



Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
One question thought, my Spin isn't one of my powers. Why? I selected it asap. I have the 3 lower tier Claws attacks. Should i skip one?
Level 1: T1 Claw power
Level 1: T1 armor
Level 2: Damage Aura
Level 4: T2 Claw power
Level 6: T3 Claw power
Level 8: Spin

Exemplaring down to 1 locks all powers taken after level 6 (exemplar level +5). Yes, you need to skip an earlier attack.




If you guys are looking for an energy-damage farm (as you can easily cap energy resistance at 90% by level 20 with 2 SOs in each of your +Res owers), I made a variant of the classic "DISCO" farm (EU players should know that particular farm well) a while back for my Energy/Elec Armor brute.

It's called "Energy WarWorks in Grandville", AE ID 506582. I'd recommend +2x8 for tickets at 50, or +4x8 for inf/PLing.



Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
One question thought, my Spin isn't one of my powers. Why? I selected it asap. I have the 3 lower tier Claws attacks. Should i skip one?
Yes, you can only take 2 of the lower tier ones. You must take Spin at lvl 6. There is a full build plan in the first post, closer to the end of the post (there are 2 build plans, you want the one for farming).

Edit: When I walk away from my comp for a bit, I should refresh a thread before responding to it.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Cool beans. It's working pretty good. At lev 34 atm.



Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
To quote myself:

Not using and abusing them like they should, and instead reserving them "just in case."

Natural pattern of inspiration usage: Reds to the Damage Cap, x4 Purps, x4 Orange, all before entering. Drop 4 and 4 of orange and purples in your tray and enter. After Alpha and Beta drop and the ambushes trigger, you'll already have a full tray again, your inspirations start fading out. Use your entire tray. Mobs die, keep using your tray. Don't pay attention to /what/ you're using so much as that you're getting them processed as quickly as possible to keep the tray empty for the next wave of dead mobs. If you're processing the tray, oranges and purples will naturally fall in surplus. Only once per ten to fifteen missions have I ever fallen below 50% Defense or 60% Resistance. In that instance, hover over a green or two until the next purple drops if you need to, but don't always expect to need a green.

TopDoc can, of course, respond otherwise, but this is how I inferred his original method, and so far has not proven wrong.

I think that's entirely optional. Although, I've only ever shifted Strike and Slash in on occasion to make sure Alpha and Beta die to get swarmed, past that Auto-Spin is usually sufficient while slamming down macros in between to complete a run. I never felt like cycling in the extra attacks made things go noticeably any faster (especially when they whiff) and just left it to Spin since its sufficient enough.
As noted, in my post, I do reserve 2 columns for when I need 'em, and that
leaves the rest to be popped early and often...

I agree with the "not using them is bad" sentiment, but unless you're comfy with
the playstyle that uses the conversion macros (which actually got me killed more
often than it helped), I think the reserves idea *can* be helpful - at least, I'm
pretty sure it's helpful for me My deaths rate is about 1 / arc that way.

As for using other powers, I do use strike and slash as fillers, but Sands of Mu
simply takes to long to activate, animate and complete... For me, too many
bad things were occuring during that timeframe. I swapped Sands for Brawl,
and while I don't get the cone, it still works as a filler.

By far, the bulk of your damage is done by your aura, and then spin.

Strike and Slash are effective against Bosses though.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I just buy all the Lucks i can. I pop 4 before i start fighting and click all the other stuff i get as i fight. I haven't died in a while. Im 38 now. I don't know how to do all the macro/bind stuff so i just click like crazy. I use the 3 claws attacks and brawl to fill. Sands seemed to be a drag in there. I couldnt even tell it was hitting or not. lol.



i was just curious for an outside build should i slot purely for recharge to get energize up asap, or try to softcap def?

also was wondering with a few of you running multiple toons to 50, if anyone would be interested in a lvl pact, i would be willing to do the same.



Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
I just buy all the Lucks i can. I pop 4 before i start fighting and click all the other stuff i get as i fight. I haven't died in a while. Im 38 now. I don't know how to do all the macro/bind stuff so i just click like crazy. I use the 3 claws attacks and brawl to fill. Sands seemed to be a drag in there. I couldnt even tell it was hitting or not. lol.
Just take what topdoc listed:
/macro I1 "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspexecname enrage$$inspexecname luck$$inspexecname good_luck$$inspexecname phenomenal_luck$$inspexecname sturdy"

/macro I2 "inspcombine keen_insight focused_rage$$inspcombine take_a_breather focused_rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement focused_rage$$inspcombine emerge focused_rage$$inspexecname focused_rage$$inspexecname rugged$$inspexecname robust"

/macro I3 "inspcombine uncanny_insight righteous_rage$$inspcombine second_wind righteous_rage$$inspcombine resurgence righteous_rage$$inspcombine escape righteous_rage$$inspexecname righteous_rage"

/macro T "inspdelete awaken$$inspdelete bounce_back$$inspdelete restoration$$targetcustomnext Lt"

Select one line from the "/macro to the end of the robust" and paste it in your chat text and hit enter. Easy does it. I moved the I1 and I2 macros after I created them into my slots 1 and 2 and assigned my "S" and "D" to them since I'm weird and use W as forward, E as backward, and A/F for left/right. Once you place spin on auto, I'm usually just tapping S and D while my spin recycles for a death round. I randomly click for my strike and slash but spin does all the work. If you are able to cycle all those plus sands of mu and brawl you definitely should work on recharge. Just having the empowerment of increased attack speed gives you the 20% without hasten.



Originally Posted by MoonlightSonata View Post
i was just curious for an outside build should i slot purely for recharge to get energize up asap, or try to softcap def?

also was wondering with a few of you running multiple toons to 50, if anyone would be interested in a lvl pact, i would be willing to do the same.
I was looking in mids, and it seems that i will be soft capping the D. It looks like a very cheap build (in my budget, i know cheap is relative). It looks like it can be nearly soft capd to every position or in the 40s. Should be a very tough build.

But if you're strapped on inf., don't forget youll be getting a ton of tickets. Use them wisely.



Originally Posted by Rinanir View Post
Missed the point. You use macros to combine anything that isn't purple, orange or red into reds. However doing so with TopDoc's original macros would also eat all your greens, so the damage that does go through will whittle you down.
I've take out the respite combine and moved it to a macro of it's own so it doesn't eat all the greens while I'm spamming the convert/use macro. (Known as l1 in the OP)

Blindly mashing f1-5 will lower you speed, especially after level 40. At the most you can get 10 inspirations out of a spin, that is less than 3 rows out of 5 at 40. So you spam the combine macro and just make sure there is 10 slots available at all times. leaving the rest filled with anything that isn't purple, orange or red to have the potential to combine for more reds to push the speed of the killing higher.

I didn't miss any point. I'm saying saving the greens is wasted effort, they're better served as damage. Spent part of the day jumping 41-50, again with zero deaths and only spamming the macros to combine. In fact, by level 47 a friend joined me and I had him come in with a pre-stock of Inspirations to avoid the issue with disjointed insp-drops and finished each mission per the regular ~80-90s time frame. If you're popping Energize, the first 30 seconds of the run is a cake walk regardless, but beyond that you should be spending the time at 50% defense and 60+% Resistance, I've yet to die in the mission from a cause that was not 100% my own (IE: I turned away from the screen and stopped). And you forget, Spin isn't the only thing killing. Lightning Field takes two to three hits to kill a minion; and in all the runs I've made, mass group deaths are filling my tray from F1-F4, leaving one column behind--in most cases--of stuff that I couldn't condense or use immediately.

Edit: Of course this is all realtive to the fact not everyone's comfortable with the method, I just really really don't understand why anyone's dying.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
I'm saying saving the greens is wasted effort, they're better served as damage.
What I said was that I moved it out of the spam macro to another button so it was controllable when they were made into reds. Instead of you getting two greens in a spin with one from an aura tic and they imminently turn into a red when you're at low health. Then not get any in the next few seconds and face plant.

