A few quick questions from a new guy...
To unlock the Dual Pistols powerset for good, you will need to buy Going Rogue. This also unlocks Kinetic Melee.
When you buy the pack, the month will get added to your account and simply push back the date that you get charged for a month. You can add it whenever you like - no need to wait.
Check out Freedom, Virtue and Infinity for villain action, although keep in mind that because of the relatively new Incarnate System, a lot of people are only playing their level 50s, which means you won't see them in the zone you'll be in. Also, a big part of this game is instanced, so there aren't a lot of players just wandering around the zones. They are all in missions.
I started a character on trial and gave him the dual-gun power set; unfortunately not knowing much about the game I didn't know you had to get the big game pack to keep the power once you subscribed lol. I assume there isn't a way around this unless I buy the full going rouge pack?
I tried to get onto the forums before I bought the standard 9.99 game pack, as I had questions about the others, but I couldn't log onto the forums because my trial had expired which sucked. I will get the Going Rogue expansion next month; I'm guessing I should wait until my current 30 days is close to up, buy the expansion and use the code given to "upgrade" my account?Also, I'm guessing the 30 days of game time coming with the new pack will apply as well? |
Are some of the servers better to play villains on? I noticed on my server, the server itself is always crowded but the villains city is usually dead. I'm just in the main zone there, so I guess once I venture out further (take the ferry?) I'll see some more folks. |
City of Heroes also came out before City of Villains by a significant amount, so a lot of the veteran players stuck with their group of friends and didn't venture villain side much at all.
There is also a lot more content in general on hero side. Once you get into your 40s on villain side, there is a good chance you won't have much left to do other than paper missions (or tips if you have Going Rogue)
Also, I'm sure you've noticed the game is very instance based, which means most of the stories take place on mission maps and not out in the world. What that means is there could be hundreds of people in the zone you are in, but if they are running missions you won't be able to see them. The same is true when you are in a mission as well, when you are no one can see you either.
Try joining one or more of the global channels for your server (you can find them in the Servers section of the forums). Global channels are generally used for finding teams, among other things. They are cross zone and cross server, so you could be standing in Mercy Island on Freedom and be talking to someone who is in Independence Port on Infinity. Since the game's population is so spread out, that is really the best way to find other people to run with.
Hope that helps.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
As Space Nut said, the time from the version of the game you bought and the Going Rogue Complete Collection will stack no matter when you add them.
Bit of advice against Murphy - Save the codes for your account. If you bought a boxed version of the game, this is the code(s) entered to start/upgrade your account. If you buy from the NCSoft store it will be emailed to you after your account is created.
Keep track of these - they are asked for if something happens and you end up locked out.
Also, they will ask for first sub payment method (the first time you pay for that isn't considered "free") - if a credit card, note type and last four digits, if a time card, keep it (rather, the entire number).
Now, you won't necessarily ever need these, and people have had their accounts restored without all this info, but if you are ever asked for it and can provide it, it moves quicker.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Thanks for all your quick responses
I've definitely noticed the differences between content on the two sides, with the Hero side being much cooler in my opinion. I've also noticed that about the missions as well, I've seen several cool looking characters vanish into random doorways going to missions.
I've basically been learning as I go and doing every mission I can get my hands on from my contacts, while killing bad guys in-between on my way to missions. It sucks that I can't use my main guy from the trial account, but I'll just buy the expansion when I get paid again next month. I finally got my secondary character leveled up to 10 last night, so I'm sure different things will start to open up to me now. My villain is only level 3, he's more fun to play than my hero blaster, but the missions just aren't as fun yet...
It's such a massive game and there's so much to take in about it; I'm trying not to melt my brain lol. I still have base-building, super-groups, inventions, recipes, architect, and a ton of other things to take in as well; right now I'm just working on getting leveled up to fly so I can more around a bit quicker, and I want my cape lol. I've solo'd everything I've done so far; luckily I've only hit a few problem areas when I've wondered somewhere i shouldn't have been...
On a side note, I haven't noticed any hooded cloaks in the game yet, but I assume you can get them? Also, is there a site (here possibly) that has maps or walkthrough's of certain missions? I've only gotten stuck on one so far which was the "find and kill Frostfire" mission from the Hollows. I cleared the building but couldn't find Frostfire for some reason. I've also wondered about the age groups in this game. So far the people I've come across seem more mature than with other games I've tried which is a good thing imo...
