Discussion: Retiring Booster Packs, Expansions and Boxed Sets on the NCsoft store on August 30




Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
For those that want a glance at prices in USD:

Prices in yellow are more expensive than the store, the prices in green are lower.
Of the four packs I'm missing (Origins, Party, Animal, and Steampunk), it looks like the best idea would be for me to buy the Animal and Steampunk packs from the store while they're still available, then buy the Origin and Party items as needed.

Then again, maybe I should just obey the voice of my OCD and buy whatever is left to be bought so that I can save my Paragon Points for all the fresh, new, shiny stuff....



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Hopefully they get those fixed, but I wouldn't count on them not launching it within the next week or so. They have already cut off one source of generating new players. As of Tuesday, they will also completely cut off their income streams except for subscriptions and account services (rename, transfers, slots, etc). I can't see them doing that for more than one or two days.

So yeah, I am looking for Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
As far as I know, theres no fix for the Mac users not being able to acess the store. Thats a gamestopper. I'm not seeing any likelyhood of launching next week.

And if it launches with Options/Map resetting on zoning thing, i'll be on my PS3 till thats fied anyway, major annoyance...

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by NewScrapper View Post
Of the four packs I'm missing (Origins, Party, Animal, and Steampunk), it looks like the best idea would be for me to buy the Animal and Steampunk packs from the store while they're still available, then buy the Origin and Party items as needed.

Then again, maybe I should just obey the voice of my OCD and buy whatever is left to be bought so that I can save my Paragon Points for all the fresh, new shiny stuff....
Origins is a bunch of capes and auras, and they are very origin-oriented, you'll hardly get to use them all at once. At least for me it is one of packs I'd rather buy per part than the whole thing at once. Steampunk, however, is a veeery different story.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
The Devs HAVE changed numbers after something went Live, and if traffic in the new Market system isn't where they'd like it to be, don't you think they'd lower the prices or offer more deals to get more business?
Answering the question with a question:

Have they lowered the price on the Party Pack? I sure haven't seen many people with it in game, and there was widespread agreement that it was far too expensive for what it gave.

As far as "The devs have changed numbers," saying they've changed (power) numbers is not the same as saying they've changed *prices.* Burn gaining or losing fear, for instance, did not cost me $5 either way - and once the store comes into the equation, there's *another* group of people (NCSoft's marketing/store folks) to deal with at the very least.



Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
Will the temp 30 day jet pack be purchable via points? If so how much?
Current price: 300 points or $3.75.

Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
Also will there be a non temp version?
Rocket Board current price: 600 points or $7.50. Downside for this one is that it disables all powers except "walk" (and that will kick you off the board) and you can't even use inspirations while using it.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
The store currently DOES have packs for things like enhancement sets, and the devs have never said definitively that they will be added. All we have had (that I know of) a listing of a potential magic pack cost, and not in an official page or something like that.
More worrisome is that there are a few "bundles" in the store currently:
Magic Bolero Jacket Package	440pp	$5.50
Magic Cape Package			440pp	$5.50
Ghost Falcon mentioned a 400PP pack for the "Complete Magic Costume Set (from the Magic Pack)", so either the prices on the store are completely insane or the pack he mentioned isn't in the store.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Current price: 300 points or $3.75.

Rocket Board current price: 600 points or $7.50. Downside for this one is that it disables all powers except "walk" (and that will kick you off the board) and you can't even use inspirations while using it.
Thanks for the info. Too bad the devs didn't make it a perm power. Given how much the player base begged for jet packs. 300 for 30 days is too much. I would of paid 1200-1600 for a perm version seems equal to a vet reward power a perm lvl 14 flight.

I don't plan on being one of the 1000's silver surfer cloans or Marty Mc Fly's in the game. So a flying board is of no value.

A flying broom maybe......



No, we have not received an official statement about the future availability of booster packs. However, in all recent dev/community references to booster packs, language such as this (from the OP of this very thread) pops up:

Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
The good news is that players who wish to take advantage of the current pricing are still able to do so before these items are officially discontinued.
"Take advantage of the current pricing." There's nothing to take advantage of now unless the prices are going up. (Also I sure hope nobody buys those 2-3 packs that are actually getting cheaper.)

[Edit: Another bit of iffy language is that we've never been told the store will specifically have Booster Packs. Instead they're always referred to as bundles, sets, etc.]

And if I sound bitter and distrustful, it's because I am. Between previously being told from the Producer himself that they "don't want to nickel and dime us" and the loads of hype about how "convenient" ala carte pricing is (which, when combined with an abstracted points system is a nice way of obfuscating real costs), I've become quite concerned with the current state of the Paragon Store. (And that's on top of all the other problems I have with Freedom best kept for other threads.)

I'm not even trying to accuse the devs of intentional ill-will, I'm just saying that they're presenting a questionable image at the moment, and it's largely thanks to a lack of communication on the issue(s).

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
For those that want a glance at prices in USD:

Prices in yellow are more expensive than the store, the prices in green are lower.
Thats some price increase!!



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
[Edit: Another bit of iffy language is that we've never been told the store will specifically have Booster Packs. Instead they're always referred to as bundles, sets, etc.]
IIRC, we've been told specifically that Booster Packs will *not* be available in the Paragon Market in their current form. There *will* be some bundles of items available. We have very little information as to what will be included in bundles, how many there will be, or what the price point will be.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
For those that want a glance at prices in USD:

Prices in yellow are more expensive than the store, the prices in green are lower.
The Complete Collection Item Pack is $6.99, not $9.99.

On the other hand, the Paragon Points pricing is also inflated because it includes Shadowy Presence. Worst power ever.



