Discussion: Keep Galaxy City Clean!




My main (EI) started in Galaxy City

My new alt just started there too heh.

Hooray for GC love!

Although to be honest, I 'hope' they're not doing a re-design of the whole zone...somewhat pointless unless there is something that makes people want to go there. *shrugs* We'll see I guess...

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I'm betting meteor event, and I love the insight offered so far (anagrams on the name and the possible foreshadowing of a date).

My deciphering of the bottom of the article: "The meteor...event will be clear...in Paragon City...on the d(ate)...Sho(wn).

I'm going to go ahead and guess big meteor event for Friday, June 8th, 2012.

Except we won't hear nor see anything else related to this for another few months, :P

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Tidbit View Post
Also - Ruth Lading - anagram of anything significant?
It is. The most relevant thing to come out of the anagram generator was Haling Turd. I think we can all see where this is going...


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
maybe another stress test? the last one was so much fun ,almost like a tooth extraction
Just a guess but Second Measure did mention regarding the Defender of Primal Earth Badge that in the next few months they would be doing another event which provide an opportunity for those that couldn't log on during the American Memorial weekend to earn the badge.

Looks like they might be leaving it open as to what we might be defending from... clockwork sweepers? Shivans? Both?

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



I love Galaxy City! This reminds me of an old CoH travel guide I started back in 2005. I never finished the travel guide and because of that I never got to share it with anyone, so I thought this would be as good a place as any. So I dug it out of my vault and here it is. Enjoy a peek into Galaxy City circa July 2005. (Even tho it hasn't changed much since then....)

It is now a complete year since first I visited this zone. This was my gateway to Paragon City, and to all the countless adventures that would follow. Of all the Toons that I would create thereafter, I can easily state that 4 out of 5 of them all began their careers in Galaxy City. This zone has a special place in my memory, and now I would like to take you on a short tour of some of my most memorable, and picturesque areas that this zone contains. We may be visiting some areas that you may know very well yourself already, while other areas we stop at you may never really have noticed before. Perhaps you were too busy busting criminals to "stop and smell the roses." Well, no more excuses. Look around and enjoy!

We will start off by visiting my absolute favorite area in Galaxy City. There's a beautiful little creek that cuts through the southeastern corner of this zone, and while I'm not sure the name of this creek, I do know that surrounding it is a place known as Gemini Park. After I had first reached level 5 by completing the first few missions solo, I decided that this park was a great place to hunt baddies for some much-needed XP (and I was still too chicken to venture into another zone after the sewer incident (but lets leave that story for another day)), so I explored this green expanse for a couple of hours, wandering underneath the shady trees that overlooked picnic tables and thoughtfully-placed benches, lost in the scenery as I apprehended muggers and body-snatching Vhazilok minions. Those pesky Vhaz gave me the worst trouble, and after a few deaths, I soon learned to steer clear of those leather-clad BDSM-obsessed Eidolon/Murk bosses.

PHOTO OP: At the southern edge of the park, across the street from several shops that proclaim names such as "Chillin' Villians Bale Bonds" and the comics/games/books store known as "The Wizard's Well" (Imagine yourself a new life!), there is a large outcropping of boulders shading a couple of benches. This area is great for snapping some pictures, either around the benches, or by climbing up atop of the mound of rocks to better view the park around you.

LOCAL LANDMARK: In the extreme southeastern corner of the zone, just south of Gemini Park, the large boulder, and into the area known as Constellation Row, there is a neat area fenced off for two full-length blacktop basketball courts. It is here where myself and another hero played a quick game of CoH-style basketball, the two of us running around and attempting to jump onto (and successfully land) on the hoop of the goal. Its not as easy as it looks, especially for people still learning how to manipulate their Toon in the game enviroment, maneuvering them utilizing their control setup, and acclimating to the interesting jumping physics inherant to City of Heroes. Needless to say, however, that I got game, yo.

Most of the southern half of this zone is populated with wharehouses, factories, and nondescriped buildings that loom over dark, smelly alleyways where evil-doers skulk about in the shadows, waiting to pounce on their unsuspecting prey. For some reason, I hate going into this area of the zone comprising the Nebula District and Constellation Row, but not for myself. I hate it for my characters who have to trudge around this place for their early-level missions, peeping into warehouses to defeat some punks pushing 'dyne out on the streets.

Other than Gemini Park, the southern half of Galaxy City has little to offer for my Walkabout, and since I would rather not have this beautiful early summer day spent brawling in wharehouse parking lots, let's head North instead, hugging close along the eastern wall and into the Orion Beltway.

PHOTO OP: Speaking of parking lots, as you head north from Gemini Park, directly against the eastern wall, there is a parking structure (directly to the east of the Equinox map-marker-dot). If you can handle the Hellions that loiter around collecting the parking tolls, wander your way to the top of the structure. If you have the confidence (or the jumping prowess), try to leap across a small gap to the ledge of a building directly south of the parking structure, and carefully make your way to the soutwest corner of the building. Face to the north, where you will find a great view of the parking structure, the city streets with the skyscrapers overhead, a colorful banner for Elena (playing at the Morway Theatre 17th-30th) and a plaza beneath you, where you can watch pedistrians as they crisscross about, on their way to wherever it is they go.