Again, thanks for all the information, it's very much appreciated. I've been dying to play this game for years, but never had a cpu that could run it until last month. Growing up I was a huge comic fan, so you can imagine how much I love this game lol...
Welcome to the Game!!! Enjoy the ride on your first couple of toons, read the stories and immerse yourself in the lore presented. And yes, the population on this game does seem more mature; a major reason why I continue to play and enjoy it.
Mal...<------- is an actual gramma and some things can annoy her, as in little snot nosed leet speaking brats that spam profanity on the globals.
Call me,,, Mal
On a side note, I haven't noticed any hooded cloaks in the game yet, but I assume you can get them?
Capes are back details tied to a story arc given by the City Representative hero side, or Kalinda/Burke villain side (depending which one you picked), starting at level 20. HOWEVER, depending on what perks you have on your account (costume packs, veteran status) some cape styles/designs can be available at level 1
Also, is there a site (here possibly) that has maps or walkthrough's of certain missions? I've only gotten stuck on one so far which was the "find and kill Frostfire" mission from the Hollows. I cleared the building but couldn't find Frostfire for some reason. I've also wondered about the age groups in this game. So far the people I've come across seem more mature than with other games I've tried which is a good thing imo... |
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
Welcome to the game!
On a side note, I haven't noticed any hooded cloaks in the game yet, but I assume you can get them?
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Hoods are in the game right from the get-go, just not attached to a cape.
Also, there are a few capes that will unlock permanently for your account after you become a veteran long enough. Not sure when that is though it's pretty fast as I recall.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Man, reading this thread warms my heart. I love how helpful the forum peeps are on this game!
The other folks have pretty much covered the bases but I thought I'd chime in that once you get the Going Rogue expansion you can always side-switch to take your villain to the hero zones. I typically do this because I love villain classes but prefer the easier teaming hero-side.
Besides the global channels that were previously recommended, don't be afraid to start your own teams. Use the /search command. There are a lot of folks out there who want to team but are a little too shy to start their own and they'll leap at the chance to team up.
Here's a trick to make it easier. I like to create a button I can put in a power tray that will send a tell/whisper to whoever I have selected in the Search window. Here's the command:
/macro Inv, "tell $target, Hi, I'm level 10 running missions. Want in?"
That will create a silvery button labled "Inv". When you have someone selected in the Search window and click that Inv button, you'll send that message to the selected character. You can right-click the button to edit the level whenever you level up.
I like this approach because I can shotgun out quite a few polite invitations in a very short time using this technique and build a team quickly.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
... Yeah, if you want to see most of the people playing type /search .First it will show you everyone in zone, but if you make any selections [or none] and hit the button again it will show you everyone on your side [H or V] in the game, 50 at a time.
As far as "I still have base-building, super-groups, inventions, recipes, architect, and a ton of other things to take in as well":
Base-building: Very much optional. Maybe I've been lucky that I've always had friends who thought it was a cool toy, but I've never built a base with more than one room in my entire 7 years.
Supergroups: SOMETIMES they can work like "Guilds" in other games. USUALLY they're just a background layer of socialization and occasional help. But I had a group of friends in the game before they put SG's in so my experience may not be your experience.
Inventions and Recipes: I'm going to give you some sort-of-bad advice. Don't play with inventions on your first character at all. Sell everything you get (recipes, salvage) for 1 inf at Wentworth's. You'll give a lot of people some great bargains not make nearly as much inf as you could... and you'll still have way more than enough inf for regular dual- and single-origin enhancements. Once you have your feet under you, you can make money and build inventions if you like; we on the Market Forums have secrets for making money and we do not shut up about them, ever.
Architect: Given the ability to build and run anything you can think of, most people build and run stupid, pointless, linear, farms. I can't blame them much- it's really hard to create something that's got a good story, gives reasonable rewards, works for small AND large groups, doesn't instakill players, and doesn't make players miserable because every one of your minions has Caltrops (or whatever. ) If you want to try Dev's Choice and Hall of Fame arcs, you'll probably have an entertaining experience. But the same also applies if you're running the original story arcs that shipped with the game for the first time.