Well, if this pricing holds up as you all predict, it will be bad for everyone who used the old system and doesn't have the packs they want. New players and vets who own all the packs won't even notice it as a problem.

In Champions, there were never any booster packs, everything was always ala carte and it is pretty common to spend 5 bucks for points and end up with like 4 outfits. for about 2.00 you can get a hat pack that has 4 hats. No one had a problem because there was nothing to compare it to. I am not saying that COH is apping Champions, but if they are making money with it, surely NCSoft has to consider this marketing strategy.

One time A group of my friends were shooting the breeze and they started talking about Xbox gold service or something. I was spitting nails because they wanted us to pay for matchmaking.

ME:"On The PC? Are they freaking crzay?"
Console only buddy looked at me: "Why? what's the big deal? It's the same price as Sony's"
Other PC buddy: "Because we've never had to pay before for matchmaking"

So veterens who have not purchased the packs they want are the ones who will be most upset. The ones who have them, have them and there will not be any more bundled with that much stuff. Temp powers are seperate, auras are seperate, etc.

Apparently, there are not a lot of people upset about this. Compare this thread to the Party booster pack thread.

We will just ahve to wait and see.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I'm not even trying to accuse the devs of intentional ill-will, I'm just saying that they're presenting a questionable image at the moment, and it's largely thanks to a lack of communication on the issue(s).
It has to be intentional. With the amount of posts and threads over the various issues, both at comic con and since open beta (maybe during closed beta?) There not stupid. They clearly see or are told about the posts.They know how upset some players are. They know they are pushing some players away, and they know that the really long term players who will be affected the least will likely stick around.

The ONLY reason not to post, is to avoid influencing the data. What data?
I'm sure they are collection data like :

Category A - % expected to quit
Category B - % expected to go free 2 play
Category C - % expected to purchase items as is
Category D - % expected that will purchase at various % reduction

Yes they did say prices subject to change at comic con, and I believe day 1 open beta...but nothing since. Not with all the threads and discussions. After all they are finding time to post about other things. No excuse other than a lack of respect to fans.

I speak only for myself, but whatever comes out of Freedom. Whether I stick to this game or not. I certainly do not feel like a valued player, just a % to fit into a Category A-D.



Purchase wedding pack: check.
Purchase GvE item pack: check.
Purchase... Sorry, we can't accept your order at this time, try again later.

Le sigh, guess I'll have to come back tomorrow.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
Purchase wedding pack: check.
Purchase GvE item pack: check.
Purchase... Sorry, we can't accept your order at this time, try again later.

Le sigh, guess I'll have to come back tomorrow.
This might be a silly question, but why would you buy a booster pack that will be cheaper AFTER issue 21 launches?

Yellow items will be more expensive after Issue 21 launches.

Green items will be cheaper after Issue 21 launches.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
This might be a silly question, but why would you buy a booster pack that will be cheaper AFTER issue 21 launches?

Yellow items will be more expensive after Issue 21 launches.

Green items will be cheaper after Issue 21 launches.

*reads the rest of the thread, sees table* Ah crud.

Chalk it up to not keeping up with the tabulated prices and assuming they'd all be dearer afterwards

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Sorry if this has already been stated somewhere but just had a quick question on paragon points.

Will the 400 paragon points a month be back dated so if, for example, I have been playing for 20 months I will receive 8000PP when freedom launches?




No, points started last month. So right now, everyone has 800 Paragon Points.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Originally Posted by Ben1989 View Post
Sorry if this has already been stated somewhere but just had a quick question on paragon points.

Will the 400 paragon points a month be back dated so if, for example, I have been playing for 20 months I will receive 8000PP when freedom launches?

They're back dated only to July 1st this year - so anyone who's been subbed since then should have between 1,200 and 1,600 by the time I21 goes live.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I expect that Beta prices are more likely be adjusted after items are removed from the Online store. This is to ensure some profit is made on certain bundles, while others may end up at the same pricing point in total. While I understand current Beta prices are steep, I won't make any purchase decisions based on those numbers. Personally, I do however appreciate the weak dollar and Euro, which has made me pick up packs I haven't bothered with previously while buying some extra game accounts during the sale.



Gonna miss the Booster Packs and good to hear that they are still going to release costume sets as a whole.

Up until now I have purchased every extra the game offered so I'm sure that trend will continue with Freedom.



The list is not quite correct because GR and GvE also include a free month, priced at $15. So if you only count the features of these packs, GvE is only $5 while Going Rogue Complete is $15.



Originally Posted by Akumaizer View Post
The list is not quite correct because GR and GvE also include a free month, priced at $15. So if you only count the features of these packs, GvE is only $5 while Going Rogue Complete is $15.
Going Rogue Basic didn't include the extra month, only the complete collection did. So that complaint is invalid for the basic Going Rogue.

The Going Rogue: Complete Item Pack is, as others pointed out, $6.99 not $9.99. However it didn't include a free month's play. So your objection that it doesn't include a free month is also invalid.

The GvE listed above is for the Item Pack only. So your complaint is completely invalid for the GvE comparison price.

The ONLY "pack" in that table that includes a free month is the Going Rogue: Complete Collection. However I didn't include the month's subscription in that line. If I did, the point cost of Going Rogue: Complete Collection would be 10,140PP/$126.75, not 8,940PP/$111.75. This would be a savings of $96.76 if you buy the pack today instead of after they remove the expansions from the store.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The GvE listed above is for the Item Pack only. So your complaint is completely invalid for the GvE comparison price.
In that case the table needs a correction then as the item pack is only $9.99 not $19.99 which makes it $8.26 more expensive.

Still, thanks for the table for more careful purchasing in these last few days.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.