Dev Chat Highlights, September 1: Quick, distract them while the servers are down!




I really hope that there will be more pieces in the COT player set than what was shown in those screen shots. I was really hoping at least to get the long buttcape tails that almost everyone in the COT wears under their skirts now, and to get the gauntlets with the plate on them, not just the tight gloves with the little thorns, that look kinda like the bio-armor in the mutant set.

At the most, I was hoping we would get some of the other cool pieces from that set, like the high collars and short capes that we see the energy mages with.

Really, I think it's the long skirts/buttcapes that a lot of people wanted, and if the set is released without them, people are gonna be disappointed. - Que the complaining about how the NPCs get the lion's share of the cool stuff. If the player edition of the CoT costume set has a few gauntlet choices, and the long rear tails as a skirt option, I'll buy it without hesitation. Bonus points if some of the other cool pieces like the upper body cape are thrown in. On the other hand, if all we get is less than the minions (even minions have those nice waistcape tails now), then this set won't sell as well, I think. People want more options for their money/points, not the bare minimum.
When it comes to costumes in paid booster packs, we're used to getting lots of options to play with, not a "one size fits all look" with a bare minimum of pieces. Even the martial arts set (simple compared to steampunk) gave us four styles of robe- Two shapes, each one with fancy and plain versions, two belt options, several pieces of armor in different styles, some new weapons, and a scattering of other pieces (helmet parts and such)

If this is a paid set, less is definitely NOT more. (Sorry, Mies van der Rohe!)

*FYI-Mies van der Rohe was the famous modernist architect who coined that oft-quoted phrase.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
That question has puzzled me for years now. Is there really that much difference between the graphics data involved in displaying a "temp power" that attaches to a character's back and a "costume item" that attaches to a character's back? Surely the same "body anchor points" would be involved in both situations.

They seem to have no problem with the idea of having temp power guns/swords in character's hands the same way they have costume item guns/swords. If different versions of guns/swords can be both temp powers and costume items why can't jet packs?

The idea that it's taken them years to make the "leap" from back-oriented temp powers to costume items is frankly almost mind-boggling.
I'm not really talking about the tech involved though. We know they have the tech for Back items now, because we're getting them.

I'm talking about the decision not to have jetpacks because of clipping issues that either don't exist on temp powers, or are tolerated on temp powers. I don't understand it, and would appreciate a more detailed explanation as to why we can't have jetpack costume items from the devs.

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Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
I'm not really talking about the tech involved though. We know they have the tech for Back items now, because we're getting them.

I'm talking about the decision not to have jetpacks because of clipping issues that either don't exist on temp powers, or are tolerated on temp powers.
My argument, which I think is yours too, is that technically they've -always- had the tech to have back oriented costume items. That's never been a valid excuse even though the Devs have occasionally tried to lead us to believe that over the years.

Apparently the only REAL reason we haven't gotten back costume items until now is that the Devs were unwilling to give our collective ability to tolerate some clipping a chance. I believe they generally underestimated our desire to have these items -regardless- of the problems involved.

Sure I'd like to have back items that don't clip. But if it's a question of having back items with some clipping versus no back items at all I think I could safely say for most people that we would have always preferred to have the flawed items available.

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Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
I think this is a disservice to CuppaJo. Remember: she was working under a different regime that seemed to go out of its way to ignore the fans. But she made the most of it and passed on as many of our ideas as possible. I know a few of the ideas I had are still here to this day.

And I'm not just saying this because her move to another game and the debut of Lighthouse led to my instant banning... Okay, partially...
When I first started reading this I was wondering if you would bring up the banning.

Things like the weekly ustream and participation on the boards are what made me make the comment. The team as a whole seems more connected now than in the past. This could be because there is more of them, and that NCsoft actually cares about the game, where as Cryptic just shoved it to the side. No disservice was meant towards Cuppa, but I will admit I like Zwill better.

A lot has changed though. The general attitude of the devs seems to have gone from "It can't be done" to "It can be done, but would take massive amounts of time" this is a good change IMO. I miss some of those who have departed like BABs and Castle, but the current team seems to have a fresher outlook. Again, a good think IMO.

Shoot this is a 7 year old MMO that is still relevant, and I can only think of one other that can make that same claim. I feel it can continue to be relevant with the team that is in place. I hope Freedom floods in enough cash that even more people need to be hired, and what we want will get here even faster. For me that means they need to hire more people for the art team.

