



According to my pocket math with hasten running Spin does 1.440 (1.442 with empowerment) the damage over time that Typhoon's Edge does.

I videoed a run with just hasten on my new brute (claws/fire tho) that cleared all the ambushes except for 1 minion. It clocked at 2 minutes and 47 seconds from end load time until exit was clicked.

I have a tendency to kill the last few runners as well before zoning out, so it wasn't an optimal run. If I hadn't wasted all the time chasing the running LT and two minions (making a video of a run really does show you exactly where you're wasting time:/), it would have been around 2minutes 27seconds.

And with DB being slower due to Typhoon's Edge being balanced around the Sweep combo, it makes sense if you're running in the 2:30 to 3 minute range with accounting for luck with damage inspirations.



Originally Posted by Rinanir View Post
According to my pocket math with hasten running Spin does 1.440 (1.442 with empowerment) the damage over time that Typhoon's Edge does.

I videoed a run with just hasten on my new brute (claws/fire tho) that cleared all the ambushes except for 1 minion. It clocked at 2 minutes and 47 seconds from end load time until exit was clicked.

I have a tendency to kill the last few runners as well before zoning out, so it wasn't an optimal run. If I hadn't wasted all the time chasing the running LT and two minions (making a video of a run really does show you exactly where you're wasting time:/), it would have been around 2minutes 27seconds.

And with DB being slower due to Typhoon's Edge being balanced around the Sweep combo, it makes sense if you're running in the 2:30 to 3 minute range with accounting for luck with damage inspirations.

So either way you're not going to be getting an 80-90 second run without the investment in purples for all the outside and scale-able buffs.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



I've just one little nit to pick with the OP: Most Temporary powers most definitely DO benefit from Fury (and other forms of +damage, such as inspirations). I personally LOVE Plasmatic Taser and the various Grenades on my mid-level brutes, because the temp powers deal the same base damage for all ATs, so I usually get double damage or more "for free" just by maintaining my Fury. Some temps are flagged to ignore buffs and enhancements (like the Vet Reward temps) - this kind are the only ones that ignore Fury/inspirations.

However, I'm not sure that buying and crafting these would be worth the time expenditure. If you're making over 2 million Inf and 750 tickets/minute, running from AE to the university, base or Crafter's Cafe and then back (assuming you keep a stack of recipes and salvage on hand. Increase the time if you have to stop by the market to buy them) will cost you 8-10 million Inf and ~3000 tickets, and I'm not convinced that any temp will increase your efficiency sufficently to offset that. And the crafting table temp doesn't alleviate the delays - you can easily burn through the charges on several temps long before the table recharges.

One other thing for people to consider: While Inf earning scales with level, neither Ticket nor Prestige earning do. I run a Claws/Fire brute level-locked at 10, mostly to produce level 10 uniques and -KB IOs for myself. He caps tickets in about 3 minutes, and could probably push it to 2 minutes if I wanted to. The one benefit he has over a level 50 is that his enhancements aren't diminished to uselessness - I have all 5 of my Going Rogue preorder enhancements in Spin, which gives me about 2 SOs worth of recharge, even after scaling, plus the same in damage (for when I'm not damage capped), and the procs (which stop working at 21, were leveling up).




How would this fair if other powersets were used?



Originally Posted by Vexen777 View Post
How would this fair if other powersets were used?
You NEED fast AoEs for this to work. Skipping the damage aura is OK, but it has the huge benefit of clearing out the minions so that your "real" AoEs can take out the bigger targets. Picking a set with no AoEs in the low levels (Super Strength), or small area/low target caps (Dark Melee) will greatly hinder your effectiveness.

I've done this with brutes, scrappers, and blasters. A tank might be able to pull it off as well. Brutes go far faster, thanks to the higher damage cap. They also die less, for two reasons: because they have a higher resist cap, to help mitigate the hits that get through their defense, and because they kill things befor they get killed. If your goal is self-PLing, it doesn't hurt to try; some things will do decently. If your goal is a farmer, and nothing more, go with the tried and true: SS/Fire on a fire ambush or Claws/anything with a damage aura on a lowbie ambush farm.




Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
So either way you're not going to be getting an 80-90 second run without the investment in purples for all the outside and scale-able buffs.
Yes and no, the 80-90 second runs are for ticket cap. it takes between 2-2:30 for killing the entire ambush, that is 1400 to 1500+ tickets (Random drop rates apply), basically you run in keep an eye on your tickets, as soon as you hit 750 tickets you click the glowy and port out. Seeing as you get twice as many killing all of the ambush, 80 seconds sounds reasonably to me.



just curious, is there a way to monitor how many tickets u've received during the mission, without having your salvage window up? just to make for quicker runs.



