News from PAX




Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
It says 4x reward merits. The comment made was that for an example, if the first arc awards 20 reward merits, then once per week it will award 80 merits.

Note that the award choice is only offered once per week per character; you can't run it and choose merits, then run it and choose an astral, then run it and choose threads. You run it and choose, then any other times you run it, you don't get the award choice window.
Really? This makes the choice even easier for me. lol

4x merit rewards here I come.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Wonder if the Abomination will sound anything like this.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I totally missed that this was a picture of the end game model and the concept art, I thought there was more then one Abomination.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I think you know what I think of the costumes locked behind the Incarnate system.

I MIGHT have a different opinion if we were talking about getting multiple astrals.

We're talking about ONE.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

I'll bet money now that the rewards just might be increased when the actual arcs are in BETA.
How about 1 Empyrean Merit?



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
It says 4x reward merits. The comment made was that for an example, if the first arc awards 20 reward merits, then once per week it will award 80 merits.

Note that the award choice is only offered once per week per character; you can't run it and choose merits, then run it and choose an astral, then run it and choose threads. You run it and choose, then any other times you run it, you don't get the award choice window.
The question is, is it for that particular arc? Lets go into the future and the Who Will Die storyline has ended. Can we run the 7 arcs during a week to get 7 rewards, or it's only one reward table per week, no matter which signature arc you run?

Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.



One final thing to mention: the devs were showing much love for for Paragonwiki and TonyV at Saturday's panel. Someone asked about updating the in-game help files and Posi joked that the help function should just link to Paragonwiki.

They even mentioned TonyV by name two or more times during the panel saying how they love the site.



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
One final thing to mention: the devs were showing much love for for Paragonwiki and TonyV at Saturday's panel. Someone asked about updating the in-game help files and Posi joked that the help function should just link to Paragonwiki.

They even mentioned TonyV by name two or more times during the panel saying how they love the site.
Wow, that's extraordinarily kind! And I hope this doesn't come off as superficially deferential, but the honest-to-god truth is that I'm mainly just the guy that keeps the server running. (And really, Sekoia is very helpful at that, too.) The real wizards are the unbelievably prolific writers and editors, including Eabrace, Sekoia, Aggelakis, Blondeshell, and a whole bunch of others--the list could go on and on, literally hundreds of contributors at any given time.

Also, I can't help but give a huge shout-out to people like Diellan (lead Mids developer), GuyPerfect (lead Sentinel developer), Keen (lead CIT developer), and DeProgrammer (lead Waterworks developer and generally helpful guy on other projects as needed) who keep the rest of the Titan Network updated. I just cannot emphasize that enough, it really is a group effort with a lot of people contributing.

Although, don't get me wrong, keeping the server running really can be a fun and sometimes challenging task, but fortunately, it's one I kinda like.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Or this, since we're looking at higher boots too:

... none of which could be mistaken for "santa's helper."
Don't know if it's a false positive, but this link a) gives me a 403 Forbidden error, and b) causes MSE to claim it's Trojan:JS/Iframeinject.L



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
As it's Numina holding it, and the Midnighters are invovled, it's very likely to be the skull of her father, Tommy, which is currently lying on the front desk of the club.
I went back to the Midnight Club and clicked on it, to re-read the text, because I think you got that part right, hehe.

Midnight Mystery
The Skull of Tommy Arcanus
Once a member of the Midnight Squad... always a member of the Midnight Squad. Tommy Arcanus delved so deeply into the metaphysical arts that his very being was affected. Not only was his daughter born with magical powers, but even in death Tommy's spirit is unable to pass on. Now, all that remains of him is this skull and the spirit that haunts it.

Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.



Originally Posted by Photonstorm View Post
I went back to the Midnight Club and clicked on it, to re-read the text, because I think you got that part right, hehe.

Midnight Mystery
The Skull of Tommy Arcanus
Once a member of the Midnight Squad... always a member of the Midnight Squad. Tommy Arcanus delved so deeply into the metaphysical arts that his very being was affected. Not only was his daughter born with magical powers, but even in death Tommy's spirit is unable to pass on. Now, all that remains of him is this skull and the spirit that haunts it.
You could have just gone to the Wiki.

Which has more info on Tommy.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



I wonder if we'll meet this dimensions Cerulan.
I wonder if he"ll be all tyler durdanish



Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post

Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post

I also do love the fact they are designing cool looking bosses like the Abomination. As soon as he goes into the game I will be reporting his name and will enjoy fighting him as Generic 02345765247.
Paragon can be sure that any character they create will not infringe on Marvel's copyright in any way.

They have no such control over us.

Unless that was meant to be humour, in which case:
Be sure to tell Bastion ... er ... Citadel ... that I said hello.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



this is the "bio" of the redside contact for part one.

Cursed Spirit

The spirit of Alastor one day mysteriously appeared in Cap au Diable, haunting the boardwalk. The spirit demanded to see one who would, 'help him seek his vengeance'. After discovering he was haunting an area full of villains, Alastor decided that perhaps he could work together with one such villain to seek out his vengeance.

Does alastor have any intereseting anagrams?

I'm hoping this spirit goes in that skull and then it gives me missions.

THis is the game model the contact is using

Classic CoT ghost, I may hate your -acc attacks but you are my favorite of the ghosts. I hope you never get upgraded. Tell Spectral Knight and Spectral Overlord they're so ugly their momma's had to chain a innocence soul around their necks so the other ghosts would play with them. Also tell them I hope they get the upgrade.

Here's Theoden the Skyway contact.

