News from PAX




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I should have posted it here, but when I think Barbarian clothes for women, I think something like this:

I'm not sure what people think of when they think "barbarian," but to me this is nothing more than a rugged individual whose character is based around survival off the land, yet is also restricted to pre-iron-age technology.

What this means for my expectations for what women should get is, essentially, animal hide clothes, war paint... Would this not be the best place to put in a muscular female skin, I ask you? But my personal pet peeves aside, I was expecting something rugged which looked like the clothes of a survivalist and warrior. What I'm seeing in those pics looks... Not like that. Maybe there's more we haven't seen.

This is the type of amazing looking gear I had hoped to see in a barbarian set. Instead we see variations of stuff we have and it just doesn't look too good. I also thought the last few boosters were disappointing. The Celestial set seems to be an improvement in costume trends .... I guess... I will have to wait and see the final barbarian pieces.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Most of the people you're referring to, I assume, don't enjoy the honour of having been called "perverts" by her, or having received a collection of other insults as I have.
Find a single post where she calls a single REAL person a pervert. you overreact, a lot, its your thing, but taking her comments about general comic book villainy(which is, i remind you PRETEND) as indicators of her judging you personally is just indicative of an complete and utter loss of rational perspective. you have made comments where you have suggested she, not a comic book character or an abstract concept as a superhero, is of limited intelligence or bigoted. do you see the concept between making an in character comment about a pretend concept and making a direct personal attack. and people like tech, schis and others go further. quit pretending you are a victim here.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I really hope they aren't thinking those will be the top sellers when people will have to pay real money to get. I don't think there is enough face palm in the world to express my thoughts if the marketing team did think these will continue to be bought when this goes live.
You called?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
Find a single post where she calls a single REAL person a pervert. you overreact, a lot, its your thing, but taking her comments about general comic book villainy(which is, i remind you PRETEND) as indicators of her judging you personally is just indicative of an complete and utter loss of rational perspective. you have made comments where you have suggested she, not a comic book character or an abstract concept as a superhero, is of limited intelligence or bigoted. do you see the concept between making an in character comment about a pretend concept and making a direct personal attack. and people like tech, schis and others go further. quit pretending you are a victim here.
Oh please...

Yes, because clearly the mods of the old forums and the forums of another game all totally over-reacted and were pretending to be victims, naturally...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
Find a single post where she calls a single REAL person a pervert.
In the post that caused me to ignore her, she was responding to me talking about the muscular female texture, and her response was along the lines of "Not all of us are perverts." I don't have a link to the post because I never want to know what that woman has to say again, so I'm not about to trudge through her post history just to prove something to someone with a mind already made up.

If you want to call me a liar, then please don't dance around the issue and just go ahead and do that.

Also, if you have a problem with me, how about you take that problem up with me directly instead of derailing thread after thread with your crusade against everything I've ever had to say about Golden Girl when I don't even read her posts and I'm fairly certain she doesn't read mine? What's it to you?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Let the issue go, Sam.

There are reasons GG got banned in the past, and why a lot of people (not just you) have issues with her. Best to /ignore (as you have done) and move on. Don't let someone else draw you in about her.

I'd rather talk about the PAX news. I'm hoping that we get some Dev comments at some point on the Barbarian outfits.

Also, Positron's reported comment of "Imminent" on I21 fits with what a lot of people have been thinking.

Edit - thanks for the comments about the mesh! Works great for chain mail as shown in the wonderful screenshot.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Let the issue go, Sam.

There are reasons GG got banned in the past, and why a lot of people (not just you) have issues with her. Best to /ignore (as you have done) and move on. Don't let someone else draw you in about her.
Technically it's not ignoring her that's the issue, it's now adding another person to the ignore list.

Also, I see my freed Tuathua as using the Barbarian gear, and maybe finally make my Enkidu toon. God damn! It's a good thing characters slots are gonna get cheaper and we'll be getting more because I've got a million and a half toons that are gonna need to be rolled.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Let the issue go, Sam.
I want to let it go, but Rian keeps following me around to chastise me for saying anything ill of Golden Girl, even when I'm not even talking about her. For ****'s sake! Is there no getting away from this woman? Is ignoring her and not replying to her posts now enough that now posters have to follow me around and rub her in my face?

I, too, would like to speak of Pax, but can we?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



True that.

The nice thing about new costume pieces, is that they often go in ways that the devs never intend. Enkidu - very nice!

I should double-check the cost of new slots. We're going up to a max of 48 on a server as a VIP, right?



If I might suggest - turning the thread into a personal attack thread is a good way to get it moderated and/or locked.

As for the barbarian costumes, I really just don't get the obsession with thigh-high boots any more than I get the obsession with suits of armor. Whatever a barbarian woman should look like, I can say that something she might have worn while walking a runway in Milan is not it.

Arguments about the historical validity or lack thereof being relatively pointless, IMO.