How would a spines/Dark Brute work on this? Think I am gonna give it a try and find out.

I hate all this terrorist business. I used to love the days when you could look at an unattended bag on a train or bus and think to yourself.... I'm going to take that.



Originally Posted by MoonlightSonata View Post
just curious, is there a way to monitor how many tickets u've received during the mission, without having your salvage window up? just to make for quicker runs.
Open your salvage window, and time how long it takes you usually to get to 750. Repeat this time every run. You won't always ticket cap, but it is a fair gauge at how long you must kill for.

Originally Posted by Ragnar_Lodbrok View Post
How would a spines/Dark Brute work on this? Think I am gonna give it a try and find out.
Good luck with a Spines brute
Scrapper you mean.
Should be fine with Spine Burst + Death Shroud.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Good luck with a Spines brute
Scrapper you mean.
Should be fine with Spine Burst + Death Shroud.[/QUOTE]

DOH! ya, Scrapper I mean LOL

I hate all this terrorist business. I used to love the days when you could look at an unattended bag on a train or bus and think to yourself.... I'm going to take that.



Spine Burst is a good deal slower than Spin and Typhoon's Edge. Both in animation and recharge. It does however have a 15 foot radius compared to the other's 8 foot.
Coupled with 210% damage cap allowing it to only hit for 11.65 * 2.10 * .9 = 22.02 dmg (Or in other words, 2.98 hp short of killing a minion.)

Compared to Brutes with their 775% damage cap. (for the first 45ish seconds of the mission then it drops to an average of 550% (Number pulled from experience with 2 characters through it now)
Spin: 17.95 * 7.75 * .9 = 125.20 dmg
Spin: 17.95 * 5.5 * .9 = 88.85 dmg
Typhoon: 10.83 * 7.75 * .9 = 75.54 dmg
Typhoon: 10.83 * 5.5 * .9 = 53.61 dmg



That may be true, unfortunately I am not a numbers cruncher, so I will take your word for it. But the Dark Aura is less resisted than the lightning field so I am thinking that it would kind of even out wouldnt it? Even though Claws is much faster over all, I cant get over the electrical Wolverine concept, which is why I went with Spines/dark. And I think that the added dot from Toxic would help alot as well. As long as I can kill crap fast, LOL, I realy dont care.

I hate all this terrorist business. I used to love the days when you could look at an unattended bag on a train or bus and think to yourself.... I'm going to take that.



Against these enemies the aura damage type doesn't matter, Dark and Electric does the same damage, with Fire beating them slightly. TopDoc explained this in the OP.

If you're using it to try to get a specific combination up in the levels it's fine, you will be a good deal slower than a Brute, but it will still work. The point I was making is this, if you're gonna farm this, and do it fast, you will want a brute, because if high Fury and red inspirations, it will do that 3 times the damage that you can do as a scrapper in this particular type of mission.

Scrappers are not cut out for this type of farming, it can work it, but it will not even be in the same ballpark timewise.
On top of that Spines is a backloaded set when it comes to AoE abilities, with Spine Burst being the worst PBAoEs for scrappers. Which is made up for by two things, it's got a 15foot radius and the set has more AoE to use through the 3 last powers in the set. Quills, Ripper and Throw Spines.



I will echo the sentiment that this doesn't work great on other ATs. Even blasters with a ton of early AoEs like Fire/Fire will find that it just doesn't quite work out.



If your intention is to powerlevel then you'd probably be better of creating a level 1 claws/fire brute and level pacting it to the toon you want powerleveled. Even with half xp that toon will probably gain levels faster than if you just tried to apply this method to it. If you don't have a second account just find someone else is wants to do the same thing and level pact each others toons.



This whole thread reminds me a little of the old "Fire Tanker Club" days in early CoH... Firetankers were OP, knew they were OP, and the "old guard" had the "Fire Tanker Club Motto" - The First Rule of the Fire Tanker Club is, you don't talk about the Fire Tanker Club.

Then the new fire tankers started ranting about how powerful Fire Tankers were all over the forums... And Fire Tankers got nerfed to the ground.

Just saying...



