. Keep adding more.

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Originally Posted by Mephistroth View Post
They might as well just resell us the sinister set, if that's all we're getting. I can understand why the robes might be a problem, but what about the other pieces? It looks pretty bare compared to these.

For the record, they haven't said what pieces we will or not be getting when they get around to selling us the set.

For example, look at the Barbarian set and how much we got compared to the handful of screenshots they showed us. There's a lot more pieces that we got than what were shown, not sure why you automatically assume we'll only be getting the minion suit.

Personally, I'm hoping we get the non-spiked version of the minion/guard/archer gloves that are on a number of them in-game, as well as the majority of what we've seen in terms of their variety. The biggest thing that concerns me, is that I haven't seen any female Lt or boss type Circle of Thorns in-game.



I think the problem is that the picture they chose to show us shows just the bare minion pieces- the plainest skirt of the set, with no tails, the simplest gloves, etc.
And also, the latest NPC set they gave us (IDF) turned out to be on the skimpy side- we only got one style of gloves (there are two or three that IDF NPCs have), and we didn't get the coolest body armor option- the one that includes the backplate with the glowing pattern running down the spine. Which sucks, because that was the piece I was hoping for, I had a couple of characters who would have equipped that in a heartbeat

I guess those of us who are hoping for more are looking to put our feedback in and be heard before this thing is released- if the devs were planning to make this a "What you see is all you get" deal, then perhaps they will reconsider if enough people come out and say that they really wanted the other parts, and would be more likely to buy the pack if more things were in it, or more likely to skip the pack because the things they were really hoping for aren't in it.
And if the devs are planning to release more than what was shown in those pics, then the rednames have an opportunity to say something- even if they don't give specifics, even a "There's more to the set than this" would be nice, like they did with Barbarian, telling us that there would be more options than the screenshot showed.

Personally, I think making as much of this set available to players as possible would be the best option, in terms of encouraging sales. More pieces included means more people will be likely to buy the whole pack, because they're more likely to find several items in it that they will have fun using. And more people are likely to make "A la carte" purchases if there's more options, because even those who don't like the current "player version" screenshot or don't want the whole set might decide they want that awesome jewelled belt, or those cool non-spiked plate gauntlets, those tall shoulders, or even that cool mage hat to mix and match with an existing outfit.

As for the lack of female lieutenants and bosses, I would rather wait a bit longer for this set so that those pieces can be fitted to the female rig as well, than have the set NAO and get the bare minimum which already fits both genders.
The Martial Arts booster with its gender equality was a good thing, it would be nice to see another booster along those lines, as well as the radically different gender options of packs like Barbarian and Steampunk.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!