Even Red Sonja, Mistress of the Chainmail Bikini, wasn't above dressing to fit the occasion:

In fact, I don't see why "barbarian" doesn't mean something more like this:

or this:

Would Xena or Gabrielle let themselves be seen in gear like that? I sincerely doubt it, though they'd have a good laugh at the expense of the "barbarian" who equipped themselves in furry high-heeled hip boots and what-not to oppose them.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I don't think there is enough face palm in the world to express my thoughts if the marketing team did think these will continue to be bought when this goes live.
So, go beyond this world for more facepalms!

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I want to let it go, but Rian keeps following me around to chastise me for saying anything ill of Golden Girl, even when I'm not even talking about her. For ****'s sake! Is there no getting away from this woman? Is ignoring her and not replying to her posts now enough that now posters have to follow me around and rub her in my face?

I, too, would like to speak of Pax, but can we?
Well, ignore him also. It's just a further extension of people quoting someone on ignore, so that gets around the ignore issue.

PAX - the convention. Not Pax the former poster who went to a superhero MMO not to be named. Heh.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Unless they need to be reminded with one word:


I seem to recall people saying in beta that that would be in *incredible* demand on the market... and it pretty well never has been, as far as I recall.
I'm glad I wasn't one of those people. Then again, I wasn't in that (Issue 9) closed beta either.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
You called?
Nope, still not enough. Though that macro-level fail got a chuckle out of me.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I am very curious about those special arcs. Looks as if they put quite some work in them. Considering how they keep on improving the arcs and the tech about them, I hope to be blown away by them.

About the costume pieces. Nice!
Yes, I like them, I like the male and female version. I don't care if they are not realistic. This is a world where you can fly and shoot lasers from your eye. Where roman warriors fight with succes against modern weaonry.

To be honest, I like being able to play people who are better then life. Including gravity defying chests. Sure in reality, one would get backaches and running, jumping, kicking in high heels is a feat that not many real woman could do with that much succes. But I don't want to play a normal human, I want to be better then the real deal. Trust me, a game about Gunbunny would be boring compared to this.

But if they bring out some of the other excellent barbarian suggestions? I would be even more happy. You never can have enough clothes after all (Well at least when you have an unlimited space like we have here).



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I really just don't get the obsession with thigh-high boots. Whatever a barbarian woman should look like, I can say that something she might have worn while walking a runway in Milan is not it.
Good point. I've honestly never understood people's obsession with thigh-high high-heel boots for women, especially the horrible mile-toe ones that the Witch booster came with. Then again, I had a long-ish discussion with a friend of mine over why he actually wants to have his heavily-armoured women run around in high heels. I don't get it, I don't get him, but clearly there's an audience for out-of-place heels. I just wish it weren't in probably the one theme where these really don't apply. Adding high heels to barbarians as the only boots in the set would be like finding a way to have an alien race of floating octopi to nevertheless wear high heels if they happen to be female.

Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Even Red Sonja, Mistress of the Chainmail Bikini, wasn't above dressing to fit the occasion.
Again, good point. I wanted to quote Red Sonja, myself, but the only pics of her I could find were her in a string bikini, sort of like the Golden Axe lady (and even then, neither wore heels), but your pic is better. It's still gratuitous cheese cake, but at least it doesn't look like it would sink down in soft soil. Thanks!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm hoping that they're showing off a different female set here, just top show off variety... but that there will also be the fur loin cloth (and a fur/animal-skin top would be excellent!)...

While the past certainly doesn't point to that being a likely scenario...
1) I'm not going to assume anything
2) With the new business model, they don't have to concern themselves with balancing the male/female ratio of costume pieces. By all means... make fancy, tailored mock-barbarian costume bits right along with variants of exactly what the males got! No one needs to buy them all, so they don't need to complain (I know... that never stopped anybody, but shush!).

I'm not crazy about the female's top, skirt and boots shown here... but we'll see!
I mean, I'm sure those pieces will be put to some good use... but yeah, they don't appear to fill in any holes that I felt were missing for female barbarian concepts.

That's just my personal take!

Also... about the Sig Arc rewards (yeah, first off, they're not even in beta yet), I just think it's tiny extra goodies thrown in.
I mean... I thought that running the content was the real reward.
If anything... maybe the Alignment Merit reward is too much! (Not that I am complaining... I can just agree that the balance between that option [only for heroes and villains]).
Honestly, I just wish the achievement of rewards wasn't so heavily focused on in this game these days...
Enjoy the fun!
And that's just my imaginary friend George's opinion.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
If I might suggest - turning the thread into a personal attack thread is a good way to get it moderated and/or locked.

As for the barbarian costumes, I really just don't get the obsession with thigh-high boots any more than I get the obsession with suits of armor. Whatever a barbarian woman should look like, I can say that something she might have worn while walking a runway in Milan is not it.

Arguments about the historical validity or lack thereof being relatively pointless, IMO.

Even Red Sonja, Mistress of the Chainmail Bikini, wasn't above dressing to fit the occasion:

In fact, I don't see why "barbarian" doesn't mean something more like this:

or this:

Would Xena or Gabrielle let themselves be seen in gear like that? I sincerely doubt it, though they'd have a good laugh at the expense of the "barbarian" who equipped themselves in furry high-heeled hip boots and what-not to oppose them.
Some great examples here and it is too bad these can't all be added under the barbarian pieces. Although the Celestial pack does have a piece around the hips that would kinda work in a barbarian look. Anyway, I have to keep reminding myself not to expect too much from these costume packs/pieces.



