Bugs with the Steampunk Pack
-Male steampunk jacket sleeve options do not sync with all jacket options. Colors are off by a lot, and unless you use the same numbered option you won't get the colors to match.
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

For example, select the 'Desire' chest texture and 'Classic Steampunk 01' Sleeves. Desire *should* cover the model's arms to the elbow and join with glove textures such as 'Full' and 'Hooked'. However, when used with the 'Classic Steampunk 01' sleeves, the model's arms appears bare above the elbow.
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Victorian Steampunk... 2, I think (the more "corset"-ish one) I couldn't get to *not* clip through the front of the Trench coat.
Thanks for the reports all. We do have some updates in the works, much like we did with the Animal Pack, however I'm not 100% positive if these are on the list.
We'll look into it.
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
Thanks for the reports all. We do have some updates in the works, much like we did with the Animal Pack, however I'm not 100% positive if these are on the list.
We'll look into it. |
Hey, the Beaver tail could even have an attack like Brawl and slap the crap out of anyone attacking from behind.

Because I still don't have an answer:
The writeup mentions an ascot. I do not see an ascot anywhere. Was this left out by accident, or am I just blind?
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In females, the 'Classic Steampunk Tights Pattern' isn't available to wear with Skirts/Shorts. Can't for the life of my figure out how that got missed.
Actually, the reason for this is because when you wear full jackets, your character model doesn't have upper arms to reduce poly count, so when you use the short sleeve dress shirt option, or the Steampunk booster shortsleeved pieces, the upper arms you see are actually part of the costume rather than your base model.
Theoretically, and with the way the pieces are used, robes, shirts, and jackets should all be in the same category, and the sleeves should be interchangeable between all of them.
Interestingly, this is NOT the case for shirts for females. Neither the puffy sleeves, nor any of the other 'Shirt' sleeves do this. One would think the behavior should be consistent.
Theoretically, and with the way the pieces are used, robes, shirts, and jackets should all be in the same category, and the sleeves should be interchangeable between all of them. |
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I seem to be missing the "bolero jacket" and "lacey Bolero" jacket. I'm also apparently missing The leather bustier bottom. Can some one tell me where to find them, or are they missing?
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
The jackets are [Classic/Victorian] Steampunk Jacket. The bustiers are chest detail, [Classic/Victorian] Steampunk 01.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
The cool new animation for the steam jump pack Removes both weapons and shields which looks rather silly when leaping into combat and having Your weapons suddenly reappear when landing.
While your at it ask them if they could give us a Platypus head and an animated Beaver tail.
Hey, the Beaver tail could even have an attack like Brawl and slap the crap out of anyone attacking from behind. ![]() |