LOCAL LANDMARK: Travel west, straight along the street to the Equinox map-marker-dot where you'll find yourself in front of the much-publicized Arena. You'll also be near a plaque commererating a parade in honor of the hero Atlas (which, one would think would be in Atlas Park, but noooo) and his defeat of the notorious Teal Serpent. Wonder where the Serpent resides today? Could he have survived the battle? Well, the Cryptic Studios building is also located near this location, so why not stop in and ask one of the Devs yourself? (Seriously, who hasn't tried to enter this building?)

Keep working your way west from Equinox, towards the Hospital and the Yellow Line. It is because of the location of these two buildings, and their relative closeness to the zone's trainer and the Freedom Corps building, that I continue to return time and time again to this zone with my baby heroes. I find that they are much more convieniantly placed than those in Atlas Park, and I enjoy the flat and easily-navigated plaza that surround these buildings. In my opinion, this area is much better than the cliffs that the train station in Atlas Park is perched on. (Cliffs I have fallen down many times as I miss-timed my jumps attempting to maneuver up, across, or around the surrounding high walls.)

PHOTO OP: Directly Northeast of the hospital, at a four-way intersection, there is a billboard hanging from the overhead train tracks. As soon as I get a character to level 50 and start a Kheldian hero, I plan on snapping a few pics of that Toon standing atop the tracks above this sign with an angry look on its face.

LOCAL LANDMARK: Contained directly behind (to the North of) the Yellow Line is an area I refer to as the Northwest Mall. It is a block of low-level buildings, easily scaled by jumping from the roof of a delivery truck. You can easily hop from building to building, climbing up the air ducts and ledges as you hunt for the evil Vhazilok minions that infest these roofs. There is a well-lit alley that cuts this block in half, where muggers await unsuspecting heroes. In this alley, lined with storefronts on either side, is a split in the buildings, where a low wall stands behind two benches. Be careful if you intend to bound over the wall, because the streetlights don't illuminate the dumpster-lined alley behind it, and you never know what could be waiting.

Our final destination of this Walkabout will be towards the center of the zone, Freedom Court. Yeah, there isn't such a huge courtyard around the Brawler as Ms. Liberty has over in Atlas Park, and the whole area has a more business-like tone to it. This is the perfect starting zone for those players who have had enough of meandering through another dull costume contest just to reach the trainer. I have discovered that very few large groups of heroes ever congregate in this zone. Most seem task-minded and uninterested in chit-chat as they quickly maneuver from trainer to enhancement vendor to contact, and then off to their mission.

PHOTO OP: Travel directly east of the Freedom Corps building and Back Alley Brawler until you reach a small plaza leading onto a set of steps going downhill towards the PvP Arena. This well-landscaped area works great for snapping pictures from many different angles and positions. My favorite photo op is to stand on the top column at the center of the stairs and pan the image around to where the huge statue of Galaxy Girl hovers faintly over my shoulder in the distance.

LOCAL LANDMARK: It is somewhat disappointing that the beautiful statue of Galaxy Girl has such a big, messy parking lot surrounded by what would otherwise be a neat little park. There's some nice benches shaded by trees and rock formations, but the parking lot is full of potholes and old trucks leaking oil. Some local residents should complain, have the parking lot taken out, and the greenery extended. But no, this hasn't happened. Instead, the only thing exciting I've ever witnessed underneath Galaxy Girl's statue (as opposed to the constant contests and parade of superteams under the Atlas statue) is a guy who had just gotten the Super Jump travel power, and was jumping up into her skirt and broadcasting that he was making out with her. It was quite sad.

I hope you have enjoyed this Walkabout, and I look forward to seeing some of your snapshops of this zone, and hearing your own anecdotes about your travels around Galaxy City. Until next time, remember to stop and enjoy the little things that surround you, both in City of Heroes, and in life itself.

"If you can't beat them, join them, then beat them."



Did anyone seen the Meteorite Shower Part of the news paper, the Shivans are Coming, the start of the Coming Storm.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Nope. No one noticed that.



I loved the tour of Galaxy City, KrymnerX! I'm also a fan of starting out my heroes in Galaxy. It seems a little humbler, more down-to-earth than Atlas Park.



So. I guess I should point out that meteor showers are usually a cluster of meteoroid fragments, usually accepted to be the remnants of a comet or asteroid that essentially breaks up and leaves behind a large cloud of rubble in its place as the pieces continue on its orbit. When the Earth passes through this cloud of debris, some of those particles strike the Earth's atmosphere and burn up: the incandescent trails are what we call meteors.

