A question for the heroes




Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
  • Defeat the nemesis and put an end to his crime spree but at the cost of the lives of your family
  • Let the nemesis escape one more time to save the lives of those you love
Very easy decision for any Hero. Lives>money.

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Okay, I thought this was going to be about keeping a mistress as a backup plan... my bad.
If any of the paired ones tried that, clipped wings would be the LEAST of their worries...

The females of the species are rather... territorial.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
This right here, my bird-brains would say, is why it's always a good idea to have back-up. Being able to call in a couple of friends means not having to leave half of the job undone. The only real question is which bit they'd handle themselves...
Gale would refer to this as "your little dilemma is no match for the power of FRIENDSHIP!". She has friends she can absolutely trust with whichever thing she doesn't do herself.

It really depends on the sort of danger the Nemesis themselves present. If it's some sort of particularly skilled mage whose powers she's best qualified to counteract, she'd go after them, but in most cases she'd rescue the innocents (whether related to her or not).

If the GM demands she jump on the plot train and shuts down all outside help by fiat, then saving innocents takes priority. There's no guarantee that she'd stop the nemesis once and for all by staying - after all, if it were that easy, they wouldn't be a nemesis in the first place.

Character index



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Theres the dilema right there, the word of "probably".

Just what kind of hero would let a villain get away with a nuke because they thought they "probably" wouldnt use it right away. If anything, the hero would be slaughtered by the media as the one who more or less gave the OK to the villain.
Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Life of a superhero...
Exactly this. If the press has a problem with my decision, they can go and tell the family of those five people that I should have let them die.

Meanwhile, I'll be a tad busy hunting down the murderous villain who now has a nuke and making sure he won't get a chance to use it.

My characters - all on Virtue.
Gabe's Internet [censored] Theory
RMT spammers WILL steal your credit card.



I somehow saw this kind of question somewhere else, too.
And to be honest, i think there will be no 'best solution' for such situations.

You beat off your nemesis, you are losing your family.
- Possible emotional breakdown/depression/turning into an Anti-Hero, going into a roaring rampage of revenge.

You rescue your family and letting your nemesis escape, with whatever he stole from there ... which can even be a important part of finalizing his WMD or <insert device which causes a high casulty rate>.
- You get shredded apart by the media if the nemesis -does- in fact, manages to fire off his weapon/device/whatever and dozens of civillians are either killed and/or injured along with the collateral damage which could cost billion of $'.

Of course, many would go towards the scond one, since because of the bias and the natural 'heroic' way heros deal with such things. If they see the bigger picture or not, i do not know.

But i am only theorizing here, since it's just a simple example without any bigger information behind it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Save the family, then go after him - it's not really a difficult choice - especially with super speed
<Newb Hero> Natural?!?!?

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Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
If you didnt like them why are u married and raising a kid?
You don't get out much. Do ya?

Seems as if the majority of people nowadays who have kids do with people they only marginally know or like. Then, as they grate on one anothers' nerves for a few years.

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Step into null time, take a gentle amble to location family is being held, step back into normal time, save family, step back into null time, amble back to bank, step out of null time next to fleeing villian, arrest with prejudice.

Lead Hose:
Shoot villain, call in 1AT to dispose of remains, go rescue family.

UNION @Flitz 50, Lead Hose 50, Red Rag 50
DEFIANT Rose Bloodthorn 34
VIGILANCE Captain Caledonia 20 - Yeah, I made toons on the French server coz we only had 4 back then (might have to transfer/recreate them on one of the US servers)
..and many more!



Originally Posted by Paradox Fate View Post
I somehow saw this kind of question somewhere else, too.
And to be honest, i think there will be no 'best solution' for such situations.

You beat off your nemesis, you are losing your family.
- Possible emotional breakdown/depression/turning into an Anti-Hero, going into a roaring rampage of revenge.

You rescue your family and letting your nemesis escape, with whatever he stole from there ... which can even be a important part of finalizing his WMD or <insert device which causes a high casulty rate>.
- You get shredded apart by the media if the nemesis -does- in fact, manages to fire off his weapon/device/whatever and dozens of civillians are either killed and/or injured along with the collateral damage which could cost billion of $'.

Of course, many would go towards the scond one, since because of the bias and the natural 'heroic' way heros deal with such things. If they see the bigger picture or not, i do not know.

But i am only theorizing here, since it's just a simple example without any bigger information behind it.
Two words (well, two more):


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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
  • Defeat the nemesis and put an end to his crime spree but at the cost of the lives of your family

By defeat, do you mean whatever it takes to stop my nemesis? Such as snap his neck like a twig and put a couple rounds into his face for good measure, and maybe one or two in a vital organ or is it render him unconscious, alive, able to use bodily functions without the aid of machines and hand him off to the police.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
By defeat, do you mean whatever it takes to stop my nemesis? Such as snap his neck like a twig and put a couple rounds into his face for good measure, and maybe one or two in a vital organ or is it render him unconscious, alive, able to use bodily functions without the aid of machines and hand him off to the police.

