37 -
I get the macro swallowing extra inspirations a lot as well, my latency varies a bit and packets gets lost a few times an hour. It probably is lag related. It is most likely that the macro functions locally, it searches the tray for what you want to use. Finds it, notes the slot number and sends that along to the server. Now the server receives a ton of these requests and uses the inspiration in the slot, but before the client notices it, it sends another request to use the inspiration to the server with the same slot number, the server has now moved another inspiration into that slot and then uses that.
Quote:But at low levels they do indeed have the highest damage cap.One thing I've never understood is the following statement: Brutes have the highest damage cap. Becasue, technically, they don't, they have the hardest to achieve (though fury helps a great deal). The -real- damage cap is found by multiplying base damage scale by percent damage cap, and scrappers actually deal slightly more damage than brutes at their damage cap.
Because scrappers need to gain less +damage to maintain their damage cap, I find them slightly easier in that regard, and by manipulating my inspirations I maintain two or three yellows and oranges and more than enough red and purple. Other posters have reported that they don't manage a large amount of +damage. It may be that a scrapper would post higher damage numbers, though they would be less survivable (it works better at 50 I think, and I think that if scrappers ever get a set comparable to SS, it will work better than the current king).
Can't work with Claws for this example since they have different recharge values and different base damage as a result.
I already brought this up in a previous post, but I'll just repeat it here:
Take Dual Blades:
Typhoon's Edge
Brute: 10.83 dmg, resulting in: 10.83 * 7.75 = 83,93 dmg
Scrapper: 11.68 dmg, resulting in: 11.68 *2.1 = 24,53 dmg
As you can see at these levels Brutes have a LOT more damage than a scrapper, even at slightly lower damage levels they will out damage scrappers, this will continue until higher levels where the modifiers stops being inflated.
Even with just Fury at level 1 a Brute will out damage a scrapper at damage cap.
Brute: 10.83 dmg, resulting in: 10.83 * 2.6 = 28,16 dmg
Scrapper: 11.68 dmg, resulting in: 11.68 *2.1 = 24,53 dmg -
Quote:What I said was that I moved it out of the spam macro to another button so it was controllable when they were made into reds. Instead of you getting two greens in a spin with one from an aura tic and they imminently turn into a red when you're at low health. Then not get any in the next few seconds and face plant.I'm saying saving the greens is wasted effort, they're better served as damage.
It's not about saving them, it's about being strategic and avoid converting them when you're at say 20% health. Dying is bad for xp/tickets over time.
I rarely die, did at the start before I modified the macros and got used to the style. After my first character my deaths has been lag related, but that's a product of data having to travel all the way under the Atlantic to reach the server, packet loss FTL. -
Quote:Missed the point. You use macros to combine anything that isn't purple, orange or red into reds. However doing so with TopDoc's original macros would also eat all your greens, so the damage that does go through will whittle you down.Use your entire tray. Mobs die, keep using your tray. Don't pay attention to /what/ you're using so much as that you're getting them processed as quickly as possible to keep the tray empty for the next wave of dead mobs. If you're processing the tray, oranges and purples will naturally fall in surplus.
I've take out the respite combine and moved it to a macro of it's own so it doesn't eat all the greens while I'm spamming the convert/use macro. (Known as l1 in the OP)
Blindly mashing f1-5 will lower you speed, especially after level 40. At the most you can get 10 inspirations out of a spin, that is less than 3 rows out of 5 at 40. So you spam the combine macro and just make sure there is 10 slots available at all times. leaving the rest filled with anything that isn't purple, orange or red to have the potential to combine for more reds to push the speed of the killing higher. -
The death thing is mostly an experience thing, my first one would die 1-2 times per arc pre 25, and then around once per arch after.
The second I've made was running using a level pact so was leveling much slower, got all the way to 34 before dieing. That was only because Steam had decided that I needed to update 3 of my games and the lag got so bad that I couldn't use inspirations
I also play slightly different than TopDoc with not combining my respites and using those instead. How he stays alive I don't know (How DO you stay alive with combining all the Respites TopDoc?), but combining all Respites got me killed a lot in the start, so I changed it and made a bind to specifically change Respites allowing me to still combine them, but removing the ability for the primary combine/use macro so it wouldn't eat the safety buffer.
The Inv build is far stronger for survival.
Turn Invincibility on with 1 enemy and look at the numbers.