Welcome to the game!
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Try joining one or more of the global channels for your server (you can find them in the Servers section of the forums). Global channels are generally used for finding teams, among other things. They are cross zone and cross server, so you could be standing in Mercy Island on Freedom and be talking to someone who is in Independence Port on Infinity.
Inventions and Recipes: I'm going to give you some sort-of-bad advice. Don't play with inventions on your first character at all. Sell everything you get (recipes, salvage) for 1 inf at Wentworth's.
For a good chance at teaming and also doing raids and TFs (which start at level 10 or so, don't miss them), you'll really need to be on the global channels. Go to your server's forum (here on these forums) and say "Hi" and find out what are the good global channels for your server. You don't need to be on Freedom or Virtue if you use the global channels.
Inventions can be tough. Just buy the regular ones from vendors (Dual Origin and Single Origin Enhancements). They're cheaper than Inventions by quite a lot and will work fine. Once you get to 50, then worry about Inventions.
Also, if you sell for 1 inf at the market, you'll (normally) get more than 1 Inf. The market auto-sell matches your sale price with the highest bidder available, so you can get quite a lot. The important part of selling for 1 Inf is to get rid of inventory as quickly as possible. Don't let it build up. If something isn't selling at 1 inf, get it back from the market, right click on it in your inventory, and pick "Delete Stack."
Hint: When you do your tutorial mission, save (don't use) the Inspirations you get. Those Large Inspirations are worth 20,000 to 100,000 or so on the market, which can be a nice shot of cash for a new player.
Wow, thanks for all the replies again lol. One thing I've noticed quickly about the forums are the fact that people are very, very helpful which is a nice change.
Eventually I'll fool around with the bases, so far I don't really have a need for one. I'm more interested in learning the game, and getting to 20 for the cape mission. The architect thing sounds very cool, I started the first missions from that contact, but the place was SUPER crowded so I thought I would just go back later.
I saw the packs and the blurb on-site about getting to use the capes from level 1. I'll probably go ahead and get a booster/add-on pack tonight, just can't figure out which one yet... decisions, decisions
I went through quite a few doors on the frostfire mission, but I may have missed a level. Think I went up to the third floor, never found an elevator to the fourth. I'm going to try to knock that mission out now, if I can stay out of the character creator lol.
Most experienced players open their map and leave it open. It shows where you've been on the level, and also where you haven't been.
Open it, unpin it (one of the round dot icons on the map border) and minimize it by dragging one corner. Then move it off to the side but leave it open.
Welcome to the game! Everyone has given great advice so far so I'll just add a few more-
Stay away from a power level situation for the time being and just run missions or Task Forces. Explore Architech on your own or even with a small team but if you start to gain too many levels, you may "lose" the feel of a toon. By that I mean you will end up not gaining the knowledge to play that character effectively.
Game time-- Different editions of the game can stack as far as pay-to-play. Buy one edition, 30 days free. Grab a different edition, another 30 days. Often these older editions can be found online or at bargain stores for a lot less than $30 or even the monthly fee. Just be sure they are sealed or the code hasnt been revealed. Some will come with cool extras as well. Oh, CoH: special edition and CoV: special edition count as the same version.
And don't be afraid to come back and ask more questions. Pearls of wisdom can be found here from the usual forumites to the casual ones like me.
Are some of the servers better to play villains on? I noticed on my server, the server itself is always crowded but the villains city is usually dead.
In either case, by changing your alignment just one step (i.e. from Villain to Rogue, instead of all the way to Hero) the character will be able to visit either side of the game at all times. All of my most-played characters are an 'in between' alignment (either Rogue or Vigilante).
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Wow, thanks for all the replies again lol. One thing I've noticed quickly about the forums are the fact that people are very, very helpful which is a nice change.
Eventually I'll fool around with the bases, so far I don't really have a need for one. I'm more interested in learning the game, and getting to 20 for the cape mission. The architect thing sounds very cool, I started the first missions from that contact, but the place was SUPER crowded so I thought I would just go back later. I saw the packs and the blurb on-site about getting to use the capes from level 1. I'll probably go ahead and get a booster/add-on pack tonight, just can't figure out which one yet... decisions, decisions ![]() I went through quite a few doors on the frostfire mission, but I may have missed a level. Think I went up to the third floor, never found an elevator to the fourth. I'm going to try to knock that mission out now, if I can stay out of the character creator lol. |
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Welcome to the game.