Originally Posted by Traumatica View Post
This whole thread reminds me a little of the old "Fire Tanker Club" days in early CoH... Firetankers were OP, knew they were OP, and the "old guard" had the "Fire Tanker Club Motto" - The First Rule of the Fire Tanker Club is, you don't talk about the Fire Tanker Club.

Then the new fire tankers started ranting about how powerful Fire Tankers were all over the forums... And Fire Tankers got nerfed to the ground.

Just saying...

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




I believe that's rather the point.



Originally Posted by Rinanir View Post
Took a quick video of a run at level 42...
Thanks for that, I've never tried recording video on my new machine. It's fast enough to do so, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I like how you attacked the first boss. Macro? I'll have to try that.

Originally Posted by RagManX View Post
Tried this out, TD. I'm still not that good a player, so I've died at least once every mission.
Try what I recommended in my OP. Buy and use reds as fast as possible. Then load up on lucks and oranges, run into the mish, and use them as you're running to the first mobs. Turn on Ninja Run as it'll save a couple of seconds. The faster you start attacking, the more time you benefit from the reds, and the sooner you start getting incoming inspirations. But remember, things get easier at 25 when you go up to 15 Inspiration slots.

Originally Posted by Rinanir View Post
On my second one now, this time a claws/fire...
That should work just fine. Blazing Aura does a bit more damage, but you don't get Energize or Power Surge.

Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
TopDoc How long is a run taking you unslotted with just hasten as your preclick power before zoning in? I'm talking no purples, nothing but like a L10 brute.
As Rinanir said it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. With Hasten and the Increase Attack Speed Empowerment buff, I could hit 750 tickets I think in around 90 seconds. That's from level 8 through 50. Actually that was probably with a higher level Brute with a larger Inspiration tray, so a level 8 through 24 Brute would be somewhat slower. But generally below level 50 I'm in there to earn XP, so I clear most of the original 2 spawns plus ambushes. That takes over 2 minutes but under 3, at least at higher levels. As I mentioned in the OP, if you're still farming when Power Surge crashes you'll probably die, and that doesn't happen to me anymore. As to comparing it to DB, it looks like you can still get good results with Typhoon's Edge. It does a lot less damage, but still enough to one-shot Lts. You make up a bit because it cycles faster. Play what you enjoy.

Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
So either way you're not going to be getting an 80-90 second run without the investment in purples for all the outside and scale-able buffs.
I'd say you can probably get 90 seconds for 750 tickets with a moderately expensive (under 350M) DB build. But you won't be clearing all the mobs while leveling up that fast, even with Claws.

Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
I've just one little nit to pick with the OP: Most Temporary powers most definitely DO benefit from Fury (and other forms of +damage, such as inspirations). ... Some temps are flagged to ignore buffs and enhancements (like the Vet Reward temps) - this kind are the only ones that ignore Fury/inspirations.

However, I'm not sure that buying and crafting these would be worth the time expenditure...

One other thing for people to consider: While Inf earning scales with level, neither Ticket nor Prestige earning do. I run a Claws/Fire brute level-locked at 10, mostly to produce level 10 uniques and -KB IOs for myself. He caps tickets in about 3 minutes, and could probably push it to 2 minutes if I wanted to. The one benefit he has over a level 50 is that his enhancements aren't diminished to uselessness - I have all 5 of my Going Rogue preorder enhancements in Spin, which gives me about 2 SOs worth of recharge, even after scaling, plus the same in damage (for when I'm not damage capped), and the procs (which stop working at 21, were leveling up).
Hmm, I'll have to test the temp powers. I just did the Vet powers and assumed the others were similar. But I think they might actually be worthwhile. The AoEs should be able to one-shot Minions if they get the full damage bonus. And I like your idea about level locking at 10 to take advantage of the Praetorian Enhancements. Maybe I'll try that.

Originally Posted by Vexen777 View Post
How would this fair if other powersets were used?
As others have said, it depends on the powersets. Any brute with a decent PBAoE and damage aura by level 6 should work. SS/Inv would suck, lacking both.

Originally Posted by Ragnar_Lodbrok View Post
How would a spines/Dark Scrapper [edited] work on this? Think I am gonna give it a try and find out.
Badly due to the significantly lower damage cap. It'll probably take you at least 3 times as long to defeat mobs, which means you probably won't be able to maintain the Defense and Resistance you need to survive.

Originally Posted by Traumatica View Post
This whole thread reminds me a little of the old "Fire Tanker Club" days in early CoH...