It's not about saving them, it's about being strategic and avoid converting them when you're at say 20% health. Dying is bad for xp/tickets over time.

I rarely die, did at the start before I modified the macros and got used to the style. After my first character my deaths has been lag related, but that's a product of data having to travel all the way under the Atlantic to reach the server, packet loss FTL.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
Last night I ran into a new and somewhat bizarre issue. I ran into a mission, hit Spin once - and then it just sat there as a tiny, non-recharging dot in my power tray. I died due to lack of damage output, zoned out to the AE hospital, and still had a tiny, barely-recharged dot in Spin's slot. I decided that maybe logging would help, and as the countdown approached zero the button started coming back. When I relogged, though, it still hadn't quite finished recharging.

It happened one other time, with Lightning Field rather than Spin. I got killed by random burst damage where a lot of things hit me at once without more than 1-2 oranges running, zoned out, and LF was a tiny dot. It took about five minutes to recharge, and relogging didn't help. It wasn't just a display thing, either; if I clicked the teeny-tiny button, I got the "Recharging" message. I even made a macro to activate the power, thinking that might be a workaround, and got the "Recharging" message.

Anybody else run into this?
happened to me! that was irritating! i almost died, not that it would have mattered.



Originally Posted by MoonlightSonata View Post
happened to me! that was irritating! i almost died, not that it would have mattered.
Ive had that happen this past week in regular content. Some kinda bug i assume.



Got one of these to 50. Is there any point IOing it? Do the bonuses still apply when exemp'd in AE?



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Got one of these to 50. Is there any point IOing it? Do the bonuses still apply when exemp'd in AE?
Only Purple bonuses work for this.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Got one of these to 50. Is there any point IOing it? Do the bonuses still apply when exemp'd in AE?
Purples and PvP IOs, as mentioned in the OP.

I made mine /Fire instead of /Elec, not for any particular reason, but just to experiment. After running it a bit I realized how much thought TopDoc put into the choice of powersets, and why /Elec works better for this. I don't have Energize at the start, and I do occasionally take enough damage to get whittled down during the run.

My fix was to change the first macro. I put an inspexec for tier 1 heals at the beginning of the macro and a combine for tier 1 heals to reds closer to the end. Since macros are executed from right to left the macro first combines 3 greens to a red if I have 3 greens, but if I don't it uses the greens. So I'm not using too many greens when I'm at full health, but I do pop one occasionally. That is sufficient to keep me topped off most of the time. Since the inspexec for heals is the first in the macro it is the last executed, so any other inspirations it will use are used first. Because of that I can control whether I pop greens by simply controlling how fast I spam that macro while watching my inspiration tray.

I don't keep anything in reserve and very rarely die. The only time it seems to happen is when I am unlucky and don't get enough defense inspirations to keep me softcapped. If that happens and I don't notice in time to make a run for the glowie, I will die. Like I said though, that's rare.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
Purples and PvP IOs, as mentioned in the OP.

I made mine /Fire instead of /Elec, not for any particular reason, but just to experiment. After running it a bit I realized how much thought TopDoc put into the choice of powersets, and why /Elec works better for this. I don't have Energize at the start, and I do occasionally take enough damage to get whittled down during the run.

My fix was to change the first macro. I put an inspexec for tier 1 heals at the beginning of the macro and a combine for tier 1 heals to reds closer to the end. Since macros are executed from right to left the macro first combines 3 greens to a red if I have 3 greens, but if I don't it uses the greens. So I'm not using too many greens when I'm at full health, but I do pop one occasionally. That is sufficient to keep me topped off most of the time. Since the inspexec for heals is the first in the macro it is the last executed, so any other inspirations it will use are used first. Because of that I can control whether I pop greens by simply controlling how fast I spam that macro while watching my inspiration tray.

I don't keep anything in reserve and very rarely die. The only time it seems to happen is when I am unlucky and don't get enough defense inspirations to keep me softcapped. If that happens and I don't notice in time to make a run for the glowie, I will die. Like I said though, that's rare.

