News from PAX




Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
Am I the only one that's disappointed that the "Minotaur" in the pictures is using human legs, and not the monsterous legs, to show off a new costume part?

I'm guessing this will be another option that won't work with the monster legs. Too bad, as lots of beastial characters might work well with barbarian stuff.
Just bringing this up since it was only mentioned once. I'd also be disappointed if monsterous legs are left without yet another fitting option as it's either pants or pantsless...and I never pick pantsless >_<

I also have a current female character that really needs something like the male fur pants or just a proper loincloth!! The skirt isn't doing anything for her



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Isn't this on Test and working now? Do we have any idea why it's being pushed back? It was the ONLY set I wanted to buy

What a shock. I'm SHOCKED, I say!
I recall somewhere there was some back end stuff they are still working on with it.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
I recall somewhere there was some back end stuff they are still working on with it.
Street Justice? No, that set's good to go. It was pulled from beta because it's where Synapse wants it to be performance-wise, and because the devs want to try and keep the beta build as close to release-candidate condition as possible. Street Justice was always meant to be added to the store sometime after the I21 launch, so there's no reason to keep it available during this last phase of beta.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
Someone asked about force fields being antiquated and underperforming in comparison to what's available now. Posi said they'd like to revisit old sets but Freedom is the Future (not in those words but basically).
That kind of disappoints me, the general attitude I mean.

"New shiney, get new shiney, come on new shiney!"

"Erm...could you kind know, take a breath, pause and make some of the legacy powersets up to snuff...I mean Forcefield just provides defense and more defense...which at high levels, especially with IOs and Incarnate buff powers, becomes rather useless..."

"No, don't care, look at the new shiney!"

Tweaking sets like Forcefield to be more relevant is low hanging fruit, not like they're making an entire new powerset.

I'm still on the fence about Freedom and this kind of fudges the deal towards not really liking, the attitude of 'new shiney!' has now really become the focus (it has been for quite some time, examples being the AE (developed, pushed and then given up on completely) and Cimerorea (promised more expansion beyond taskforce and the two contacts never showed up)) instead of tweaking, revamping and such alongside perhaps a slower push of everything shiney in peoples faces all the time to make a buck kind of attitude.

The Atlas park revamp only happened purely to rope in the Free2Play people, that's it. No other reason beyond that, despite complaints of the Atlas park/Galaxy/Mercy intro sucking for years, the only reason it got fixed was to draw in more punters.

From now on that's going to be the ONLY focus, drawing in more punters to pony up for things.

It's weird because I've actually begun playing a Free2Play model game most of the time now be fair...I personally feel that they seem to be doing it a bit better than the CoH team will do.

However the free2play questing in that game is severly neutered compared to the Subscriber game (the number of quests available triples or even quadruples the moment you subscribe) which compared to CoH where all but the signature story arcs and First Ward will be unavailable is quite the contrast.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
Something occurred to me- they MAY be spacing them out so that the VIP vets can get them all with Paragon points as sort of a .. TY for being VIP? I know there was a bit of a backlash at VIPs still having to buy Powersets- I was one of the ones unhappy. If SJ release a month or 2 after launch, and I can get it "free" with my PPs, I'm happy waiting.
Funny when I actually suggested such a thing some folks in some parts of these forums looked at me like I was insane.

I'd honestly like to know what the difference is between what you posted above and simply WAITING if it were released in issue 21, till you had the appropriate amount of points.

Maybe it's my age showing, but I never got the whole "gotta have it now" thing that folks have nowadays with DLC or extra content that needs to be paid for.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Didn't Tyrant and his loyalist thugs get the message back in May? Gues we'll just have to rout the heil brigade again
You know, with the phasing tech in full swing, it doesn't have to be that way any more. The bad guys can have a victory that's more than a temporary setback for the good guys.



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post

Shortly after, Lord Recluse showed up and everyone left.

True. Great Lord Recluse costume.

Blue, you should have said "hi". I think we teamed once or twice on the Statesman TF.