Apparently the only REAL reason we haven't gotten back costume items until now is that the Devs were unwilling to give our collective ability to tolerate some clipping a chance
I think it is more an issue of bang for the buck. Freedom allows to make these things piece meal, and not have to dedicate weeks to nothing but back details. They have made it clear that we will get more costumes faster because they no longer have to release them in huge packages.

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Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
I'm not really talking about the tech involved though. We know they have the tech for Back items now, because we're getting them.

I'm talking about the decision not to have jetpacks because of clipping issues that either don't exist on temp powers, or are tolerated on temp powers. I don't understand it, and would appreciate a more detailed explanation as to why we can't have jetpack costume items from the devs.
You're not really likely to get a satisfactory detailed explanation because there isn't likely to be one. The explanation is that life's a compromise: much of what we get is a compromise between the devs' professional desire to do it right or not at all, and the devs' practical motivation to give us something rather than nothing. Those two tend to operate in opposite directions much of the time, and its up to designers and producers to find a balance point between those two. That balance point will be based solely upon their best judgment, and tends to be decided on a case by case basis.

This *should* be enough of an explanation, but I don't think it will be for many people, because of the way players tend to view the responsibilities of the developers.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I think it is more an issue of bang for the buck. Freedom allows to make these things piece meal, and not have to dedicate weeks to nothing but back details. They have made it clear that we will get more costumes faster because they no longer have to release them in huge packages.
I'll certainly agree that the new "A la carte" Paragon Market model has probably made these kinds of things easier to justify. Still, I don't really count that as a stonewall excuse because, for instance, the backpack example we see at the top of this thread could have easily had a legitimate place in the "Natural" Booster Pack.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I'll certainly agree that the new "A la carte" Paragon Market model has probably made these kinds of things easier to justify. Still, I don't really count that as a stonewall excuse because, for instance, the backpack example we see at the top of this thread could have easily had a legitimate place in the "Natural" Booster Pack.
Wasn't the natural pack the Martial Arts pack? I am not sure any respectable ninja would wear that. :P

I do see where you are coming from, I have wanted quivers and scabbards forever.

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Things like the weekly ustream and participation on the boards are what made me make the comment. The team as a whole seems more connected now than in the past. This could be because there is more of them, and that NCsoft actually cares about the game, where as Cryptic just shoved it to the side. No disservice was meant towards Cuppa, but I will admit I like Zwill better.
Yeah, I realize we're combining apples to oranges here, but I can see your point. But I also know that there wasn't a thing like ustream as popular back then for Cuppa to be on at the drop of a hat when the servers are down. It's great that Zwill and staff does this and we have a site that makes it easy to do so.

Cuppa, for as much as she was restricted by the dev team she was community repping at the time, at least did a lot of side things like guest on w00t Radio on her own time to help promote the game and answer players questions.

But yeah, there's really no loser here in this debate. This game has had a history of great community reps... with the exception of one... the one with the banhammer... *cough*

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You're not really likely to get a satisfactory detailed explanation because there isn't likely to be one. The explanation is that life's a compromise: much of what we get is a compromise between the devs' professional desire to do it right or not at all, and the devs' practical motivation to give us something rather than nothing. Those two tend to operate in opposite directions much of the time, and its up to designers and producers to find a balance point between those two. That balance point will be based solely upon their best judgment, and tends to be decided on a case by case basis.

This *should* be enough of an explanation, but I don't think it will be for many people, because of the way players tend to view the responsibilities of the developers.
As a software engineer I can understand the trade offs our Devs probably dealt with in this case. As a player of this game I will always believe they were a wee-bit too conservative in their desires to keep us "safe" from costume items that clip.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Wasn't the natural pack the Martial Arts pack? I am not sure any respectable ninja would wear that. :P