Don't unique's fall in as well with the purples and the pvp IOs or is that level specific?



I hate you because I had a Claws/Elec brute before this thread was made, and now that I"m playing her, it feels like I'm jumping on the bandwagon after the fact.

However, I love you because I didn't realize what a farming fiend I had in this type of brute. Went from 27 to 35 in probably about an hour of farm time. Looking forward to getting her to 50 and using all the money I made along the way to kit her out.



UPDATE-I've run the AE arc 13 times now and am sitting at level 43!

I've found that it takes me about 35 minutes to run the arc from start to finish, including loading up on inspirations and returning from the hospital (maybe 1-2 times per arc now--usually due to unlucky insp drops or not paying attention).

I'm running this for XP rather than just tickets, so I'm clearing the ambush groups out before exiting each time.

So, we're looking at roughly 7 hours so far, with maybe another 2 to 2.5 hours to go. Not bad!

EDIT-I also have 200 million in the bank. Most has come from Rare salvage. I've had some really bad luck "investing" in Gold Random Rolls.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Originally Posted by BeastMan View Post
Don't unique's fall in as well with the purples and the pvp IOs or is that level specific?
The Unique tag has no bearing on whether or not the IO functions while exemplared lower than normal. For example:

-All purples function at any level. They are also all Unique.
-All PVP IOs function at any level. Only a few are Unique.
-The Steadfast Protection Resist/Defense is Unique. It only functions if your combat level is equal to or greater than (its level -3).
-The Numina's Convalescence Recovery/Regen is a Unique. Since it is a proc, it functions as long as you have access to the power it is slotted in; its level does not matter for this function. However, it stops counting towards set bonuses if your combat level is lower than (its level - 3)

The only IOs that ALWAYS work are Purples and PVP IOs. The rest are either procs, and subject to the availability of the power they are slotted in, or normal IOs or global effects, and subject to the normal limitations of exemplaring.




As a quick follow-up.

Now that my toon has reached L50, I did a number of runs solely to cap tix.

During the leveling process, an arc took 20 mins or so, but for just capping AE tickets,
I'm in the 10-15 min range (from zoning in to the first mission to clicking "Finish"
after the last mission). Each mission is definitely under two mins (in-mission).

Also, Ticket runs are a LOT easier and safer - not a single death yet doing that.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



One thing I've never understood is the following statement: Brutes have the highest damage cap. Becasue, technically, they don't, they have the hardest to achieve (though fury helps a great deal). The -real- damage cap is found by multiplying base damage scale by percent damage cap, and scrappers actually deal slightly more damage than brutes at their damage cap.

Because scrappers need to gain less +damage to maintain their damage cap, I find them slightly easier in that regard, and by manipulating my inspirations I maintain two or three yellows and oranges and more than enough red and purple. Other posters have reported that they don't manage a large amount of +damage. It may be that a scrapper would post higher damage numbers, though they would be less survivable (it works better at 50 I think, and I think that if scrappers ever get a set comparable to SS, it will work better than the current king).

My personal farm guy is spines/fire, and he works decently. I find I don't need 90% resistance to work well, I run him at 50, and he started with very little IO enhancement (numina and miracle procs were about it). I run a 5-mish fire arc at 4/8, generally finish in about 1 and 45 seconds with a lot of tickets wasted (I get 100-200 on mission completion, so I've already generated 1300-1400 by the time I complete). Without sells, I can get a little over 70 million in an hour, though that number should be considered circumspect since I haven't tested it thoroughly. I was using bronze recipes at 10-14, but my plan was to test the other ranges once I got a large sample size for each (about 1000), so you've saved me a fair amount of trouble. Silver recipes were much less work (no deleting!), which is the main reason I used them before, but bronze are much better for actual money. The main reason to go 10-14 is the steadfast res/def, which I could instasell for 20 million or be patient and get more. At roughly 4-5 of those an arc (my average, because of the relatively small drop pool for that range), which I complete in about 11 minutes, I could get 80-100 million just from those, and a little more from smaller recipes (like the regen tissue proc). Anyway, I use that character because I had him, and he could run these types of missions without further investment, not because I knew he would be the best (he isn't, though I could speed him up quite a bit by adding +recharge and leaving the mission earlier).