Lost Pariah

The being known as Theoden was recently captured by the PPD during a raid on a Lost warehouse. After a day within a cell in Skyway, he demanded to speak to you, saying that he needed the help of a hero to save both the Lost and Paragon City.



Was Citidel's name changed before or after the lawsuit got settled.

I'd love to see some sort of documentary of those times. It blows me away Jack was going to make Marvels MMO.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Be sure to tell Bastion ... er ... Citadel ... that I said hello.
don't think they can trademark the word "abomination," or if they would be just as stupid as Paris Hilton trademarking "that's hot"

but...I put nothing past nobody...trademarks and copyrights are messy things...

and random thought...wasn't Frankenstein the first abomination? Mary Shelley's descendant's should sue!



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Sigh....anyone play on Victory who does not jeer at clutzes?
Yes, Lisa -- many of us. The overwhelming majority, as a matter of fact. If you've run into some bad apples on our home server, please don't let it get you down. There are TONS of great people on Victory, as I hope you know.

If you aren't in many of the more active Global channels, send me a PM and I'll help you get hooked up. (I sent you a PM here a few weeks ago offering to help you on Victory with teaming and such, but you never responded...)

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
That's BarbariAnne.
Okay, that made me laugh.
I now owe you the life debt!!
Well... not really... but I wanted to acknowledge that you made me laugh.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Does alastor have any intereseting anagrams?
Not unless you count "Also, tar!" as interesting. It carries a lot of baggage as a straight-up reference, though: Greek mythology is jammed full of Alastors, both as a proper name and as an epithet for various entities, including Zeus. It's also the name of a demon, one that gets referenced fairly often in pop culture (Dante's sword in DMC1 springs to mind), which is fitting given the model used.

And as Wikipedia informs me:

Alastor, in Christian demonology, came to be considered a kind of possessing entity. He was likened to Nemesis.
Which, of course, means...



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I don't have an issue with the Barbarian stuff. I'd like it a little different but I really think part of the problem with the woman's gear is that they made her (and the clothes) blue which gave the ice/Santa vibe. If it was brown and tan or gray, it'd look different.
Honestly, I'm not disappointed at what we're getting. I'm disappointed at what we're NOT getting. I first made Brutticus around I16, I think, and even then I could barely find the pieces to make her with. Since then, I've really wanted more tribal/barbarian/savage pieces to make her look a little more unique (I'd like to replace that tank top with something better), and this was the perfect opportunity to add this, but once again gender politics rob me of my prize. And if the Barbarian set doesn't have these pieces, I fear I'll NEVER have them at all.

I don't want to make male barbarians. Everyone's done this to death and the concept doesn't really thrill me all that much. I want to make female ones, but the pieces just aren't there for women. Their weapons are smaller, the kit is insufficient and their physical build is just too petite. I'm honestly starting to get the feeling that the art team does not consider women as legitimate strength fighters, and probably never. And that's a cryin' shame.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Actually Frankenstein was the one who build the monster and not the monster himself.
For some reason, people these days tend to mix those two up.
Pretty sure it's because the monster has been called Frankenstein despite being buit by Dr. Frankenstein ( I'm not too strong on the lore)

But I must persist... Mary Shelley's descendants should sue!



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
That's just it though...tweaking Forcefields isn't a long the same lines as making an entire new powerset...sure it might be about making an entire new power (because screw Detention field...people may love it but 90% of the people you team with will hate you for using it...ever).

When you have a set which does everything that Forcefield can do AND provides utility aka Traps...what's the point in ever taking Forcefield?
Because, yes, the people who DON"T play the set are who's opinions we should use.


To be frank, FF has positioning options (via KB and Repel) that Traps doesn't. And Detention can be a life saver.

Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post

Ooo, very nice! Do you recall what the chain mail top comes from?

In regards to the top sellers from Beta, if they draw any conclusion that people want enhancement boosters, I'll be horrified.
Mesh on tights. Used it for my Orcs defending the Pie.
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Unless they need to be reminded with one word:


I seem to recall people saying in beta that that would be in *incredible* demand on the market... and it pretty well never has been, as far as I recall.
Turned into it being Luck Charms. But on beta, it was boresights that were nuts.
Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post

Would Xena or Gabrielle let themselves be seen in gear like that? I sincerely doubt it, though they'd have a good laugh at the expense of the "barbarian" who equipped themselves in furry high-heeled hip boots and what-not to oppose them.
Studded leather type armor doesn't really say "barbarian" to me so much as a) "cheap" and b) not as restrictive, but that could be simply too much D&D

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
As it's Numina holding it, and the Midnighters are invovled, it's very likely to be the skull of her father, Tommy, which is currently lying on the front desk of the club.
Brace for inevitable Hamlet reference!

I really can't wait for the Signature arcs though, the more info (albeit it slight) we get just makes me more interested.



Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
Yes, Lisa -- many of us. The overwhelming majority, as a matter of fact. If you've run into some bad apples on our home server, please don't let it get you down. There are TONS of great people on Victory, as I hope you know.

If you aren't in many of the more active Global channels, send me a PM and I'll help you get hooked up. (I sent you a PM here a few weeks ago offering to help you on Victory with teaming and such, but you never responded...)
Blush...have not checked my email in a month.

I feel so badly I am responding on my phone...which is not
The easiest thing to do.

Will check out both game and reg email when I get

Home from work.

Thank you.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I wonder if we'll meet this dimensions Cerulan.
I wonder if he"ll be all tyler durdanish
If I'm reading this all right... we already met him a couple of times on the primal side...

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous