Meme Manipulation




Okay so, I was watching the devchat earlier today and somebody mentioned a joke powerset, Meme Summoning. Ridiculous as it sounded, it did get me thinking. This is what I ended up with. It's a Control powerset, available for Controllers and Dominators. (And no, this is not serious in the slightest )

Meme Manipulation (Control Powerset)

(1) LOLcat
Ranged, Foe Immobilize, Minor DoT (Lethal)

Summons an adorable little cat at the feet of your enemy, which claws lightly at their toes while immobilizing them with sheer cuteness.

(1) Leeroy Jenkins
Ranged, Foe Confuse, -ToHit

Your enemy develops an unjustified and extremely overblown sense of confidence. They end up running around the battlefield like an idiot and doing more damage to their own allies than to you.

(2) Rickroll
Ranged, Foe Hold, Minor DoT (Smash/Energy)

You capture your enemy in an unshakeable force field and raise them high into the air. You are never going to give them up, you are never going to let them down.
(6) This Is Striga
Melee, Moderate Dmg (Smash), Foe Knockdown

Raising one foot high, you kick your target backward into... well, into the ground. What else would be there, a giant bottomless hole? You watch too many movies.

(8) Not Sure If Serious
Ranged, Foe -Speed, -Rech, -Dmg

You question your opponent's dedication so thoroughly that they start to question it themselves, slowing them down and weakening their attacks temporarily.

(12) Get Off My Lawn
Ranged (Cone), Moderate Dmg (Smash/Fire), Foe Knockback

Those freaking kids are messing up the grass again. Let off some steam, and show them what you think of trespassers.
(18) It's A Trap
Ranged (Targeted AOE), Foe Immobilize, -Speed, Confuse

Your opponents stop in their tracks, bewildered. The ones who can still move are reacting very slowly, unsure what just happened or who their real enemy is.

(26) Over 9000
PBAOE, Foe Fear, -Regen, -Recov

This power inspires terror and awe in your opponents, crippling their ability to recover from other attacks.

(32) Nyan Cat
Summon Nyan Cat: Taunt (PBAOE), Intangible, Special

Calls forth a mutant hybrid pastry-feline creature that assaults your enemies in the worst way possible... with relentless overly-cute singing. It has no attacks, rather it emits a strong taunt aura, then turns itself intangible. Foes will gather around it, unable to look away and unable to make it stop, until eventually their heads explode.

- I replaced Hamster Dance with It's A Trap, cause... who wouldn't.
- Honey Badger got removed due to Nyan Cat being much more appropriate (and evil).
- All Your Base just sounds more like it belongs to a Buff / Debuff set.
- I'm also thinking of replacing Over 9000 with Blue Brain of Death, since Over 9000 feels much more like a tier 9 Ranged power.

(26) Blue Brain of Death
PBAOE, Moderate DoT (Psychic), Foe Hold

Your opponents are locked in place, completely frozen, and suffer moderate psychic damage over time as their internal thought processes collapse one by one.



I still gotta say Mime Control would take the cake.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I still gotta say Mime Control would take the cake.
Is that what's at the end of the rope they keep pulling on?

Of course, that totally discounts the one's that can't get out of the box.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Honestly? I would play the **** out of this set, because those are some epic mezzes.

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



I would absolutely pay $5.00 for that powerset. Because Internet Superheros are Serious Business.



That is the most inspired powerset I've seen in a long time.

I think there's only one thing to say:



I don't know whether to be disappointed at the lack of all your base or at my knowing all of these save for one. :/



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
That is the most inspired powerset I've seen in a long time.

I think there's only one thing to say:

I agree! Great powerset I think!

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
I don't know whether to be disappointed at the lack of all your base or at my knowing all of these save for one. :/

Somewhat in the same boat...I didn't (don't) know about the Honey badger one...or maybe I do but have blocked it from my memory....I think it's the former though....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Yeah, what's Honey Badger?

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



That's awesome.



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Because Internet Superheros are Serious Business.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
I don't know whether to be disappointed at the lack of all your base or at my knowing all of these save for one. :/
That's the Gang War-related pet summon power from Meme Control.

Oh, and SUATMM! is the single-target Hold. It's MAG 9001 but has a 4 percent chance of "doublecross" and 1 percent chance of "Soon(tm)" after .25 years of delay.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Id only take that set if it was ported to the Dom "Spouse Assault"



To be honest, I would've preferred Its A Trap! to be where Hamster Dance is.

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
That's awesome.
Press the Awesome button!

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
No Rick Roll power?
rickroll is the 3rd one listed



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I still gotta say Mime Control would take the cake.
I think it would make a better MM set.

Two words: MIME WAR!

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!



Onoz! I completely missed both All Your Base and It's a Trap?!?!? And I call myself a geek... it's a good thing this is still in beta!



Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
Onoz! I completely missed both All Your Base and It's a Trap?!?!? And I call myself a geek... it's a good thing this is still in beta!
Well if it is a control set it needs an AOE Immob more than a KD attack.

I'd make AYB the AoE Immob.

All enemies suddenly get a phone call in terrible engrish they stand still as they try to figure out what they're talking about.



That set would be Fun Fun Fun Fun, as long as it comes out on a Friday.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



I think we need alternate animations because I would want to swap out the default animation on "Hamster Dance" with "Star Wars Kid"


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



How about if instead of Honey badger you had


possessing a variety of sonic attacks it would debuff enemy res and def while boosting your own.