I do see where you are coming from, I have wanted quivers and scabbards forever.
One could probably make the observation that they called it the "Martial Arts" pack to draw our attention away from what -should- have been included in a "Natural" Booster Pack - back oriented costume items.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
That's concept art for the CoT costume set for players/original CoT make over before they updated it to the more respectable version that's on Beta now that looks amazing.
Right, I know. I was speaking to the general opinions of "Wow, the art looks great! If they had implemented it just like that there wouldn't have been any issues!" In my opinion, the art (while being very nice art) had some of the same thematic issues as the pre-updated game versions.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You're not really likely to get a satisfactory detailed explanation because there isn't likely to be one. The explanation is that life's a compromise: much of what we get is a compromise between the devs' professional desire to do it right or not at all, and the devs' practical motivation to give us something rather than nothing.
I know it's a compromise. I don't expect the explanation to satisfy me in terms of "oh, now I'm happy that we're not getting jetpack costume pieces". I expect it to explain what the clipping issues are, and why they feel the issues are a problem when temp jetpacks aren't a problem. That's all. Then I could say if I agreed or disagreed, and move on, but right now, I just want to understand. I don't think that's an unreasonable request.

That doesn't mean they have to respond, but there's nothing wrong with me asking, and then clarifying my point when it appeared to me that Lothic didn't understand what I was saying.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I've noticed this kind of thing happening in the recent ustream chats as well. Some of the Devs have made comments like, "Wow that's a great idea, I've never thought of that before" in reaction to things that have been suggested here in the forums for YEARS.

It's not like I expect the Devs to be monitoring these forums 24/7 but you'd think that most of the suggestions that've come up regularly for years would not be considered "brand new" to the Devs.
This is assuming a Hive-mind again. There are no "the-devs." Each individual developer reads some percentage of the forums which is different for each dev, up to and including zero. Separate from that, each individual dev might only *remember* some segment of what they read, and that's factoring in the fact they work on this game every day and it might be harder for them to remember every single idea brought up on the forums when they themselves have to try to remember every single idea brought up *internally* that they might actually have to work on.

I once made a suggestion on the forums and had Castle *respond* to it, only to have him tell me six months later he didn't remember it. The devs see and hear so many ideas about the game every day that it can be difficult to keep track of them all. For that matter, most players don't either: if "the forums" can continue to think the devs said power customization was "impossible" when no dev ever said that, ever, I think we can cut the devs a little slack for every single individual dev not reading and retaining all the information that gets kicked around on the forums.

Its also possible, by the way, that a dev might hear an idea, think about it, decide its not worth pursuring, and then a year later hear the same idea again, and this time think it is worth pursuing, but not remember the first time they rejected it. Again: they are exposed to a lot of ideas, and separate from not remembering all of them they might not even remember passing one over in the past or precisely why. Having a photographic memory is not a prerequisite of working at Paragon Studios.

One last thing: my memory is very good, but why do I remember all the times inherent stamina was discussed, all the debates about rooting, all the suggestions to change knockback, the I Love My Blaster threads, the 100 uses for MoG threads, the change from power rating to brawl rating to DPA - why do I remember all of those things going back seven years? Not just because I read them, but because I *participated* in those discussions. Its far easier for me to remember discussions I actually participated in, than ones I only read. That's just how memory works. Now consider the devs do not participate often in suggestion threads.

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Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
I know it's a compromise. I don't expect the explanation to satisfy me in terms of "oh now I'm happy". I expect it to explain what the clipping issues are, and why they feel the issues are a problem when temp jetpacks aren't a problem. That's all. Then I could say if I agreed or disagreed, and move on, but right now, I just want to understand. I don't think that's an unreasonable request.

That doesn't mean they have to respond, but there's nothing wrong with me asking, and then clarifying my point when it appeared to me that Lothic didn't understand what I was saying.
What makes you think the clipping problems with temp jetpacks aren't a problem? Maybe the art and animation people *always* thought it was a problem, but in the case of temp jetpacks specifically that objection was overridden by the design need to have temporary jetpacks.

That's what I mean by compromise. Compromise presumes that the problems always exist, but sometimes those problems are set aside when other higher priorities supercede them, and sometimes they are set aside as part of a general compromise to sometimes set them aside and sometimes not set them aside to balance that consideration with other considerations equally important.

Part of the problem with coming up with an explanation other than "because" is that it probably involved multiple people with different and possibly opposing viewpoints that were mediated. But the devs are never going to say "John didn't want to give them to you, but Mary fought for at least these two, but then Frank said those would be the only two exceptions." They rarely expose such internal processes publicly. But without that context, it can seem like one individual person making randomly conflicting decisions.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
The team as a whole seems more connected now than in the past. This could be because there is more of them, and that NCsoft actually cares about the game, where as Cryptic just shoved it to the side.
The Cryptic Devs, once Jack moved on, were very responsive and continued to be even when NCsoft purchased the IP and created Paragon Studios.