Seek help

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
If any of the paired ones tried that, clipped wings would be the LEAST of their worries...

The females of the species are rather... territorial.

There are worse things to have clipped...

And, somewhat related to the original topic:
Electric-Knight actually had a strong aspect of this sort of stuff in his past.
He fell in love and got married, rather quickly. The combination of the quick marriage, his wife's growing anxieties that grew out of control due to his dangerous lilving, and the Rikti Invasion...
Things got bad before they divorced and the Electric-Knight decided to do his best to never get involved in such a relationship again. He still sticks to his secret identity, for a few reasons (including his parents' safety and his ex-wife's safety, after all)...
But he did discover that maybe dating among supers is not a bad idea... except for the fact that they're (including himself) all pretty far messed up in the head.
He's not a dater, but he's fallen in love a time or three...

As I said earlier... It's great and logical to adhere to the concept of a strict avoidance of attachment and personal relationships... However, it's a completely different thing to succeed in such a practice.
And the Electric-Knight is human... Meta-Human, perhaps, but still human.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
By defeat, do you mean whatever it takes to stop my nemesis? Such as snap his neck like a twig and put a couple rounds into his face for good measure, and maybe one or two in a vital organ or is it render him unconscious, alive, able to use bodily functions without the aid of machines and hand him off to the police.
The question was what would heroes do, not villains

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
HeroA has been called in to stop a bank robbery, upon arriving at the bank robbery you see its your nemesis who you have been trying to track down for months. Your nemesis has been on a killing spree now for all that time and this could be your best chance to put an end to his crimespree however just before you head into the room to face off against him . . . .

You find out that he also has your husband/wife and kids in a seperate building which is rigged to explode very soon, now you are faced with a dilema. Which do you do?
  • Defeat the nemesis and put an end to his crime spree but at the cost of the lives of your family
  • Let the nemesis escape one more time to save the lives of those you love

C) Stand outside, put on sunglasses, remove bazooka from car trunk and level entire building and surrounding block. Afterwards, throw a paper airplane in back of my police chief's head.

Sometimes, the Law needs a Sledge Hammer.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I might just create nuclear tension across the globe, employ several gifted people from various sciences and arts in order to create a believable other-dimensional entity with psychically charged parts that will detonate a devastating psychic death blast when ported into an area...
All to stop this mad violence by bringing people together, once and for all.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
HeroA has been called in to stop a bank robbery, upon arriving at the bank robbery you see its your nemesis who you have been trying to track down for months. Your nemesis has been on a killing spree now for all that time and this could be your best chance to put an end to his crimespree however just before you head into the room to face off against him . . . .

You find out that he also has your husband/wife and kids in a seperate building which is rigged to explode very soon, now you are faced with a dilema. Which do you do?
  • Defeat the nemesis and put an end to his crime spree but at the cost of the lives of your family
  • Let the nemesis escape one more time to save the lives of those you love
As Nemesis gathers up the final bags of money, he hears an ever so familiar sound from behind.

Nemesis: So, you've finally caught up with me.
Nemesis activates an energy field that lasts just long enough for him to monologue as he turns to face his foe.

Computer: Correct.

Nemesis: I thought you might this time, so I went and got myself some insurance! My goons have already captured the Paragon Police Department scientists who created you. You might say...
An maniacal grin creeps across his face.
...your family.

Computer: State your intentions.

Nemesis: You have a choice. You can either stop me...
Nemesis takes out an energy weapon and blasts a hole in the roof.
...and save the people that I will inevitably kill, and you know I will (wink), or...
Nemesis starts up his jetpack
...you can go across town to save lives and let me escape. Your choice!
Nemesis begins to fly out of the bank.

Computer: Processing...

Situational analysis...

[]Rescue PPD scientists
[]Prevent Nemesis escape

...Establishing link with hive mind...connection not established. Limit: Singular form.

[]Primary Hero Goal: Eliminate death.

[]Prevent Nemesis escape, elaboration.

Nemesis needs to be stopped before he takes innocent lives.
Situation: Nemesis is currently in the process of taking innocent lives.
Inquiry: Should Nemesis be stopped from being able to take innocent live at the cost of Nemesis taking innocent lives?
Loop Fracture: Immediate life can be saved. Potential life is currently irrelevant.

Computer flies off to save the lives of those who he knows are in danger.

I think there really have been two different situations that are being analyzed in this post that we can roll into one.