Thanks for this resource. The buying guides were helpful, and I may decide to run me up one for level 10 recipes (the fire/spines scrapper is also going to be my flashback guy, so I have a need for low level recipes).

For macros, I recommend a loadfile bind that cycles between "insp_combine (tier 1 non wakies)", "insp_combine (tier 2 non wakies)", and one for deleting the various rezs (obviously those aren't the actual binds, and I'd add a tier 3 if I were running with bosses), and a second bind for using enrages. This reduces your clickage to 2 buttons, one for not-red and one for red. (fun fact: I have never, since may 2004 when I first started playing, used the F keys to activate inspirations; I either clicked what I needed or had a bind). I have enough defense that one Good Luck will cap my defenses, so I add small purples to the combine macro but not larger ones. Also, consider adding break frees to the deletion bind, because I find that they are on a slightly rarer drop scale and therefore are more likely to clog space (though this may just be conjecture). I also have a bind for targetting the closest enemy, which replaces the control+tab keybinding (for target enemy near) with a button on my mouse. This allows me to make sure I hit someone near me, not a runner, and I click it everytime I use a TAoE or cone, just to make sure the maximum source of damage is near me (because enemies will be dropped faster if they are hit by all my effects, not half). I also have a bind for a second mouse button (I have 5), for follow. I usually use this in scrapperlock, not farming (combine with first button for easy scrapperlockage). For attacks I have burn, fireball, throw spines, and spine burst for regular combat, plus consume and judgement. I try to avoid spine burst until I have to use it, it really is "sucky" because its animation time. One last thing: instead of the traditional power trays, I use 3 3*4 trays with the basic tray above them. The trays allow me to separate defenses, AoE, and single target attacks more efficiently than having multiple flat trays (and the final tray is mostly just used for temps and teleport powers), and I use the set up for all my melee characters (it is much easier than remembering where I placed everything and learning a new muscle memory set everytime I play a different character).

For me, with my high latency, I almost always get "misfires", where something above a red will get eaten along with the red that was supposed to be. I use this to keep my life and blue bar full, and lower levels would have increased acc and resistance from it, but I'm not sure it works with a faster connection. Unfortunately, this also means that I gain reduced benefit from using things before going in, because it can take north of 30 seconds to a minute to load the map (not that it always take that long, which is why I can still finish in about 11 minutes). I recently upgraded that spines/fire scrapper to a build that optimized smashing/lethal defense (32.5), not recharge, because he really doesn't need a lot and he still isn't primarily a farmer.

TW/Elec Optimization



I get the macro swallowing extra inspirations a lot as well, my latency varies a bit and packets gets lost a few times an hour. It probably is lag related. It is most likely that the macro functions locally, it searches the tray for what you want to use. Finds it, notes the slot number and sends that along to the server. Now the server receives a ton of these requests and uses the inspiration in the slot, but before the client notices it, it sends another request to use the inspiration to the server with the same slot number, the server has now moved another inspiration into that slot and then uses that.

Originally Posted by Combat View Post
One thing I've never understood is the following statement: Brutes have the highest damage cap. Becasue, technically, they don't, they have the hardest to achieve (though fury helps a great deal). The -real- damage cap is found by multiplying base damage scale by percent damage cap, and scrappers actually deal slightly more damage than brutes at their damage cap.

Because scrappers need to gain less +damage to maintain their damage cap, I find them slightly easier in that regard, and by manipulating my inspirations I maintain two or three yellows and oranges and more than enough red and purple. Other posters have reported that they don't manage a large amount of +damage. It may be that a scrapper would post higher damage numbers, though they would be less survivable (it works better at 50 I think, and I think that if scrappers ever get a set comparable to SS, it will work better than the current king).
But at low levels they do indeed have the highest damage cap.
Can't work with Claws for this example since they have different recharge values and different base damage as a result.

