Under Direct Orders from Zwillinger




So, yesterday during the Ustream broadcast Zwillinger first acknowlegded and semi-comiserated with me for the reset of my latest tournament. He then gave me my marching orders; I was... for reasons he didn't bother to explain... post what my tournament is all about and a description (abridged due to server memory limits) of its current mechanics.

He's either a glutton for punishment or he's the stalker who's been rooting through my garbage lately. (Honestly, I thought it was a raccoon but that Zwillinger's a tricksy one.... then again most hobbits are.)


For the uninitiated and therefor mentally unscathed among you who are not aware of what the heck I'm talking about... My Tournament is a highly structured and rigidly ruled way of playing the game. I have spreadsheets... hoo boy do I have spreadsheets... that track, dictate and control which character I play, how I play them and when I am allowed to create new characters. The spreadsheets also take all the little data bits (level, defeats, missions completed, enhancements slotted, temp powers, badges, and on and on and on) and apply complicated mathematical equations to them to come up with Measurables in the form of Power, Reputation and Team Work.

I won't get in to the equations... actually I pretty much can't... Though I have restarted my tournament over and over again (requiring the complete deletion of all my characters and their subsequent recreation at 1st level) I tend to keep what works for me while changing what doesn't. So, I literally have no idea what some of the background equations in my spreadsheets do anymore because it's been YEARS since I first stuck 'em in there. Suffice it to say I record the advancement data as my character grows and the spreadsheets are nice enough to do all the math and spit back numbers at me that I ASSUME mean something.

Rather than bore you with all the minutia rules, I'll just tell you what I changed for this last Tournament Reset.

Basically, I got rid of everything that was keeping me from enjoying the game. Anything that seemed more like "work" than "play" was tossed on the scrap heap. The first thing to go was my beloved Traderbots.

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVED my Traderbots back in the day. I had one per server that did nothing but sit in the Market and buy and sell salvage, always at a profit. Before long I had over a billion influence per Traderbot; which I thought was pretty cool. Unfortunately, it also began to become a major chore. It took an hour JUST to play the Traderbots through and I forced myself to do the TB stuff before I even thought of playing another character.

So, out went the Traderbots. I decided to divide up their ill-gotten booty and give 150 million influence per new player I created until I ran out. When I ran out I would simply recreate the Traderbots and run them and only them until I'd bank rolled some good cash then continue the tournament.

Another problem was creating characters who were clearly support characters on low population servers. Now, before you all jump down my throat about "You can find a team on any server if you just blah blah blah..." I know you can. However, my play time is very rarely during prime time and when you can click on Find with no parameters set and STILL get less than 50 in your list chances are your Defender is going to be lonely.

In addition to this problem was how MANY teams and characters I had playing! I had a team on every flippin' server except for the German and French ones. At least 2 characters per server and I find myself juggling 24 characters with more on the way when every member on a team reached 30th level or higher. Basically, even if I played EVERY day I was still only playing my favorite characters roughly once a month.

Solution: Consolidate all my heroes on Freedom and all my Villains on Virtue. That took care of both my over-population problem and my low population problems. Sa-weet.

The other thing I have done with my latest iteration is brand new and... to my pleasant surprise... a great deal of fun! I have always had two accounts, both to house my Traderbots and also because I hate asking people to invite me to my own danged super group. I finally decided to use the second account in a more active role. Instead of server-wide teams of heroes or villains, I have created two man teams and level pacted them.

So, D'Shan Steelclaw (claws/regen scrapper) is on my first account on Freedom and he is teamed with Edie Wyldfire (fire/devices blaster) on Freedom of my second account. I had been concerned that the slow pace of a single player level pacted would be more drudgery than fun, but it turned out the opposite is true.

For one thing, the slow place allows me to actually run ALL the level appropriate content in a level range without having to miss out. I've played story arcs since restarting that I haven't touched in ages because I always picked the most "profitable" (ie- most reward points, etc). Another thing is what I call the "Birthday" effect.

Nothing is cooler than signing on and immediately seeing your character bounce up two or three levels. I KNOW it's silly but I still giggle like a schoolgirl when I remember running Edie Wyldfire through Outbreak at combat level 10. I've NEVER got the Isolator badge so easily.

So, I deleted over 24 characters, most of which were over 30th level and am now only running 4.

Do I regret it?

No. The game feels new to me again and I'm rediscovering parts of it I'd forgotten were so much fun. I am also, for the first time in my strange CoH career, actively seeking to team and having an absolute blast doing so. (Some of you on Virtue may remember teaming with a Dual Pistols Blaster named Assisted Afterlife in Neutropolis... if you do... thanks for a great play experience!)

