Base Teleporters
While they're at it, they should fix the Grandville beacon so that it's the CORRECT graphic, unlike the damaged graphic we've had since 2006. Oh, and the Pocket D beacon as well.
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

I Thought it would be worth throwing out the idea of allowing bases to earn teleportation beacons to both sides, well, Preatoria too. It would make it much easier for rouges and vigilanties to travel around and bring SG/VG's up to date with Going Rouge's content.
P.S. I'm new to CoH Forums so if this is an old idea sorry. |
Now your suggestion is amiable and one other players agree with, and I think the Devs themselves are looking into this, so keep your chin up and maybe it'll happen in before the tenth anniversary.
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And add either a new teleporter, or allow the old ones to be able to port to more than 2 zones.
Give SG bases attention, period.
(Also, Suggestions and Ideas is down a board or two.)
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I Thought it would be worth throwing out the idea of allowing bases to earn teleportation beacons to both sides, well, Preatoria too. It would make it much easier for rouges and vigilanties to travel around and bring SG/VG's up to date with Going Rouge's content.
P.S. I'm new to CoH Forums so if this is an old idea sorry. |
TP beacons to both sides 'could' be done and it would sort of make sense. They 'might' do that someday because they have been making the game rediculously easier to get around in. We would lose some of the 'grinding time' effects if they did that.
Adding beacons to Praetoria?
That would be more difficult to 'explain in game' per say. Having your teleporter now be able to transport you to another dimension is a bit of a stretch.
It takes a raid teleporter of old to do it for the trial so it 'could' be done, but I don't think the standard TP unit should do it.
Who knows though, the game today is far different than the game of yesteryear. I suppose anything is possible if they come up for a reason for it, and it is deemed worth their time to do.
Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server
Beacon: Pocket D (bottom of the list)
Pocket D Beacon Badge
As I said.. unless I forgot that one

thanks for the reminder!
Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server
I suppose the developers could argue that, while Pocket D is friendly to being connected via private interdimensional portal, having the same thing to Praetoria is just inviting a bunch of Warwalkers to come in, rifle through your drawers, bust up your stuff and leave the refridgerator door open while you're not home.
Add a Cimerora TP crystal to that wishlist!
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I suppose the developers could argue that, while Pocket D is friendly to being connected via private interdimensional portal, having the same thing to Praetoria is just inviting a bunch of Warwalkers to come in, rifle through your drawers, bust up your stuff and leave the refridgerator door open while you're not home.
Agreed -- that would be awesome.
Is it possible to have a beacon to the Shadow Shard? I can't remember . . .
One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.
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27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED
I suppose the developers could argue that, while Pocket D is friendly to being connected via private interdimensional portal, having the same thing to Praetoria is just inviting a bunch of Warwalkers to come in, rifle through your drawers, bust up your stuff and leave the refridgerator door open while you're not home.
I tend to learn towards the first, which does make a good point that supergroup bases would quite likely break that suspension more blatantly.
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Unfortunately, they don't intend for heroes to cross over to villain zones and vice-versa unless coded as such, so while the idea is laudable, it's impractical at best. Just think of the troubles Vigilantes/Rogues have when using Ouroboros "overseas"...
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Except Pocket D links to Praetoria. You can have two arguments to suppose against that, one is the meta-game aspect which is simply admitting it's a meta-solution and best not to think about it, or that DJ Zero is more intimidating than Primal Earth.

Except Pocket D links to Praetoria. You can have two arguments to suppose against that, one is the meta-game aspect which is simply admitting it's a meta-solution and best not to think about it, or that DJ Zero is more intimidating than Primal Earth.
I tend to learn towards the first, which does make a good point that supergroup bases would quite likely break that suspension more blatantly. |
And when you say it's the D linking to Praetoria, notice that word choice - the power (and ability to discriminate) is all on the D's side.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
On the topic of updating bases I would love to see them add in a new base object that would go in a teleport room, perhaps called a "Telereformation device" or somesuch, which would grant everyone in the SG a clickable temp power similar to how the base teleport powers work.
Basically, say you are in Atlas Park and wanted to go to Dark Astoria, you either tram it to Talos then hoof it to Dark Astoria, or you Enter your SG base and hoof it to the teleport room and teleport to Dark Astoria, which is only slightly quicker than the above example, and that's assuming you have a small base. On really large bases the loading time actually makes using the SG teleporter a slower method.
Now, my suggested power would have you standing in Atlas, click the power, and up pops a list of locations that your SG base has teleporters to. You go directly from Atlas park to Dark Astoria. This brings back a reason to go through the time and effort to have an SG teleport room again, because currently, those reasons have over time been kicked to the ground and stomped on.
"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.
"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.
There's already checks in the game to prevent heroes or villains from crossing into the wrong zone, it should not be hard to add those checks into the base teleport system either. The easiest way to do so would have separate Hero and Villain teleporters, each that would check for any zone/alignment violations (or better yet, but possibly harder to code would be to have the beacon's attached to a teleporter determine the teleporter's "alignment").
In addition to this, it'd be really handy if teleporters could handle more than 2 beacons at a time.
It'd also be handy if the teleporters dropped players in a logical location, as opposed to some out-of-the-way location. Same could be said for the Oroboros portal.
A portal to Cimerora, Shadowshard//Firebase Zulu would be handy, but I don't agree with portals to Praetoria, at least not yet. The Portal to D's doesn't bother me at all - Zero's abilities can easily make that possible.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
the only request i have about base tp is that they should be able to attach more than 2 beacons per tp pad, it would make it a helluva lot easier to just attach like 6 beacons per pad and would give base builders more space to do what they want instead of plan for having 6-12 telepads

New Year, New Discussion - PVP (2-25-11)
What do you like about the Current CoH PvP Experience (2-28-11)
What was your favorite thing about pre-I13 PvP? (3-11-11)
In contrast, the last post by a redname addressing base development was in October of 2009 by Sunstorm.
And the once upon a time mentioned Base Art thread (in July, last year) never appeared.
jus' sayin'
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

I Thought it would be worth throwing out the idea of allowing bases to earn teleportation beacons to both sides, well, Preatoria too. It would make it much easier for rouges and vigilanties to travel around and bring SG/VG's up to date with Going Rouge's content.
P.S. I'm new to CoH Forums so if this is an old idea sorry.