I already brought this up in a previous post, but I'll just repeat it here:
Take Dual Blades:
Typhoon's Edge
Brute: 10.83 dmg, resulting in: 10.83 * 7.75 = 83,93 dmg
Scrapper: 11.68 dmg, resulting in: 11.68 *2.1 = 24,53 dmg

As you can see at these levels Brutes have a LOT more damage than a scrapper, even at slightly lower damage levels they will out damage scrappers, this will continue until higher levels where the modifiers stops being inflated.

Even with just Fury at level 1 a Brute will out damage a scrapper at damage cap.
Brute: 10.83 dmg, resulting in: 10.83 * 2.6 = 28,16 dmg
Scrapper: 11.68 dmg, resulting in: 11.68 *2.1 = 24,53 dmg



QR to thread.

I've been running this arc using a SS/elec brute. Its obviously not as effective as a claws/ela brute due to the lack of spin or any AoE damage at this low of level. Still, I'm leveling up quite easily. At +0/x8 I don't die, but at +1/x8 I die quite often so I've been running mainly at +0. Currently at level 35 and I think it's been about 5 hours or so.

I'll be picking up some tep powers, like the taser and grenades, to see if that will help my damage output. Overall a very effective way to level up and get mad tickets/inf.

Thanks TopDoc.



Another vote of thanks from here Top Doc.

My DB/Elec stalker got re-rolled for this as the electric wolverine didn't suite me (pretty much the same experience as FourSpeed). Re-rolled as a Brute.

After 8 hours I'm sitting at 45. A lot of this was due to breaking up the PL time with some thoughtful ticket spending. Post level 20, I'd comeplete the arc (7500 tickets) then go and spend!

In terms of actually getting through the missions, there is a lot of sense above, and without using the inspcombine macros, I roll my fingers across F1-F4, leaving a column of 2 greens and purples for emergencies under F5. I think I've died maybe once per 2 runs due to bad purple luck. It doesn't bother me enough to make macros and it makes it marginally more exciting.

I also have to say that it is quite a lot of fun. I'm not slotting anything, and have a dual build setup for my "proper" build.

Some notes on ticket spending for anyone interested:

For the first 2 missions, I took Alchemical Gold for all my tickets, then sold them all for 1. This gave me 5 million startup capital.

I've been rolling Gold x2 (30-34), then either Silver or Bronze (same range) as the mood suits (or depending on the number of tickets I have to hand). Rubbish has been deleted, and I've been relying on memory to determine what's valuable. A lot of this is due to needing Kin Combats for my final PvE build.

General notes;
- Orange salvage is getting cheaper. The income from it is reliable (can still get 1-1.5 mil per item for most), but the plus to that is if you're making rare receipes, it's cheaper to craft them.
- Prices on crafted Bronze recipes are dipping as you'd expect. There are still a few gems, but as I'm not halting my xp at any level, I'm getting a lot of "non-zero" recipes (ones not 30, 40 or 50) which makes selling them take a bit longer.
- High priced rolls have been up & down. 2 Numina uniques, 2 Steadfast Defs and Oblit Quads were the gems, but I've slotted those (or plan to) so they're not liquid assets so to speak. I still see it as more cost effective to risk the random number generator and craft the ones I need than to just roll salvage and sell it.
- When I have filled all my recipe slots, another run will net me easily enough tickets to buy (from the AE vendor) all the uncommons I need. I then do an even number of rolls on Common Arcane & Tech (26-40) to fill up my salvage slots. I then head to the auction house to sell the non-required commons and buy up the rares. 1-2 trips usually allows me to make all the recipes I need which then get sold, slotted or emailed.

I reckon I'm sitting on around 3-500m in unslotted anhancements/recipes/raw inf at the moment with 5 more levels to 50. By the time I'm 50, I would imagine I'd have enough to IO the toon completely. I don't see a need for Purples or PvP recipes on this toon, so that will be job done!

I also quite like seeing overall prices actually take a dip. Makes life happier for everyone.