So, I have fulfilled my duty to Zwillinger. That's my Tournament in a VERY compacted and abridged nutshell. I could easily fill dozens more pages with useless digital ink explaining the ins and outs and minutia of my Tournament, but let's face it... you don't care and I don't remember most of the detail stuff anymore.

I am sure that some day I shall find myself in front of the Pearly Gates and Saint Peter will look down at me and demand to know what I've accomplished during my time on Earth. I intend to stand tall and proud before him and, with great conviction say:

"Hold on a moment... I have a spreadsheet for that..."

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Do I regret it?

No. The game feels new to me again and I'm rediscovering parts of it I'd forgotten were so much fun.
When I was reading this I had to scroll down after "Do I regret it?" to continue reading. I was pleasantly surprised. You are living proof that players should approach the game in their own way, that there's no better way to play.

There's a link in my signature, "Guide to Altitis" that describes my evolving playstyle, focused on carving out an engrossing--but not tedious--fictional world for my characters (while close, this doesn't always translate into RP). It was written a year ago. It's nothing like your set of rules. But like yours, mine has evolved, becoming more complicated in some ways and simpler in others, always with the main goal of fun in mind. Players have thanked me for writing that guide, either for validating their playstyles or giving them ideas.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



When I first learned of your tourney all those months ago it made me cringe...

Reading how much fun you get from it makes me smile!

Still, I'm really really hoping you can reach 50th level this time around! IF that happens be sure to announce it here before hand so we can throw you a party.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by steelclaw View Post
"hold on a moment... I have a spreadsheet for that..."

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
I am sure that some day I shall find myself in front of the Pearly Gates and Saint Peter will look down at me and demand to know what I've accomplished during my time on Earth. I intend to stand tall and proud before him and, with great conviction say:

"Hold on a moment... I have a spreadsheet for that..."
This made my night. Thank you XD

Also, very interesting post overall. I could never imagine deleting all of my characters! But it's very interesting that it makes the game fresh for you. Kudos for keeping things alive for yourself!

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



The one thing missing is why you restart your league with new game updates. I think I remember you posting this in the past but I seem to have forgotten.

Overall, I greatly applaud your efforts for finding the fun in the game that best suits you. We see lots of posts on the boards of saying the game is boring to them, nothing is fun anymore, etc. Every time I think of you and want to tell them that their fun is only as far away as their own imagination.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)




Steelclaw, I have sat here from afar and several times, I have thought two thoughts about your Tournament, often just about simultaneously:

1) good on him
2) yikes

Point 2 is mainly about the number of times you've had to reset the tournament, deleting everyone in the process. If I may ask, what's the minimum number of characters needed for a round of the Tournament, and would it be possible to break characters out into "seasons?" A new update hits, a new flight of characters start a new season of the Tournament.

I realize it might make apples-to-apples scoring comparisons harder, but it might also let you keep anyone you actually like enough to keep.

Have a good one.

Later on,

Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!



Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post
If I may ask, what's the minimum number of characters needed for a round of the Tournament, and would it be possible to break characters out into "seasons?" A new update hits, a new flight of characters start a new season of the Tournament.
There can be no arguing, fudging or bargaining with the tournament. It may seem a burden, but it is also its own reward. SteelClaw is a crazy man on it's mission and he likes it that way.



Originally Posted by flipside View Post
The one thing missing is why you restart your league with new game updates. I think I remember you posting this in the past but I seem to have forgotten.

Overall, I greatly applaud your efforts for finding the fun in the game that best suits you. We see lots of posts on the boards of saying the game is boring to them, nothing is fun anymore, etc. Every time I think of you and want to tell them that their fun is only as far away as their own imagination.
My understanding of the reset is because when a new issue comes out, it gives an unfair advantage to lower level/newer characters over the higher level/older characters, point wise. To level the playing field, everyone has to go and start from scratch again.

Its quite logical, in a masochistic way.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



I restart my Tournaments for pretty much the reasons Twisted mentioned. If the Devs come up with a neat little feature that I simply HAVE to incorporate into the Tournament then I tend to restart to make things "fair and just" among the competitors.

Another reason I restart is when the Tournament begins to be more cloyful than joyful. If I start having to convince myself to play then I know it's time to reconsider my rules system.