Also remember Elec does not have any debuff resistance to defense, so it will suffer from cascade failure. Where as the Inv build with one enemy in range can suffer a 6% debuff and still be capped to S/L -
It's fairly simple, it's because of how fury works.
Brutes needs to have a lower melee scalar due to fury because they would out pace everything in scenarios without buffs.
With fury counting towards of the damage cap, Brutes with their lower melee scalars need the higher damage cap to rival Scrappers in buffing scenarios.
I wasn't sure that targeting would behave the exact same way. Since it is a command it could have behaved instantly sending the first command and then if it found a target the server could have blocked it's follow up targeting commands.
But that is good to know, means that a macro for the missions could be:
macro target "targetcustomnext alive enemy Boss$$targetcustomnext alive enemy Beta$$targetcustomnext alive enemy Alpha" -
Inv is indeed and very very good set. The reason you don't see all that many of them is that it matures rather late.
Quote:I put the target (bind in my case I'm useless for hitting buttons past 8) macro in the description of the video but it is:Thanks for that, I've never tried recording video on my new machine. It's fast enough to do so, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I like how you attacked the first boss. Macro? I'll have to try that.
macro target "target_custom_next alive enemy alpha$$target_custom_next alive enemy beta"
It works nicely to some degree, if you have panned your cam too far towards the ground and it's lower and upper boss instead of the upper then lower combo, you can sometimes target the other one. Of course if that happens you just hit it again
Also use it to get rid of the two during the normal fight after they rez again for single target attacks.
I suppose if you order if right you can have it target the two triggers and when it can't find those, target bosses. I don't remember if it works like a power sequence where the last one on the list is what gets activated on first press, or if it's first come first serve.
Some testing is in order. To the macromobile! AWAY!~! -
Against these enemies the aura damage type doesn't matter, Dark and Electric does the same damage, with Fire beating them slightly. TopDoc explained this in the OP.
If you're using it to try to get a specific combination up in the levels it's fine, you will be a good deal slower than a Brute, but it will still work. The point I was making is this, if you're gonna farm this, and do it fast, you will want a brute, because if high Fury and red inspirations, it will do that 3 times the damage that you can do as a scrapper in this particular type of mission.
Scrappers are not cut out for this type of farming, it can work it, but it will not even be in the same ballpark timewise.
On top of that Spines is a backloaded set when it comes to AoE abilities, with Spine Burst being the worst PBAoEs for scrappers. Which is made up for by two things, it's got a 15foot radius and the set has more AoE to use through the 3 last powers in the set. Quills, Ripper and Throw Spines. -
Spine Burst is a good deal slower than Spin and Typhoon's Edge. Both in animation and recharge. It does however have a 15 foot radius compared to the other's 8 foot.
Coupled with 210% damage cap allowing it to only hit for 11.65 * 2.10 * .9 = 22.02 dmg (Or in other words, 2.98 hp short of killing a minion.)
Compared to Brutes with their 775% damage cap. (for the first 45ish seconds of the mission then it drops to an average of 550% (Number pulled from experience with 2 characters through it now)
Spin: 17.95 * 7.75 * .9 = 125.20 dmg
Spin: 17.95 * 5.5 * .9 = 88.85 dmg
Typhoon: 10.83 * 7.75 * .9 = 75.54 dmg
Typhoon: 10.83 * 5.5 * .9 = 53.61 dmg -
Yes and no, the 80-90 second runs are for ticket cap. it takes between 2-2:30 for killing the entire ambush, that is 1400 to 1500+ tickets (Random drop rates apply), basically you run in keep an eye on your tickets, as soon as you hit 750 tickets you click the glowy and port out. Seeing as you get twice as many killing all of the ambush, 80 seconds sounds reasonably to me.
According to my pocket math with hasten running Spin does 1.440 (1.442 with empowerment) the damage over time that Typhoon's Edge does.
I videoed a run with just hasten on my new brute (claws/fire tho) that cleared all the ambushes except for 1 minion. It clocked at 2 minutes and 47 seconds from end load time until exit was clicked.
I have a tendency to kill the last few runners as well before zoning out, so it wasn't an optimal run. If I hadn't wasted all the time chasing the running LT and two minions (making a video of a run really does show you exactly where you're wasting time:/), it would have been around 2minutes 27seconds.