Can't tell ya how big I smiled when I read you couldn't find Frosty! Us veterans have 'arrested' him well over 10,000 times or more and as a result have the layout memorized. To remember what it was like the 1st time is a treat!
I still recall that rush to 14 for Fly. To me, that level has always been where the actual game starts. Well, that and level 22 for SO's.
Edited to add: I didn't see it mentioned, since your looking forward to flying. Head over to Kings Row and run a few radio missions for the safeguard mission. When you beat the safeguard mission you'll get a Raptor Jetpack that lasts for 2 hours! (more than enough time to get to 14)
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
There are a few good things about hoofing it during your low levels. There are some cool touches you miss if you are simply zipping to your next instanced mission such as;
- Running along the telephone wires or tram tracks;
- Scaling a building by jumping from window ledge to window ledge;
- Bowling sounds if you stand outside one of the bowling alleys (I find that sound rather comforting);
- Certain zone events like the fires in Steel or the Troll Rave in Skyway;
- and simply getting a feel of the City by running up and down streets and alleys.
Oh, and welcome to the game.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Premium add on packs provide nice little extras like Ninja Run in the Martial Arts pack. NR is available from lvl4. Since getting it I don't slot travel and therefore have an extra power.
For flight you can get a Raptor Pack for 10k from either Grandville or The Shadow Shard.
Play the whole content at least once. If you find that you are levelling too quickly and miss some contacts you can stop earning xp in the options menu. The more contacts you do the more stuff you get.
If you miss any contacts along the way you can always go back to do those at a later time.
If you are a gaming by numbers kinda player then get mids for a "me too" toon build, plenty of links in the forums.
Have fun. Get global channels. Be nice. Welcome.
There are a few good things about hoofing it during your low levels. There are some cool touches you miss if you are simply zipping to your next instanced mission such as;
Oh, and welcome to the game. |

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
One of the really nice features is the global friends. If you team with or get help from some nice characters, ask them if you can add them as a global friends. To me the global friends list is more important than the supergroup.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
There are a few good things about hoofing it during your low levels. There are some cool touches you miss if you are simply zipping to your next instanced mission such as;
Before they unified the Trams and Boats, we used to have to Think and Plan, to get from zone to zone - not that I'm unhappy about the unification, but now I have unnecessary knowledge cluttering my mind, like how to get from Atlas Park to Dark Astoria without a Base teleporter.

Be Well!
The Level 2 PI Race isn't what it used to be, that's for sure.
("get shot in Steel Canyon" being one of the great shortcuts)
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Hey all, finally got a full subscription a few days ago after finishing out my trail last month and have a few quick questions...
I started a character on trial and gave him the dual-gun power set; unfortunately not knowing much about the game I didn't know you had to get the big game pack to keep the power once you subscribed lol. I assume there isn't a way around this unless I buy the full going rouge pack? |
Sorry, just curious.
Hey all, finally got a full subscription a few days ago after finishing out my trail last month and have a few quick questions...
I started a character on trial and gave him the dual-gun power set; unfortunately not knowing much about the game I didn't know you had to get the big game pack to keep the power once you subscribed lol. I assume there isn't a way around this unless I buy the full going rouge pack?
I tried to get onto the forums before I bought the standard 9.99 game pack, as I had questions about the others, but I couldn't log onto the forums because my trial had expired which sucked. I will get the Going Rogue expansion next month; I'm guessing I should wait until my current 30 days is close to up, buy the expansion and use the code given to "upgrade" my account?Also, I'm guessing the 30 days of game time coming with the new pack will apply as well?
Are some of the servers better to play villains on? I noticed on my server, the server itself is always crowded but the villains city is usually dead. I'm just in the main zone there, so I guess once I venture out further (take the ferry?) I'll see some more folks.
I'm sure I've got dozens more questions, just wanted to get a few out before I had to head to work; hope they make sense lol....