Discussion: Retiring Booster Packs, Expansions and Boxed Sets on the NCsoft store on August 30




I think it's asinine that they are going away in the first place. The fact that some of them will essentially be doubled, or tripled in price in the new system is well, something I can't print without being modded. It should be at worst $15.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I think it's asinine that they are going away in the first place. The fact that some of them will essentially be doubled, or tripled in price in the new system is well, something I can't print without being modded.
Since we haven't seen the final prices, such statements have the capacity to be very, very wrong and only a small chance of being correct.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Since we haven't seen the final prices, such statements have the capacity to be very, very wrong and only a small chance of being correct.
While you are correct that we don't know the release date we do know it wasn't yesterday. There was no reason for them to pull them from the store this soon. Giving one week notice and having the store going down as often as it did in that week, they should have left them in the store until release day.



I am very bummed out about the packs being dicontinued. Also upset that there was only 1 week to try to buy the ones I don't have. Working for the school district means only 1 paycheck a month at the beginning of the month. If there was a 2nd week to buy them it would have been easy to do so. I was so disapointed that I didn't even feeling like playing last night. Not sure if I want to today either. Hopefully this feeling doesn't last



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I think it's asinine that they are going away in the first place. The fact that some of them will essentially be doubled, or tripled in price in the new system is well, something I can't print without being modded. It should be at worst $15.
I don't see the new prices as a bad deal. People who feel the need to get everything probably already got the packs. Me, I'd rather pay $1-2 for an item I really want for my character than pay $10 to get it with a bunch of others I don't currently envision using.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I think it's asinine that they are going away in the first place. The fact that some of them will essentially be doubled, or tripled in price in the new system is well, something I can't print without being modded. It should be at worst $15.
It should be at worst $10. So in other words, a 1 cent increase in price due to rounding off points.

Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
I don't see the new prices as a bad deal. People who feel the need to get everything probably already got the packs. Me, I'd rather pay $1-2 for an item I really want for my character than pay $10 to get it with a bunch of others I don't currently envision using.
Uh...not quite. I've gotten most of the packs, but I simply did not have the income to get all of them. Especially since we're talking for two accounts here. That "argument" also completely ignores the new players coming in as part of Freedom. I'm sure some would be interested in having proper complete booster packs.

And it's not like the two sides are incompatible. $10 booster packs alongside micro-payment ala carte would make *everyone* happy.

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Originally Posted by Dal View Post
Okay, I found the list.

Remember the prices are not final. They will likely be cheaper at launch, but this should still give an idea of their relative costs in comparison to each other. Luckily I already got the most expensive ones.
And how much $/€ is 1 pp? I got a feeling that magic pack is serious serious expensive.

Anyway, when do we get this stuff back? The day they removed it (actualy it was a day to early), i ran into the problem my 4th account doesnt have GR thus cant do alligment mission.

The popup still directs you to the store, yet the product is gone. I believe all VIP will get GR for free, but im not really happy waiting days maybe weeks to continue my character.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Anyway, when do we get this stuff back? The day they removed it (actualy it was a day to early), i ran into the problem my 4th account doesnt have GR thus cant do alligment mission.

The popup still directs you to the store, yet the product is gone. I believe all VIP will get GR for free, but im not really happy waiting days maybe weeks to continue my character.
It looks like you can still pick up GR from Steam.

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Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
It looks like you can still pick up GR from Steam.
I wish i could use steam, after my new upgrade my account got locked and i never recieved an email for the activationcode. Everytime i contact support, wait a few days bla bla, check your spam bla bla, no steam for me.

Edit i checked the store, but it only has GR Complete collection. Im not gonna pay 25 euro for some stupid flaw of NCsoft.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
I wish i could use steam, after my new upgrade my account got locked and i never recieved an email for the activationcode. Everytime i contact support, wait a few days bla bla, check your spam bla bla, no steam for me.
You can always get a new account just for the purpose of purchasing GR.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Since we haven't seen the final prices, such statements have the capacity to be very, very wrong and only a small chance of being correct.
So players should say nothing and let the devs think the prices are fine. Got it. I see nothing wrong of someone adding their opinion on pricing no matter if you think they will be wrong. I suppose it doesn't matter until it is actually out and people vote where it truly counts...with their wallet.



Originally Posted by Dal View Post
You can always get a new account just for the purpose of purchasing GR.
No, i just need GR to unlock the freaking alignment mission, thats all.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



I understand people being worried prices are going up. I understand people expressing their opinions on the prices. HOWEVER people really need to understand they are operating on speculation and ignorance.

We DO NOT KNOW if there will be competitively priced packs on the market. Buying a la carte will almost always be more expensive, but it allows people to pick and choose and save money if they don't want half of a pack. AS LONG AS BOTH OPTIONS ARE PRESENT IN THE FINAL BUILD then they have done their job right as a micro transaction system.

I hope pricing falls or that bundles are in place at a price competitive to what they are now. People wanting things a la carte will pay more individually but less overall with smart purchasing.

That being said I am not gonna doom and gloom or gripe about changes that have not been made yet. I put forwards my input. As I have said in the VIP thread "If it goes live as is I'll grab my torch, pitchfork, and flask of rum and rebel with the rest of you. However I WILL NOT until they have actually DONE SOMETHING"



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
No, i just need GR to unlock the freaking alignment mission, thats all.
Think he meant get a new Steam account to get GR. Not a new and separate CoH account.



Thank goodness for conserving and having a budget, I'm all set! BRING IT ON CoH: FREEDOM VIP! Coffee... Wearing... off, lack... of, sleep... taking... effect... signing... off---

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Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Edit i checked the store, but it only has GR Complete collection. Im not gonna pay 25 euro for some stupid flaw of NCsoft.
The complete collection is a better deal that the upgrade option was, anyway, as it includes a month of time.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
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When the store launches and the prices are lower just know that it was intended to always be like that and not because of any hair-pulling, grunting, angry remarks from forum posters



Can still buy Cyborg Pack, Good vs Evil goodies, Architect edition and some old dang from the crappy Brazilian store, since they haven't updated their products since 2009. :P



Can finaly some redname answer this? I now got 2 accounts with 4 characters stuck at the freaking alligment mission because i cant buy the freaking Going Rogue anymore.

Steam aint working (havent done for a year, so i cant really be bothered) and all 'cd key shops' sell US versions wich (ironic) i cant use.

Local shop sells one here for €49.99, i may be stupid.. but aint that stupid.
Ingame needs to be fixed too, character selection screen -> buy Going Rogue. Ingame when you get your alligment tip -> buy Going Rogue.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!