and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
...I cannot unsee...
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
The jackets are [Classic/Victorian] Steampunk Jacket. The bustiers are chest detail, [Classic/Victorian] Steampunk 01. |
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
Interestingly, this is NOT the case for shirts for females. Neither the puffy sleeves, nor any of the other 'Shirt' sleeves do this. One would think the behavior should be consistent.
Theoretically, and with the way the pieces are used, robes, shirts, and jackets should all be in the same category, and the sleeves should be interchangeable between all of them. |
1. The oldest jacket: Back in the day, we only had one jacket option, and it was its own upper body type. it had a complete torso swap with a jacket model and its own fixed upper and lower arms, with only the hands changeable.
2. The "real" jackets: I forget when, we got a massive influx of new jackets, this time as a mesh overlay over the Tights torso. These were still their own upper body type, but they existed as an extra layer above the body and did not affect the Tights torso at all. Both jackets and sleeves were placed a certain distance over the torso surface. Also, the few neck details, such as the bow tie, were put under Shoulders.
3. The new jackets: When we got the influx of civilian clothing with the introduction of Day Jobs, Jay did things differently. The main jacket body was still separate from the underlying torso, but the sleeves were not. Instead of a layer over the upper and lower arm, they constituted entire upper arm swaps. I don't know why this was done, though I presume to avoid clipping with the shoulders you'll never see, anyway. However, this also extended to short-sleeved tops, which mandated human skin with them. This is true for the old(ish) shirt sleeves options, as well as with the cop shirt sleeves. Also, ties for the new jackets were coded as Chest Detail options and offset from the chest to match the jackets' offset, whereas the old options matched the chest with no offset.
There's also 4: Steampunk jackets. These take Jay's new jackets formula of arm swap sleeves, but also have the "neck tie details" as integrated into the jackets, themselves. So an ascot exits, but it's built into the Steampunk jackets. And the Steampunk short sleeves are using Jay's new arm swap sleeve technology, rather than the Shirt technology which I believe actually pre-dates his employment. I personally believe that while a total arm swap may be appropriate for long sleeves, short sleeves should only ever be an overlay. I've seen almost no real use to having them be total arm swaps.
Incidentally, I want a body type which allows me to swap one or both of my arms with non-robotic replacements, like a red right arm, a skeletal arm, a tentacle arm, a lobster claw, a tree branch or a very muscular or very skinny human arm. The technology to do it clearly exists if Jackets can do it in real time, and Foreshadow is already using his own unique muscular arms and shoulders distinctly different from the base model.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Don't forget the Veteran Trenchcoat, which also did the arms/sleeves (Imho) correctly.
Additionally as they can lockout different options depending on the selection, they need to rework Wings and Backpacks to work with all tailed Jackets such as the Trenchcoat, Magic Bolero, Etc.
They currently say we cannot have 2 cape effects which is why Back items get locked out when selecting an independent Jacket with it's capelike tail, however the female bridal hair or a back cape option will work with the Wedding Tux Jacket. (Both Sleeveless and Normal versions.)
This isn't a bug with the pack, but this seems like the best place to put in the request.
I really am enjoying the new stuff, love the new backpack options (I now wait with baited breath for my long desired jetpacks...) and the new temp power, The Steam Jump power.
I notice it's pretty much the same power from the Good vs. Evil edition with one exception. It has a 30 second recharge time, while the GvE version has a 2 min 30 second recharge time!
I wondered to myself why the difference and realized the GvE edition was made before Ninja Run, Beast Run, and many other new modes of travel of travel and movement became available. You guys don't seem as concerned about them 'taking over' as you used to be, and that's very cool.
Anyway, I'd like for you guys to consider reducing the recharge time on the GvE Jump Pack to put it more in line with the Victorian one for those that have a more high-tech concept (or make jetpacks available soon!!!) Both would be great, though
Lyc~ the wistfully wishing werewolf
"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.
I notice it's pretty much the same power from the Good vs. Evil edition with one exception. It has a 30 second recharge time, while the GvE version has a 2 min 30 second recharge time!
While we're considering updates to the Steam pack - can we please have the 'belt with a clock buckle' (or steam gauge?) available for male/huge?
I really wanted that for my robot, was sad when I couldn't find it

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
2. The "real" jackets: I forget when, we got a massive influx of new jackets, this time as a mesh overlay over the Tights torso. These were still their own upper body type, but they existed as an extra layer above the body and did not affect the Tights torso at all. Both jackets and sleeves were placed a certain distance over the torso surface. Also, the few neck details, such as the bow tie, were put under Shoulders. ... And the Steampunk short sleeves are using Jay's new arm swap sleeve technology, rather than the Shirt technology which I believe actually pre-dates his employment. I personally believe that while a total arm swap may be appropriate for long sleeves, short sleeves should only ever be an overlay. I've seen almost no real use to having them be total arm swaps. |
Don't forget the Veteran Trenchcoat, which also did the arms/sleeves (Imho) correctly.
Additionally as they can lockout different options depending on the selection, they need to rework Wings and Backpacks to work with all tailed Jackets such as the Trenchcoat, Magic Bolero, Etc. |
On your second point, I've always suspected that the devs don't want wings and long coats on one character for fear of this becoming City of Devart.
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Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

I wish I'd had some time to test this when it was on the Training Room.
On Female models:
- Victorian Steampunk 01 and Classic Steampunk 01 do not show up under 'Sleeveless Jackets'.
- Classic Steampunk 01 Sleeves do not show the correct texture on the exposed arm.
For example, select the 'Desire' chest texture and 'Classic Steampunk 01' Sleeves. Desire *should* cover the model's arms to the elbow and join with glove textures such as 'Full' and 'Hooked'. However, when used with the 'Classic Steampunk 01' sleeves, the model's arms appears bare above the elbow.
- It should also be mentioned that the 'Puffy' sleeve option for Shirts and the 'Classic Steampunk 01' sleeve option for Jackets are very similar, with the exception of the lacy bits. However, you can't mix and match. This is true for all the Shirts sleeves and Jackets sleeves options.