I say this because a meteor shower is only a meteor shower if the Earth physically passes through this cloud of debris. If the debris misses the Earth, there's no meteor shower. So when Paragon University says there's going to be a meteor shower, but also that the meteors will pass five million miles away from Earth, someone seems to have clearly gotten something garbled. "Shower" means "strike" not "near miss." Of course, most meteors don't reach the ground: they tend to be the size of a marble or grain of sand and vaporize in the atmosphere. Meteor showers in particular tend to be basically dust clouds.

I suspect that once again a reporter messed up like they tend to do. A Paragon University astronomer probably told them that an asteroid or comet was going to pass within five million miles of Earth, and that this particular meteroid cluster is known to be trailing a rubble cloud behind it or in front of it, and the Earth was going to pass directly through this cloud. The large objects will pass harmlessly by, while the rubble will light up the sky as a meteor shower.

Since all meteor showers happen close to our planet by definition, the astronomers probably told the reporter that it was the meteroid cluster or comet itself that they were going to be studying, probably because of its unusual configuration. In fact, comets are theorized to jettison debris that form the basis of meteor showers all the time: perhaps this one was a relatively recent breakup observed by astronomers on the ground. If so, that suggests the debris field might be extremely dense in relative terms, and produce a very exciting shower: perhaps in the hundreds of streaks per minute. You might even get objects the size of baseballs or basketballs generating extremely bright trails in the sky. Its actually been a long time since I've seen such a shower in person: the last few decades have been pretty disappointing. Would be nice if the programmers managed to create an actual visual meteor shower in the sky: I'd be pretty disappointed if I didn't look up in the sky and see something happen.

Can't trust reporters. Especially science reporters. They are always screwing things up.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Well if you look at the dates it does state June 8, 2011 however...i bet thats a typo and this event will happen on FRIDAY July 8, 2011 because thats a legitimate date and usually the devs start with the info 2-4 weeks out..this is my guess!!




There is a Galaxy city?

Never bothered with it. Atlas park was, and is, the place to go. has been for seven years. not going to change now.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
<Big, typically comprehensive Arcanaville explanation of what was wrong with the meteor article fragment>
Darnit. I get almost to the end of the thread thinking I'm going to get to show off and explain all that, only to find that Arcanaville's beaten me to the punch.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Galaxy City? I think I've heard of it. Is it near Atlas Park?
I think it's the newest AE farm mish.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Oh poop. I just watched the UStream from yesterday and second measure asked Zwillinger if he was gonna watch the meteor event tonight (which was last night). I really hope I didn't miss anything

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



All my characters start in Galaxy. It keeps them away from Atlas /broadcast.

Anyway, interesting tidbits. I like it when they do stuff in this format of media taken from the game world (like the notes from the Omega Team time capsule).

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Actually, the meteor shower article remined me of the set up for John Wyndham's Day of the Triffids. For those who don't know, a meteor shower blinds all who watch leaving them at the mercy of posionous, mobile plants.

Prolly not that, but an invasion of some kind might be interesting.

BTW, they never actually got rid of the triffids. They moved the survivors to an island and every spring people would Triffid hunting to kill the triffids that grew from wind carried spores.



Originally Posted by KrymnerX View Post
I love Galaxy City! This reminds me of an old CoH travel guide I started back in 2005. I never finished the travel guide and because of that I never got to share it with anyone, so I thought this would be as good a place as any. So I dug it out of my vault and here it is. Enjoy a peek into Galaxy City circa July 2005. (Even tho it hasn't changed much since then....)
I can honestly say that this is one of the coolest things I've read. I highly encourage you to work on it some more!

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
... and it will be directed via Facebook and Twitter? I hope the info will be posted--that is, officially posted--on the forums as well. Some of us don't like social networking, and I'd rather not dig through the virtual garbage on Facebook to find out information about the virtual garbage in City of Heroes.
I'd like to echo that sentiment. Regardless as to whether this is about changes to Galaxy City, or some new Meteor / Comet event (or both) - I'd hope that any announcements are also made here, on the official forums, and not just limited to Facebook or Twitter.

Aside from meaning that I'd have to trawl through two more sites for information (as Chad mentions above), I'm not overly keen on making any visible links between my CoH persona (or any of my other online personae) - and my real life. Anonymity is hero's greatest power and all that (to paraphrase another hero ).

Having got that off my chest, and getting down off my soapbox: Any new content or events are always a good thing, so will be interested to see how this plays out (and whether or not we will have to wait until June 2012 to see this, whatever it is )

<Grumpy old man goes back to his corner and continues to moan about 'not getting it'>

Cheers, @RoboTank

Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster

Sent from my HAL 9000



I will need the following emotes:

/em wipe, depicting the character taking out a rag and cleaning a wall surface with it
/em mop, depicting the character taking out a mop and cleaning the ground with it.

I will also suggest a travel power that has the character walking while sweeping with a broom. (Should be like walk in that all powers are suppressed.)

I also would advise that Beef Cake be asked to go to Praetoria, beat up Marauder, force him to put on a maid outfit and then make him clean Galaxy City.

Maybe give him a few Praetorian Clockworks to help him.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That was a little unnecessary.