VIP server concerns.




First off, I'm not thrilled about the hybrid business model Paragon Studios is going with. But it's going to happen whether I like it or not, so I'm not going to waste time complaining pointlessly about it. I'll wait and see how it plays out before making any decisions regarding my account status.

That's not what I wanted to address here though.

With the number of posts I've seen concerning character transfers to the VIP server, it concerns me that there is going to be a large exodus of VIP players moving to a server that free players can't access. This is potentially a very bad thing.

First, if enough currently subscribed players move their primary gaming activities to the VIP server, it is going to leave a false impression on new F2P players that the game is a lot more dead than it really is. With the "going F2P means the game is dying" impression that they may have already, logging in to find very few subscribed players and a lot of free players will just reinforce that impression. If a free player gets the impression that the game is in danger of going under, they will be much less likely to spend any money on it.

Second, those free players that stick around long enough to realize that a lot of people are on a server they can't access, it is going to make them feel like we don't think they are good enough to hang out with us. I know *I'd* get that impression if I started playing and the veterans seemed to be avoiding me by playing on a server I can't play on. I don't think I'd be too keen on playing a game in which I feel like a second class citizen. (and sadly enough, it seems that some people are already seeing free players that way, and they don't even exist yet)

Third, it is going to be hard enough for free players to get any questions they have answered without the more knowledgeable players being completely out of their reach. They can only talk in Local, Help, and Team chat. I'd be happy to answer questions myself, but if I'm super jumping through a zone the odds of me hearing a new player asking a question in Local aren't very good.

And lastly, the rush to go to the VIP server has me concerned about the quality of the community in general.

Granted, I understand that some people may be doing it to consolidate a multi-server SG, or to play with friends who have their main on another server. But, I really have to wonder how many people are wanting to do it just to not be bothered by the free players. That doesn't sound much like the "helpful and friendly community" I've come to love about this game. To be honest, it sounds more like the "collection of elitist snobs" I was afraid this game would turn into if we went to a free to play business model.

If that's the way the community evolves (or devolves) I'm going to be sad indeed, because it will mean one of my last reasons for sticking around as long as I have will have gone away.

So, please, take some of those things into consideration before deciding to jump ship to the VIP server and leaving all the free players to fend for themselves.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



You make some great points, but keep in mind people won't be moving to team with other friends, we have had that option now for quite some time now with server transfers.

If people leave to go to the VIP server it will be to get away from the F2P players. Because the VIP server is no different from any other serer we can transfer to now, other than F2P having no access to it.

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I don't really see a mass exodus to the VIP server happening. Sure, there will be a fair number of people who would rather not deal with the new folks pack up and leave town, but I think it is safe to assume those folks would either ignore the new free players, or be down right hostile toward them, so I say good riddance and have fun in your ivory tower.

I don't see most people leaving their home server and friends just to escape the free players. Some of the most fun teams I have been on, are the ones made up of mostly new players. Their enthusiasm for the game makes things much more light and enjoyable. When I was newbie not so long ago, I received a lot of friendly help and advice, and I look forward to having even more opportunities to pass that on. I may be overly optimistic, but I think most people feel the same way. I live on Freedom and Virtue, and that is where I intend to stay. Bring on more team mates!



Well, I for one will probably NOT be using the VIP server for anything other than a wharehouse for un-played Lvl 50s so that I can keep slots open where I will actually be playing: everywhere I do now.



I think it may actually be a good thing. Because all the people leaving will be the elitist trogs who would only talk down to new and F2P players like they were some kind of second rate citizens.

As it is, the ones left will be the ones who honestly don't care about that kinda arrogance, and will happily deal and team with any players bar the tools and idiots. So, it may well actually be a nicer environment for newbies to come to.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I will only be using the VIP server to create new characters on, since all names will be free on it until people start populating it. I won't be moving any characters to it, and haven't seen many people saying that they will move all of their characters there.

I think there is little worry that new players won't have any Vets around.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
With the "going F2P means the game is dying" impression that they may have already, logging in to find very few subscribed players and a lot of free players will just reinforce that impression.
Will you be able to tell whether someone is Free, Premium, or VIP just by looking at them?

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
You apparently missed my thread from a few days ago. Read this if you get the chance.
I actually just came back from a short break. I let my sub lapse and saw the Freedom thing when I stopped by to try and keep up with things on the forums. I re-upped myu subscription after reading a little bit of it, because I wanted to weigh in on it.