As far as introducing more characters; I have rules for that. Gee... what a shock. I divide my tournament into Rounds. Here is what my current round looks like:

1st up- D'Shan Steelclaw
2nd- Choice of team La Vedova di Mafia
3rd- Edie Wyldfire
4th- La Bella Mafia
5th- Choice of team Forge Force
6th- Assisted Afterlife

The "Choice" turns are basically so I can choose which of the two team members I play that day. I did this so I wasn't always REQUIRED to play a certain character. Usually my choice is based on who I am in the mood to play or who would be advantageous for the day it lands on. (ie- A support archetype on a weekend day or a solo-centric on a slower playing day)

My current rules include a new hero and villain team to be introduced every 5th round. So, once I have played through the above list five times I will create four new characters (two heroes and two villains) and add them to the list which will double it to 12 turns during the round rather than 6.

Each addition of teams will increase the amount of time before the NEXT new teams are added so, hopefully, I won't become quickly inundated with a quagmire of too many characters to play.

Characters in the Tournament will have all their stats recorded on the 5th, 10th, etc rounds so as to be compared to new players to determine the Tourney rankings.

See? Not complicated at all... heh.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
I won't get in to the equations... actually I pretty much can't...
The first rule of the Tournament is that there is no Tournament.



What happens if someone wins?

Further, how does someone win?

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Thank you for enlightening a whole new generation of forum goers Steelclaw .

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



The odd thing is that Steelclaw plays the game as analytically as I post about the game, and posts about the game as looney as the way I play the game.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The odd thing is that Steelclaw plays the game as analytically as I post about the game, and posts about the game as looney as the way I play the game.
You heard it here first... I'm the Anti-Aranaville! Or Arcana is the Anti-Steelclaw... or something... hmmm... I'll have to reverify my religious texts and prophecies on the matter.

As far as "winning" the game... *I* win... every time I play... but no... there is no real way to win the Tournament... although if there were it would probably involve actually having a character reach 50th level.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
You heard it here first... I'm the Anti-Aranaville! Or Arcana is the Anti-Steelclaw... or something... hmmm... I'll have to reverify my religious texts and prophecies on the matter.

As far as "winning" the game... *I* win... every time I play... but no... there is no real way to win the Tournament... although if there were it would probably involve actually having a character reach 50th level.

I thought that ment that you were Aranaville's praetorian counterpart.

Or maybe Aranaville is your praetorian counterpart either way I'm sure you have a spread sheet to figure it out.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
I thought that ment that you were Aranaville's praetorian counterpart.

Or maybe Aranaville is your praetorian counterpart either way I'm sure you have a spread sheet to figure it out.
Hopefully Steelclaw is Arcanaville's counterpart and not the other way around; he probably looks better with a goatee than she does.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
You heard it here first... I'm the Anti-Aranaville! Or Arcana is the Anti-Steelclaw... or something... hmmm... I'll have to reverify my religious texts and prophecies on the matter.
So which one wears the goatee?



Since I already HAVE a goatee... I figure I'll take that responsibility.

I'd upload a photo of myself to prove I have one but the last time I tried to send my picture over the internet it devolved into a rather embarassing fiasco...

Weapon of mass destruction indeed... hmph.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



You know...

I have a webpage (l2pnoob.org) dedicated to trying to explain to people that the point of MMOs is not to have the l33test loot, or have the best rewards, but to enjoy playing.

Steelclaw, would you mind if I were to use you as an example there? I think you've got one of the best examples I've seen of playing a game on your own terms, completely disregarding what other people seem to enjoy. And I honestly find it really cheering. I could never do that, I can't understand how it's fun, but you take such evident joy in it.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
You know...

I have a webpage (l2pnoob.org) dedicated to trying to explain to people that the point of MMOs is not to have the l33test loot, or have the best rewards, but to enjoy playing.

Steelclaw, would you mind if I were to use you as an example there? I think you've got one of the best examples I've seen of playing a game on your own terms, completely disregarding what other people seem to enjoy. And I honestly find it really cheering. I could never do that, I can't understand how it's fun, but you take such evident joy in it.
Sure... it would be a unique experience to have someone other than Psychiatrists or Psychological Disorder Specialists using me as an example for something.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
You heard it here first... I'm the Anti-Aranaville! Or Arcana is the Anti-Steelclaw... or something... hmmm... I'll have to reverify my religious texts and prophecies on the matter.

As far as "winning" the game... *I* win... every time I play... but no... there is no real way to win the Tournament...



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Since I already HAVE a goatee... I figure I'll take that responsibility.
Is it a steel goatee?

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



Well, I do have a psych degree.

But really, it's a fascinating thing. And it seems to me that it's probably a much saner response to your internal state than spending immense amounts of effort trying to Be Normal.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
So which one wears the goatee?
The question you should be asking is not who, but according to Steelclaw's formulas where.

I'll let Mod13 stare at this one for a while, wondering in terror if I intend to post pictures.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)