Originally Posted by Gargoyle_KDR View Post
Futher clarification: (text taken directly from the slide presentation)

Account-wide Doorbuster badge for logging in during Headstart.

- B.
I missed that. Thanks for adding!



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
True. Great Lord Recluse costume.

Blue, you should have said "hi". I think we teamed once or twice on the Statesman TF.
Oh yeah? I'm pretty bad with names but now that you mention it, it does sound familiar. I was sitting next to your wife/girlfriend until Black Pebble showed up and decided he would rather do so. I really didn't recognize anyone else, but then again I didn't go around asking everyone's global.

I remember the Recluse guy from last year's Meet and Greet. At the time, he only had the helmet complete. Glad to see he finally got the rest of it done... was pretty neat.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I wish zoom and enhance worked like it does in Blade Runner
Fixed that for you.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
In all fairness, I highly doubt this would be true if we weren't using fake moniez.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



only if it comes with a Harrison Ford voice over



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
That kind of disappoints me, the general attitude I mean.

"New shiney, get new shiney, come on new shiney!"

"Erm...could you kind know, take a breath, pause and make some of the legacy powersets up to snuff...I mean Forcefield just provides defense and more defense...which at high levels, especially with IOs and Incarnate buff powers, becomes rather useless..."

"No, don't care, look at the new shiney!"

Tweaking sets like Forcefield to be more relevant is low hanging fruit, not like they're making an entire new powerset.
Y'know, I've been complaining about this (well, moreso) since... when was it... Not long after War Witch took the helm and mentioned "We don't want to update old stuff, we want to keep giving you new."

Yeah... but what about areas like Dark Astoria that people have been *begging* to have content added to for years?

Or - well, my general impression STILL is one of a dog in a room full of Superballs, just bouncing, chasing, catching one then getting distracted by another. Do notice how much has been done with AE after it stopped being the new shiny. Or bases. Or... when's the last time we had IO sets added, or revised (see "Debt reduction?") Back when they tried to put in a carrot to get people back into the (broken) PVP that the also haven't revisited?

They mention their "strike teams" now. Yeah, great for throwing more new stuff out, I guess - stuff to pay extra for. But where's the "Strike team" for Dark Astoria, which is just *filled* with story possibility? Where's the Shard Strike Team? Where's the Strike Team to add more reason to go to Cimerora than the ITF? Where's the Strike Team to, I don't know, make Redside more appealing in general? Where's the Base Strike Team?

Honestly, I don't expect any of it to get revisited, other than, perhaps, a token mention ("We added a map to AE!") Why? It's not the "new shiny." And the zones that could use updating, or that are *begging* for story? I expect their next "revision" to be a set of meteors. Any bets on when we'll see new tip and/or newspaper/police band missions? (I know the latter are AdLib-ish - "The ____ stole the ____ and hid it in their _____! Go pull it out!" But still. Can't they be improved? Expanded?)

That's not the attitude I used to have toward the dev team, and it's not the attitude I *want* to have to the dev team. And yes, some of the new stuff is great, I'm not knocking it. (Except the lack of actual, appropriate, Incarnate-themed solo/small team content... but that drum's been beaten to a pulp already, and I don't expect to see it either.) But that attitude is where the dev team has, in general, led me to at this point. (Other than Tunnel Rat. When it comes to responsiveness to a serious issue... bam, right there. I have nothing bad to say about her. And to clarify, I have nothing bad to say about the devs *as people.* I'm sure Matt, Melissa, the whole crew are great people. It's "the dev team direction" I gripe about. Specifically the direction that seems to be "Run away from older content at high speed.")



I'd love to have more reasons to go to Dark Astoria.



On that note, questions were asked about bringing back base raids. Posi basically said they want to work on bases but it would be a huge undertaking and there's just not much time for that right now.