It kinda sounds like you have some of the same concerns I do about the VIP server.

The number of posts I saw wanting to know about transferring entire SGs, including bases, is what has me concerned. Not that SGs mean much to free players, since they can't join them. But transferring a whole SG, en masse, means there are quite a few players that will most likely be making a permanent move.

Those of us on the forums are the players, generally speaking, most likely to want to help new people out. But we are barely 10% of the game's total population. How many people who don't post on the forums will feel the same way about helping newbies as us?

Having Vets around is a good thing, and I'm sure there will be a good number remaining. I'm just concerned that enough people will want to avoid the hassle of F2P players that it will give them (the F2Ps) a bad impression of the game's population.

I hope my concerns turn out to be unfounded, but until I see the results for myself I'm not going to be too optimistic about it yet.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Not directed at any person in particular, but to certain peoples of a specific sort.

Moving all characters to a VIP only server? The concept blows my mind. When the VIP server was first announced it occurred to me that they were doing things backwards: Better to create one or a few servers exclusively for free players... then CHARGE VETS TO ACCESS THOSE.

Yeah, that's right. I would pay a fee to play on a server that was filled with a bunch of people new to the game. Veterans, in any game, are the most jaded people you'll ever meet. New features never meet their high expectations, everything has been turned in to a grind, their sense of entitlement sours the very air around them. Veterans rarely get excited... Part of being a vet in gaming culture is competing to see who can be more blase. Vets suck. I hope you all die(in game ).

New players are excited, not necessarily in a jumping around the room kind of way, but excited nonetheless. Playing with them can be like discovering the game all over again. They experiment, sometimes even innovate. The worst thing about new players isn't their ignorance or the occasional poor attitude. The worst thing is watching them turn in to vets, to watch them be instructed in what is "best" and "worst", to watch them be told that regardless of how much fun they're having it just isn't the right kind of fun. The worst thing about new players is watching them turn in to vets.

Yes, I'm generalizing. Playing left fiddle to the forums right oboe. Stroking the emu while dancing a jig. So what? Go suck eggs. I'll be playing with the new guys.



Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Will you be able to tell whether someone is Free, Premium, or VIP just by looking at them?
Not just by looking at their character.

But if someone is playing a Mastermind, a Controller, a Kheld, or a VEAT, they aren't a free player.

Vet badges will give it away as well.

So will using costume pieces that aren't in the default character creator, at least for the first few weeks while the free players are still deciding if they want to stay.

High level characters in the first few weeks are also a good indication that the person is at least a Premium player (returning player on a 50 for example), mostly because brand new free players won't have the knowledge or access to things to PL characters up.

There are a number of ways you can tell who is a free player and who isn't.

Edit: @Chocolate Bacon: You make a good point. We need more players like you around here.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



But transferring a whole SG, en masse, means there are quite a few players that will most likely be making a permanent move.
One thing to note about this, C&E, is that only the red-star will have the ability to move the group and base. Guess what this means to every other character in that group? POOF. No longer in the group. They will then have to transfer every character, one at a time, to the VIP server and rejoin the SG, losing all prestige history by doing so.

I think your fears will turn out to be unfounded.

There was mention of a "heavy hitters" group being formed on the VIP server just for the hell of it but that would mostly consist of new characters.

Be well, people of CoH.



It's killing me that people have this false dichotomy in their heads. Either a VIP will move to the new server, or they'll stay on their home server.

I think the reality of the situation will be that almost everyone will do what I do. They'll create some new characters on the VIP server, probably move one or two over there, and try it out. They'll probably be part of the community that develops on that server.

But that in no way implies that I'm going to abandon my old servers. My main characters will be staying home. I have friends on those "old" servers, I've helped to build up supergroups, I like the mood and feel of those places.

When they combined the server list, I created a new character on Defiant. I've been playing him a lot lately, but I haven't "left" the servers I was on before. I still pop in there, and once my Defiant guy hits 50, I'll probably stop playing him as often and play characters on other servers again with more-or-less equal frequency. When the VIP server hits, it will be no different. When I play there, I'm not avoiding free players any more than when I play on Defiant, Infinity, Triumph, or anywhere else, I'm avoiding VIPs.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



What's going to make up my mind is, "Which of these expectations do the F2P players meet?"