You have fallen into a trap. As you look around the room you just entered you notice a Teeter-totter in the background with people apparently on it. Before you can take another thought, the monitor behind you turns on and the villain starts talking.

Villain: Greetings Hero! I thought you might fall for my trap. I am currently behind door number one! (A door to your left lights up) I am broadcasting to you though to let you know that room is booby-trapped. When you leave something will happen behind you.

The area with the teeter-totter lights up and you see just how mad he is.

Villain: I have placed a teeter-totter over boiling hot lava. At one end you'll see an adult man, and the other end has three kids. If you save the man, the three teens will fall into the lava, and vica-versa. That is, if you decide to save them at all.

The monitor once again flashes.

Villain: Because right now, I am heading out. Aurevoir! If you leave that room and come after me your departure will set off explosives that will take out this abandoned factory and kill the four hostages. Well, they are set to go off in five minutes anyway. Mua ha ha.

The screen goes blank, and you are left with choices...

We have two choices to make in this situation. The first choice is whether or not to go after the villain and sacrifice the current victims basically:

Actual Death vs. Potential Death

Personally I see that the easy answer is, save the lives of the people who are actually going to die without help.

What if we decided that we needed to stop the potential death? We do not know what this potential will cause but our goal will be to, at its core, save lives. Are we not being hypocritical if we abandon the opportunity in the here and now?

Actual Death vs. Actual Death

There are three outcomes.
A. Save the Adult and let the kids perish.
B. Save the kids and let the adult perish.
C. Create a plot device that lets you save everyone.

Inevitably it will be C. Just as you are about to make that ultimate choice your Hero friend Tongue Twister calls you up and informs you that after much trial and error he has created a way to, "transport teeter-tottering teens to townhall, though the taller the teenager the tougher the turbulence throughout the transfer. Terrific, no?"

Favorite Hero: Computer (Empathy/Energy Blast Defender)

Favorite Villain: Gimp Computer (Fire Control/Psionic Assault Dominator)



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
I would defeat my nemesis. for i am a hero of the city and of the world...the needs of the many out way the needs of the few..even if your the few...(Batman for example)
even tho im a villain at heart this would be my hero alt's saying...though the decision would not be a easy one to do..even if the choice was easy to make.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Right now, Spectreblade is single, and, while knowing that the profession of hero is a dangerous one to both himself and his loved ones, would still like to have a significant other one day, so he'd probably end up marrying another hero who would be able to take care of herself.

But even assuming the loved ones are civillians, I think Spectreblade would go with Option 3: Call for backup. I tend to think of Spectreblade as my main hero, and my hero alts as fellow heroes who he frequently works with. Among his closest associates there just so happens to be a sidekick who specializes in teleportation spells. One quick call to his most promising student, Motoko Michi, would solve the whole problem.

Spectreblade: "Could you Recall Friend my family to safety?"
Motoko: "Sure thing, sensei!"

And at that point, the beatdown of the nemesis would begin in earnest.

Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
You would only get hammered by the press for letting the villain have the chance to use the weapon to kill a lot more civilians in the first place
Eh. I was watching a Korean War thing on the military channel tonight, and the fighter pilot wanted so badly to score a kill he violated orders and crossed into China and started shooting, risking a world war with China and a possible nuclear exchange (CHina didn't have nukes yet, but was still closely allied to the Soviet Union.

Military people and political figures have on several occasions taken risks like that.

Heck, right now all the countries on Earth are risking proliferation by not working all-out to prevent it.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog




Save my family!

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
HeroA has been called in to stop a bank robbery, upon arriving at the bank robbery you see its your nemesis who you have been trying to track down for months. Your nemesis has been on a killing spree now for all that time and this could be your best chance to put an end to his crimespree however just before you head into the room to face off against him . . . .

You find out that he also has your husband/wife and kids in a seperate building which is rigged to explode very soon, now you are faced with a dilema. Which do you do?
  • Defeat the nemesis and put an end to his crime spree but at the cost of the lives of your family
  • Let the nemesis escape one more time to save the lives of those you love




Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Seek help
No thanks, sidekicks tend to cramp my style

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The question was what would heroes do, not villains
One man's hero is another man's villain.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Hound of Souls: "You sent your minions...after my 'family'?! FOOL! My spawnmates will FEAST upon the ENTRAILS of your foolish minions!!"

Avenged By Fire: "They..they are already dead. And you, you will burn like all the rest!"

Maximilian Black: "Of course, I expected you would do that and replaced my family with a pack of shapeshifted demons. As for robbing this bank; well, if you look closely you'll see that vault was designed to keep things in, not out...you probably shouldn't have weakened the hinges beating on them like that."

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not really, no
Sometimes you have to make the punishments so over the top no one ever thinks of doing it again. Thus the antihero is still a hero.