Thanks for sharing photos and information. Did anyone made a vid, like the last Pax?

Plz, Positron, share this awesome presentation with us again. Plz.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Good point. I've honestly never understood people's obsession with thigh-high high-heel boots for women, especially the horrible mile-toe ones that the Witch booster came with. Then again, I had a long-ish discussion with a friend of mine over why he actually wants to have his heavily-armoured women run around in high heels. I don't get it, I don't get him, but clearly there's an audience for out-of-place heels. I just wish it weren't in probably the one theme where these really don't apply. Adding high heels to barbarians as the only boots in the set would be like finding a way to have an alien race of floating octopi to nevertheless wear high heels if they happen to be female.

Again, good point. I wanted to quote Red Sonja, myself, but the only pics of her I could find were her in a string bikini, sort of like the Golden Axe lady (and even then, neither wore heels), but your pic is better. It's still gratuitous cheese cake, but at least it doesn't look like it would sink down in soft soil. Thanks!
You know... that's just it. High heels... on a barbarian... That's just wrong. Full stop.

No, we're not talking realism here, but we are talking about a general vibe and narrowing down what that concept is about and what sort of personality that concept generally has.
High heels is ludicrous for what a barbarian is generally associated with.

Excess skin? Absolutely perfectly acceptable (the concept is overrun with such examples, we can't ignore it... and, quite frankly, this of all thing is one place where a tiny amount of clothes vs. a lot of skin is acceptable for this game's overall stylistic influence.
Metal bikini? Go for it!
Fur bikini? Yep!
Ragged loin cloths, tunics, makeshift clothing? Yep, yep, yep!

Don't get me wrong, full covering is also perfectly acceptable for a female barbarian super character... but, given the general style and favored skimpy outfits in this game and the comicbook genre... This is absolutely one of those times where going the whole mile and delivering a chainmail bikini shouldn't cause a stir.

Anyway, I am rambling...
I like what I see of the male/huge fur garment... I would love to see similar pieces for female.

And, honestly... those chain bikinis of the Red Sonja comic would go wonderfully in this game. While I may be in favor of more fully covered, less skimpy options for female characters... I am certainly not against more skimpy options as well and am all in favor of ones that are so outrageously appropriate as Red Sonja's exotic amazon/barbarian super persona outfit!

The above is also courtesy of my imaginary friend George.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I should have posted it here, but when I think Barbarian clothes for women, I think something like this:

I don't know if that's barbarian style or not Sam, but I can say I would love for that to be a costume set in CoH. Even having the gloves mismatched like that as part of the set.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



One last thing about the female barbarian outfit shown...

They will not look quite so "Santa's Sexy Helper" with more subtle coloring.
The white fur trim on the blue leather puts it a little over the top.
Those pieces with brown on brown will look a lot more rugged and befitting a rough and tumble woman warrior of the wilderness.
Not the boots so much... I hope females do get those boots the male gets.
I've also used the rough leather boots to represent a fur trimmed boot, but the fur details look really nice on these pieces!

Thanks again for the pics and for the continued information, Doughboy!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Oooh! OK, I looked at the original pics yet again, and it turns out I was missing the elephant in the room - the full-size pic of the female Barbarian set. Doh! Yeah, looking at it, it's a nice set... It just doesn't look like what I thought a Barbarian woman would look like, which was more Red Sonja, Xena or even Marvel's Torunn (man is that one obscure...). If that's all there is to it, then Brutticus is definitely not getting any new threads because the gloves are small, the boots are *urk* high heel and the corset is low-cut. This honestly does look like a santa-themed booth girl, to be quite honest. There's a difference between fur clothes (or in this case, animal hide clothes) and contemporary clothes with a fur trim, you know.

I'm not saying the actual female set shown here is bad, by the way. I mean, the boots don't have ten miles of pointed toe, that alone is worth the price of admission. Hell, I could think of at least a couple of characters that can use parts of this set. Hell, see her?

This is Grimwall. She's an empress of flame from another world and she's a thousand years old, but still with a very strong sense of aesthetic taste. That's actually a somewhat oldish picture of Grimwall, at that. She'll probably be using some of that set. I think it's fare to say, though, that Grimwall has nothing at all to do with "barbarians" of any kind.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I should have posted it here, but when I think Barbarian clothes for women, I think something like this:

I don't know if that's barbarian style or not Sam, but I can say I would love for that to be a costume set in CoH. Even having the gloves mismatched like that as part of the set.
That's the picture of the Barbarian from the Pathfinder core book. She uses a great sword that she claimed from a Frost Giant (I think) that she defeated.

Edit: After a quick check of the source material it is the ******* sword of a frost giant, but not one she had killed.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
That's the picture of the Barbarian from the Pathfinder core book. She uses a great sword that she claimed from a Frost Giant (I think) that she defeated.
So THAT'S where she's from... Wow, and I got her out of a Google image search when I was looking for a tribal/barbarian Tauren design for my literal cow girl. Thanks!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Did anyone record the panel?

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