Discussion: Retiring Booster Packs, Expansions and Boxed Sets on the NCsoft store on August 30




Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
In that case the table needs a correction then as the item pack is only $9.99 not $19.99 which makes it $8.26 more expensive.

Still, thanks for the table for more careful purchasing in these last few days.
Here is a revised table:

It includes 1,200 extra points for the Going Rogue: Complete Retail's extra month.

Btw, the Grand Total is a bit off because it effectively buys Going Rogue: Complete Collection twice. It is there to illustrate the total difference between the Market and the NCsoft Store.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by DragonSire View Post
Category A - % expected to quit
Category B - % expected to go free 2 play
Category C - % expected to purchase items as is
Category D - % expected that will purchase at various % reduction
Guess I am
Category E - % that already has most/all of the current stuff they want.


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



Well just bought the Steampunk pack.

Now all I'm missing is the Super Science, Animal, Party and Origin packs. Super Science I won't buy and Party is cheaper when i21 launches. Animal and Origin I'll only buy a few things so it's not worth buying the whole pack

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Regarding the prices going up, that's why they give a warning about that, so people can get them now and won't feel like they're being cheated (but I guess this doesn't help for some people). Except for that store problem, which I guess is the reason I haven't been able to buy that extra $1.99 CoH code I wanted.

Regarding the release date, since the word on the last Freedom Friday was that the announcement of Freedom won't be from one day to the next, I guess it won't come at the end of this month as some expected. It's still possible that something big is planned at that time, like a public beta.

CoX Freedom
No, no! That's like the lamest porn movie name ever. Can we stick to CoH Freedom please?



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Buy rocket board.

awesome; faster than flight permanent travel power.
Except the detoggling. I hate retoggling.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I've been trying to buy a pack for the past week, and it always says that it can't process the order at this time. Is there a problem with the store, or what?



Originally Posted by S Bugs View Post
I've been trying to buy a pack for the past week, and it always says that it can't process the order at this time. Is there a problem with the store, or what?
Do you live outside of Canada/USA/Europe?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I love how I can't use the same credit card I use for my own account and my wife's account to buy things on my son's account because I've used the card on "too many accounts."

Oh well, my son doesn't need this stuff anyway.

Really? Can't use the card on more than a couple accounts? What the hell kind of business is NCSoft running? "No, I refuse to take your money because you already GAVE me some money before."



Originally Posted by Mephisto_Kur View Post
I love how I can't use the same credit card I use for my own account and my wife's account to buy things on my son's account because I've used the card on "too many accounts."

Oh well, my son doesn't need this stuff anyway.

Really? Can't use the card on more than a couple accounts? What the hell kind of business is NCSoft running? "No, I refuse to take your money because you already GAVE me some money before."
There are actually TWO reasons why they do this:
  1. To protect customers against Credit Card Fraud
  2. To Help Combat The Presence of RMTers

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



To all the people who have a problem, I contacted support and they authorised my account for 24 hours, which helped.



I've finally made my decisions.

1) Steampunk -- Yes. Worth it in terms of price, plus I just made a Clockwork-based character who I think would do great with the Steam Jump power.

2) Animal -- Yes. Worth it in terms of price. Actually was considering not getting this since I'm not much for animal themes, but I realized that if I ever did want to do an animal-themed toon in the future, the high cost of the themes at that point might keep me from going for it, so I figure I'll go ahead and bite the discounted bullet now.

3) Origins -- No. It's capes and auras, of which only a couple really impress me (Impervium Mantle Cape, Sparks Aura). If I really want those items (or any of the others, for that matter) I can get those separately at the times that I actually intend to use them.

4) Party -- No. It's full of emotes that I'll likely never use, plus they're cheaper as points items. Once again, I can get these separately at the times that I actually intend to use them.



I ended up picking up the Science Pack,

leaving the Party and Animal Packs unpurchased, but since I have no interest in the Animal Pack, and will likely purchase the party emotes ad-hoc, I left it in a good way I think.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



My biggest complaint is that the notice was only one week. I've been busy.

A bulk rate is desperately needed considering the over $30 prices of some of the packs a la carte.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



I wish it had gone on a little longer. I only get paid once a month and would have liked to pick up one last booster pack. The week notice and the ending before the end of the month were very poor choices IMHO.



Originally Posted by FallenValkyrja View Post
I wish it had gone on a little longer. I only get paid once a month and would have liked to pick up one last booster pack. The week notice and the ending before the end of the month were very poor choices IMHO.
Even if you tried to buy them, many of us apparently had problems actually getting the items we wanted.... and now they are gone.



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
There are actually TWO reasons why they do this:
  1. To protect customers against Credit Card Fraud
  2. To Help Combat The Presence of RMTers
Which is great in concept, but doesn't help those who only have one credit card by design.



Okay, so it's been almost a week since we last heard anything. I was really expecting to hear something like Freedom's launch date today. I wonder why so much hurry to take the boosters off anyways. Couldn't they have waited for freedom? Are they just going to leave people unable to buy new content?



I welcome any news at this point because the wait is killing me lol.



Oh serious the irony, was just wrapping up my last 2 tip missions, i got a popup.. for this feature you need Going Rogue.. bingo, the allignement mission to go the other side

Oh well, few days i can wait, hopefully back up soonish?

Soooo bug: ingame message is invalid now.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by Dal View Post
Okay, so it's been almost a week since we last heard anything. I was really expecting to hear something like Freedom's launch date today. I wonder why so much hurry to take the boosters off anyways. Couldn't they have waited for freedom? Are they just going to leave people unable to buy new content?
I'm guessing removing things from the NCsoft store was scheduled with NCsoft a while back.

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My problem is that my wife, 3 children and myself have an account, for over a week we have been trying to get all the packs we want that are missing (now that we have the money to spare) and low and behold I get the message I can't buy anymore for the next 24 hours. That was last night. Billing support is closed by the time I get home from work so can't call them to unlock the accounts. Durring that week the store was down multiple times so couldn't but the packs then. So now I have 2 accounts missing the boosters they wanted and customer support can only say "Sorry you should have bought them yesterday, and you could have used email to conteact us to unlock your accounts" Yeah like that ever works. It usually takes 48 hours before I get a responce from the via email. Do us all a favor guys, put them back in the store until you actually have a start date for freedom. Kinda jumping the gun here aren't you? Well that's my 2 cents worth, for all the good it'll do.



Got my son to keep his room clean for 8 straight days by promising him a booster pack of his choice before they all went away.

He chose the Martial Arts pack.

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
Got my son to keep his room clean for 8 straight days by promising him a booster pack of his choice before they all went away.

He chose the Martial Arts pack.
Good choice.

Anyways, do codes still work?



Originally Posted by Naelyan View Post
My problem is that my wife, 3 children and myself have an account, for over a week we have been trying to get all the packs we want that are missing (now that we have the money to spare) and low and behold I get the message I can't buy anymore for the next 24 hours. That was last night. Billing support is closed by the time I get home from work so can't call them to unlock the accounts. Durring that week the store was down multiple times so couldn't but the packs then. So now I have 2 accounts missing the boosters they wanted and customer support can only say "Sorry you should have bought them yesterday, and you could have used email to conteact us to unlock your accounts" Yeah like that ever works. It usually takes 48 hours before I get a responce from the via email. Do us all a favor guys, put them back in the store until you actually have a start date for freedom. Kinda jumping the gun here aren't you? Well that's my 2 cents worth, for all the good it'll do.
I concur, it's a bit stupid to leave us unable to buy them if we don't have the market yet.