But then, the power shifted from the Design Devs (who, at Cryptic, called all the shots since NCsoft was more of a distributor and the Cryptic administration become focused elsewhere) to the Producers who were more accountable to NCsoft, the new sole owner.

While Design retained a lot of freedom in design, Production took over in calling the shots and the overall direction. And they were not communicative. After training the Design Devs to be responsive after all those years (), we lost access to the people making the broader decisions. And the Customer Rep staff at the time seemed incapable of bridging that gap (whether they weren't trying, or they were being rebuffed, I don't know). Then the lead Customer Rep decided to disengage from direct contact with players on the forums altogether and focus on... I don't know what -- the handful of expos and meet and greets?

Today, we have the lead Customer Rep who is extraordinarily engaged and the Producers have gotten over their fear of interacting with the players and are now comfortable with leveraging player feedback and testing. Which is a very good situation to be in. Heck, we are in contact directly now with GMs, QA, and NCSoft technicians. We have a very engaged Design Team, Production Staff, and Customer Reps making Paragon Studios the best gaming studio out there.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
What makes you think the clipping problems with temp jetpacks aren't a problem?
I didn't make that assumption, though my wording in my last post makes it look that way because I was trying for brevity. In the post I made before the one you first responded to, I said "assuming there is a problem with them, why is it okay to have temp powers that have this issue, but not costume parts?" Which leads to:

Maybe the art and animation people *always* thought it was a problem, but in the case of temp jetpacks specifically that objection was overridden by the design need to have temporary jetpacks.
That's the exact kind of thing (though I'd like to know what the clipping issues are) I'm asking to hear from them, if it's the truth. What's so wrong about asking to hear it from them? They sometimes give responses.

That's what I mean by compromise.
I know what you mean by compromise. I'm not stupid. I knew decisions about compromises were involved before posting my first post on the topic-- I just want to understand the reasons behind the decision.

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Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
What's so wrong about asking to hear it from them? They sometimes give responses.
There's nothing wrong with asking, I just responded because I know in this case you're not going to hear that directly from them. They just don't do that. Ultimately, some *one*, like Positron say, will simply take overall responsibility for the decision, and not expose the decision making process of the overall team to the public in that manner.

But if you don't want an explanation, you want an explanation directly from the devs specifically, you should PM them instead. They still might not respond, but the odds improve substantially.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Amanita View Post
I really hope that there will be more pieces in the COT player set than what was shown in those screen shots. I was really hoping at least to get the long buttcape tails that almost everyone in the COT wears under their skirts now, and to get the gauntlets with the plate on them, not just the tight gloves with the little thorns, that look kinda like the bio-armor in the mutant set.

At the most, I was hoping we would get some of the other cool pieces from that set, like the high collars and short capes that we see the energy mages with.

Really, I think it's the long skirts/buttcapes that a lot of people wanted, and if the set is released without them, people are gonna be disappointed. - Que the complaining about how the NPCs get the lion's share of the cool stuff. If the player edition of the CoT costume set has a few gauntlet choices, and the long rear tails as a skirt option, I'll buy it without hesitation. Bonus points if some of the other cool pieces like the upper body cape are thrown in. On the other hand, if all we get is less than the minions (even minions have those nice waistcape tails now), then this set won't sell as well, I think. People want more options for their money/points, not the bare minimum.
When it comes to costumes in paid booster packs, we're used to getting lots of options to play with, not a "one size fits all look" with a bare minimum of pieces. Even the martial arts set (simple compared to steampunk) gave us four styles of robe- Two shapes, each one with fancy and plain versions, two belt options, several pieces of armor in different styles, some new weapons, and a scattering of other pieces (helmet parts and such)

If this is a paid set, less is definitely NOT more. (Sorry, Mies van der Rohe!)

*FYI-Mies van der Rohe was the famous modernist architect who coined that oft-quoted phrase.
I agree. The costume pieces are what I'm looking forward to the most in Issue 21. I don't mind not getting the fancy back pieces and belts that the bosses wear but the tailcoats and large collars would be perfect for one of my characters and I was looking forward to getting them the most.