Also for the PvP crowd, the 'why do you hate pvp?' question was brought up. Basic answer was 'we don't hate it. Free players will be able to pvp so hopefully there's an influx, but we have zero plans of touching it. K thx bye'.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
But where's the "Strike team" for Dark Astoria, which is just *filled* with story possibility?
Personally, I've always wanted a story arc that allows us to restore all or part of Dark Astoria. I'm kind of hoping the combat phasing shenanigans they've got going gets applied to something of that nature.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I'd love to have more reasons to go to Dark Astoria.
My fiance and I were talking to John Hegner (Protean) at the Meet and Greet, and he distinctly skipped commenting about Dark Astoria's future...however, he was very quick to say that Boomtown didn't have any updates planned currently (barring random wishlist bits that haven't even gotten out of wishlist phase). Which can be read three different ways-

1. He was not mentioning updates to Dark Astoria because of the Halloween update, which may or may not take place in Astoria, and may or may not utilize the Astoria lore ***SPOILER***(they didn't talk much about the actual event other than saying you go to a mad scientist's mansion, battle into the mansion, through the mansion, underneath the mansion, and out into a graveyard where you meet the Abomination)***END SPOILER***
2. He was not mentioning updates to Dark Astoria because they're for a future update
3. There isn't anything planned for Dark Astoria

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
On that note, questions were asked about bringing back base raids. Posi basically said they want to work on bases but it would be a huge undertaking and there's just not much time for that right now.

Also for the PvP crowd, the 'why do you hate pvp?' question was brought up. Basic answer was 'we don't hate it. Free players will be able to pvp so hopefully there's an influx, but we have zero plans of touching it. K thx bye'.
They actually specifically said that they fixed PVP and fixed PVP and fixed PVP and fixed PVP and fixed PVP, and it wasn't until very recently (which I take to be within the last month or two, maybe a little more) that they found anything that could satisfy all the issues they saw with PVP. Which I took away to mean "expect something with Issue 23 or so" (because Issue 22 is likely close to finishing touches before alpha testing).

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
My fiance and I were talking to John Hegner (Protean) at the Meet and Greet, and he distinctly skipped commenting about Dark Astoria's future...however, he was very quick to say that Boomtown didn't have any updates planned currently (barring random wishlist bits that haven't even gotten out of wishlist phase). Which can be read three different ways-

1. He was not mentioning updates to Dark Astoria because of the Halloween update, which may or may not take place in Astoria, and may or may not utilize the Astoria lore ***SPOILER***(they didn't talk much about the actual event other than saying you go to a mad scientist's mansion, battle into the mansion, through the mansion, underneath the mansion, and out into a graveyard where you meet the Abomination)***END SPOILER***
2. He was not mention updates to Dark Astoria because they're for a future update
3. There isn't anything planned for Dark Astoria
Recently, Second Measure said that the next zone to be revamped is one that's only been suggested a couple of times on the forums.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
They actually specifically said that they fixed PVP and fixed PVP and fixed PVP and fixed PVP and fixed PVP, and it wasn't until very recently (which I take to be within the last month or two, maybe a little more) that they found anything that could satisfy all the issues they saw with PVP. Which I took away to mean "expect something with Issue 23 or so" (because Issue 22 is likely close to finishing touches before alpha testing).
I must've slept through that part. Was that mentioned at the M&G or panel?

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
I must've slept through that part. Was that mentioned at the M&G or panel?

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
My fiance and I were talking to John Hegner (Protean) at the Meet and Greet, and he distinctly skipped commenting about Dark Astoria's future...however, he was very quick to say that Boomtown didn't have any updates planned currently (barring random wishlist bits that haven't even gotten out of wishlist phase). Which can be read three different ways-

1. He was not mentioning updates to Dark Astoria because of the Halloween update, which may or may not take place in Astoria, and may or may not utilize the Astoria lore ***SPOILER***(they didn't talk much about the actual event other than saying you go to a mad scientist's mansion, battle into the mansion, through the mansion, underneath the mansion, and out into a graveyard where you meet the Abomination)***END SPOILER***
2. He was not mention updates to Dark Astoria because they're for a future update
3. There isn't anything planned for Dark Astoria
that makes me happy and sad at the same time

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Recently, Second Measure said that the next zone to be revamped is one that's only been suggested a couple of times on the forums.
Hmm...Brickstown, Skyway or Crey's Folley...