1. As some want to say, "Excited about the game." Actually trying to be part of the community, etc. Which would, of course, be wonderful... and much like just plain old "new players" now. Or,

2. "I can be a jerk because I have zero investment in the game." Which, unfortunately, *is* what I've come away with in other games. Getting away from *that* isn't "elitist."

I'll be making characters on the new server, yes. Not least because I'm an altaholic. Even if I wanted to, though, I couldn't move "all" - or even "most" or "a fair percentage" of my characters to it. The question is not "Are you moving," but "Where, three months in, will you be spending most of your time?"



Meh. After I realized I was wrong about assuming the game was dropping down to two servers, 1 Free and 1 VIP, I dropped any notion I had about moving characters enmasse tothe VIP server.

The VIP server will just be another place to create alts, and Freedom will still be the server I prefer to retire characters to.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
It kinda sounds like you have some of the same concerns I do about the VIP server.
I really don't have any concerns about the VIP server. We won't see an en masse movement because we can only freely move one character per month.

The posts you saw about moving SGs (and I made one myself), are primarily about moving personal storage SGs. Moving an entirely populated SG could likely lead to the dissolution of the SG, and likely won't even be attempted.

I know I'll be making two characters on the VIP server. Dechs Kaison, my bots/traps (no, not a transfer, a straight reboot of the character), will be the first. The second will be my attempt to get a name I've always wanted to have.

But I still see myself spending most of my time on Virtue.

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
With the number of posts I've seen concerning character transfers to the VIP server, it concerns me that there is going to be a large exodus of VIP players moving to a server that free players can't access. This is potentially a very bad thing.
Well, yes. The lag on that server would be terrible and there would be queues all the time!

Always remember, we were Heroes.



If I were to go to the VIP server, I think it would be social suicide.

EU servers the only place really that has an active server base in my time-frame, i've noticed even Freedom is lower population at my time.

For me to go to the VIP server it would require the entire EU player-base to go, which isn't likely to happen.

Besides I am content with my home server (Defiant), and in the past we have united in getting rid of bad eggs before and I have no doubt that should the need rise again that we will deal with them also.
I suppose that's an advantage of a smaller population server, if someone upsets alot of people word gets around.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



how about making a F2P server instead of a vip lol



They will all be F2P servers... Except for the VIP only one.

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



We're not going to be losing some HUGE chunk of our population to the VIP server.
The new free players won't be stranded without help - and even if you were, you don't think they wouldn't be able to figure out the game? Didn't we all have to figure it out as we went along?



I have 60 characters...I couldn't completely abandon the current servers for the VIP server even if I wanted to. I'm willing to bet that the same can be said of a large number of the game's vets. Maybe not in the exact same numbers, of course, but given server limits, and the price of transfers and unlocking slots, I just don't see a mass VIP exodus happening.

That said, since I've conveniently filled the lists of what's available to me on the three servers I do play on, I'm leaning towards starting any new characters post-i21 on the VIP server, if for no other reason than because I figger I'm more likely to get the name I want.



Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
I don't really see a mass exodus to the VIP server happening.

I don't see most people leaving their home server and friends just to escape the free players.
Those are my expectations as well. I'm not planning on relocating, and neither is anyone else I know in-game. We're all staying right where we're at. I expect the vast majority of players will end up doing the same. Sure, I'll probably create a few new characters on the new server just to check it out, but that's about it. In the end, I wouldn't be surprised at all, if the new VIP server ends up being one of the least populated servers..



All the concerns are based on the major IF in the first concern.
And, I don't see any reason to believe that that IF will go the negative way.

I would imagine, if the game goes into the sewers because of the influx of F2P riffraff, Paragon Studios would try to make adjustments to make things better more quickly than the existing playerbase would be fleeing in peril.

And, no, I don't expect the F2P terror to hurt the community in this way.

All the reasons against mass exodus to the VIP servers seem to be too great to think that the other servers will become ghost towns.

One other thought could be this: Any of the players looking to jump into the VIP server are probably not the kind that would help the new free players to enjoy and go further with this game anyway!

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Well, the responses in this thread are making me feel a little better about my concerns at least.

Hopefully all your attitudes toward it extend across the rest of the playerbase.

I've been out ofthe loop since a little bit before the news broke about Freedom, so I've been skimming here and there as I've had time. Unfortunately, it seems my skimming led me to the more negatively toned threads.

I'll stick around for a while and see how this all pans out. And hey, even if I decide I don't want to give NCSoft my money anymore, at least I'll still be able to log in and kill ****.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.