I'm hoping that, as they were made on PC models, we can get at least everything the minions and lieutenants wear... Though I do want the gloves that the Ruin and Death Mages wear.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
If I had to guess, the clipping that they're concerned with isn't the jetpack itself, but due to the way flying animations are posed, that the jet would burn the lower halves of our characters.

Look at the handful of jetpacks/zero-g pack that we can get currently to see how they've positioned the possible fire hazards.
According to the costume panel, the clipping they're talking about is how a back-item jetpack would clip with a temporary-power jetpack (e.g. GvE Jump Pack, Raptor Pack, Steamjet, etc.) They have no way to make the temporary-power jetpack not show up and animate alongside/inside/overtop of the back-item. And thus it looks really bad.

Although to be honest, the back items we have now look really bad with temporary-power jetpacks. They're just not competing for the same animation "style" (e.g. two flight packs, vs a backpack and a flight pack).

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
The Cryptic Devs, once Jack moved on, were very responsive and continued to be even when NCsoft purchased the IP and created Paragon Studios.

But then, the power shifted from the Design Devs (who, at Cryptic, called all the shots since NCsoft was more of a distributor and the Cryptic administration become focused elsewhere) to the Producers who were more accountable to NCsoft, the new sole owner.

While Design retained a lot of freedom in design, Production took over in calling the shots and the overall direction. And they were not communicative. After training the Design Devs to be responsive after all those years (), we lost access to the people making the broader decisions. And the Customer Rep staff at the time seemed incapable of bridging that gap (whether they weren't trying, or they were being rebuffed, I don't know). Then the lead Customer Rep decided to disengage from direct contact with players on the forums altogether and focus on... I don't know what -- the handful of expos and meet and greets?

Today, we have the lead Customer Rep who is extraordinarily engaged and the Producers have gotten over their fear of interacting with the players and are now comfortable with leveraging player feedback and testing. Which is a very good situation to be in. Heck, we are in contact directly now with GMs, QA, and NCSoft technicians. We have a very engaged Design Team, Production Staff, and Customer Reps making Paragon Studios the best gaming studio out there.
THIS, so very much this.

Despite all the "grief" I give them about unfinished stuff, I'll be the first to say they also say: "We have a very engaged Design Team, Production Staff, and Customer Reps making Paragon Studios the best gaming studio out there."

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
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Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
We're going to have to respectfully disagree, because I always felt as if Lighthouse were community repping this community from his prior employment, he would just teleport us out into the middle of space to be rid of us.
We'll have to.

At the time though we had some very "interesting people" . . . screw it we had some straight up idiotic trolls that were pulling some jerk moves. Understandably so as that was (if my memory is correct) during the Issue 13 era. (for anyone who doesn't know what was going on, just go take a look at the old issue 13 patch notes and you can figure it out) The forums were an TOUGH place at the time. (one of many times)

IMO we needed someone tough to get the job done.

Right now the forums seems to be a much more friendly place because the overall team (as Zombie explained) changed.

I would still say Lighthouse did a good job if I had been temp banned at the time. (not saying you're saying he didn't cause you got banned).

I can honestly see why some didn't like the guy, but I honestly think he did well . . . especially with some of the stuff going on on these forums at the time.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
According to the costume panel, the clipping they're talking about is how a back-item jetpack would clip with a temporary-power jetpack (e.g. GvE Jump Pack, Raptor Pack, Steamjet, etc.) They have no way to make the temporary-power jetpack not show up and animate alongside/inside/overtop of the back-item. And thus it looks really bad.
Thank you so much for sharing this, this is completely different from what "clipping issues" brought to my mind, and never occurred to me. I understand completely.

I still want jetpack back pieces, but at least I understand the reasons.

That being said, did they say anything about temp jetpacks clipping with plain backpacks? Are they accepting it because only one animates (I assume you mean the VFX by "animates") as you are suggesting?

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

See, this looks awesome. Even with the exposed faces, no less.

...The concepts obey the 3-point rule, they have flat spaces and subtle patterns that aren't shoved in your face...they look fitting of CoH (kudos to Davids team, once more)...
Thanks. This is actually a highly abridged version of the art. Will try to post a bunch of concept after Freedom launches, and you can check out the complete version then.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
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Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Thanks. This is actually a highly abridged version of the art. Will try to post a bunch of concept after Freedom launches, and you can check out the complete version then.
Have you guys ever considered consolidating this stuff with various lore bits and development notes into some kind of limited production City of bible?

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.