Then the new fire tankers started ranting about how powerful Fire Tankers were all over the forums... And Fire Tankers got nerfed to the ground.
Is it good for the game if only a small number of people know about some incredibly overpowered thing? Personally I think not. Those people can dominate the Market and get all the really rare things for themselves. I want to make everyone rich. Because when everyone is rich, no one is rich. (I learned that from Syndrome.)


Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
Because when everyone is rich, no one is rich. (I learned that from Syndrome.)

Oddly enough he's wrong;
Everyone can be super! And when everyone's super, [laughs maniacally] no-one will be.
I'm pretty sure we all still play super heroes

That aside I know what you meant.



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
Thanks for that, I've never tried recording video on my new machine. It's fast enough to do so, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I like how you attacked the first boss. Macro? I'll have to try that.
I put the target (bind in my case I'm useless for hitting buttons past 8) macro in the description of the video but it is:
macro target "target_custom_next alive enemy alpha$$target_custom_next alive enemy beta"

It works nicely to some degree, if you have panned your cam too far towards the ground and it's lower and upper boss instead of the upper then lower combo, you can sometimes target the other one. Of course if that happens you just hit it again

Also use it to get rid of the two during the normal fight after they rez again for single target attacks.

I suppose if you order if right you can have it target the two triggers and when it can't find those, target bosses. I don't remember if it works like a power sequence where the last one on the list is what gets activated on first press, or if it's first come first serve.
Some testing is in order. To the macromobile! AWAY!~!



Originally Posted by Rinanir View Post
I suppose if you order if right you can have it target the two triggers and when it can't find those, target bosses. I don't remember if it works like a power sequence where the last one on the list is what gets activated on first press, or if it's first come first serve.
Some testing is in order. To the macromobile! AWAY!~!
All macros excecute from left to right. However, since it tries to execute all the commands in a single server tick, if two or more commands can't be done at the same time (like activating powers), each command overrides all previous mutually exclusive commands.

Targeting commands are NOT mutually exclusive, but you can only have one thing targeted at a time, so they effectively function the same way.

/targetcustomnext alpha$$targetcustomnext beta$$targetcustomnext omega
The above line will act as follows:

1- If nothing is currently targeted, it will target the nearest "Alpha". If something is already targeted, it will target the nearest "Alpha" that is further away than the current target. If no "Alpha" is found, the current target will not change.
2- Step 1 will be repeated for "Beta" instead of "Alpha".
3- Step 1 will be repeated again, but for "Omega" instead of "Alpha" or "Beta".

If there is only one of each in sight, "Omega" will always be targeted. If there are multiples of any, the results can only be predicted if you know what order that they're in, which is impossible to know in advance, thanks to the random spawning system.




Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
Limit Inspirations to 4 or 5 at a time each, make the Brute damage cap lower at lower levels like other ATs, scale the Fury bonus by level somehow, cancel Inspirations when zoning, only allow a single ambush to be triggered per boss or object, probably more stuff. But no matter what they do, people who want the best rewards will find an efficient way to get them. There will always be a big difference between what the devs design as a fun way to play the game and attract players, and what the min/maxers will do to get the best rewards.
I'm not even exactly sure why a brute has a 775% damage cap post 21+ when a blaster caps at 500%. Considering the difficulty it takes to reach 500% in normal game play, the 775% cap simply exists for power gaming.



It's fairly simple, it's because of how fury works.
Brutes needs to have a lower melee scalar due to fury because they would out pace everything in scenarios without buffs.
With fury counting towards of the damage cap, Brutes with their lower melee scalars need the higher damage cap to rival Scrappers in buffing scenarios.

I wasn't sure that targeting would behave the exact same way. Since it is a command it could have behaved instantly sending the first command and then if it found a target the server could have blocked it's follow up targeting commands.
But that is good to know, means that a macro for the missions could be:

macro target "targetcustomnext alive enemy Boss$$targetcustomnext alive enemy Beta$$targetcustomnext alive enemy Alpha"



I have to say doc this will perhaps get me to resub my 2nd acct. again just because I love level pact leveling. Of course with any detailed guide you'll get the haters, whinebots who complain that the markets getting flooded driving down prices, and the subscription-killers who drive any type of farm out of existence just because their ideas of grinding levels isn't the same as farmers. I'm looking forward to trying it out this weekend. I'd almost say this is one of the top guides I've read in a long while.

Now onto the wankers who are complaining about brutes inherent showing more love than other classes; stop complaining! If you need to drop a deuce, do it somewhere else. Its always the arrogant folks in this game that ruin a class, power (Energy transfer, burn years ago) or even missions.