And with DB being slower due to Typhoon's Edge being balanced around the Sweep combo, it makes sense if you're running in the 2:30 to 3 minute range with accounting for luck with damage inspirations. -
Quote:We talking with or without +rech from empowerment station?TopDoc How long is a run taking you unslotted with just hasten as your preclick power before zoning in? I'm talking no purples, nothing but like a L10 brute.
Because if it is with that, it's 120ish seconds to clear the two spawns. For optimal xp/time it's a bit shorter as you probably want to stop when there is no more bosses left. -
I have noticed that I'm suddenly not the only one spamming inspirations in Mercy on Virtue
On my second one now, this time a claws/fire that I've level pacted to a character on my other account so see how slow it is. The lower levels are a bit more painful with the low insp slots and less frequent level insps.
In my 20's now and still haven't died so I guess it doesn't really have much of an impact.
Also it's funny how farm posts always bring out the old timers. Look at how many 2004-2005 regged people in this thread -
It has been so since the revamp of the sidekick/exemplar system, because they didn't want to penalize people playing together with lower level people.
Took a quick video of a run at level 42.
Can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kafDC4xNbAo
If you notice Hasten runs out on the last 5 mobs, meaning the run took 120 seconds or just about. Seems about right for time considdering I only got a 50 ticket bonus from clicking the item, meaning I killed a lot more than needed to hit the ticket cap. -
Well I've tried it, rolled one earlier today. (Reroll of a Claws/Fire I had, was supposed to become my farm character on virtue but got stuck in prae because of how boring that place is, on the 10th time through it)
She is now level 40 at 5 hours of played with some AFK'ing, making a VG, building a base ect.
Seem to get instant gibbed once in a while (Aggro cap amount of mobs, sometimes 4-7 bosses gets lucky in the same few seconds), once you start running low on targets things also starts hurting you.
I've changed all the macros to better suit my purposes. Removed all the large insp uses as they sell in the 150-300k range. With this being a test run for future runs like it with other aura sets and combinations. I wanted to see what kind of inf this could generate while just leveling.
Removed the combining of Respites and put respite usage into T, as well as removing the target part of it as it was plain broken and couldn't get it to work in any meaningful way even with a lot of attempts of getting an argument string that did what I wanted. So I defaulted to just let powers target mobs and it's pretty good at just picking up the closest one.
Gonna have to bring my secondary account online again to see how it holds up under a leveling pact once the test character hits 50 -
The biggest question is how will the Noxious Gas replacement be. It will make or break it for endgame.
We could be looking at a set that will be able to provide a lot of -resist, -defense and to-hit.
If it is straight up turned into a toggle, working off the 1.0 numbers posted earlier adjusted to controller modifiers we'd be looking at:
Disregarding the enhancement debuff since the actual value of them is kinda hard to guage.
Single target:
-75% recharge
-80% resistance
-56.66% defense (Unenhanced)
-28.33% tohit (unenhanced)
-75% recharge
-60% resistance
-41.66% defense (unenhanced)
-20,83% tohit (unenhanced) -
While it's been a while since people posted in this thread I figure it's not a necro since it's only 10 days.
With Envenom and Weaken getting half strength AE, this will bring the set up to play with the big boys like Rad or Cold.
For controller debuff modifiers assuming the numbers won't be tweaked:
Neurotoxic Breath will be the same as Lingering Radiation without the -regen.
Primary target:
30% defense debuff
40% resist debuff
Minor regen and heal debuff
Other targets:
15% defense debuff
20% resist debuff
On a short recharge this will make it huge for group play.
Primary target:
15% to-hit debuff
30% damage debuff (all types)
What ever huge amount the reverse powerboost debuff does to a massive amount of powers.
Other targets:
7,5% to-hit debuff
15% damage debuff (all types)
Having the powerboost debuff even at half strength would be borderline overpowered. Might not be a part of the AE.
This will also make it very nice for group play since while it's only 15% damage and 7,5% to-hit, it's still pretty nice damage mitigation for a fire and forget debuff. -
Correct 100% + 300% max for defenders and 100% + 400% for corrupters.
It heals you? Hmm strange, pseudo pet powers usually work on the pet and not the caster. (placate works like this in Static Field, it will not help the caster at all).
I need to get a hold of that and pop it in, to have a look then. -
Warkupo, your numbers are way off.
The 400% cap includes the 100% base damage a power does, so the maximum damage a defender can get a 65 damage attack to hit for is 260 and not 325. -